X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Aug 30, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality

I woke up to a messy bed this morning. I had dreamed of Beast. The fact that I saw him jacking off really affected me. This was just another confirmation to me being gay. I didn't mind. I was lying in bed as I thought this. I wanted to tell Bobby but I wondered what he's think. Would he still want to be friends with me?

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I was supposed to meet the Professor in an hour for the "tests" Scott had mentioned yesterday. Scott. Remembering him last night without a shirt gave my dick a quick wave of pleasure. I ignored it and kept on getting dressed. Then I remembered Logan. I hadn't really paid attention last night to what he was like. He seemed nice enough. I left my room with a clear mind. The last thing I needed was for a telepathic person to be walking by and hearing my thoughts.

As I walked through the halls of the school, I thought about my plans to leave. I was a little too old for high-school now. I had a lot to talk through with Bobby. I got to the professor's office and I walked in silently. He was seated there, behind his desk looking as wise and intelligent as ever. "Are you ready Jesse?" he asked. "Uh, yeah I guess so," I replied awkwardly. "Very well. Don't be nervous, just do what comes naturally. The point of these tests are to see just how powerful you are and also to see what you can do, but to a more detailed level," he explained as we made our way to the elevator. "But you already know what my... uh... abilities are," I countered. "Yes I know what you can do, but the majority of the team doesn't, if you are to be an X-Man your team must know what you are capable of," he said. I winced at the words. The last thing I wanted was to be an X-Man. I bit my tongue but he seemed to notice my strange and silent reaction.

"Is everything fine Jesse?" he asked as I felt the elevator begin to descend. "Yes, why?" I tried to play it off. "I figured that you were here for a specific reason Jesse?" he said. Too late to lie now. I sighed, "Professor, its just that... I don't know, I cant see my self as some sort of superhero," I hesitated. He laughed. "You don't have to be a hero," he had begun to say, but the elevator doors opened and Ororo and Bobby where there to greet us. "Jesse!" Storm exclaimed as she stepped forward to give me a hug. "Are you nervous?" She asked. I sighed and replayed what the Professor had said about not needing to be a hero. "Not really," I replied with a smile.

I had cleared my system of all the powers I had previously obtained from my friends. I wanted to start out with a clean slate. Everyone was there, ready to enter the room with the what-you-mc-call-thems that make it seem like your somewhere else. I'd always been curious as to how it worked and what it looked like. Guess I'd find out today. I followed Ororo, Bobby, Jean, Logan, Scott, Rogue, and Beast into the... uh... room. I saw the professor head off into another direction.

The room was cold and dark. It got completely dark as the doors closed and sealed behind me. I felt the first pang of nervousness. In this state I remembered what this room was called. The Training Stimulator. I laughed at my random discovery and Logan heard it. "What's so funny?" he asked with some sort of small laugh. I couldn't see him, but I could "hear" the smile in his face. A slow humming sound surfaced and slowly but surely a light spread throughout the room that now seemed to stretch for miles. The light grew too bright and I couldn't see. I closed my eyes shut until the light dimmed, but not so greatly. I opened my eyes and felt myself get dizzy. Before me was a city. A city with high buildings and cars and people. Everyone around me seemed calm so I relaxed a bit too. We were in a small dark alley where the pedestrians couldn't see us.

I didn't know what to expect until I heard a laugh and a loud boom. They all ran in the direction of the sound. I kind of walked behind them when I saw what was happening in the street before me. All the pedestrians where running and screaming in the opposite direction of the skinny man with the really big ray guns in his hands. He was standing at the top of a pile of two cars. He aimed his gun towards the team and I didn't know what to do. I felt the professor enter my mind gently. "Relax Jesse and use your powers to protect the team and defeat the enemy," his calm voice came. I nodded and caught up with the team who were all doing something to take the guy with the ray guns down. I didn't have any powers yet so I needed to borrow them from someone. I looked around and tried to get behind Rogue who was picking up a car. She threw it and I tapped her shoulder, a little shy. She turned around and smiled lightly, "What's wrong hun'?" She asked. "Can I borrow your powers?" I asked. She looked confused so I held up my hand to her face. I needed skin contact to absorb powers. She backed away but I reassured her, "You cant hurt me." I felt her power flow into me and I backed away. She still had her powers to the fullest, I had just copied them.

