X Men Reincarnation

Published on May 30, 2023


disclaimer: this chapter and all other written by me are not my property i claim no ownership whatsoever if this illegal for you to read in your area do us all a favor and stop. hey sean so are you coming to the after party one of my team mates asked no sean replied as he continued walking to the parking lot and opening his jeep door and threw his bag in the back as he started to drive down the road he started getting a bad feeling in his stomach he raced and as arrived he unlocked the door and closed it without doing anything else he finally fell to the floor as the pain in his stomach traveled through his body and eventually settled into a pain almost bearable and he crawled to the couch and layed there to he finally lost consciousness. when he awoke he looked over at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost 8:00am so he climbed up to his feet and slowly stretched thinking about the night before 'must've worked to hard at last nights meet' he thought he slowly walked off to the shower he slowly undressed as he entered the bathroom he took off his shirt and then slowly his pants down to his bikini briefs then slowly started taking them off and looking in

the mirror giving off his killer smile that half the people in his school would die to kiss then took of his underwear and hoped into the warm abyss he slowly washed his arms to his chest down to his torso slowly going down to his 'happy trail' and rubbed down to his 6" soft cock and rubbed it slowly he knew he didn't have time for this act but teased his cock anyway then a phone went off so he finished washing off and hopped out of the shower and went to his room fully nude letting his cock swing back and forth as he got dressed in a pair of white sneakers and shirt and black track pants with white stripes along the sides he went down and ran to his jeep he turned the key and took off to school as he drove down the road he finally pulled up to his high school and parked in the senior section of the lot he got out of his car with his bag and left towards the entrance he met up with brad a swim team buddy of his 'hey' brad high fived him 'hey brad what's up' brad just slumped his shoulders as he took off to his girlfriends locker sean went to his first period class debate he sat there until first bell rang as the teacher took to his desk ' class today's discussion will be about abortion i want sean to be the positive to keep abortion legal and kyle to be negative and to ban abortion as well

as making it illegal cassey can you be the mediator please' 'yes sir ' a young girl said as she took the middle podium i set off to the podium on the far left and my opponent took one on the other side ' sean could you possibly start off the discussion ' i cleared my throat ' by keeping abortion legal you are improving the chances at life for a mother ' i started ' while improving chances of life for the mother you are demolishing a young life of a child' kyle finished ' but abortion must be completed before any kind of human is formed ' i stated 'the abortion must approx 5 weeks after conception but as soon as conception occurs there is life and taking that life is inhuman ' kyle finished with a glum look his look was an accomplished one ' but if your reffering to cells being formed at conception they are just cells that have not been proven to be capable of pain thought or any other trait of a human being and is capable of saving lives from terrible diseases and as to it being inhuman 'to cells' we all kill cells that are alive why is it so inhuman' kyle replaced his look with one of anger of being disputed his opinion' okay guys that's enough i want everyone's opinion on the matter turned in by monday at least 500 words' just then the bell rang

as for the rest of the day it was just a blur of questions and answers graduation was soon approaching and teachers were going easy on everyone he stayed after and cleaned out his locker as he was done he set off towards his car but bumped into someone a good looking guy with brown hair green eyes about an inch shorter than sean ' i'm sorry ' sean blurted ' its no problem ' ' hey are you new here?' sean asked 'yea i kinda missed the bus on my way out ' he made a cute sad face and sean fell for this ' well why don't i give you a lift ' thanks that would be great ' and they took off towards the exit as they got out side some guy was leaning on sean jeep he looked pissed off something felt off to sean and he didn't like this as they approached the man ' excuse me' but he payed no attention to me and looked at the guy that i bumped into he nodded and the rough looking guy picked me up by the throat and the guy next to me shifted into some kind of blue woman i freaked and punched the guy in the face he went flying through the air and stopping with a thud i caught my breath and ran to my car and sped off i didn't know where to go so i went to the first public packed place i thought of 'the mall' i thought aloud as soon as pulled in i ran to the entrance

