X Men New Path

By moc.liamtoh@5491_ht61_yluj

Published on Jan 13, 2008



I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in an alternate X-Men universe from the one in which the 3rd movie took place. Certain events occurred after X2 which changed the timeline. Jean, Scott and Professor X are all still alive, and there was no cure. The specifics of the timeline changes may be made apparent as the story progresses. Some characters have been changed a little from the marvel universe as well and some of the facts may be out of place because I never read the comics and wanted more characters than were revealed in the movies.

Endings and Beginnings

"Said" `thought' telepathic

~Johnny's P.O.V.~

Sitting down casually reading "Catcher in the Rye" for what seemed to be the hundredth time he was surprised to hear the usually nimble Elektra's feet pounding into the room

"Start packing Johnny!" she exclaimed wile running into the room strait to her dresser

"Why are you ^Å we packing?" quizzically I asked putting down the book and starting to pack my small amount of things

"The hand is going to fall, you will no longer be used by them please just tell me you will seek out a normal life for yourself its what is best." She stated in the voice she used to speak to others in the hand the voice completely void of emotion of any kind that prompted that you just obey and not ask. I started packing up my corner of the room and the small amount of belonging I owned. Wile being a powerful asset to the Hand most of the feared me because I was a mutant and because of that I was treated as lower than them given my food in the corner of Elektra's room that she got from the kitchen for me sleeping on the mattress she had gotten for me the only thing the hand had given me was the uniform that they all wore Elektra gave me clothes and small things that she could afford to but the hand gave me nothing more than training to kill weapons to help me and in turn I killed for them, the only reason I even stayed was because Matsu'o Tsurayaba (Stick) the leader of the hand gave me a home to live in and a reason to live he took me in after I was dumped by my parents.

"Were we going Elektra?" A little emotion in saying her name gave away how scared I was. The Hand was all I knew sure I was treated like crap and was a tool for them it was my only use in life. She walked over to me and hugged me I could see she really did care about me someone in this world cared about me.

"I have asked a mutant college to accept you as a student; it's a school in New York for mutants. They will take care of you teach you about the world about how it truly is and they wont use you like a tool like the hand did" she scuffed up my white hair playfully trying to cheer me up. I stood up tying my bad full of belongings to my waist and pulled my harness on that helps my butterfly knives and walked over and picked up one of Elektra's bag as she strapped her sai to her legs

"Follow me and hurry she picked up her other bag and stood up started heading to the door I pulled my hood over my head incase I got seen in public. She walked to the end of the hallway and looked around the corner seeing that no one was there she crept out and stood on the window sill and turned to me making a sign to be quiet she jumped from the window and landed on the wall and slit the guards through from behind I jumped from the roof looking at the dead guard recognizing it was Tsuka one of the people who treated me the worst in the Hand we silently slipped away and into the night.

~Sean's P.O.V.~

"Honey come back inside before someone sees you" his mother ran to the backyard over to her teenage son who was lying down on the grass daydreaming as he whittled a piece of wood with a sharp bone he mutated and pulled from his index finger

"Coming mum." He slowly got up and stated walking back to his house the prison he had hid in for the last 16 years if only society could be more accepting

"Sean please stop coming out here especially don't do that on the lawn the neighbors might see you anyway we have something to tell you and its important" walking inside with a defeated look on his face he saw his father sitting on the couch. What was wrong now, sighing he sat down on the couch

"Son we have found out about a school in New York that we think you might like" I suddenly sat bolt upright. They were letting me out! They were letting me go to a school!

"Honey it's a school for people like you, it's for mutant teenagers" she took the look on my face as disappointment. I jumped over to the couch they were sitting on and hugged them both and started crying I was so happy

"you have to go upstairs and pack you will be heading out tomorrow 4am" he got up off the couch and ruffled my hair, as he did this I sped up the stairs and started packing so over joked, I was going o meat other people! I was going to meat other mutants! I was going to be happy I just knew it.

~Mikhail's P.O.V~

Spending the last 3 months with only a few other people in a small rural community in Russia I was relieved and scared to see a crowds of people I didn't know faces idea never seen before I walked up to the flight terminal and asked for a one-way ticket to New York America paying the steep price reluctantly she handed me my ticket and told my flight left in fifteen minutes and told me they were nearly finished boarding pointing to the terminal I ran to it showed them my passport and gave them my ticket as they weigh my handheld luggage and let me on the plane. I was finally going to see Piotr again after this long I hope he would want to see me let alone want me at the Xmen institute. Finding hid seat and sitting down watching the bad subtitled movie I drifted off to sleep dreaming of the possibilities tomorrow may hold.

