X Men Reincarnation

Published on Jul 25, 2023


Chapter 4 u know if its illegal to read this wherever you are leave i do not own any thing mentioned here and claim no ownership -------------------- last chapter i mentioned people from charmed please excuse this mistake they are not in this story thank you... if you like it and WANT it to continue email me Niftylfbc@yahoo.com me and jean walked up to the mansion and went to one of the windows in front and peered through no one was in the main hall and there was bodies thrown around on the ground i looked up and saw one of the windows on the fifth floor open "jean there is that a students room?" jean looked up at the window and thinking back to the mansion's hallways "i think its a hallway" i telekineticly grabbed a hold of us and levitated us there and we hopped into the hallway i thought back to betsy <sean where did you go we need you guys here now she is trying to get into the subbasement she is tearing apart the elevator now hurry wait she is there she just tore through get down here now!!!> i never heard betsy so worried before we rushed down after i gave jean the low down as soon as we reached the elevator the door concealing it was ripped off and the elevator was thrown upwards and looks like something huge went down <jean im going to draw her away from cerebro and i need you to make your way down as i bring her up here can you do that? betsy will fill you in on the rest> she then went and hid behind a

stair case as i jumped into the elevator and dropped down to the bottom floor telekineticly slowing me down on the way i poked my head out and saw cerebro room as she tried to get to cerebro. i sent a fireball at her and she turned her attention to me "well well isnt it past your bedtime little boy " i thought of how i was going to do this i just sent another fireball at her and "hey bitch catch me if you can " i said as i took off using logan's speed and agility as i jumped from wall to wall of the elevatorshaft till i reached the top and jumped out and waited for her to jump out as she did so i sent two more fireballs at her they hit her square in the chest i knew i couldnt beat her so i had to keep running but i had to make sure jean got down their first i sent things around the room at her "come on hit me with your best shot bitch" i shot at her just then she sprouted three more tentacles and they grabbed me and threw me into a nearby wall i got up as soon as i could but i looked around i couldnt find her "come out come out wherever you are " she then jumped on top of me "right here little boy " "okay what the fuck im not a little boy don't make me cut a bitch!!!"i threw her off of me i sent a reign of fireballs at her as i saw jean drop down the elevator shaft i ran around the corner and lifter myself into one of the vents i then opened one of the doors telekineticly and then closed it making it seem like i went outside she followed i dropped down and wen to the subbasement as i dropped down i looked up at the elevator and brought magnetos powers to me as i shifted the elevator into a door so she couldnt get through to the subbasement i went to cerebro i saw betsy and jean " so whats the

update?" betsy looked at the monitors "she is outside she is getting stronger i think she is absorbing the life forces of the students im trying to get all the teachers awake but i cant seem to brake through to their minds?" "she is doing it i think if the persons life force is strong enough she can steal their powers in which case where screwed betsy set cerebro at full power and make sure that it covers our mental signatures all of us are gonna have to go up to the teachers rooms and try from there " we all headed away from cerebro as we got to the elevator shaft betsy shadowstepped us to the teachers floor and me and jean hit the floor "wow that was extreme " betsy shrugged her shoulders we walked on till we reached emma's door "cant we just give her up ?" betsy and jean gave me a look that said it all "even though we dont like her she is an expierenced telepath "we walked into her room to see her on the floor and her blanket strewn around the otherside of the bed and drool coming out of her mouth as her hair was all over her head i pulled out my phone and took some pictures "your evil." betsy said with a big grin "but i want copies!" i nodded we all held hands and opened emmas mind and soon enough she woke up we went room to room doing this to each teacher till they were all awake when we were finally done we had cyclops beast wolverine ororo

