X Men Reincarnation

Published on May 30, 2023


i have no ownership or anything to the characters that are presented this is for entertainment purposes only if this is illegal where you are i am not responsible for you reading this if you are legally allowed to read this continue Chapter 2 i woke up in the med bay and layed there for a moment then sat up the professor and jean came in soon after 'so what the hell happened last night?' the professor answered ' you exceeded your ten power limit i'm guessing and your body was trying to accomidate the change but the good news is your new limit is 12 powers at once' 'what time is it?' jean looked at her watch ' almost 7:30' i got off the bed and rubbed my eyes ' i have class soon ' i walked out of the med bay and up to my room there was about a week till summer and i had an idea, most classes didn't have much to do, i got out of the shower and made my way to the professors office after getting dressed <come in sean ?> i walked in and took a seat ' professor most teachers have finished for the year and i had an idea if you could get the teachers to approve on a pass for the students in my classes for tommorow i wanted to throw a teachers dinner ' the professor thought for a moment and finally said ' i think that would be acceptable give me a list of things that will need to be provided by 5:00 today and i will send a telepathic message to the teachers i suppose you want to keep it a surprise am i correct ?' ' yes professor' he nodded and i smiled ' thank you professor' i looked at my watch ' i have to be

going to class' i walked out of the room and to my class preparing mentally ----------- skip to 4:30 I head to professor x's office and leave the list of things he needs on his desk '<thank you sean i will make sure you get those things they should arrive at tommorow at 7:00>' i walked out to the game room and saw bobby and the gang there i walked up to them ' what's going on you guy?' bobby looked up ' nothing teacher sean' i smiled a wide smile ' robert drake oh im sorry i forgot to say your middle name rober...' bobby looked petrified ' sorry sorry' i laughed along with everyone else and i saw what they were watching some cartoon or something on tv ' you guys wanna go for a walk ' everyone agreed and we set off we walked around the courtyard 'so all of you guys get to skip class tommorow but don't tell anyone kay or i wont take you out of class' bobby and Julian perked up ' awesome why though?' ' cant tell you a telepathic student or teacher might get wind of it ' we walked around for a while longer till it was dinner time and we made our way to the cafe and they sat at their table and i made my way to the teachers table this would be my first time eating in the cafe and im really getting used to this school i sat across from logan and he huffed he didn't like me very much but that maybe from me kicking his ass which i hear many people cant do i ate my food till the professor interrupted me ' so sean me and

henry have been thinking that we should start you on your x training on the junior team after the incident the last night ' ' i agree professor ' ' so i am wanting you to train to become a co captain on the junior team and after a while a member of the xmen of course' ' sounds great professor' logan made some smartass remark talking about how im not man enough to be an xman "you know logan they say people with insecurities voice it on other people anything you would like to share ?' 'kid id watch what you say' im not scared in fact i've done nothing but my job and you've been an ass ' ' logan unsheathed his claws 'if you want to start something logan not in front of the students ' i slowly walked to the danger room him following and we walked in after the door shut ' logan we need to end this now i don't know what i did to you but this is ridiculous ' he lunged at me but i grasped him by his adamantium covered bones with magneto's powers ' how long is this going to take?' ' you need to learn your place kid' i threw him against the wall and he got up and started running at me unsheathed my claws and blocked his attacks until he got the back of my leg and the blood started pouring then my healing factor kicked in and i healed i sent a pain bolt at him and he fell down i sent 5 more his way to he was on the floor ' you cant heal psychic pain logan i sent another pain bolt and he fell unconscious and i took him and dropped him in the med bay and walked back to the cafe i picked up my plate and put it in the bin i went and sat by bobby and the group ' whatcha guys up to ?" ' nothing ' bobby replied they continued

to talk until something interesting came up bobby' so are you guys doing the survival training?' everyone said yea as they explained that all the juniors had had to do survival training ' damn im gonna have to do it too' they all stared at me with confused looks ' professor x is training me to be a co captain for the junior team ' 'then you and ray are gonna be captains' we continued talking for awhile till it was time for bed that was fine with me since i was tired i walked the girls up then Julian and ray but then bobby was farther so he walked me to my room ' thanks but you didn't have too' ' its cool' i laughed at that i was lame i know but his name is ice man he is cool im a dork i know and as i opened my door he kissed me and walked away i just stood there till jean walked past (i had a room on the teachers floor) 'you okay sean?' i opened my mouth i was conflicted no matter if i trusted jean this was against the rules ' um yea just thinking ' i walked into my room and layed down in my clothes and all confused and conflicted i was now a teacher and he was one of my students i didn't want to get in trouble or anything i think i should talk to jean in the morning i soon fell asleep ... i woke up at 5:30 since i had to wake up early for the party tonight i went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water and waited for it to warm up i then jumped in and washed my hair then took the body wash and wash down my abs and down the v shaped muscle that leads to my destination and i closed my eyes as i wrapped my hand around my member and slowly started