~Professor X P.O.V.~

  • Logan, Bobby, jubilee, Storm, Piotr. Please report to my office I have something I need you to do* the telepathic message was received throughout the school and the people mentioned were knocking on the door after a few minutes

"What's up Wheels" Logan asked the professor a bit of attitude in his voice crept through being called in the middle of a workout session wasn't the best of times

"Ok now that you're here I have some news, we have two new students coming to the school today." Logan groaned hating to be a baby sitter

"Names and descriptions" he asked grumpily knowing he couldn't tell the professor no

"the first is Johnny no last name average body height highly defined mussels will probably have his hair covered because it is snow white, you will know who he is because he will be accompanied by Elektra, the second is names Sean Agustien usually a small to average height he will look about 13 but don't be fooled he is actually 16 he can make himself look older or younger its part of his mutation that's why I am asking you to make a sign to help him find you. Both of the new students haven't been in a proper school before and I don't know how advanced they are in there mutant capabilities, as for there school education Johnny has had none he is smart and learns quick but doesn't know a lot of things because of how he was brought up and Sean has been homeschooled from a young age and should be about grade twelve level. Any other questions?" he looked at Logan knowing he would have something to say Storm took bobby and jubilee in her car and Logan took Piotr in His car and they headed to New York Airport all of them chattering to much to notice the guy slowly walking along the path half hidden by trees towards the mansion

~Mikhail's P.O.V.~

I saw two really nice cars heading down towards the city I figured I was getting close to the mansion and my brother. After what seemed like half an hour since seeing the cars go past he came up to a large gate with an X over the other side of the gate there was an intercom nervously I walked over to it and pushed the button it started to make the sound of a ringing phone so I waited eventually it stopped and I herd the voice of an older man talking "Welcome to the Xavier institute of higher learning, this is Professor Charles Xavier what can I do for you?"

I hesitated a bit before answering back. "Hello my name in Mikhail Rasputin would you mind if we me^Å.." as he was trying to say the last word the gate swung open and the professor announced.

"Please walk to the front door ill meet you there and we can talk as we stroll around the yard I know why you are here Mikhail" not wanting to be rude but still being cautious I walked slowly checking my surroundings seeing the nicely kept path leading towards the rather large mansion as I rounded a small grove of tree I saw some children playing a game of catch and thought nothing of it until one of them stopped the ball midair without using there hands it floated there for a second then zoomed off to be caught by another boy who slightly hovered above the ground upon seeing me he quickly grounded him self and pointed me out to his friend and they both ran into the grove of trees feeling bad about scaring them I quickened my pace towards the building hoping to find some answers

I didn't know that Piotr had any relatives he has never spoken of them the voice caught me off guard because it was disembodied yet I recognized it from the gate looking around I tried to find the person who spoke the must have noticed I am speaking in your head its me Charles Xavier I'm a telepath its my mutation. looking towards the mansion I saw a man sitting in a wheelchair out the front as I got closer I could see he was old but he had an air of calm about him

"Is Piotr here Mr. Xavier" I couldn't help keep the emotions out of my voice making it sound more like a plea

"No I'm sorry he is out at the moment picking up two new students for the school with his team mates, he should be back in an hour or so" as he was talking he started moving his wheelchair following the path that went along the side of the mansion

"Piotr isn't the only reason I came here today Mr. Xavier I would like to ask you if I could become a student at your school if it's ok with you" I asked keeping my head down to scared to look at him

"Please call me Professor, and to your question I do not se why you wouldn't be welcome at this school I'm sure we could fit you in" he must have noticed the huge smile on my face as he said this

"Thank you so much." I put my hand down to shake his, "you won't regret it I will study hard and help out as much as I can"

"your just as enthusiastic as your brother, There are some rules if you are going to stay here the first rule is unless you have complete control over your mutant power you will train two times a day if you have a good degree of control over it you will still train five days a week as well as help other students with there training. And the most important rule you must never use your mutant power to harm any of the students or teachers. Do you think you can live with those rules?" he looked me in the eye with what I could already tell was an iron determination

"I would be happy to abide by those rules professor." I smiled back at him

"You are more than encouraged wile here to receive an education if you have already finished school the other teachers here could help you get a PhD in anything you like."

"this is more than nice professor but I don't need that I am a certified engineer all I would like is a place to call home and have some semblance of family" we had been talking for a wile and had already made it to the other side of the mansion looking over a rather large grassy field with a lake at the back and patches of forest leading further back the place was immaculate I just stood and stared at the nice view

"Would you by any chance like to show me your power Mikhail?" the professor interrupted my daydreaming

"Sure I don't really know what to call it but I can turn into two things either a snake or a rather large half snake half human and it's a little messy."

