X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Dec 30, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


Hours felt like minutes. And those short minutes turned into hours. Either this realm didn't recognize time, or I wasn't anymore. My heart was consumed and I was possessed.

He'd been inside me for hours. Or at least that's what it had felt like. We'd shifted positions about four times now, but we'd stayed in this position the longest. Me on my hands and knees, and him behind me. He moved fast, slamming his stone-hard hips and dick into me. His hands gripped my waist. Every second was toxic. It hurt. It hurt so good. He reached over and grabbed my throat, pulling me back against him. My entire body weight pressed into where his hand was and I was suffocating. He slammed his body against my back, wrapped his other arm around my chest and gripped my throat with both his hands. He slowed down. He breathed me in, and I concentrated on breathing, but it was hard to focus on anything when he was around. And he always was. We never left each other. We never left his bed. I felt like I'd spent my entire life on this bed.

I lied on my back staring up into that familiar "sky." The fiery red one. He was beside me, heaving, sleeping. I'd never been to a church, I'd never believed in fairy tales. But somehow I felt... I knew that his grip over me wasn't human. It wasn't love. It was something bigger than lust. He had claimed me, the way a demon claims a human. He didn't love or want me. He was in me, filling every crook and cranny within me. He'd pushed everything out and taken over my head and heart. He was all that mattered. I breathed for him, I moved for him. My heart beat because he wanted it to.

But somewhere, deep within me I felt something. Something like an echo. Something so far away it was almost nonexistent. The feeling that I hadn't spent my entire life here with him. The feeling that I knew others like myself. The feeling that I had a name and a purpose. The feeling that I had been someone before he pushed it all out. He awoke and pushed that feeling out too.

I was flat on my stomach and my hands were above my head. His hands pinned mine down, and his body pinned my own down too. He moved only his hips and stomach. He pushed into my butt at a steady pace and he heaved and groaned into my ear. He kissed my neck and moved his hands from my own down under my body and he gripped my thighs, holding me in place. I moaned, he felt so good. My forehead was on the bed, my head tilted forward so that I could breathe. I turned my head to the side and looked at my ripped tunic. The one I always found back on me whenever I woke up again. I stared at the ripped seams and felt him slamming into me. This felt familiar. Ripped fabric thrown against a bed. Ripped jeans thrown on a messy bed.


Pants and boxers. Shirts and sweaters. Winter, Summer. Blue skies and cold water.

I gasped and it all came rushing back. My life before him. It DID exist. I did exist. What was my name?

He noticed me gasp, but probably mistook it for a moan. I didn't say anything. He'd pushed this out before. This beautiful memory. The memory of sweet life. Of breathing, of running, of living. Perfect life. He'd taken it away.

This was death.

He was asleep again. I was trying to remember, to complete the puzzle. Remembering jeans dropped so many pieces of my life around me and now I had to piece it all back together. All I could remember now was the simple things. Things like walking to the kitchen to drink a soda. Or warm showers. Or blankets on a cold day. But there was more to life than these simple things. I'd known people. I had friends and family. I had a name. They were somewhere in the pile of puzzle pieces, I just hadn't gotten there yet.

I was only sure of one thing, I'd broken the grip Blackheart had had on me. But I still felt him there, beside my heart. It didn't beat for him, it beat for me. For the things I loved. I loved the forest. I loved life.

I loved my mother. She was always so hesitant. She was hesitant when she found out I was a mutant. She was hesitant when dad agreed to let me go to a school far away. She was hesitant when she cooked. The only time she was sure about herself was when she was around her plants. She knew so much about plants. She knew what they needed and what they wanted. I'd learned that from her. I loved my mother.

I also loved a man named Robert. He was always so cold. And his eyes and smile were always warm. I think I called him Bobby. Bobby.


The X-Men. The mansion. Logan. And Jean, and Rogue, and Ororo, and Scott and the Professor. Victor and Wade.

My assignment and Arcade and Doom and Fury. Mephisto. Blackheart. My powers.

I know who I am. My name is Jesse. I'm a scout for the X-Men. I love a man named Bobby. And I am free.

"How the hell are we gonna get to Mephisto's realm of fun and laughter, hmm?" Deadpool asked.

