X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Oct 5, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality

Author's Note: I'm sorry for taking so long and for messing up the storyline a bit, its just that I barely have time to write and have no time to go over the previous chapters and its been so long I don't remember them cuz its been so long. Sorry but still, I hope you like it.


Before this moment, before this very second, I'd never wondered, or thought about what he'd feel like. Cold and breathy, I could feel the moisture within my own mouth freeze slowly and as I pulled away, melted back to what it was before, only to freeze again as he pulled me towards him again. I could smell him, I could feel him, I could read him with the long-forgotten connection I'd established so long ago. The intense emotions that burst at every moment, his firm body against my own, the smell of clean, cold, freshness as I inhaled the air he wiped out of me. And as Robert took control of everything within my mind and body, there had to be a name that held steadfast to me and contradicted everything I was feeling. Logan. So bulky, so dark, while Bobby, was so firm and light. No. This shouldn't be happening.

I was Logan's. Wasn't I?

I pulled away, not realizing I had displayed my concerns to him. His face was a reflection of my own confused one, except his was a bit more intense, his eyebrows knit together, looking at me with strong, concentrated eyes, the smile I'd at one time melted over, nowhere to be seen. Shit.

"Bobby..." I'd began, but he cut me off, "Jesse." I was expecting more, but that's all he spoke. He stared at me, and for lack of any better option, I stared back. I soon stood straight and pulled myself, reluctantly, away. As I took a deep breath, I realized that the air he had exhaled into me had caused my mouth, throat, and lungs to loose heat, and so freeze in a minor way, causing slight pain and soon after, a soothing cool to the heat of my internals. But that inhale wasn't the only thing that entered my body. With it, a realization so much bigger than me made its way in, penetrating any wall I might have established. So this was love.

As my brain wrapped around that thought and emotion, I got a signal. Victor. Concern. "I'm fine," I sent quietly. I got a feeling of assurance, a reflection of him, and then I felt him near. He was back... so quick? "I have to go," I told Bobby. He responded with a questioned face. "Victor's back, go wait in my room yeah?" And then he did what only he could do, he looked down, smiled and looked back up at me with those eyes that could so easily read me. I swooned, bit my lip, pecked his with them and floated away.

Sure as the sun in the sky, Victor was about half mile away, I ran towards him, signaling him that I was coming. I saw them, and I realized how much I'd missed them. I hugged Victor and Wade, regardless of what they felt and as I backed up I let them explain to me their return.

"Doom's with Fury," Victor said. That didn't make any sense, "How do you know?" I said looking at both of them. As I said the words another person came into view. I'd seen him back at the Hellicarier, one of Fury's soldiers. "Turns out he'd followed us, as to how he landed safely, were still not sure. He's the one that let us know about this twisted alliance," Victor continued. "So what now?" I ask them. He spoke up, "We need to formulate some sort of plan, keep you safe..." and as he said those last words, both Victor and Wade glared at him, Wade gripping the handle of one of his very lethal swords and Victor clawing his hands. Too late now, "What's that mean?" I ask. They cant lie to me. Wade sighed, "They're after you Jesse, well... Doom does, turns out the only reason he had us as prisoners was because he knew you'd come, but he underestimated you, he didn't expect you to get away like you did. Arcade is in it for the money and Fury's received threat of some sort of attack should he refuse to hand you over. Knowing Fury, he'd sell his mother for the world's safety." Should've shocked me, but it didn't, which surprised me. "What does Doom want me for?" I ask calmly. My calm threw them off. Wade and Victor looked at the soldier, who looked back and then turned towards me to address my question. "Nothing's for sure, but we have reason to believe that Doom is only a middleman. No way of knowing who really wants you."

Scary, but not terrifying. "So what now?" I repeated. The soldier spoke up, "We take you in." I looked at him and noticed he had a gun pointed at me. Just as Wade and Victor took defensive poses, putting themselves as between me and the soldier, more soldiers appeared and shot darts at my two protectors. I made no noise, and instead concentrated what little of Bobby's energy that I had and blasted the first soldier. To my surprise, his legs were stuck in a huge block of ice that pinned him to the ground. I looked around and noticed that one of them had his gun pointed at me and before, or perhaps while he pulled the trigger, I sent out a shriek to the only person I knew could listen. "BOBBY!!" The dart hit me and everything went dark.