stroking it was seconds before it was rock hard and my mind started to wonder i thought of bobby automaticly and how his ass would look without clothes and me running my cock down his back and slowly applying pressure to his ass and sliding my cock into him at was tight as fuck i picked up my stroking and soon after i was rewarded with a big load of sticky white cum shot out of my cock after i was able to coop i washed the shower finished and got dressed and went to my class. as i got there i found a note dear sean, all of the things you requested will be here at 6:30 and the students will be in the courtyard with the things i am holding a assembly for today to keep the teachers and students busy hoping all is well - professor charles Xavier i walked to the courtyard with about 15 minutes to spare before the students should arrive so i sat don and thought how i would want to do this i wanted it to be a party but also a dinner as my thinking someone came up behind me i turned around to see a pale bobby ' umm sean could we talk for a sec ' i got utterly nervous i wanted to talk to jean before this ' umm sure what's wrong bobby ?' i decided on a whim to play dumb maybe it was something not related to last night 'umm its about last night you

see ' damn there goes that chance 'umm its okay bobby i have to get this place set up ' ' but its just i , you were my first kiss and i like you and umm im rambling ' 'wow i don't know what to say bobby but i your teacher and is that even appropriate ?' 'it doesn't matter your only three months older than me and i don't know i just really wanted to be with you im just i don't know' ' its okay bobby i get it if you ever need to talk ever im here for you' we chatted lighter conversation until all the students showed up then the food and grills and all of the other equipment we set it up and made lunch we all got it together and ready by 1:00 then we had to make the food it was half way one when a girl set fire to a steak and freaked out i calmly picked it up with my mind and put it out and in the garbage i lectured her to calm down and the rest was uneventful the courtyard by the lake i time for our second part of the plan i took out baskets i made for the teachers and students i made the kids get in groups and gave them stuff for the teachers an invitation and a huge serving platter full of cookies we made we left to the first class jeans psionics i had the first group go in with me i masked our presence from here as she was writing on the board and finally yelled out ' hey lady waz up' in a construction worker voice in those old movies ' what did i tell you ryan' she turned around 'surprise' my kids screamed and she looked utterly surprised and confused the students handed her a basket and left we did this to all the teachers until we got to logan's class the students didn't want to go up to him or invite him so i took the basket and

asked a couple of students to come give the cookies to the kids we went up ' logan' i gave him the basket but instead he unsheathed his claws and shred the basket to pieces the students were pissed but i still gave the cookies to his students 'don't eat those or you will get ten extra laps' he screamed 'logan you can not punish them for something that they were given i gave them permission and the professor knows everything so you can go and talk to him if you have a problem ' i gave the students nod and they ate the cookies logan was steaming and me and my students took off after i told the kids telepathicly to tell me if logan punished them ... ----- PARTY TIME!!!! the first one to arrive was professor x the guest list was to all teachers but if logan came i would deny him entry for tearing up the invitations in front of my students the guest list was emma frost betsy braddock jean professor x scott ororo alex summers

lorna dane hank Mccoy warren worthington 3rd wonder woman (wow) as soon as i asked about her apparently she was a mutant and one day a guy saw her using her powers and made a story around it so her name was wonder woman and she was from an island that was hidden from humanity but by cerebro not some goddess as soon as i met everyone i was happy . i went up in the front and slowly raised myself using my mind ' may i have your attention please i would like to thank you for coming to this celebration and would like to thank the students for making it al possible so i would like to introduce the ones who made the food we are about to eat i made each group come up and show themselves before they could go and have fun at the party but by the time i was done and we finished our dessert and the students and i cleaned up i moved the tables with my mind and showed the floor i requested as the students brought out the stereo system the had set up and the music played and the teachers started dancing i saw logan looking over and i felt my anger rise to the surface and i walked towards him ' can i do anything for you logan?' i said sarcastically 'isn't this the teachers party ?' ' you decline invitation cause im not letting you in you not only disrespected me in front of my students but we worked really hard on this party and you spit on us by doing what you did' i walked away leaving a wall of telekinetic energy there he walked

right into it and i didn't let him in through the whole party the professor came to me and told me to reconsider after i did not want to he said he understood and it was ultimately my choice since it was my party we had a great time and even i got the professor to dance well wheel but you get the idea we all had a good time i gave the students extra credit we stopped the party since we all had training tommorow and responsibilities i walked to my room but this tim bobby was waiting for me and i felt a surge of lust hit me i didn't know if it was me or bobby but at this moment i didn't care i wanted him to fuck my brains out and vise versa i went up to him and without thinking of the consequences i walked up and attacked him with my mouth and i started massaging his tongue with mine and i took control of the situation and i grasped his dick through his jeans and then brought my hands around to his ass and grabbed him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and and kept his and my mouth together i let go of his legs and turned to my door before he could even get upset about the eruptness that i stopped i unlocked the door grabbed him and brought him in my room i didn't bother to close the door i didn't care i was to horny something felt off like this wasn't my emotions and horniness but i didn't dwell i didn't care i wanted to get layed and quick but then i felt a telepathic assault i wasn't really good at telepathy since i wasn't trained yet and succumbed to the darkness that overwhelmed me i woke up in a cell like place it was the med bay but there was bars around me like a medical cell i saw henry