emma nightcrawler betsy stepped up and filled them all in on the enemy "so now i want everyone to come with me except sean jean and emma you stay here and wait for us" me jean and emma waited while betsy and kurt teleported everyone to get psionics armour as they left i heard a metallic scraping with enhanced hearing as soon as i heard it. it was gone then a loud crash followed i knew it was from the elevator shaft "we gotta go help betsy come on !!!"as i ran towards the shaft i then jumped down and ran to the armory as i got there i found all of them fighting . i immediately jumped in and started fighting too i sent fireball after fireball at her and eventually got tired i took cover behind one of the many boxes by the wall jean was right next to me then it clicked she was just a mutant which means i could copy her powers i just needed some help "jean get all the telepaths to focus their power into me like a focal point i can copy her power and use it against her to beat her or at least weaken her ?" jean thought for a moment "yea but all the energy will take a toll on your body and mind" "but we did it at... "jean shook her head " no we were focusing on you but now youd would have to be able to fight with your powers and doing at the same time " "its worth a shot just get everyone to try it" i said as i ran out and started distracting Freddy with an assortment of elemental attacks "cmon come and get me !!!" <hurry jean!> i sent as i ducked three of the tentacles and got hit by a forth and got

thrown right into a wall as i got up i used her powers to suppress the ones she was using her tentacles disappeared slowly i had no idea what her powers actually were so i just concentrated on her tentacles and WANTING them to disappear finally everyone attacked but then her tentacles reappeared and slammed the closest people to her everyone ducked down and hid behind something i just kept sending things from around the room at her "now jean!!!" i felt it then all the telepaths were connecting with my mind i had to stay focused to stop her so i stood up and blocked the array of attacks she threw till finally i hit her with a pain bolt i charged up three more till she finally hit the floor knocked out cold then i felt it everyone was pulling out of my mind at once it hurt like hell afterwards i felt so empty so unfulfilled i finally dropped to the floor and was knocked out cold. when i woke up i was in my room on the teachers floor just then my door opened and bobby, ray, amara, jubilee, and jamie came through the door "what are you guys doing here" bobby looked up "umm we were coming to check on you you've been out for a week or so " i laid my head down and then i noticed a draft i was in my underwear and nothing else i blushed and pulled the covers over my body and all of them laughed "so what is the 411 " amara perked up "well Susie said that Darren told Katy that she was a backstabber because..." "no no no i mean with super bitch ?" i said with a sad tone i must have cut it close when we fought her. "so its the second day of summer right ?" they looked up and smiled and nodded "then why dont we go swimming ?" i got up and went to m

dresser and opened the bottom drawer and thought for a moment and then closed it "actually i cant why dont you guys go though ?" i said as i went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth i didn't care right now if i was only in my underwear and that they were my students we were almost the same age right? jubilee didn't buy that i didnt want to go though "why ?" i thought of something fast " i dont have any swim trunks" i said as i went to my closet nd closed the screen door they couldnt see me but we could still talk jubilee went to my bottom drawer and pulled out all my speedos even my highschool swimsuit and laid them out on the bed and spoke to me "umm i think we found something for you to wear outside we can go hangout by the pool instead i came out and saw what was on the bed "no i cant wear that what would people say" "they would say your looking sexy duh" amara said "yea but what would the teachers say?" i said jubilee looked at me "we could always force you to wear it?" i gave her a mock evil look "you could try but i could stop you " jubilee gave a smile " you wouldn't hurt us." "fine but if i get in trouble your going to take the fall?" they all nodded "fine" jubilee picked up a red speedo and gave it to me i went into the bathroom and changed and came out after we went and all got changed we headed for the pool it was packed me jubilee and amara went to the chairs set around the pool and sat down talking while the boys(ray bobby jamie) went to the pool... ------------------- cerebro

jean sat there wondering exactly what she was going to do she a voice rang in her head she walked down the hallway and opened cerebro as she put on the headset she started searching what for she didnt know but she did know that she was supposed to be here then she found a power emanating from somewhere close she made contact after she thought it was the professor <hello professor is that you?> <but...> just then she lost contact... ----- back at the pool

me and the girls were talking when bobby came up out of the pool *what i wouldn't give * i thought to myself saddened that i knew i couldnt be with him it would be morally wrong as his teacher i sat there not really in the conversation i got up "im gonna go for a swim " i walked over to the olympic size swimming pool and dove in and did a few laps then got out as i did everyone was staring at me i walked over to my chair and sat down and put a towel over me "hey why is everyone staring?" "cause your hot " a guy came over and said and sat down by me he was cute but not my type

