X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Aug 25, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality

I'd missed my old room. Well, not so much the entire room, I could live without the fancy furniture, but the bed... that's a different story. The last three months didn't included a comfortable bed, but rather the accommodations of the occasional soft soil ground. Regardless, I decided to go change before I got into bed. Sleeping in a dirty bed wouldn't be as enjoyable as a clean bed, along with a clean body, might as well shower. I arrived here at 3 A.M, about an hour ago, that's how long the Professor took to squeeze as much information out of me without completely interrogating me.

Over the last three months, a shower meant a swim in a freezing cold, limb-numbing river wherever we could find it. I refused to go more than a few days without a long swim, which gave me time to scrub out the grime or what not. I wasn't the prissy type that flipped out over a minor cut or a bruised finger. I wasn't. But I didn't feel comfortable not showering. Showering is necessary. As a nice change to the "usual" cold waters, the warm, heaven-sent warmed water spouted out of the shower head in a sheet of soothing goodness. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea leaving me here.

Leaving me here... the bastard. We'd been on the run from Doom and Arcade for months, and then Fury comes and it becomes too dangerous?

The frustration resided and concern set in. For everything. Everything from, where are they now: Wade and Victor, to: how are people gonna react to me being back? I sighed and concentrated and washing up.

I'd also missed the little room connected to the bathroom that served as my closet. Having to change in front of Victor wasn't uncomfortable. I never felt any type of attraction, or want for him. I'm sure that feeling was mutual. He was my partner, I was his, it worked out fine. But that was it. Nothing else. Friends was either too much or too little. I trusted him with my life and he me with his. Partners. I slipped on boxers, basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt. All my clothes had been washed and returned to my room.

I opened the door to find everything untouched, just how I left it. I was half-expecting to find Bobby, maybe Logan there. Logan. I debated. It was late at night, but half of me wanted to go around waking everyone up. But who first. Bobby, Logan... Bobby? Maybe Logan, he'd take the longest. I sighed and exited my room, walking slowly and sensing around for anyone else. No one. I sped up towards his room and once I got there, I hesitated. I sensed to see if anyone else was there with him. I left him here, he had a right to move on to someone else. There was only one person in there, and as I opened the door, I found a sleeping Logan. His room was messy, that made sense. However, what I found surprising was how he slept. He was naked, but that's not surprising. The only thing that covered him was a sheet sprawled over his groin. The sheet curtained over his body down onto the floor. That's what was strange. He had an entire bed yet he only used the very edge. His legs were spread sorta open, his left stretched out on the bed and the right over the bed, his foot planted on the ground. From his waist up however, everything was normal. His arms beside him. Stiff. I closed the door and stood there, drinking him in. I cant say I missed him. I didn't miss people. But in a way, I kind of did. But I'd deny it. I quietly made my way forward. The only light in the room was that of the moonlight on his body coming from the open window on the side of his bed, across from where I stood.

I stood over his body, he hadn't sensed me yet. I lay my palm on his firm cheek. He was warm. He felt my hand and without opening his eyes, maybe he was still asleep, he put his own palm on top of mine and ran his face over my own, giving a low, breathy grunt. This woke him up, my scent. "Jesse?" he grunted. "How's it going?" I replied. He sat up, his leg still falling from the bed beside me. I rested my palm on his hairy, muscularly hard lap. He looked me over, and sniffed. "He's gone," I say. He's searching for Victor. "Wade is too," I continue. "They dropped me back off because we picked up some company on the way that was apparently too dangerous for me to be around." He looked at me questioningly. I looked back. He leaned close to my face, taking the time to rest his forehead on mine and breathing me in. I kissed him, three month's worth of want I poured out to him. The hands that were propping him up now moved to my hips with pulled me to him, requiring me to get on the bed, straddle myself on him and wrap my legs around his waist. My arms then went around his neck and I continued to kiss him, to enjoy the feel of his tongue on my own. To feel his breathe creep into my mouth, to taste him.

