X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Aug 16, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


I guess that I should start out by saying that my name is Jesse Crew. I'm nineteen and I found out I was a mutant about a year ago. It wasn't the best day of my life but it was a day to remember. I'd been sought out by the infamous Professor Charles Xavier to attend what he called "an academy for higher learning" which, to be honest, I didn't really like the sound of at all. My parents weren't so hot about it, but they weren't hot about my... uh... abilities either.

I'd told the professor that I would get back to him on my decision as soon as I had made it. He, and the white-haired lady, left shortly after that. I liked the white-haired lady, I had seen her on the news and thought she was creepy, but once you met her, you couldn't help but to like her.

It took me a month to make my decision. I wasn't happy about leaving my home, not that I had anything to miss, but I was trying to look at the bright side of things. Trying. I said my farewells to my barely-caring parents and got into the car that was to take me to this "academy for higher learning."

I'd done my research and had found that this academy was actually a mansion. I also found that what the professor had told me was nowhere to be found on the web. The whole "higher learning" thing was a cover for what it really was. I'd requested that the white-haired lady pick me up, who introduced herself as Ororo. I liked her, she was nice. It wasn't something I was accustomed to. Not that my parents weren't nice, they just had a lot to deal with... if that made any sense.

"So, Jesse, what is it that you can do?" Ororo had asked me on that one long ride to the "school"

"Uh, well... its hard to explain," I said to her, too shy to present my abilities "Well don't be shy, I'm curious," she pressed I sighed, "Okay, is it okay if I touch you?" "Uh, sure," she said, never looking away from the road. I reached out for her wrist, which was a little cold.

I felt the her abilities surge through me and then I held it with my mind. I let go and performed what I could with the new-found abilities. Rain started pouring. She looked up at the sky and smiled. "You're a mimic,"

"Yeah, but it only works with certain powers, I cant absorb physical powers, like strength or health regeneration," I explained.

"That's amazing," she said in her perpetually calm voice.

I stayed quiet, but after a while, my curiosity took over, "What's it like?" I asked. "What?" "The school, or mansion, or whatever it is," "Oh. Well, its big, and its filled with people like us," "Hmm," I hummed "You'll be fine, you'll see."

That set off a conversation on different matters that I cant remember anymore. Its been about a month since that long car drive and so far, I haven't missed home. I'd made friends, something I didn't have back home. I'd grown close to Storm, as I know called her, Ororo, and Bobby, whom I still couldn't call Iceman. They were the two that I was closest to, but I did get along greatly with Jean, and Piotr, and Rogue, and Beast. Bobby had been the first to introduce himself when I got here and he introduced me to Rogue, who introduced me to Piotr. I bumped into Jean while trying to find food. She was a great help. Beast had introduced himself while I had explored the mansion for the first time. He gave me a tour after that, it was three in the morning, but he didn't seem to mind.

Those where the people that I got along with, Logan and Scott were distant and didn't seem interesting to me. Logan was always moody or grumpy and Scott seemed uptight and annoying. I didn't try to communicate with them. These where my opinions on them until today, until right now, where I'm standing before Logan. It's the middle of the night and I'm having a midnight drink in the kitchen. I came in thinking I'd be alone but then he walked in. He didn't say anything; I wasn't expecting him to, until he rested his weight on the counter across from where I was sitting. He was wearing jeans and a wife-beater and he was downing a beer.

"You're the kid with the powers Rogue has right?" His voice was deep and gravely. It sent a shiver through my body. "Not exactly," I said indifferently. "Hmm. What are you doing up so late?" I looked up at him, he was drinking out of the beer bottle and then looked back at me. "I was thirsty," I replied. "I can see that, aren't you tired?" he pressed. "No, not really." He laughed, "What's your name bub?" "Jesse," I replied, "Hmm well Jesse, nice talking to you," he said as he walked over to the trash bin and dropped the bottle in. "Yeah I bet," I replied as he walked out the door, I heard him laugh and then mutter, "Smartass," "I heard that," I called out.

I finished the soda and grabbed another one, playing back what had just happened. I guess I was so into it that I didn't notice Scott walk in. I saw him and accidentally thought out loud, "You have got to be kidding me." "Why what's wrong?" he asked with a smile. "Oh, what? No nothing," I tried to play it off. "Hmm, I could've sworn I heard you say something," he said, reaching into the fridge to take a soda out, he was wearing pajama pants and no shirt, revealing a lightly haired torso. He was ripped, a chest that seemed to heave as he breathed and a lean six pack; his shoulders where broad and he had on the pair of glasses that kept him from destroying the kitchen with his sight. He walked to where Logan was standing and stayed there, drinking his soda.

"Jesse right?" he asked. "Uh, yeah," I replied. "You're the one we're testing tomorrow... uh... I mean later on today right?" "Yeah, professor wants to know the `extent' of my powers, or... uh... abilities," I replied. "Yeah, we've all been through it, don't worry though, we'll go easy on you," he smiled, drinking the last of his soda. "And spoil the fun of kicking your ass? Aw, party pooper," I said in a jokingly tone of voice, he laughed, "See ya later kid," he said and walked out the kitchen, leaving me to the quiet. I finished my soda and walked out of the kitchen, turning off the light on my way out. The dark took over and I couldn't see anything for a few seconds until my eyes got accustomed to the dark. I was walking through the corridors on my way to my room.

I had to pass through Beast's room to get to my room. I approached it and saw that the door was open. I was surprised to hear a low grunt. I peeked inside and saw that Beast was masturbating. There was a low light which allowed me to see him. He was completely naked and he was laying on his bed, which was parallel to the wall. It kept me perfectly hidden. His eyes where closed and his right hand was slowly stroking his cock, which was big... and blue. He had blue pubic hair. His left hand was running through his lightly blue-haired body. He let out a long grunt and he stopped moving. His cock shot out his white cum and then sighed. I took this as my queue to leave.

I was surprised to find that I was turned on by what I had just seen. I'd never thought of myself as gay. But now it seemed that I was. I smiled and went into my room, hoping that Beast hadn't seen or heard me. I opened the door to my room and went to bed. My mind started running. I had only spent a month here and already it seemed interesting. I had new interests now. I found myself surprisingly excited for the activities to come later on today. My mind relaxed and I drifted off to sleep.

Well what do you think? This is my first Nifty posting. I'm a little rusty, I haven't written anything in a while. Comments and Suggestions? Please send them to me at jayjaybby@rocketmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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