We'd been searching for an answer to that question for a while now. We'd tried seeking out an entrance, but there wasn't any trace of one on Earth. They were about ready to give up, when Ororo mentioned something about a Dr. Strange. A champion wizard. A man who could surely transport us to another realm.

That's where we were now. At the Sanctus Sanctorum. A place of magic and mystery. We'd explained the situation to Strange and though he didn't understand why eight of the most powerful mutants around were willing to risk their lives for one, he agreed to teleport four of us. One of those unwritten rules, I guess. Only four people could be teleported. Once we had Jesse, all five of us could come back out. I made sure to clarify that that's exactly what would happen. It'd be pointless if the rules meant only four could come back out again.

Victor, Logan, Scott, and myself would be going into Mephisto's realm to retrieve him. Deadpool, Jean, Rogue, and Remy would stay here.

The four of us reached for the Orb, and then my stomach dropped and everything went black.

After another sexual episode, instead of going back to sleep, he sat up and looked me over. I stared at his perfect body. I wonder how Logan was doing.

"They're coming for you," he said calmly.

"Who is?" I asked, trying to sound confused. He didn't know I remembered it all.

"Old friends, people who cared for you and loved you."

I didn't say anything. He continued.

"This has always been the plan. The X-Men have always been a disturbance. My father has been searching for a way to annihilate them for some time, he saw the perfect opportunity in you."

I just stared back at him. He smiled.

"But I see so much more. You are powerful. More powerful than most mortal mutants that inhabit your realm. I feel that together, you and I could create something beyond human life."

He wasn't looking at me anymore. He was staring at my stomach.

Dear God, he was not thinking this. I mean, sure we had sex and stuff, but I couldn't carry a child, I was a male. I didn't have any of the equipment required!

But then again, this was his realm, and things worked differently around here.

"However, the opportunity to rid ourselves of our foes arises, and we must tend to that matter presently. By the time you wake up, this will all be over, and we'll move on to bigger, better things." And with that he reached over and I fell into black.

We all took defensive positions as soon as we could stand. We were expecting a full-on attack from Mephisto's demons for trespassing. Nothing came and just as we were beginning to relax our muscles, stone shot up from the ground so fast we couldn't even scream for each other. They were stone walls that separated the four of us. Walls that ran for what seemed like miles behind me, and about fifty feet in front of us. We were on top of a hill and the walls descended into the foot of the hill and continued to twist and turn into a large, menacing maze.

This was a maze.

About a mile away, smack in the middle of the maze that seemed to go on forever, rose another hill made of black stone, and on this faraway hill, under a dead tree, was a stone table. And on that stone table was the love of my life. Jesse. Asleep.

"The first one to the prize wins his heart, for you to do with as you please."

It was a voice in my head, but I knew we'd all heard it.

This was a game now. A game intended for Logan and myself. I'd realized throughout our mission that Logan too felt for Jesse what I felt for him. He loved him. But he was mine. Victor and Scott are just unlucky to be caught in the crossfire.

A maze would take time but it was just a maze. At least, that's what I'd thought until the demons started to appear. This wasn't just any maze. This was an obstacle course.

I wasn't asleep. My eyes were just forced shut and I couldn't move. But I could hear. I could hear what sounded like rocks shifting. And demonic howls. It was all far away. I could also hear their thoughts.

Victor's, Scott's, Logan's, and Bobby's. They were here thinking they'd save me. I'd brought them to their deaths.

"The kid deserves to be free. Only I can give him that." This was Victor.

"Finally," Scott. What?

"I'm coming Jesse, hold on." Logan.

"His heart's already mine." Bobby.

Why were they thinking these things. It sounded like they were getting ready for something. A competition? Why'd Bobby say my heart was already his?

"Because, stupid boy, they are playing a game, and the winner receives your heart. Your love and devotion. Your every thought." It was an unfamiliar voice. It was dark and it was loud. Mephisto. "My son has rebelled against me, and for that he is being punished. You have stirred his heart and have clouded his judgment. I underestimated your abilities. You were merely supposed to be the sword I would use to vanquish my foes. Now you're another thorn at my side. By the end of this game I'll have killed at least three of your friends, and I'll be rid of you."

That didn't sound good.

So what's new you guys! Its been two years since I've updated this story. If any of my old readers are still reading, please let me know! You guys are great! Don't forget to send me feedback at jayjaybby@rocketmail.com

Next: Chapter 15: Out

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