His hands grabbed my butt and he stood up, carrying me towards a wall were he pushed me to the wall, never letting me down. He pinned me to the wall, his arms on both side of my head, flat against the wall, the only thing holding me up was his hips and legs pushing me against the wall. I pulled away, "Missed me?" He grunted and pulled me close again. His grunt sent a shiver through my body. Fuck it, I had missed him.

I slipped my shirt off and through it on his bed. And I wondered. Had anyone else occupied his bed while I was gone? Should I be worried? Should it matter? Didn't I just agree that this was fine? Was it? I pulled away again, "Logan?" He looked at me, a bit frustrated, "What?" he grunted. I looked down at our legs, interlocked, my jeans (I changed into jeans before coming here) holding him back. He must've guessed what I was thinking, "There hasn't been anyone else Jesse." I raised my head slowly and tilted my head back so that it rested on the wall. He leaned in and kissed my neck, his stubble tickling me and sending a wave of shivers through my body again. He moved up, his stubble rubbing wherever he went and kissed me there. He moved up again, another wave of shivers and kissed my jaw line. His hands ran over my torso, feeling every ridge, every detail of it. I did the same, feeling his so-familiar body that I'd been deprived of for so long.

I went down to his pubes, feeling them over. My jeans got in the way of going lower to his cock, but the tickle at the bottom of my butt warned that he was hard and ready. I was too. He went down to my jeans and tried to unbutton it, but the way I was positioned made me push into the button, making it almost impossible to remove. He grunted in frustration and pulled it off. He through it over his shoulder and pondered his next move. "Do not rip my jeans," I warned, he looked up and smiled, ignoring what I'd said and grabbing the folds over my upper thighs and ripping off. These rips were useless, he only cut the legs off, pulling them off my legs quickly. His chest muscles stretching as he pulled his arms back to completely pull the legs of my jeans off my legs sent a shiver.

He laughed at my ripped jeans, he only ripped the legs off to show that he'd do what he wanted. "You owe me jeans," I sighed. He went down and grabbed my fly, pulling it down and grabbing both sides firmly before ripping there and again pulling that off, I was now in my boxers. He sighed, "Your killing me Jesse." "You like it," I assured him. The boxers were easily ripped off and I grabbed a bottle of lube from the dresser beside me, Logan holding on so tightly. His cock was now pushing up against my butt, again perfectly perched on my crack. I squeezed the lube onto his palm and he lowered it down to his cock, I could feel him spreading it over himself and then onto my ass, pushing in a finger as he passed over my crack, pulling it out and then pushing in two, pulling his index and middle finger in and out before finally pulling out and grabbing hold of himself. He looked at me and I looked at him. His right arm was flat against the wall, his whole body holding me, pinning me to the wall.

He didn't go in slowly, he just pushed in, his entire cock ripped into me. I moaned quietly into his ear. He grunted as he his pubic bone now pushed against my taint. I hated that word, but I didn't know another word for it. He grunted again as he put his hand on my hip and continued to pull out and slam back in again, resting again and repeating his movements. He's pull out slowly, slam ever so hardly back in and then rest for a second before doing it again. Every slam felt delicious and his pulls almost better. He sped up a bit and as he pushed in slowly, I moaned his name into his ear. I grabbed his hair and held on to him. He kissed my neck and my head was tilted all the way back. My back was arched as much as our position allowed me to be.

His grip on my hip hardened as he began to speed up. No longer resting and simply pulling out quickly and then slamming back in. Sheer ecstasy. The hand that wasn't holding on to his hair felt over his abdomen and beefy chest. He sped up, to the point where I was almost screaming out but held it all back, not even moaning but enjoying every bit of him. He began to growl and grunt a bit loudly. His grip again hardened and he bit my neck, causing me to moan his name into his ear. "Fuck I'ma cream," he grunted and he growled as I felt him cum inside me. I hadn't noticed through out all the movement that I too had ejaculated. Didn't know that was possible. He continued to kiss me and carried me back to his bed, where he lay me next to the window and he took his place again. He was on his side, looking me over. His hands ran over my legs and he leaned in for a kiss. I fell asleep in his kiss.

