X Men Reincarnation

Published on Jul 11, 2023


chapter 3 u know if its illegal to read this wherever you are leave i do not own any thing mentioned here and claim no ownership -------------------- last chapter i mentioned people from charmed please excuse this mistake they are not in this story thank you... we walked out to the courtyard and professor told me to lead the way led them to the forest where i saw the entrance a few miles away 'they know' were here professor ' we continued walking till we 'met' magnetos army of more than the professor told us all of them wearing telepathic armor i slowly walked towards the professor knowing he only had telepathy to rely on he was needing protection i saw jean back towards the professor also he told me to be careful and to stay safe there army was of 300 mutants i saw magneto as he raised his hand 'CHARGE'!!! i readied my stance and prepared for battle they moved first the first line of men charged us they apparently were in order due to power cause every single one of these mutants had short range powers or were pretty weak i was guessing he would save the telepathic mutants last since they could distract us so magneto could escape i saw as they met our formation they came straight to the professor. i saw a mutant shoot some kind of energy beam at me to move me i took the shot at absorbed it i shot a pillar of

earth out of the ground and that had sent him at least a hundred feet and next to magneto as i moved through the lackies protecting professor x i had an idea <professor we need to attack them as a whole not one by one people are starting to get tired and they didn't only got through like 50 mutants tops> <what do you suggest sean?> <when i had to search for sabertooth i couldn't find anything so i tried something i had to connect through their minds with my empathy i couldn't find anything and since i already established a connection to their mind they had no shield from my telepathy then what if me you jean betsy and emma go into the army's mind at once ?> i then looked at their army i saw someone hurt but another mutant came and healed him <that's it professor i will do it my healing factor and i picked up a power to heal other it should work or were screwed > he relayed it to the others he then told me that i would have to let them connect to my mind

so they could get into the others minds i said okay and they connected with me lowering my shields as soon as they were in i raised my shield having this many people in my mind hurt my head had a migraine but my healing factor kept my body and my mind from letting me falter <okay everyone we must hurry i can feel sean he is getting tired we must take out them telepathicly sean connect to

the army empathicly and then just keep up the strain for awhile > i knew this feat would have never been done before or maybe ever again but my healing factor should help me out the army slowly started dropping but slowly by tens maybe the strain was killing my head it hurt so bad i dropped to my knees withering in pain but still kept it up i eventually dropped more my bodys power was being drained and my healing factor is keeping up the strain but thats about it i cant even stand up soon about after ten minutes all of magnetos lesser forces are disposed but they were drained they pulled out of my mind ten minutes passed before i was at half strength then i started healing them one by one till we were all at full strength well except me the current members at stance are X-men 1.me 2.jean 3.ororo 4.emma frost 5.wonder woman 6.scott

7.colossus 8.beast 9.bobby 10.wolverine 11.rogue 12.betsy 13.alex (havok) 14.lorna dane 15.jubilee 16.ray 17.jaime 18.amara 19.Julian 20.angel(warren) 21.buffy summers 22.willow rosenburg 23.angel(from buffy)-angelus brotherhood- magneto sabertooth mystique pyro blob juggernaut----

mastermind lance stepford cuckoos ----- and some i did not recognize but all in all we were pretty even in numbers the stepford cuckoos first started a telepathic assault that was magnified by the electro magnetic field created by magneto i felt their presence trying to breakdown my barriers but by doing this they left themselves open to empathic and elemental assault i sent an empathic pain bolt at each of them startling them and stopping their telepathic assault to check their shields i took this opportunity to destroy the magnetic field then jean and emma and betsy crushed their shields and put them in a telepathicly induced coma then we each set off for individual ooppnents i took on sabertooth but wolverine wanted him and took it over i then saw jugger naut go for the professor i tk (telekinesis)pushed juggernaut with my mind but all it did is move him a whole foot i tried to empathicly knock him out but it didnt work i yelled for help but it didnt work he finally knocked the professor across the field and i saw him going for him again i didnt see the professor move i suddenly felt a surge of power and anger come over me as i rose at the same time as jean and we floated towards magneto and ajoined at the hands a i had a tingle in my mind and heard jean talk 'WE ARE PHOENIX ' i kept feeling the power surge slowly through my body i had to stop this i felt a thirst for death rage and blood i knew this was from someone else and not me so