"Give me a demonstration anything you feel most comfortable with." He gave me a friendly smile and moved back a bit to give me some room, I decided to show him the various snaked I could turn into first just to give him an idea I slowly shed my skin and slithered out of my pile of clothes as a huge boa constrictor slowly slithering over to a tree and climbing up as I was climbing I turned into a black mamba wrapping my self around the branches then turning into a green tree snake I curled around the leaves and started to lower myself turning into a cobra and flattening my neck hissing at the professor he did a small clap and asked if I could speak wile I was like that I shook my head and started to slither away from myself as my body grew fatter and fatter stretching like a balloon till the skin peeled away showing off the large emerald scales now covering me pulling my arms off my side and flicking the air with my tong I looked down at the professor

"I can speak now" my S slightly elongated and hissy "this is the form I feel most comfortable in and have to at least stay this way for a few house a day even though it is unconventional because of my size but staying as a human all the time will cause me to have headaches and stomach pains leading to nausea eventually leading to me loosing control and shifting forms rapidly and painfully causing me writhe around in a type of fit"

"That wont be a problem you will have enough room in your room when you sleep at night and in the danger room as well the only time you'll have trouble staying like that is in a classroom and hallways but I think you wont mind staying like that for at least 6 hours a day would you?"

"not a problem at all the longest I have gone without changing was three and a half days but after two days I could barely stand I felt so sick it also left with some more snakelike traits when I'm a human" as I said this I shed my skin again turning back into a human and opening my mouth showing the professor my fangs with a drop of venom on them and the forked tong still present "the venom in this form and my larger form is quite potent and can usually kill someone in about fifteen minutes with them going paralyzed after two minutes, I'm not proud of what I have done in my past to live but in Russia there are mutant haters too and I nearly died on more than a few occasions." I opened my shirt to show him the large scar over my heart. "This was caused before Piotr left Russia, he probably thinks I died there." I couldn't help but have a sad face. "he doesn't know I'm a mutant I started to find out when I was 16 and by that time he had left and after that I don't have much a memory at all I went feral for a wile and only about four months ago I snapped out of it and only three months ago was when I rejoined civilization. I don't know if it will happen or not but before I went feral the warning signs were extreme anger, I was very destructive and moody and I wouldn't change back to human form for some reason I just couldn't I think its finally out of my system but in truth I don't know if it will happen again I can only hope not." The look on my face must have showed how disappointed I was

"Well that is why you are here apart from Piotr to gain control of your mind so nothing like going feral will hamper you and if it cant be helped we are here to figure out how to bring you back or fix it as soon as possible with the least amount of pain." Smiling up at him the professor showed an understanding side of himself which reassured my welcome. "How about I show you round the mansion and show you a room I think you could be delighted at staying in." he started to motor away so I actually had to jog to catch up.

Entering through the front of the mansion again we went up to the second floor and he continued his speed. This is were the more senior members stay the rooms are bigger it will give you enough room for you to be in any form you like." He stopped at a door and opened it motoring on in the room was quite big with a queen sized bed in one corner a walk in wardrobe and a fully working bathroom but the room was just bare no bedding just a mattress no posters no TV no desk yet he shouldn't complain because it was being given to him. Walking through everything he decided to test the bed putting his bag on the floor and jumping on it

"we will have to get jean or maybe Piotr to take you shopping for a TV a desk a computer some cloths bedding and stuff to decorate your room to make you feel more at home." He started laughing at my face which hung open in shock.

"You must be kidding! Professor I cant accepts all this free accommodation, education if I wanted it friends and now you want to buy me stuff for me, what can I do to pay you back?"

"Be good to the students help out were you can and I'm sure we can put your skills as an engineer to some good around here." He stopped talking for a second and cocked his head slightly before saying anything ells. "And if you quickly take a shower and get dressed Piotr should be home in fifteen minutes you will be among the new students arriving, there are three of you in total." He flashed me a smile and wished me luck as he motored out of the room clothing the door softly behind him. Walking into the bathroom I started up the shower wanting to look as nice as I could for when I saw Piotr.

~Sean's P.O.V.~

Walking out of the terminal and collecting the luggage he didn't know what to expect his parents didn't tell him this much but it was exciting to be lost amongst real people in a real world something he hadn't been able to do before. Walking towards the exit of the airport he spotted a group of people that must have been looking for him from the sign they were holding, he slowly took a deep breath and walked up to them holding out his hand he introduced himself. "Hi I'm Sean." He plastered a goofy smile on his face as an older African American woman shook his hand vigorously

"Hi I'm Ororoe, this is Logan, Bobby, Piotr and last but not least Jubilee." They all smiled and shook my hand as there name was mentioned "Logan, Bobby can you please help Sean take his stuff to My car wile we wait for Johnny?" they both bent down and took a suitcase each and headed out the door, I smiled and waved back at the others and just followed them out into the parking lot we finally reached the car it was very luxury Rolls-Royce. I just smiled whistled and made my eyes look like love hearts bobby started laughing at me as they loaded my stuff into the back of the car.