and walked around looking around my shoulder every so often i eventually got hungry and stopped after i finished i went walking around thinking about what to do next when i walked into a man and woman i flinched the man had brownish red hair and the woman had long flowing red hair ' sorry ' i said to them she just stared like she has seen a ghost i just kinda walked off they just stood there watching me walk away ' mystique ' the woman said i slowly walked out of the mall and to my car i didn't know where to go but i didn't want to stay here as i opened the driverside door it was immediately shut by someone the furioucus looking guy from school was there along with the blue woman he picked me up and this time i was different stronger and a little more angry ' leave me alone!!!!' i screamed as i kicked the guy as hard as i could and he was knocked on his back i got up and went for the blue woman and grabbed her by the throat she laughed ' now either leave me alone or ill make sure you do!' i threw her to the side and went to my car but before i could reach i was knocked over by the big guy' mystique i'm getting sick of this one he growled' ' you baboon sabertooth we need him alive' mystique walked over to sabertooth and had a needle in her hand as she stuck it

in me i got drowsy and numb i was guessing it was a sedative and they were expecting it to work so i slowly relaxed to give the effect of sleep as i saw a red beam hit her and sabertooth i climbed up and saw them the man and woman (leave me alone growl) i saw her pick up a boulder from the rock garden near the mall and throw it at saber tooth but he caught and threw it back at double the speed the man was caught with the woman and was distracted i had to do something i ran as fast as i could in front of the woman she looked petrified but i got in front of her and punched the boulder it smashed and i started walking towards the guy 'its not nice to hit women ' i said as i i punched him then picked him up and threw him past the trees nearby i walked to the woman and thought that she deserved to go with him and she took off flying the man turned towards the woman ' nice one jean ' 'scott i didn't do it ' i started walking off i started coming up with answers im a mutant im telekinetic and super strength i think? i walked to my car leaving them they started following and then suddenly i couldn't move i knew jean was doing it i have read about mutants there powers everything i could find i visualized a painful thought and i saw her face contort

and let me go then scott fired a blast at me it just went into me and i felt a lot better i continued walking towards the car i drove off i needed to think so i drove home and took a nice hot shower and fell asleep when i woke up i got dressed and got to school feeling great no one can touch me i'm so strong sean thought his class rang and he took a seat for his forth class of the day it was a chem class so it was extremely boring i let my mind wonder but next thing i know something flys by my head and it was a granulated cylinder i got a little nervous and kinda concentrated on keeping myself in check as the day finished up i got up this was my last day of school finally im getting off easy this year i get to miss the last like 2-3 weeks of school since i finished i walked out to my jeep and drove to a nearby park that had a few people inhabiting it at the moment i sat under an apple tree with the book i brought talking about mutation and genes i looked up and picked an apple out of the tree with my mind i finished my apple and one of the chapters in my book when i spot t jean across the park i get up and walk over to her ' what is it jean?' i asked with a bored feel on my words but when all i could think about is how they learned to control their powers although i didn't have a

big out of control period with mine it was bound to happen sooner or later and i rather be prepared.' i just wanted to say thank you for yesterday i sorta got caught in the moment and was wondering if you wanted any help with your powers you see i was trained at a school where i learned and was extending an invitation to you' i looked a little knocked out with info 'um sure but could i see this school ' 'of course umm i sorta walked here should we take your car?' 'course' we walked off to my car and got in i followed the directions that i was given and taken to a huge estate we got through the gates and walked in after parking the car out front the mansion was beautiful on the inside espeacily i was taken to the professor charles Xavier the founder of the school ------------ skip one hour ------------ i sat there as jean had filled me in on everything there is for me to know as the professor wheeled in ' sean i have been told you would like to attend the school ' 'yes sir' 'it seems as though you've already had your highschool