When I woke up, he was still asleep beside me, the sky was that purple- blue color it gets right before the sun's about to start rising. I got up and started looking for my jeans, but soon remembered what had become of them. I sighed and looked for a pair of his. I found some that were obviously too big. I put them on, sitting down and rolling the bottoms up a bit so that I wouldn't trip over them. I grabbed a belt and that too was too big. I sighed and woke him up, I pulled the belt to him, "Do me the honors?" I asked. He smiled groggily. His claws pulled out and he cut about a sixth off and made several holes onto the belt with the tips of his claws. He handed the belt back to me and I thanked him. He smiled and went back to sleep. I slipped on the belt and found it comfortable. Before opening the door, I sensed around, I knew the rest of the team lived around here, I wasn't comfortable being seen shirtless. No one, I half ran, half walked through the back where I knew no students would be to my room. I quickly changed and smiled in the mirror, I had missed Logan.

I walked back out, in my own clothes and made my way towards Hank's room. I knocked and I heard a quiet, "Come in." He was facing his computer, but he didn't need to see me to know who it was. He smelled me as soon as I walked into the room. "Jesse?" he asked as he got up. "Hank!" I said running to him and giving him a huge hug, he returned the favor with a bear hug I knew only he was capable of. He picked me up and then put me back down. He was the only person I acted childish around. "Where have you been?" he asked as he sat back on his chair, and I took my regular place on his bed. He stood back up and closed the door. I was about to do the same, I didn't want anyone else to interrupt our conversation. "I've been all over. On the run you know?" I smiled. "And how about your powers, have you discovered anything new?"

"Um, yeah, I picked up how to make connections easier, and I can sense around for people now. In general, I've just gotten faster." "That's great, well, after you left, I continued to run the tests with your blood and have found that the essence that rises from your pores is an extremely complex sort of gas." "How so?" "Last time we talked I told you that it was limited to how you felt the gas was needed, but I've found that its not only that you release the gas, its how you absorb people's powers as well. Your body can absorb and release energy, kind of like Bishop, but you can shift it into many different things." He mustve noticed my confused face. "In short, your body can do much more than just absorb, it can do a variety of different tasks for you, but like I said before, we have to practice it in order to discover what exactly you can do."

"That makes more sense," I smiled. But just as I smiled, I felt that tickle all over again. Fuck, I thought that was over, this was the last place I would want this to happen. But it was inevitable, I began coughing and he smelled it before I could deny it. "Jesse!" he exclaimed and got up to examine me closer, putting his arm around my shoulders. "What is this?" he asked me. The fit stopped and I wiped my bloody palm on a tissue he handed me. "I was hoping you could answer that for me," I smiled.

I went into his bathroom and rinsed my mouth off. I washed my hands as he asked me questions like: How long has this been going on? When I answered he got upset, "What haven't you told me before?" and so I answered, "Because you would've stopped me from becoming a scout."

"Jesse you have to understand that if this is worse than we want it to be, than you could've collapsed in the middle of your mission, and that would've been catastrophic."

I sighed and nodded my head. "You cant tell anyone about this," I plead. He looked at me, sighed, and nodded. The tests he took consisted of a small, hand held thing that looked like a taser which he ran through over my neck down to my stomach and back up past my neck to my head. The blue line of light that the taser thing released was apparently what analized my body. After that, Hank had me open my mouth. And that was it. "Come back tonight." I said goodbye and continued to on to look for the next person on my list. Bobby. I had no idea what time it was but I looked for him first in his room, where he wasn't, then in the cafeteria, were he wasn't either. I didn't see any of the team, were they on assignment?

I proceeded to go outside but didn't find him either. I sighed and walked back to my room. However, on the way there, I was pulled into the underside of a staircase and pinned to a wall. It took me a while to make out the face in front of me and before I could say his name he pushed his lips onto mine and he gave me a cold breathy kiss. Bobby.

Questions, comments? Send anything to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com

Send me feedback please! It keeps me writing! PLEASE!!!!

Next: Chapter 12: Guarded

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