"You think this ones good, you should see Logan's car." Logan made a grunt at the comment and slammed the trunk shut starting to walk back to the airport

"What's his problem?" I whispered to bobby who started laughing and pointed behind me, wanting to see what was so funny I turned around and nearly shat myself, staring into Logan's eyes he was rite behind me

"I ain't got no problem bub." He started walking away towards the airport bobby kept laughing as my heartbeat returned to normal watching Logan he suddenly stopped turned around `shink' six large metallic claws popped out between his knuckles on each fist and he started running at us with a look of anger on his face I jumped in between the closest cars I could find Bobby must have known what was going on he quickly turned around suddenly turning to ice looking past Bobby I saw a tall woman with what looked like hand size tridents in her hands leaning against one of the cars looking at Logan

"Don't worry Wolverine I'm on your side this time, the Hand has fallen you can rest easy, I bought the student Professor X agreed to take into his school with me." stepping out of what appeared to be thin air a medium height boy stood behind Bobby and tapped him on the shoulder causing Bobby to rapidly turn and fire a shard of ice behind him that narrowly missed Logan, the boy behind him surprisingly agile back flipped high onto a lamppost crouching on the point of it. "Johnny! Play nice these are the people who you will be living with don't worry they are stronger than you think and they are good people."

"Fine I guess I can play nice." He sighed and lifted the hood off his head letting his face and white hair be seen, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Professor X knows were to reach me I herd the lady say, when I looked over she was gone. Logan grabbed a cell phone from his pocket and rang who I presumed was Ororoe

"Hey we found Johnny, Elektra just made an appearance and dropped him of and then poof she was gone again." I heard someone speaking on the other end but couldn't make it out slowly standing from between the two cars I dived between I smiled and scratched the back of my head

"Logan remind me never to get on your bad side you can be awful scary." I said slightly chuckling

~Johnny's P.O.V.~

Wolverine aka Logan, age unknown mutation healing factor and imbued with an admantium skeleton and claws making him one tough bugger and Iceman aka Bobby Drake, can turn to solid ice and has all ice type attacks.

"Hi I'm Johnny, nice to meet you." I jumped down from the lamp post and held out my hand to bobby he slowly shook it and smiled back reverting to human form I held my hand out to Logan who had retracted his claws and shook my hand firmly . I then turned to the boy I had noticed diving behind the cars scared of Logan "hi what's your name?" I held my hand out and he hesitantly shook it and smiled back.

"Hi I'm Sean nice to meet you. I guess you're just starting up at the college to?"

"Yep Elektra said they would help me get an education and help me improve my skills with my mutation." Out of the corner I saw Storm, Piotr and Jubilee walk towards us

Storm walked up to me and held out her hand, "Hi I'm Ororoe and this is.." I took her hand and shook it to be polite

"I know who you all are I read the files the Hand kept on you last night Elektra said it might help coming into a knew atmosphere." I smiled back at them who all had an odd look on there faces. I just smiled. "So who am I going with??"

"You're with me punk." Logan stated matter o factly, "you too" he said to Sean we both followed him to a supped um muscle car that really looked like it could go.

"Nice ride!" Sean was looking at the car as if it was gold plated and diamond studded. Logan walked to the back door and opened it and ushered us in. I untied my belongings from my waist and took off the new jumper Elektra had bought me last night and unstrapped my blades from my back and held them all in a neat bundle as I slid into the back seat of the car, Logan and Piotr aka colossus mutant ability of organic steal body took the two front seats as we started driving out of the airport staring out the window on the way there I wondered if I really would be accepted there or if I would be treated with fear and repulse again, time would tell, he promised Elektra he would at least give them a try, sighing he also remembered he had to be nice.

~Mikhail's P.O.V.~ sitting on the front steppes waiting for Piotr, I slowly started to daydream about the scenario , I wondered if Piotr would accept me or even recognize me or remember me, starting to get scared about meeting my brother for the first time in 4 years it was starting to really drag me down making me so scared I was shaking

Calm down and look sharp Mikhail they are coming up the drive now the telepathic message snapping me out of my daydreaming quickly clenching my hands to fists to try build courage and stop the shaking and squinting my eyes to try see into the two cars he could see coming up the driveway, I was so scared I wanted to run but I couldn't even move Relax Mikhail, calm down he will recognize you be yourself and give him a chance the professor's messages helped me stop shaking and actually gain some courage in the situation.

The cars pulled up in front of him slowly he could see the back of Piotr's head deep in discussion with the two people in the back seat he presumed they were the two new students. This is it, he started to turn his head around opened the door got out and looked strait up at me. I held my breath he hadn't changed at all maybe grew a little but he still had muscles on muscles and that same spark in his eyes the same short cropped haircut he stared at me for a few seconds his jaw slowly dropping like he was in shock "Piotr do you remember me?" I asked my voice still shaky. I could feel my hands start to shake again. Suddenly he ran up the stairs and held me in a strong bear hug.

