X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Jun 27, 2013



Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong

to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or

if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...

please. This is a story involving homosexual sex and love.

So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely

fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned



To be back in these familiar halls was both nostalgic and terrifying. I'd created good memories in this mansion. Made great friends. Learned great things. It was here in this mansion full of other like me that I myself became great. Better than the kid who Ororo picked up that one day all that time ago. And now I was here to take them down.

I prayed for someone to see or smell me before I reached Logan's room. If I alerted anyone and Mephista attacked, the X Men would have no option but to take me down. I was fine with that. I prayed they weren't here. I prayed they'd all been sent on assignment. And I prayed that Mephista wouldn't target the students.

But praying seems futile when possessed by a scorned demon. Especially a demon strong enough to control you and allow you to feel it too. I'd only heard of something like this happening once before. Bobby had once told me that Emma Frost had taken control of his body and took his abilities to new heights. Said she wielded his powers better than he ever could and took them to levels higher than he'd ever dreamed of. What would Mephista be able to do with mine? That was the terrifying part.

She wouldn't free me once she'd killed everyone in this mansion. She'd take me back to Mephisto and then maybe he'd take me for a spin. Then where would we be? No. I'd never be free again. Which meant there was only one way to stop them...

"Don't even think about it, you insolent little shit!" Mephista raged.

I was nearing the suite wing of the mansion. The part of the mansion that housed all the teachers of the school and the members of the X Men. I'd been housed here when I became a scout for them. But I'd fucked that up.

"You're so depressing," Mephista groaned

"Leave me alone."

She giggled. My spine got chills every time she did that.

"After we're done here, I might let you go. You have no one else in this world, do you? Your parents? Please. You couldn't get away from them fast enough. Your father's been ashamed of you since you proved to be less scrapier than the other boys. And then you became a mutant? HA! And your mother, ever gentle and caring. But deep down you know she too rejected you. Maybe even feared you. You have no one in this world except these friends in this mansion, and you're about to kill them. Yeah. After this, I'll set you free. A raging metahuman with the powers of a god. You could probably do a lot more damage on your own than I could with you. You have no one Jesse."

Apparently my heart was still mine. Because her words cut into it. And I could feel the tears running down my face.

Mephista wiped away my tears before entering Logan's room.

There he was. The way he always slept. Naked, with one arm over his head and one leg over the bed with his foot planted on the ground and a sheet that barely covered him. His broad chest expanding as he sucked in the large amount of air his lungs required. He hadn't shaved since I'd left. His beard was thick and his hair a wilder mess than usual. I loved this man. I'd always love Logan.

All I had to do was stand there. His animalistic nature would sense me and he'd wake up. And he did. His eyes flew open and he sat up.


I walked closer to him.


I took off the oversized guard's shirt I was wearing and kissed Logan and straddled him.

"Jesse... wait. Where've you..."

But I kept kissing him. And he kept sticking his tongue in my mouth and grabbing my ass. And it took me back. But before I could do anything else I felt Mephista shift within me. I closed my mouth and looked at Logan, and as he was about to say something, he noticed that my eyes were different. Within a second, I felt him tense up and before Mephista could take hold of him Logan threw me across his room. I hit a wall and the impact sent a dull pain through my shoulder blades.

Mephista laughed. Not within me, but actually laughed. With my voice.

"Wanna play rough, huh?'

Logan was on his feet now, completely naked, claws out.

If I was lucky he'd stick the claws through me and this'd be over.

"You can't die while I'm in here, sweetie." This she said to me only.

And as she said this she threw herself at him, taking him down, pinning him down with a force mightier than I could ever muster. He groaned and growled, and with his mouth open Mephista poured herself into him and he stopped. All of him stopped.

And in the two seconds it took for Mephista to put Logan down I noticed two things. Firstly, she didn't kill Logan. She just... neutralized him. His heart was still beating and his chest was heaving, but he wasn't moving. He was asleep.

And secondly, in the strain to hold Logan down and neutralize him, Mephista's hold on me loosened. And when that happened, I breathed my own air and thought my own thoughts. And within the second that he grip on me was at its weakest, I shut her out of my thoughts. I have no idea where to even begin explaining how I managed to do it, but I did. By mere will. I wasn't sure if I could still hear her, but I knew in my gut that she couldn't hear me. And that was good.

She still controlled my body, and that meant that I couldn't use my powers, but the next time she took someone down, I would send out a cry for help.