education done so i have a question for you as you have seen the school is new with a few hundred students but we are running on a shortage of teachers and it seems you have taken a variety of classes and was wondering if you might also consider starting to teach a class and maybe later on more?' 'that sounds splendid professor ' 'good then its settled so you took • foods1-2 • all level 500 science math and english classes • history and geography classes • business management • spanish and italian • along with being a T.A. in some classes? 'that's correct sir' i said honestly 'that's quite impressive so think it best if you start teaching the foods classes and work up to academic classes is that work well for you?'' 'yes sir' 'one ore thing sean i am going to have to aseses your powers and for this im going to have to enter your mind is this fine with you?' ' umm i suppose sir' the professor closed his eyes then opened them a minute later ' well its seems you are quite powerful sean you have the powers of mimicry,telekinesis, telepathy, empathy,

elemental control,energy absorbstion but the difficult part since you have a power that otherwise copies powers it sees through sight or telepathy its hard to say which are yours and the thought pattern on the powers are very strange they are all the same but it seems if you copied someone power you would copy there brain wave pattern as well so i will let you settle in jean will give you some paperwork and things to complete then the rest of the time is yours your first class is tommorow ' sean sat there for a moment 'thank you professor' he then got up and exited the office and met up with jean she handed me some things and led me to my room ' its getting pretty dark we can go and fetch your stuff tommorow there is some sweats and stuff in that drawer over there and ill come and get you in the morning if you need anything you know how to get hold of me ' she said tapping her fore head sean went and sat on his bed after jean left he looked through the things jean had left him most of which were just contracts and legal things for the school (authors note to save my valuable :] time im gonna pretty much list the things mentioned in the documents ) salary:2000 american dollar/ a week

work times: every day and every other school period. 1,3,5,7,9. includes being monitoring halls and other school areas approx students in each class:25 i sat the documents down after signing a few and just layed down my head and slowly fell asleep. when i woke up it was light outside and i looked at the clock next to me 5:30 am i highly doubted that the students would be up this early after all the classes started at 8:15 so i had a while i got out of bed and saw all of my things from my house with a note saying that they had gotten my stuff and told my parents was picked up to be a teacher in a private school jean even left a little note saying how proud they were i picked out some clothes and got in the shower after i finished i got dressed and walked out of my room after picking up the key card next to the door i walked around aimlessly for a while till i made it to the kitchen and there was some people here im guessing teachers i guessed the names since jean explained things to me last night there was scott, logan, ororo, jean. i walked to the cabinet got a glass and poured some water we had our pleasantries from

everyone well except logan ' isn't it a little early for a student to be up?' logan stated i was a little irritated for no apparent reason it really wasn't like i looked like a teacher and i just stopped being a student but this just seemed to piss me off ' yea i guess it is i wouldn't really know' i said as i sat down i would play this little game i dont exactly know why i felt like i didn't like this guy but i didn't logan' and why dont you know?' he said in a sarcastic manner ' lets just say im new here ' logan just muttered something about new students and walked off i sat there for a while learning all kinds of things about ororo scott and jean there powers everything after it was time to go to class i walked off to class a little late as i walked in everyone was sitting on desks and talking ' crap i guess im late' a guy started talking ' dont worry the teachers not even here yet im sure its probably gonna be some lame ass like the last one ' i just smirked and walked o the teachers desk and computer while pulling up attendance someone said ' dont let the teacher catch you doing that they will flip' ' okay now everyone sitting on someones furniture is disrespectful to that person unless i say so' i smiled' so everyone in your seats any seat you want but if that seat becomes a problem you will be

moved but i know that there will be none of that right' ' and who exactly do you think you are ?' ' your new teacher just call me sean ' they all just stared as if half believing me i just thought of something what the hell am i gonna teach them this is a foods 2 class so they will know the basics ' okay now everyone tommorow is gonna be our first day cooking and since its almost summer i have only one project for you to complete in this class, there will be little if no homework ' they cheered ' and were gonna have fun but first i wanna know how many of you are only doing this as an driveby class?' nobody said anything ' it wont matter or offend me in any way i just would like to know who actually wants to be here ?' only two people stood up ' what are your names ?' the boys spoke ' bobby ' 'Julian' i thought for a moment ' well bobby and Julian i have a piece of advice for you if your wanting to take an easy class this is not it okay class i want you to pair up in groups of 3-4 people and write a paper on what you want from this class i want one from each person and it can be as long as you want but you have to write something ' ' oh and class i have a couple of rules 1. no powers

  1. no playing around 3. follow all safety procedures 4. have a good time and make good food!