and the professor walk in the horniness wasn't there well it was but not at such as high concentration like it was somewhere else but close ' what's going on professor?' 'jean apparently caught you in a umm situation with bobby.' ' oh yea have you seen his ass where is he' i asked with eagerness horniness returning to me ' well he is in his room safe from you for now but i need to discuss a matter with you i must advise you to consider this option carefully ' ' okay professor ' ' i want you to let me go in your mind and telepathicly transfer information on your powers to you it would seem your empathy is kicked in i would transfer the information from storm for your elemental powers and jean for your telekinesis me for you telepathy and another student for your empathy will you accept ' ' do you promise i can see bobby if i agree' i said 'umm if bobby agrees yes' then entered jean storm and another student i wasn't familiar with i felt him enter my mind and started i would say remembering things but they weren't my views on powers i knew how to use my powers most of them anyway he only gave me the basics i was confused about my feelings of bobby the student looked up with familiar realization' professor that's not him well it is but i feel his empathy he is tied to peoples emotions this is not his personality ' the professor looked at the student and thought for a moment ' can you find out who he has these ties with ?' ' yes professor but i would have to go into his mind and i might see personal information ?' ' just hurry up i want to get back to bobby' i exclaimed eagerly the professor nodded ' umm professor i think

you might want to take a look at this' the professor knew what to do and connected to his mind the professor gasped at what he saw then broke the connection to his students mind 'it seems this is more of an pressing issue it seems he is connected to sabertooths mind that could be where all the hostility is coming from towards wolverine ' he then sorted out his thoughts and spoke ' sean i need you to find sabertooth in your mind after mr Foley here disconnects all your other empathical ties ' 'ill try professor'i felt all of my horniness gone but i was sitting there in my underwear with a raging hard on with my cock tenting in my underwear at about 9 inches hard i tried to concentrate knowing all of the things about empathy now i concentrated i knew no one has found an empathic shield but rather a telepathic ones i went and followed the tie and eventually found sabertooth i blocked out his emotions and stayed on that tie ' i've found him professor he is at some kind a base?' 'where sean concentrate' i kept looking but couldn't im already inside of his mind so i tried now connecting with my telepathy and it worked i found out where everything was at and slowly pulled out of his mind ' he is here in new york a few miles away underground almost practicly where the party was at earlier' this alarmed the professor to no end' jean wake up all xmen and teachers got them to take the students through the safe house exit and leave them there with nightcrawler and shadow cat everyone meet me in the mission briefing in t- minus 10 minutes sean come with me' we walked and wheeled to a room with a giant umm i guess pod would be

the best word he told me to step in and i did a light came on and i guess this was a scanner it scanned me for two minutes until finally across the room a uniform like the ones scott ororo and jean wore ' welcome to the xmen sean ' i quickly put on the uniform and followed him to the mission briefing after an hour or so the teachers and xmen came in ' sorry professor we got all the students along with nightcrawler and shadow cat after another hour we finished the meeting apparently we were going to launch an attack on magneto this time i guess them getting past all the defenses nerved the professor caused half of the people there were worried that the professor but in the end the professor knocked there worries aside and said that this was most likely a plan of attack on the school so we must attack first we all agreed on that fact and we got ready then went to the courtyard the professor told me i had to lead the xmen into battle this time and they were assigning wonder woman to protect me incase of an emergency all in all there was that was going on the mission was: 1.me 2.jean 3.ororo 4.emma frost 5.wonder woman 6.scott 7.colossus

8.beast 9.bobby 10.wolverine 11.rogue 12.betsy 13.alex (havok) 14.lorna dane 15.jubilee 16.ray 17.jaime 18.amara 19.Julian 20.angel(warren) 21.piper 22.phoebe 23.Paige 24.wyatt 25.chris 26.buffy summers 27.willow rosenburg 28.angel(from buffy)-angelus

it seemed like there was no way that magneto was able to beat this amount of people of such power but it seemed that the professor had to tell me that magneto had an army of mutants or about 150 mutants along with magneto who can usually keep

us at a stand still alone i got nervous -------- time for battle - we walked out to the courtyard and professor told me to lead the way led them to the forest where i saw the entrance a few miles away 'they know' were here professor ' we continued walking till we 'met' magnetos army of more than the professor told us all of them wearing telepathic armor i slowly walked towards the professor knowing he only had telepathy to rely on he was needing protection i saw jean back towards the professor also he told me to be careful and to stay safe there army was of 300 mutants i saw magneto as he raised his hand 'CHARGE'!!! i readied my stance and prepared for battle ------ don't you just love cliff hangars i'm sorry about the limited sex scenes and i do try to make them hot for you but everytime i get to working on one i kinda lose my drive to write after i have to take care of some 'business' lol love ya -author

Next: Chapter 3

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