i closed it out of my mind and floated myself down and looked up it was jean she raised her hand and the army we got rid of earlier was destroyed by the time i looked at them magneto and his group left ' you will pay for this magneto !' jean/phoenix said as everyone was distracted beast filled me in on everything all about phoenix and its jeans alternate personalty 'jean you have to stop this !' i screamed 'they will pay ' 'i know jean they will no matter what but is it worth someone else getting hurt she slowly settled herself down as i sent calming thoughts to her i went up and hugged her but i gave her over to scott wolverine looked mad but i didnt know why i left them and went over to the professors body i got on one knee and checked for a pulse a faint but obvious pulse was there i then felt a connection with my mind and a flood of information and then it disconnected and i checked the professor again this time i felt nothing i got up and walked over to everyone and told them the news beast got up and took the professorto the mansion as everyone else went with him a si said i would go and get the students along with nightcrawler and kitty i left and pondered my new found knowledge that could have only come from the professor its like a had a telepathic will for him i walked to teh safe house and when i got there i found the door busted in i walked in to see the juggernaut there trying to get at kitty and nightcrawler kitty made the kids intangiliable but i saw she was having a tough time and nightcrwaler was doing no damage to juggernaut at all everytime he tried to teleport him he smacked nightcrawler

away with a hand ' ha what are you going to do now that your precious Xavier is dead?' juggernaut taunted i sat there with anger in my face ' how about ' he turned to face me 'i make you pay?' ' and how are you gonna do that little man ' 'why dont you come over here and see' he walked over to me and tried to smack me i simply grabbed his hand and it kept him there but i was EXACTLY as strong as him so i needed to apply some telekinetic force to my fists and bent his fist backwards 'so exactly what do you have to say fro taking a mans life ?' i asked sarcasticly i was scary put his hand behind his back and led him out side and threw him to the floor making a mini crater ' you leave cain and if you EVER come back i wont be the one you should be worried about i wont hold back jean next time!' he got up gave me a dirty look and ran away we got all the students and started our journey to the mansion as we got their i walked away and to the professor's office i walked to P.A system ' excuse the interuption all students classes are excused for tommorow and for the rest of the day all students must go directly to their dorms and not to come out till dinner there will be an assembly tommorow morning at 9:00 attendance is mandatory that is all all teachers must come to the .. ' i couldnt bring myself to say his name ' office thank you' i took a seat across the desk and remebering my first memory here it was sitting right here and watching the professors desk i felt my pain along with the others i was wondering what would happen when we told all the others tommmorow then scott and the rest of the teachers followed

they took a seat 'what should we did you need sean ' jean said with tear stained eyes ' there is the matter of the school that the professor wanted done with' several pairs of eyes looked at me ' someone needs to run the school the finacial things in need to be done andother things need to be done he picked a head master for the school ' emma walked forward 'obviously he picked me ' ' no emma sorry actually he choose jean to run the school along with betsy as head mistresses , scott and storm are leaders of the x-men, emma and me will be looking over the junior team while most other things will be up to jean and betsy ' emma looked pissed 'how do we know your not lying' ' the professor gave me almost his entire memory before he died i know secrets not even people here know' 'like' ' cerebro pull up file w1354 and show the file on the holographic computer ' {confirmed} a little tube came from the ceiling and the professors will popped up in the middle of the screen i put on 2 gloves and touched the hologram it zoomed in on each part i mentioned 'that can easily be copied ' emma said quickly 'cerebro when and who created this file' {professor charles Xavier updated 3 hours ago } ' thank you cerebro you can shut down the computer now' {confirmed} the hologram and everything disappeared 'how is that possible he was in the battle' 'i thought of this i asked cerebro and he connected through telepathy to update the file now i think everyone should get some sleep because tommorow we have to tell the students about the new head mistresses and the professor ' they all filed out (now one more thing to take care

of) i thought aloud i walked through the hallway and finally ended up in bobby's door i knocked and after a minute he opened up looking like he just got out of bed 'im sorry did i wake you ?' he then realized who it was and i felt a surge of lust and something else i couldnt place 'ummm no not at all what is it' 'woah somebody's happy to see me' i said holding my head at the rush of the powerful emotion i couldnt place he laughed 'so what is it ?' he asked cute and flirty 'i think we should talk ' 'about?' 'what i did you see it wasnt really well it was but all my feeling were multiplied by yours and ' 'it okay i wanted it ' bobby gave me a sexy smile and tried to kiss me again i pulled away ' i dont know bobby i like you alot ' bobby smiled ' but i have responsibilities and i have no idea what this would do?' 'well my birthday is in a week and then they cant even say anything ' i heard a voice in my head (follow our heart ) i swore it was the professor but i just chucked it up to my mind playing tricks on me i leaned into bobby and kissed him 'goodnight bobby' isaid as i got up and walked out the door and walked to the teacher hall way as i heard something around the corner it was glass bottle hitting the floor i walked around to the one of the teachers dorms and saw betsy there bottles strewn everywhere around the room i walked in 'are you okay betsy 'for some reason there was no emotion coming of her i think it just made her my favorite person to be around 'uhh not much ' she said taking anothe swish of the vodka in her hand 'did you drink all of this ?' 'yep but dont worry my body wont get hurt damn ninja focus or