' everyone got into groups and turned in there papers and left after the bell rang i had a whole period of free time i took everything with me and left to my room and dropped my stuff off and went to the teachers lounge as what jean called it just my luck only logan was there ' what are you doing in the teachers lounge?' ' relaxing ' logan gave a frown i guess people dont smart off to him 'this place is only for teachers ' 'and?' logan was getting angry i could feel it somehow he stood up and grabbed my arm so tight it started hurting ' logan put me down now or else i said screaming ' 'or what logan said ' i got angry and quickly went over my powers in my mind

mimicry telekinesis telepathy empathy elemental control i thought i would try something simple i saw that guy yesterday use super strength so i grasped logans arm and twisted it backwards and threw him he got up as the

scratch on his arm disappeared i saw claws and thought about them on me and i felt the metal go through my skin past my knuckles and saw that i too had claws guess i just did mimicry he came at me as he screamed mystique or something garbled he tried to lunge but i blocked with my new found claws and threw him with my mind as he got up i thought of empathy i f i think of him being drowsy long enough he should fall asleep i started thinking as hard as i could and soon he fell to the floor and was snoring i laughed as i was confused to the change in me i felt anger towards this man i didn't know then jean came in ' what happened here?' ' logan likes to hit things doesn't he ' jean just nodded with a realization of what happened ' i just put him asleep he should wake up soon ' jean picked him up and took him to the med bay as i cleaned up in there i got to my next class and kept doing the same thing and all my classes ended at 4:00 so i took off to the courtyard and sat down this day was pretty busy i sat there till i saw someone on the other side of the lake it was bobby from my class he came over to me and sat down 'sup bobby ' 'hey mr sean ' 'god dont call me that its sean ' i said with a smile

' umm yea sean so what are you up too ' 'not much about to go practice my powers you want in?' 'yea finally a chance to be one of the teachers' i smiled and we went to the clearing and i said ' say the word and the battle ends kay?' he nodded then charged covering himself in ice as he came at me i stayed still and waited till the right moment concentrating on what i could do at the last minute i side stepped and he went past me and shot ice shards at me i just picked them up with my mind and sent them back and switched to elemental powers he sent shards after shards at me and i raised the earth around me protecting me from him and i sent vines from the ground and wrapped him up i walked over to him and let him go 'im getting bored what do you guys do around here for fun ?' 'well me and some people are going out in an hour there all in your class ?' ' cool mind if i tag along all these grown-ups seem like lame asses except for jean' 'umm sure ' bobby said awkwardly then laughing 'ill meet you by the front door '

i walked off and something popped into my mind was how cute bobby was and wait is that against the rules

whatever a guy can dream i walked to my room and get ready in about 40 minutes and walked down stairs to the front door and saw bobby and some students i knew there was Julian, bobby , amara, jubilee, ray, and jamie i walked up to them ' you guys ready to go?' they looked at me and nodded so what car are we taking and where to?' ' we are probably gonna take two cars and were going out to eat then just hanging out ' amara said ' well we can take my jeep and that can hold like three more people comfortably how about ill take jaime jubilee and amara and bobby and Julian can take another car ' we all agreed and headed out we stopped at a lame mcdonalds ' why dont we go somewhere classier like um that italian place over there ' ' thats too expensive ' jubilee said most people at the mansion are runaways and only get the monthly allowance of 50 buck except amara she is freaking rich' 'well i ll pay' and we parked in the lot and walked towards the building despite their objections i went up to the conseirge ' i need a table for please ' i said with my flirty smile she blushed and started leading us to our table ' somebodys got skills ' bobby said from behind me i smiled and sat down we all ate our meanwhile talking