She smiled and I tried to find a way to fly. At that point, Logan and Scott crashed into the ground beside us. "What the hell are you doing standing around? Do something," Scott flared as he ran towards the man again. I flew into the air a few feet above the ground and pulled myself at full speed towards the enemy, my fists out before me. I heard the guns fire but the blow never came. I pulled the bald man down and pinned him to the ground. He was wearing gloves so Rogue's powers couldn't take effect. I held both his wrists above him with one hand and lowered my other hand to his face. He groaned trying to get free, but I had Rogue's strength, he couldn't get away. I felt his energy flow into me. He had no powers so the only thing that flowed into me was his consciousness.

He was soon asleep and I got up off him. "How'd you do that?" I heard Rogue ask behind me. I turned around to see the team confused. The only one's that didn't look confused where Storm and Bobby. They knew what I could do. "It's what I do, I absorb people's powers and use them," I explained shyly. "Nice," Scott let out. I looked at him and smiled. I heard a crash behind me and turned to see another enemy. He was big and strong-looking. I touched Scott's face and felt his power flow. I smiled and turned to face the enemy.

The training thing was exhausting. I had just finished off the last of the robots thrown at us. That had been the eighth enemy to face. "That would be all," came the professors voice. I walked towards the exit, which was surprisingly close, wanting to get to my room and take a long shower. That wasn't possible. They had questions. "So how does it happen?" came the first one, Beast has asked. I looked at him awkwardly, I couldn't help but see him back in his room stroking his blue cock. "Well, the power kind of just flows to me," I explained

"Can you do that with any power," Jean asked

"Not exactly, it has to be a mental power, for example I cant copy Logan's claws, but I can copy his health regeneration,"

"So how come you can control my powers?" Scott asked

"My mind allows me to do so, I have complete control of the powers I copy,"

"Can you keep them?" Logan asked

"For as long as I want," They all looked at each other and a frenzy of questions surfaced. "Woah, calm down you guys. I'd love to stay and talk but I'm kind of exhausted, so if you don't mind, I'll see you all at dinner, is that okay?" "Uh, sure," Scott replied.

I walked to my room alone, letting Rogue's power energy escape my body. I walked into my room and turned on the shower, I was glad I didn't share my room. It was one of the privileges I got as a person over seventeen. I got in the shower and let the water soak away the exhaustion.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out to my room to find Bobby sitting on the bed. "Oh, Bobby what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh, uh I'm sorry I didn't know you would mind," he apologized, standing up as if to leave. "No, its fine, uh, what's up?" I asked. "Well, to be honest, I was curious about your powers," he smiled. I had no attraction towards Bobby, but he looked really amazing when he smiled. "You already know what I can do," I replied, grabbing a shirt, boxers, and a pair of jeans from a cabinet. I walked into the bathroom and changed into the clothes. He talked to me through the door.

"Yeah, but I was wondering, can you absorb my powers?" I sighed and walked out fully-clothed. "Uh I don't know, your powers are mental. I've never tried," I concluded. "Try it now," he suggested as he stood up and walked towards me. "Um... well okay," I said as I reached up to his face. It was cold, I mean his face. I felt the cold energy flow and it felt good. I removed my hand and stepped back, reaching for a water-bottle I had on my bed-side table. I wrapped my hand around it and concentrated on freezing it. It slowly froze and soon the bottle was solid. He smiled and let out a scoff, "You did it man," "Yeah I guess I did," I said as I put the bottle down.

"So are you going to keep them?" he asked. "Huh?" "You said you could keep someone's powers if you wanted to," he explained as he laid down on my bed, his hands behind his head. "Uh, for a while I guess, I want to see what I can do with them," I said. He didn't reply, he seemed to be in deep thought. "Can you read minds?" he asked. "Not at the moment. Why?" I asked. "Just wondering. Can I ask you something?" he said, sitting up so that his weight was resting on his hands which where planted behind him. "Yeah," I replied. "I've been wondering, are you... uh... you know... gay?" he asked. I smiled, surprised that I wasn't caught off guard. He smiled weakly, implying that he didn't mean if offensively. "Uh, yeah I think so," I replied. He smiled, "That's cool," he said. "Does it bother you?" I asked. "No, not at all. Why?" he asked. "Just thought it would for some reason,"

"Nah, its cool, I think I might be too," he said looking up at me. I looked back at him. "Really! That's cool. Why do you say you might be?" I asked. "Well because I think I like someone on campus," He said. I sat down next to him. "Really, who?" I asked. "You go first," he said. "Well, I haven't really seen anything I liked, but I did see someone jacking off last night," I laughed. "What the heck, who?" he asked. "Promise you wont tell?"