some shit' 'ahh i got it so are you gonna be okay' 'course kid you ever tried vodka ?' 'of course who wasnt ?' she got a shot glass and poured a some i took it and downed it with a solid expression on my face 'i love hard liquor but i have a healing factor so' she laughed i smiled 'you wanna do something productive ?' 'like?' "well i was gonna go on patrol' 'sure she said as she got up we walked around the grounds for a whilebetsy telling her story and me telling her mine until i smelled something thanks to wolverine and me borrowing his powers it felt familiar but i didnt know what i looked around <where?> she said as she looked more alert i walked around the corner following the scent and saw sabertooth with some person with a cloak on i saw the students on the gorund and saw the girl with the cloak on she was from a memory from professor xavier i went over to betsy <why not just take sabertooth out we can surely take him?> i picked us up with my mind and lifted us up to the window and opened it with my mind we jumped and saw it was bobbys room i went to him and tried to

wake him up ' damn its no use, betsy you need to get to cerebro its protected they wont be able to get into it just shie;d your mind an dthey wont notice you need to wake up all the telepathic x-men and shadow step to get them can you do that ?' 'sure sean but what about you ?' ' there trying to get the students your gonna need a distraction so go hurry ' 'be careful cause if not im gonna kick your ass ' she said as she shadow stepped out of the room i went to the door and peeked out no one was there i had to find them and keep them together i didnt want to look telepathicly cause then they would have figured me out and tried to see if anyone else would be up i walked down the hallway and saw them i knew he would be able to smell me first so i walked up to them and pushed him telekineticly and sent a plant flying at her a tenticle came out of her side and swatted it away and used it to put something on my head as sabertooth came around and grabbed me ' big mistake ' i pushed with my arms at his but i didnt work my body was weak i didnt have my powers it must have been the thing on my head i put up a fight but then i was stuck with something on my arm and im guessin it was a muscle relaxant because i couldnt move i watched in horror as she came closer to me 'so this is the one that magneto wants huh she walked up the stairs and towards the students dorms i tried my telepathy no go but then i remebered when i had to track down sabertooth i tried my empathy and it worked i reached out to betsy and sent panicking thoughts to her not to influence her to panic but to know i was panicking i didnt know if she got it or

not but i hoped she did i waited till freddy came back with scott and jean then sabertooth took me jean and scott they both were not asleep but relaxed as i was he carried us over his shoulder as a purple portal opened and he walked through it i immediatly saw magneto with his goons i was pissed the juggernaut was there i sat and waited for the right time to strike 'bring them to the brig sabertooth ' sabertooth then took me to a room and dropped me off i locked on with my empathy and tracked where he let go of jean and then scott then i remembered my telepathy i might be able to over load the machine if i sent telepathic waves into the machine itself so after 5 minutes of energy i got the thing to short circuit i then picked it off my head and felt my healing powers kick in i stood and after a few moments went to the door and opened it i walked down the hallway to the door this was jeans cell i opened the door and stepped in and close the door behind me i walked over to her and lifted the head band off her and put it in my pocket i then picked her up and carried her down the hall till she could stand up i then put her down and filled her in we left towards scotts room and we saw through the bars on the top of the door that sabertooth was hurting scott smacking him around i felt anger coming from jean <jean calm down he will be fine i have a plan we need to sneak in the room then knock him out hopefull quite like ok?> we slyly snuck into the room as i gave him a pain bolt he screamed ' so much for quite i made him fall asleep and wrapped one of the metal bars around him we heard guards coming from down the

hall we got scott up "sean how are we going to get out ?' um jean block the door i sat down as she blocked the door with a shield i concentrated on the front doors to the schooland then a portal about the size of a marble appeared it eventually startyed growing there were mutants using there powers against jeans barriers eventually the portal was big enough and i got used to the power i slammed sabertooth and jean and scott in to the portal then jumped in and closed it we were at the school i sent saber tooth to the brig and scott to the med bay as me and jean made our way to the mansion for a confrontation...

Next: Chapter 4

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