when the bill came bobby took it but i grabbed it out of his hand with my mind and saw it was $80.29 i paid the bill and left a twenty tip with my new bank card and money from Xavier we left and went to the park and walked around when we saw people across the park that apparently bobby described as toad pyro along with the 2 i knew mystique and sabertooth ' bobby take these and get back too the mansion everyone go now!' as i threw my keys at them i dont know whats come over me lately but im acting all weird 'no we can take them' 'bobby get everyone to the mansion ill be fine' he gave me then them one more glance then took off they slowly followed as i saw them coming towards me i got nervous i didn't want my powers to go out of whack now of all times i readied myself for battle i let out the claws and thought of my powers again ten powers i can borrow without consequences sabertooth was first to charge i simply made a pillar of earth that he ran into pyro was true to his name and surrounded me in flames i concentrated on my elemental energy and put out the fires then i felt a slimy substance on my arm it was toads tongue ' that is fucking disgusting you little puddle of puke ' i then threw him at pyro by this time both mystique and sabertooth

where coming at me i tried to get a hold of them with my mind but they were to quick i thought for a second i withdrew my claws and lunged at sabertooth but instead of attacking i did a summersault and threw him with my feet into mystique i sent all the drowsy thoughts to them but only one didn't fall mystique i put a cage around the others and threw a fireball at mystique she dodged with swiftness i haven't ever seen then a shard of ice hit the ground in front of her i looked and saw bobby i was pissed and thankful ' i told you to leave' then everyone else came out 'we dont leave anyone behind ' ' well all you guys have to do is make sure they dont get out ' i pointed over there then something hit me in the head i fell to the ground and stayed there for a moment then got up and saw mystique smiling ' owww you blue bitch im gonna rip you in half 'i picked her up and tangled vines all around her and made a tk shield around her ' i like to see her get out of that ha ' ' did you guys call' my question was answered when i saw jean and scott in black spandex walking over ' finally' 'whatever were here arnt we?' 'yea yea yea' we took them to the jet? and i took my jeep back but of course on my way some jackass in a weird helmet is standing in the middle of the street he held out his hand

and stopped the car i got out ' what the hell man' he laughed and told me to come with him he made me nervous i was actually scared i bared my teeth and growled his power emanating in the air was amazing ' what do you want ' 'you' he then hit me with my car and i gotta say it HURT i got up my scratches healing and he tried to throw the car at me remembering what the professor said i held out my hand and used telekinesis and caught it it wavered and was heavy but i threw it back and it was tossed aside like a rag doll he calmly walked towards me and i freaked i took off the street lights flickering along the way i ran towards the mansion as fast as i could i suppose he caught what i was doing and started throwing things slowing me down i finally got to the mansion and screamed out in my head 'professor help!!!' i ran to the gates but they were torn off and rapped around me i tried punching the bars but it didn't work i concentrated and i started sensing things around me metal. i concentrated on the bars and they slowly let go of me and i got pissed off i let loose a stream of fire at magneto and he put up a shield and then fled i looked around and was beat i walked to the mansion and slipped and fell on the floor i was exhausted jean passed

by ' professor ,scott, ororo !!!' she ran while carrying me with her mind to the med bay scott showed up i sent to him telepathicly recalling on are first meeting when i absorbed the beams he shot he looked petrified he put his hand on his visor and shot a beam at me jean looked scared ' what the hell are you doing scott?' but then i sat up straight ' thanks scott' i sat back down and fell asleep i was beat this was a rough day ... TBC --------------------------------------------------------------- thanks for reading im already working on chapter two so ill keep it updated 5016 words !!!yay

Next: Chapter 2

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