Mephista stood me up and walked out of Logan's room. She made her way down the same hall we'd come up through, and she reached a "fork in the road."

If she kept going straight, she'd end up back to the school portion of the mansion. To the left was Beast's, Scott's, Jean's, and Bobby's rooms. To the right was everyone else's. Ororo, Rogue, Remy, Bishop, and Piotr. Professor X had the entire "attic" floor to himself.

Mephista went left. Shit. Please not Bobby.

I began to panic when she went past Beast's room, which was the first one in the hall.

I had to think about what I would send out when she wasn't paying attention.

They had to know that I wasn't myself, that she was in control, that they needed to take me down.

That's what I'd say. First and foremost these people were X Men. Soldiers. And so was I. They'd question my message for sure. But they would know that I was close, and hopefully they'd find me over and unconscious body and understand what I meant.

Mephista walked past Jean's room, and stopped in front of Scott's door.

Bobby's was the right next to his.

She went into Scott's and again stood there.

This was the first time I'd been in here. It was tidy. Not a single piece of trash on the ground, everything just perfectly placed. Even his bed was still made. He was asleep on top of it. Completely naked and uncovered. People around here seriously needed to start locking their doors. This was a school after all.

He too had a broad body, like Logan's. It was lightly hairy, on his perfectly chiseled abdomen and chest, which moved his shoulders when he heaved in. His legs were long and muscled to perfection. This man looked like a god asleep. His balls rested low, perfectly nestled on the bed, his dick laying across his thigh.

I locked the door and walked over and ran my hand along his shin and thigh. My leg went over his body and I straddled him too. I began to kiss his neck, and he started to stir, groaning and moaning. His hands moved up to my hips and my my bare back. Mephista had left my shirt back at Logan's. When his hands reached my chest, Scott woke up and I assumed he opened his eyes. He always wore his visor. And he looked at me, hesitant. Breathing. And after a few seconds, after he realized who I was, to my surprise, he grabbed my head and kept on kissing me. I could feel his dick getting hard.

This is what he had meant back in Mephisto's Realm. The whole "Finally" thing. Must be the toxins.

He was hugging me now. Both arms around me, one hand pushing my head closer to his, the other running down my back to my ass and back up. He was moaning slightly. He held me tight, but not too hard. He was gentle. He'd make a sweet lover.

And then I felt Mephista shift again. This was it. Focus Jesse. You only get one shot before someone else has to go down. Mephista put my hands on either side of his face, pulled his face away from mine and without hesitation did her thing. I could feel her grip slipping, her hold loosening up. I breathed in a deep breath and sent out three words, loud and clear, to anyone and everyone for as far as I could manage.

I mustered my own might, used all my strength and will and sent out the message that would stop this bitch. And just as I felt the message echo throughout the minds of everyone that received it, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and as Scott fell back into his bed, I doubled over and started coughing out blood.

I covered my mouth and threw myself off Scott. I was controlling myself. I couldn't stop coughing.

And then I noticed the blood on my hands. It was happening again. This hadn't happened in months! Why now?

Before I could answer I felt the room spin and I lost focus of everything around me. I blacked out for a second and felt Mephista escape my body. She shrieked as she did so and took a different form than the one I had seen back in Fury's office. She wasn't tall or creepy pretty anymore. Now her face and naked body were bloodied and she had legs where her arms should have been and arms where her legs should have been. Her face was twisted and the hair that had at one point grown on her head, long and sleek, now grew on different parts of her face and torso, just as long, but now dripping with blood. She was deformed. She was ugly. She was defeated.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE!?" she roared, gurgling out blood as she yelled. I wanted to scream at the sight of her, but before I could do anything four things happened.

Bobby, Jean, and Beast came crashing through the door, Mephista blew up and splattered blood all over the room, the wall behind me crashed out and Dr. Doom walked in and greeted me with "You've cost me more trouble than you're probably worth," and finally, I passed out after puking out what felt like a gallon of blood.


I know, kind of gross. I think we're about two more chapters from the end, and then I get to decide whether or not I want to continue writing for Nifty or not, which by the way could use your help!!

If you can, donate!!!

Its for a great cause! People tend to overlook the fact that people write fanfics to practice writing and the feedback we receive helps too!! So please, send me any and all feedback and/ or comments you have at jayjaybby@rocketmail.com

Next: Chapter 19: Consume

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