X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Aug 5, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


There's absolutely nothing like a warm shower after a long day. Or a long four months. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier provided a room with a shower. A nice, very spacious room, my guess was that keeping Fury happy meant getting rewards. I didn't plan on staying long enough to find out. I shut the water off and let the last few drops of water sliver off me. Wrapping a towel around my waist I opened the door to the room I was given. I refused to call it "my" room. Victor and Wade were there; Victor sitting on the edge of the bed and Wade standing up against the door. Wade held up his index finger to his mouth. I nodded and went on to pull a shirt over my head.

"What's going on?" I sent to Victor. He looked at me and knitted his eyebrows together. He wanted me to wait. I turned back into the bathroom and put the jeans I'd been wearing before back on. I walked back out and waited. Silence. A guard outside no doubt.

"Go outside and walk around. Make sure there are no guards around," I received. "Hide," I sent back. He nodded and turned to Wade. They exchanged a quick glance and proceeded to hide, Wade pressing a button at his waist and disappearing. Who knew where he was. I opened the door normally and proceeded to the corridor, a hall of silver metallic walls and matching floors and ceiling. I looked to my left, where the corridor ended and turned to the right about four yards from where I stood. The shadow of a guard was sprawled against the wall there. "Guard ten o' clock." I sent. I looked to the right and walked towards the end, a bit far, and stopped before I hit the end. I heard voices. Crap. If I was being guarded, I wasn't supposed to be outside. If I wasn't, what was my excuse for being outside. Before I could sprint back to my room, a pair of firm arms gripped me from behind and I shot up.

No, not up. I shot back into my room. Wade. "Thanks," I whispered turning to him. He tipped his head forward. "Should I make a connection to him?" I sent to Victor. "Should you?" he sent back. I hadn't moved and was still looking at Wade. So as to not raise some sort of suspicion. "If he's on our side, then yes. If he's not, then we'd give ourselves away. What if he's trained to track back into my mind?" Assassins were normally trained to do so. There was a pause before Victor replied. "I thought you trusted him?" I pondered. "You're right," I said aloud. I reached up to where Wade's mask ended at his neck and began to peel it over just a bit. He had cringed a little but stayed still. I could only see one rigid scar there.

I pressed the underside of two fingers there and created a connection. "Hi Wade," I sent out. He pressed back, surprised. Not trained. I took a step back and smiled at him. "You can talk back," I sent to him. "Hi Jesse," I received. I smiled.

      • "So what's going on?" I sent out to both of them. I meshed their mind streams so that we could all hear each other's thoughts. Or at least what we wanted to share. "We gotta get outta here." Victor said. "Why? Something wrong?" I asked. "There's something fishy about Fury's offer," Wade sent. "Wade's worked with Arcade, and myself with Doom. Before I left, Doom had been in contact with a certain person of high interest. Wade also found that besides his contact with Doom, he was staying in touch with an Unknown Person of Interest. We're not sure who it is, but if Arcade's still Arcade, then he'd know our location at all times. So how is it that Fury found us?" Victor. "My bet's that they're working together. The three of them." Wade. "But S.H.I.E.L.D. is a government organization, they wouldn't ally themselves with those two. Would they?" I sent out. "Sure they're government, but nowadays, the government isn't much about justice, its about an upper hand. With the right payment, Fury would be more than glad to provide what Doom and Arcade want," Victor raised his eyebrows at me.

It made sense. All of it. I sighed. "So what do we do?" I asked silently. "We get out," Victor replied. "Well yeah, but where are we gonna go? Fury will know I'm gone in the morning, and Arcade's always in the know," I sent. Victor stared at me. "Oh no, you cant be serious." I sent. "What?" Wade asked." I sighed. Going back to the X mansion meant Logan... and Bobby. Neither of them where gonna be welcoming after leaving. I was absolutely sure. Logan because I left with Victor, and with Wade in the picture, I wouldn't be surprised if Logan beat the living crap out of me. And Bobby, well he'd be feeling betrayed after leaving without a goodbye. And the rest of them, well I'd need saving after that.

"When do we leave?" I sent. "What?" Wade asked, wanting to know where we were headed. "Right now," Victor said. I winced. Okay.

"Go back outside and tell us where the guards are, we can start there," Victor ordered. I nodded.