"Mikhail!" he hugged me tighter again the relief couldn't be more soothing and exciting I hugged him back with all my strength. "I thought you were dead." He held me back tears in his eyes mirroring mine

"I wasn't myself for a wile but I'm back now, I'm sorry for disappearing on you like that." I hugged him again and he hugged me.

"after you disappeared mum and dad finally kicked me out for being a mutant, I worked as an arms dealer for the mafia for a wile until I came to America and Professor X found me street fighting for cash offered me a place and this is where I have been for the past 2 years." His hug was starting to crush me, he is still to freaking strong for his own good

"Breath ^Å loosen ^Å hug." I finally managed to breath out he instantly stopped and apologized

"Were have you been for the past years." He asked me I could tell by the tone of his voice he was upset

"My mutation finally manifested and I kind of went feral for a wile preying on wild animals and living in caves and such about four months ago it went into remission and I slowly got my conscience back and three months ago I returned to civilization and started searching for your immediately knowing mama and papa wouldn't want me with them anymore." Piotr was looking at me with serious concern in his eyes. Pulled me into a hug again for a few seconds and pulled me in front of him.

"We are back together rite now who cares about papa and mama as long as we have each other. Please meet my friends and now your friends, Mikhail we will all be your family now."

"Oi metal head who's your boyfriend?" Bobby jibed grabbing luggage from the back of Ororoe's car

"This," he said turning to me, "Is my brother Mikhail, we haven't seen each other in a bit over four years now." He said to bobby with pride and happiness in his voice "Mikhail this is Ororoe, Bobby, Logan and Jubilee, my friends these two are Johnny and Sean new students to the school." I started to drift off to daydream land again after seeing Johnny smiling he was just so good looking, cute even.

Finally snapping out of it when I realized Ororoe was standing in front of me, I held my hand out to shake hers but she pulled me into a hug "Please any family of Piotr's is family to us as well." I returned the hug smiling to Piotr. I could really get used to this for the next half hour Piotr dragged me around the school introducing me to everyone as his brother and got a friendly greeting from every one of them.

"Sorry to interrupt you Piotr but the new arrivals are needed in the danger room a proper introduction is needed for them." He smiled at me seeing how well Piotr and I got along.

"I'll show him the way Professor." He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me along corridors through what appeared to be a games room with a big TV couches and a pool table through another set of rooms and up a flight of stairs to a large metallic looking set of doors with a large X spanning across them he pushed his hand to a scanner the doors opened and I realized it was a lift.

"Colossus id number 8357 got to danger room" he said with casualness like he had done it numerous times before, the doors closed and we slowly started descending.

"What is Colossus?" my curiosity piqued I had to ask

"I am part of an all mutant team here at the college called the Xmen you'll find out more later on but my code name is Colossus."

"Funny I thought it would be Tin man, if only you had a heart." I joked playfully glad to be in his company after so long. He punched me lightly in the arm it was just like old days. The doors slid open and we walked down a short hall way leading in three directions the left marked men the right marked women.

"I have to get changed you go on ahead Scott is probably waiting with the others ill be out in a second." He ducked off into what I guess was the change room.

Walking strait on ahead I walked into a very large gray futuristic looking room Logan, Bobby and the man I guess was called Scott were standing in leather uniforms Johnny and Sean standing in front of the looking slightly bored

"Ah good you're here. I'm Scott, I am the field leader of the Xmen. Has Piotr talked about us yet?" he was wearing a futuristic visor which reminded me of Startreck.

"He mentioned you but said it would be explained later."

"Well we the Xavier school for the gifted is an all mutant school as you well know but it is also the base for the Xmen a Team of strong mutants that preserve human mutant relationships and help keep peace throughout the world as best we can. We do everything from stopping terrorist threats, anti mutant groups that go to far and mutant groups that go to far, it is our job to uphold mutants name and help were we can to try build a better future for mutants."

"So what's your power bub? Or are you just another tin head?" Logan asked with a smirk around the cigar in his mouth

"No I'm not another `Tin Head' like Piotr, I can turn into snakes and a half snake half human form."

"So two animal type mutants and a bone growing mutant." Scott said to himself more than anyone else. "Well we are here to test how strong you guys are at using your mutations, this is the danger room it had advanced holographic creating engines that create hard light real life simulations nearly indistinguishable from actual life itself everything will react the same way it would if it was happening in real life."

"Ok tin head is here we can begin now." Bobby started stretching and warming up

"You guys stretch and wile we are doing that we can discuss the etiquette that we train under here in the danger room." After a few minutes of stretching Scott continued. "In this room we treat it as if we are on the field in real life that means we use code names only."

"I'm Iceman" Bobby stated.

"Wolverine" the one word grunted out from Logan.