"This is a circle of trust, what we say here stays here," he replied

"Okay, well it was Beast,"

"Really. When?"

"Last night, I was walking back to my room, and I pass by his room to get here, and I heard a grunt as I walked past his door. I looked in there he was. All naked and he was jacking off,"

He smiled, "Are his pubes... uh... blue?" He smiled. I laughed hard, "Yeah." He laughed and rolled over and couldn't stop laughing. Once he calmed down he spoke, "That's hilarious. Are you hungry, wanna grab some dinner?" "Yeah, I'm starving from that training session," I replied as we stood up and walked to the door. He opened the door and let me through. We walked out to the hall where we saw Logan resting against a wall kind of far away from where we were standing. He looked straight at us. We turned away towards the direction we where walking to. "You think he heard us?" Bobby asked. "I don't know," I laughed. "Jesse may I speak to you?" came the professors voice. I felt a pang of fear. Could this connect to Logan? "I'll be there in a second," I sent back. "Very well," the professor replied. "What's wrong?" Bobby asked. "The professor wants to talk to me, can you come with me?" I asked. "Yeah sure."

"I wanted to give you a detailed report of your powers Jesse," the professor began to say after we arrived and I assured him that I wanted Bobby to stay in the room. "What's up?" "Well, you know that you can manipulate, or rather copy, another mutant's powers, but I've found that if you train your mind, you can reflect those powers and share them with another mutant. I've also found that you can leave a telepathic connection with the people you touch, but that's only if you train your mind to do so," he said. Well that was an upgrade. I was curious, I wanted to be able to do these things. "Well, how do I train my mind to do so?" I asked. "I can teach you Jesse, but you would need someone else to exercise your powers on," he said. I looked at Bobby, he smiled. "I'll do it," he said. "Very well," the professor said, "We'll begin tomorrow in the afternoon, is that alright?" "Yes, we'll be here," I said. He smiled and we left the room.

"Wow, you're really powerful," Bobby said as we walked to the dining room. "Shut up," I smiled

Dinner was strange. Logan walked in after we did and he sat with the rest of the staff, across from where I was. I hadn't noticed until I looked up at him. He was staring at me. I looked back down, a little scared by his sight. A little scared of him. I ignored it and went on to tell my Piotr what had happened today, he couldn't make it because he had to go into town. I told the rest of my friends what the professor told me; they where all excited and most of them volunteered to be the partner I needed. They where all disappointed to hear that Bobby would be my partner, who laughed at them. After dinner we all went out to the front of the house, where there was a large fountain. We all sat and talked for hours. By the time we where tired, it was an hour past midnight. Bobby wanted to walk me to my room, he wanted to see if Beast would have another jerk off session. I made him go away and walked through the dark halls alone. Beast's door was shut. I was about to open my door when I felt someone close.

"What do you want?" I asked the air, unsure of who'd reply. I turned around and felt someone grab me and push me to my door. It wasn't rough, but it wasn't gentle either. The person's large hands where on my shoulders, holding me still. This was a man, no doubt. He put his head between my head and my chest and breathed into my neck. He was taller than me. I didn't know who it was. I didn't move. He rubbed his head from my neck to my cheek and heaved out a breath. He was smelling me. I felt his stubble as he rubbed his face. It was Logan! "What do you want Logan?" I asked. "Ain't it obvious?" He replied in his gravely voice. Hid deep, sexy, gravely voice that sent shivers of desire through my body. I wanted him, but I wouldn't give in. "Well good luck with that," I replied and pushed him off. It didn't work, he was too strong. I absorbed his strength and tried again, successfully pushing him off. I walked into my room and locked the door. He tried to open the door and I smiled that I locked it. He could've knocked it down if he wanted to, but all he did was grunt and lightly pound on the door. I heard him walk away and I lied down on my bed letting out a breath.

I wanted him, but I wouldn't give into him so easily, he was going to have to work for it. I dozed off to sleep.

So what'd you think? I'm sorry there's no sex yet but I promise there will be in the next one. I'm setting you up for that in this one. Well hope you liked it. Please, for the love of whoever you love in this world EMAIL ME!!! I need some sort of feedback to know that someone out there is reading my story. I beg of you to email me. jayjaybby@rocketmail.com PLEASE EMAIL ME! I NEED MOTIVATION! HAHA thanks for reading. At least send me a happy face =]

Next: Chapter 3

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