They hid and I walked outside. Nothing had changed. The guard to the right was still there, although I couldn't see him. I looked to the left and at the end there where two more shadows, the guards from before. "One guard ten o' clock, about four yards, I can take care of that one. Two at the far end of three o' clock. Count five." I sent. One. I took the first step towards the guard. Two. I continued. Three. "Hey," I smiled. Four. He turned and returned the smile. Five. He took a step towards me.

I kicked him in his groin and punched up into his face. Victor taught me that. I smiled at the unconscious man on the floor and continued to drag him into my room. I heard two thuds and soon after Wade was back in the room with the two fallen guards over his shoulders. Victor walked in soon after. I check for weapons and hid them in a small drawer. Victor tied them up back to back and I put pillow covers over their heads. We ran towards where the two guards where. Why where we running, Wade could get us anywhere. I sent that out. "We need to get to open air to see where what direction the mansions in," he replied.

At the end of the corridor we were in, about ten yards from where we were, there was a large window. If there wasn't some sort of deck or balcony outside, then we'd be freefalling. That would be fun. Fear, however, made its way into my heart and I couldn't help but think of the fall. I apparently expressed this a little too loudly, "We'll be fine," Victor breathed. We continued running at the same speed. Victor proceeded to the front and jumped about a yard before he hit and shattered the glass, or whatever it was, and right before I jumped after him, I made out that there was nothing there for us to land on. Eeeh.

We fell for what felt like three seconds before Wade grabbed me and I shot back up. At least, that's what I felt before We landed on ground, I couldn't tell where we were, in a second Wade was gone and back again with Victor. He grunted, probably trying to calm himself after such an adrenaline rush, my heart was beating at high speeds at this point and that's when I felt it. That tickle in my throat that I'd completely forgotten about for the past four months. It hadn't happened since that night with Logan. I got up from the ground and ran away from them. "Hold on," I sent.

I ran out of the dark narrow alley we were in and hid my head into the wall there. I coughed and it hurt and I wiped my hand without looking at it. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and went back. No doubt Victor would smell it. He didn't mention it though. "What happened?" he asked. "I had to cough, really bad." He left the subject. "What now?" he asked Wade. I looked around. It was dark and quiet. Not a sound. The bungalows we were surrounded by hinted that this was a storage place. I could be wrong. But that's what it looked like. I breathed. I wasn't excited about going back. What would I tell them. Victor and Wade would have to leave, I was sure about that, which left me defenseless.

We were in New York, not too far from where they were taking me. And then I questioned it. "Why am I being dropped off?" I asked out loud. "Because you'll be safe there," Victor replied arrogantly. Like he was tired of explaining it, although this was the first, or maybe second time, he'd mentioned it. I sighed. Wade walked towards me, signaling that it was time. "If I don't hear from you in a month I'm coming after you," I said to Victor walking up to him, and probably to his discomfort, hugging him. I wasn't worried. He'd be fine. And if he wasn't Wade was there. I turned to Wade and nodded. He grabbed me and we shot up.

We landed in a dark cold place. Once my eyes adjusted, I made out a forest. The forest around the mansion. We walked, well I followed him out of the woods and we ended up in the back of the mansion, where that giant fountain was. I turned to him, "I can find my way from here." "You gonna be okay?" he asked. I hugged him, and took notice of his firm body. "Yeah," I replied. "Come back though, I need to know what's going on," I told him. He nodded and disappeared.

I took a deep breath, I felt like I was entering a strange place, like a new school. The lights were off and I couldn't hear anything. What time was it? I knew better then to knock on the door. So I made my way to the side of the house where I knew there was easy access into the hallways. Easy at least for those who know the house. I did. I chose to enter through the really big window that was in the hallway to the main rooms. Logan's, Scott's, Jean's. I had to see the professor first. No doubt he was in his office.

I walked past the hall and into the foyer, the stairs that lead to the classes seemed a bit larger.

I didn't knock on his door but just went in. He didn't look up, maybe he thought I was someone else.

"I'm back," I smiled. He looked up with a surprised face.

So what do you think? No sex I know but there will be... send me some feedback, comments and all that good stuff at jayjaybby@rocketmail.com Thanks!

Next: Chapter 11: Jeans

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