"name is alex, alex summers" i looked him up and down "sorry not interested " i said i turned away from him and looked at the gang but he had to be stupid "to bad cause i could have taken that ass all night..." i spun around "here is some advice , do you see that pool right there?" he nodded trying to act sexy "if you dont want to drown there you will speak to me with respect or not at all preferably got it good now go" i said with venom he walked off "im gonna go guys i have to go and wash up i want to get in some shopping today" i got up and started off to get changed and go shopping i was heading to the gate when betsy came up too me "hey sean we need some help over here it might take a while though" just then as i heard that something in my head snapped i didnt care what happened or what will happen all i know is that im going to do what i want to do "sorry bets i have some things to go and get you understand " i continued walking but then something else came to mind i wanted something to do more than that i wanted to hang out with people my age and then... "actually i have something to do betsy sorry" i turned around and walked back to the pool they were all where i left them by the chairs everything was less crowded now i walked over it was about 8:00 "hey guys" i said with a sexy smile biting my lips "what do you guys say we go party?" they all looked excited jubilee didnt though "isnt that against the rules?" "i am the rule MAKER arnt i?" they all smile "everyone needs to be at my room at 9:00 sharp or else were gonna leave without you kay?" i walked off to my room and changed into a black almost see through dress shirt with it half

way buttoned up designer blue jeans my blue earring in my right ear and a necklace with a blue pendant i walked out of my room it was now 8:50 i walked back and forth waiting for them they finally made it at 8:59 "cutting it close arnt we?" jubilee looked at me strangely "we had to get ready " "anyway we have to hurry before betsy or logan find us they are gonna kill us " they followed me to the gate and i jumped up lifting them with me and hopped down to the otherside we took off after that we had to walk only a couple of minutes "okay take my hand" they joined hands and i lifted us up telekineticly and we took off towards the town we landed "okay are we going to where gay bars, clubs, some old boring bar ?" Julian and jaime voted for bars while bobby voted for clubs and me amara and jubilee voted for gay bars so we set off and soon we found a gay bar and it was a club we went in and found a table we sat down a waiter came up "can i see some id's please" i looked at him connecting with his mind "nah just get to rum and cokes, two screaming orgasms , and four shots of whiskey" he smiled "of course sir" he turned around and i smacked his ass he looked i just winked at him he came back and handed me and bobby the four shots of whiskey while the girls got the fruity drinks and julian and jamie got the rum and cokes "i think we should do body shots " julian and jamie were against the idea and wanted to leave they actually never wanted to come but we out voted them we spun a coin to see who would go first and they were all to scared so i flipped the coin and had to choose between bobby and amara tales for bobby and heads for amara i

spun again except i made sure it landed tales bobby laid on the table and i poured the whiskey on his neck to his treasure trail and liked some salt on my palm and licked his body savoring the mixture of flavors after i bit into the lime this went on till almost 4:00 in the morning we finally made it back to the mansion and we all went back to my room and i fell on the couch bobby laid beside me and the girls took the bed julian and jamie was left with nothing but right now for some reason i didnt care something big was happening could feel it i looked over across the room julian and jamie went to their rooms and got things like blankets and what not while amara and jubilee laid on the bed and then i looked across the room it was just me and bobby awake "why arnt you sleeping?" he looked slammed "waiting for everyone else want to go outside for a walk ?" he said slurring his words "can you walk?" i said as i helped him up and we walked down the corridor we walked and talked till it was about 8:00 and he couldnt walk anymore i carried him back to my room everyone was awake "what happened to bobby ?" jubilee asked "he cant handle his liquor he wandered off and wouldn't stop so he fell asleep out side . remember go take showers and put on plenty of perfume or cologne cause logan is gonna smell it if you dont bye" i said as they walked out of the room i laid bobby down on the bed and pulled his socks and shirt off then his pants i folded them and put them on the dresser and pulled the cover over him and walked out of the room for another day of fun....


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