"Colossus" said wile turning into his organic metallic form.

"Cyclops is my code name" Scott stated simply "what are your code names, you might not be needed on the field until you prove your good enough but you will need the none the less you need them."

"Lupa it's the name I used wile working for the hand."

"Bones is all I can think of at short notice."

"Pythas is the name I was called when I was an urban legend through southern Russia." Piotr gave me a sad look a he heard that

"Which one of you wants to go first" Cyclops asked in an authoritative tone

~Johnny's P.O.V.~

"I Will Cyclops" I pulled off the jumper and strapped my hood back on as well as the harness for my blades to my back the red uniform commonly worn by the hand didn't seam rite to wear anymore but it's the only thing he owned appropriate for fighting in

"We will start with a hand to hand combat first no mutant powers involved, because of your training with the hand you well verse Wolverine. Computer Forest Simulation 1." The scenery around them kind of shivered and a dense pine forest came into existence a small viewing platform raised 50 meters into the air pulled the rest of the mutants away and up above the action leaving Wolverine and I facing each other below

"So you got some skills rite kid?" Wolverine asked casually putting out the cigar in the palm of his hand and resting it in the nook of a low branch turning back to see I wasn't standing in front of him anymore "Hide and seek don't work kid I can smell were you are,"

"How boring I can do the exact same thing." I said lazily hanging upside down from the branch directly above him releasing my legs and twisting mid air I landed on my feet in front of the older man

"Computer simulation grass field 1." The scenery changed again the viewing platform lowered significantly to only two meters off the ground

"Lets fight then" I said putting my hands by my side and bowed slightly towards Wolverine who threw a punch at my downturned head as expected quickly sidestepping the fist easily "Just like your file said your definitely a no nonsense man and if it get hit I should be prepared for some serious bruising and the possibility of concussion or some cracked ribs I'm glad for me that your are slow and decide to use your strength to your advantage." I slowly rested back into the battle stance I had been taught from a young age and prepped myself to fight an opponent that could easily beat me in one hit

Swinging his fist in trying for a haymaker to the side of my head I ducked and used my thumb and forefinger to hit a point in his muscle that would cause cramping in his arm and thrust my foot into his ribs and kicked of putting some distance between me and his body, a smile crossed his lips

"Trying to lock my muscles wont work the healing factor removes the cramp nearly instantly you will have to be better than that." He ran at me first punching at my chest then swinging a kick towards my ribs side stepping the punch I stepped around the kick grabbing his foot and using his circular motion and throwing him onto the ground off balance jumping with all my might on his lower back digging my heels into his kidneys I herd him grunt with the loss of air and pain this caused he reached pack trying to grab at my feet I quickly jumped off him landing a few meters away going back into my battle stance. He slowly stood up wiping blood off his lip and forehead as the cuts slowly disappeared.

"That hurt you brat." He said cracking his neck

"What's wrong old man?" this obviously got him angry from the leer and growl I got from him seeing the anger rise I got ready for another attack. He charged at me this time punching at my head I ducked he threw another punch making me lie down on the ground a sweeping kick trying to catch me off guard I pushed up with my arms and legs at the same time jumping over his leg landing in a crouch I flipped backward using the momentum to kick him in the chin and roll back at the same time this got another growl as he pounced at me I somersaulted over him kicking his head into the ground. He rolled up onto his feet and looked at me

"How about we make this more fun huh." `Shink' the sound of his claws extending from his hands flexing his arms back he started advancing making a downward slash which I side stepped quickly another slash I didn't realize he would be faster and dove backwards with all my strength the off balance move wasn't fast enough the tips of his claws scratched the side of my arm slashing my uniform and slightly into the skin enough to make me bleed, Growling back at him I got a fair bit of distance between us and removed the hood and snarled at him bearing my teeth the slightly wolfish fangs visible the would slowly closed and the bleeding stopped I pulled the harness off my back and the two butterfly blades free throwing the harness out of the way I took up a defensive stance one blade going along the edge of my arm held backwards in my hand the other held horizontally at eye height and moving my legs further apart. A small laugh escaped his lips when he saw the knives

"I wouldn't laugh these wont scratch to easy, they are made from the same metal your claws are." A grunt escaped his lips he flexed his arms again ready to lash out both looking at each other wearily I decided to take the offensive switching the blades quickly in my hands I charged at him he slashed at me and I blocked it and twisted my blade so it was between his claws and twisted putting pressure on the outside on pushing it against the bones causing major strain in the muscles making him roar in pain he tried to strike out at me with his other hand but I quickly got the flat of my foot on the inside of his wrist using the leverage I bought the other foot up and locked his wrist between them bringing the other blade to his throat and holding it there

"Give up yet?" I looked him in the eye his face in a scowl of pain, suddenly the sound of his blades moving from his skin sounded again

"Knew you couldn't resist getting in close kid, but my claws are a bit longer than that." He slowly extended his claws till the ones I was bending outward were touching my throat and the others against my ribs

"Oh well it's a truce I guess. But next time I wont fall for it so be prepared." With that I twisted and kicked off him landing on the ground and walking back to my hood and harness sheathing the blades and tucking the hood into my pants as to not loose it. "I need a new fighting uniform this one is old and represents a person that I'm free of."