The dark took over. Took over everything. My dreams, my thoughts, everything. I was stuck in a deep sleep, one I couldn't climb out of. It was like being dropped into a ten foot deep hole. No way of climbing out if you're only just below six feet tall. It was, to be honest, infuriating, but still so relaxing.

As I began to actually succumb to this black abyss, and let it take over my thoughts and emotions, I began to feel the world, except... this wasn't the world I was used to. The first thing I remember feeling is the slightly burning rash where the dart had pierced my skin, my upper arm. And when I felt my entire arms, I felt them away from my body, above my head and bound at the wrists. Original.

The feeling returned slowly, my waist, bound and tied to something, chains if I wasn't mistaken. My thighs then my ankles and feet. My ankles were bound together, and again tied to something else. As it came back I felt the pressure pulling both my ankles and wrists, like I was being pulled apart. As that dull pain settled, the best pain was saved for last. My head, the upper portion, felt like it was burning, searing pain close to feeling like burning flesh. My jaw was at a stabbing pain and my ears were ringing. What the hell was going on. To address the feeling of not being on Earth anymore, it wasn't exactly that. I was still on Earth, but not on the surface. It was hot. Humid. Hell?

As my body came back to me, and the pain in my head receded, I began to get my hearing back. Murmurs at first, but soon after, actual voices. My eyes were too sensitive for me to try opening them, so they remained closed. Soon after the voices stopped and I was left to silence. Only thing audible was a hum, but not the hum a machine produces, or a person even. Honestly, it sounded like steam rising from the ground. Maybe I am in hell. Am I dead? What the hell is going on?

Fear began to creep over me, overtaking my thoughts, just like the dark slumber had. Curiosity drove me half insane and so I opened my eyes, causing slight stinging which receded after a while. Oh God I was in hell.

I was laying, that I could tell because of the hard surface I was laying on, and as I looked up, I noticed this was a dome. I sky-high dome of nothing but red. Fiery red. I turned my head around to get a feel of my surroundings and saw that what I was on was a sort of platform, the ground dark and apparently, stone. To my right, the end of the small platform, below, who knew I was bound. To my left, a threshold that led to a bigger, longer platform, and it was all floating, in the middle of what seemed to be a sphere. The walls of the sphere the same as the picture above. Fiery red. This wasn't hell. This was some sort of other dimension, a place where people on earth cant walk to.

Regardless, just looking at the threshold revealed I couldn't get past it. There were two guards, good looking I might add, human also, but besides that, that threshold wasn't normal, call me crazy, but it was cursed. Exit at your own risk. As I began to stir, the guards set their attention toward me. Both were tall and muscled, shirtless and muscled, the picture of deadly-attractive brawn. Hairless, thick muscled. Man.

"Who are you?" I asked. My voice was raspy, my throat was dry. One of the guards grabbed a grail which had appeared out of nowhere and as they got closer, set it to my lips and quenched my thirst. As he stood before me with the grail, the other got behind me and lay his hands on my shoulders. Oh yeah, I was in hell.

"Where the hell is he!" Logan growled as we arrived to the site apparently witness of what happened to Jesse. "Bobby, Did you hear anything else?" Storm asked me. "No, I heard the same thing you guys heard," I replied. They'd all heard Jesse's scream. Mental. Was he connected to all of us? I could still feel his lips against mine, his hands against me. I sighed. Logan growled. Why'd he care so much? "You guys!" Jean called. We ran to where she was. Beside her was a soldier, frozen from the waist down. He'd used my energy. Kissing had its benefits. The guy was blue, Jesse hadn't taken consideration of what freezing will cause a human. This ice was something I couldn't do, this ice would either kill him, or dismember him.

"Talk," Logan growled. He looked at him but only mumbled, his voice was gone. He'd be dead in an hour, tops. "Not a chance, Jesse froze him, he's as good as dead," I explained. The guy looked at me with wide eyes. He had it coming. Jean reached for his head and as she absorbed his knowledge she gasped and almost fell over. "Mephisto's Realm!" she yelled almost sobbing. Awh shit. Logan spoke my sentiments alound.

So what'd ya think? Comments, feedback, and stuff: send it to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com

Sorry, but I couldn't fit any sex in. Next chapter for sure, and sorry for it being kinda pointless but its all I could come up with. Ill post another one up soon.

Next: Chapter 13: Submission

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