"I think I can arrange that soon enough." Cyclops said from the viewing platform. "Impressive fight for someone so young, when did you start using the butterfly blades?"

"When I was four, the same time I started learning ninjitsu."

"Good fight Lupa." Wolverine patted him on the back. The action caught him by surprise he didn't think the older man would even talk to him after the fight let alone complementing him it made him blush.

"You too Wolverine." Looking at the ground he walked over to the platform and up the stairs sitting on the bench he was surprised how much the man had made him work he sat down deserving the rest when it came to using his mutation to fight it wouldn't last long

~Sean's P.O.V.~

"Cyclops can I please go next?"

"Sure Bones you look to be about Iceman's height and build."

"I got one problem I don't know how to fight without my mutation." I blushed slightly not knowing if it would make me weaker in his eyes

"that's ok I guess, most people with bone mutations mold it together with a self learnt style of fighting I guess Iceman would still be a good opponent to fight." We both walked down the platform onto the grassy field that the others fought on

"So let me guess you use ice type attacks more the long range defensive type?"

"How did you know?" a puzzled look came over his face

"Lupa and I talked on the way here, he read your file and told me about you I pieced the rest together myself." I grinned at placing him so correctly

"Iceman, Bones are you going to have a picnic or are you going to fight?"

"Sorry Cyclops." We both said in unison.

"No hard feelings bones, ok?" he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I stuck my hand out to shake it and he pulled his hand away "Syke!" suddenly changing to ice form he made ice sleds and scatted away putting some distance between us.

"Fine play it that way you'll still loose." Quickly spinning on the ball of my foot I made the end joints in my fingers pointy and used the centrifugal force to send them flying after Iceman who didn't see the projectile in time to move and it hit him in the arm even in his ice for it stuck in causing pain "1 Bones 0 Popsicle boy." I couldn't help but laugh, suddenly stifling a scream as I felt two quills of ice stick into my leg

"What were you saying Skelly?" now it was Iceman's turn to laugh but he kept his eyes open incase another spike of bone was sent flying his way. Spinning rapidly in succession I sent hundreds of shards heading towards the human Popsicle and knocking the shads of ice flying at me out of the air with them at the same time. Iceman knowing he was in trouble not getting an attack in but having to dodge more than a few on Bones barrage of attacks forming two long sharp strong but light ice blades he started fending off the attacks "hey ballerina boy!" Iceman yelled at Bones who slowly stopped spinning

"What's wrong snowman? You haven't thrown an attack at me for at least a minute."

"I was wondering if you would prefer some hand to hand well ice to flesh combat anyways."

"lets see how we can do this yeah?" slowly merging the bones in my arms to a singe one and growing it out under my palm, holding it in my hand and growing the bone back up along my arm twisting it till it looked like a large cone ending in an extremely sharp point covering my whole forearm on both sides and then concentrating on my spine I grew more and more vertebra slowly making them smaller and smaller ending in a sharp point making a fully flexible tail that was under my control "Lets do this Snowman," Letting his tail show over his shoulder. Iceman's jaw dropped at the sight that used to be Bones lashing out with his swords I blocked with the large spikes that were now my for arms Iceman's Swords were long giving him a slight reach advantage but because of the length harder to move making him less agile my tail dodging between his strikes slowly cracking the protective lair of ice covering his face neck and chest finally cracking and making a peace of ice fall from his chest I took my chance curled my tail round his neck and pulled him forward bringing my knee towards his exposed chest but I connected with solid ice hurting my knee but before I had a chance to pull it away me whole leg was incased in solid ice the hole time we had been fighting he had been piling ice around me ready to pull it together and trap me in it suddenly my other leg was caught then my chest and my arms completely covered in ice

"Nice look Bones." He returned to his human form with me completely venerable, "say mercy!" he started giving me a noogie getting close big mistake quickly growing my teeth to a giant proportion turning my head sideways I grabbed his thought in my elongated jaw.

"Say mercy." I grumbled around his throat.

"Mercy!" he screamed "Just get off me!"

"Remove the ice." I grumbled around his throat again, obviously scaring him the ice instantly turned to water and made a puddle that slowly sunk into the grass I returned my teeth and jaw to a normal look and re-grew the bones in my arms dropping the points onto the ground and made my spine normal so it wasn't making a tail any more making myself look like a prepubescent child about ten "hah! You got beat by a kid!" I pointed at him and poked my tong out and ran away from him back to the plat form on the way back making myself look my normal age

"Good job Bones, unconventional but good timing and good thinking."

"Thanks Cyclops but I'm beat." I sad down sighing closing my eyes

"There is just one more newbie to test." Colossus punched Mikhail in the arm playfully

~Mikhail's P.O.V.~

"Sure I'm up for it." Glad that his brother had made a joke and punched him on the arm because it woke him up out of his daydreaming a bad habit that was starting to stick, its just the way that Lupa looked after his fight the red ninja outfit sticking to certain parts of his sweaty body and that cute face I couldn't help but stare out of the corner of his eye and fantasize about the cute boy sitting near him suddenly he wanted to prove himself strong so he could get Lupa's attention

"Well I still have a training session after this so I think today we will put Colossus against Pythas, brother verse brother." Cyclops smiled as he saw both brothers look at each other sizing the other up he sure hoped Pythas had more strength than he looked he did because next to colossus he looked like a twig that could be snapped between two fingers

"Come on Tinhead." I baited Colossus "you always used to beat me at any competition we had as children but you were always advantaged my mutation had never fully risen." A dark smile crossed my face.

"You don't look like anything special you may be older but it doesn't seem to give you any advantage now does it?" he changed into his organic metal form his muscles bulging and his height growing. I just looked up and smiled at him

"I have grown a little too, Lets dance." As usual colossus ran at me trying to shoulder ram me but damn he had gotten faster than when we last fought just side stepped sticking my foot out for him to trip over but he finally remembered to jump over it, he turned and punched I ducked he kicked I rolled away he tried to jump on me I side stepped and kept dodging and weaving wearing him out

"Are you just gonna run away from me Pythas why don't you wanna play like a real boy?" I just laughed at him as he panted out his question as he tried to kick and punch me.

"Have you wondered why I call myself Pythas yet little brother?"

"I thought it was because of that stupid tong and fangs you had in that tiny head of yours?"

"I'm surprised you managed too see them I was trying not to let people notice." I stuck my tong out flicking the air tasting how annoyed and frustrated he was getting. He stood back shaking his head at me

"Well is that it you can dodge weave and have fangs and the tong of a snake ooh what a powerful mutant." The sarcasm spread thickly over his Russian accented voice.

"There's more." I laughed at him and he took the moment to tackle me to the ground I started laughing more.

"You gonna give up now?" thinking he had me pinned.

"Not to likely" I hissed at him my tong flicking near his eyes I slowly let my body change my skin peal away as I turned into a very large anaconda and bit his metallic throat and wrapped my body around him squeezing tightly

"ooh you can make it a little bit harder for me to breathe" he laughed standing up, I drew my mouth of hi metallic grip looking him in the eye I shook my head and hissed in his face letting my body swell the body of the anaconda ballooning out skin stretching thin showing a slight green hue from the scales underneath, starting to realize he was in trouble Colossus tried to pull his body free from the coils of the snake but I already had enough of a grip the skin finally peeling away my full length body holding him in the air with three huge coils around his body squeezing him tightly and lifting him of the ground my face looking into his I reached out and ruffled the hair on his metallic head

"Would you like some air little brother?" the S elongated he nodded fiercely his eyes bulging "does this mean you give up and I win?" he mouthed the word yes and nodded profusely I loosened the coils around his upper body but still held him up letting him get his arms free "Remember how you used to take great glee in giving me bear hugs?" a smile came to his face after he stopped panting

"Yeah I remember that you used to go blue and start coughing and panting after I let you go." He started laughing. I quickly constricted the coils around him putting a bit of pressure on him again

"I always swore one day I'd get payback." The look on his face was priceless as he swallowed

"I guess this wouldn't be a bad time to apologize? I'm sorry for being a brat when we were growing up."

"That's a good Tinhead." I giggled and let him down gently and slithered over to the platform the others were watching from. "How did I do Cyclops?" they all just stood there with there jaw open apart from Lupa who just had a smirk on his face, I decided to play on there fears and rapped a coil around the platform and raise myself up another two meters and show off my six inch fangs, Iceman jumped as I did this Cyclops just looked in horror and Wolverine just kept looking back and form from me to Colossus. At that moment in time Bones had started snoring and Lupa burst out in a throaty chuckle.

This is the end of chapter one I hoped you like it and hope you continue reading it. This is also the first story I have written and submitted to the Nifty archive I know its nothing special, if you would like to comment on it my email is July_16th_1945@hotmail.com constructive criticism and Ideas for the story line you might like to see are welcome, Please don't send blatant criticism it doesn't help anyone.

At the moment I'm also looking for some one who could help edit my work so if your interested please email me (sorry I can't pay anyone to do this but you would be able to read each chapter as it comes out)

Next: Chapter 2: A Place for Us All 2

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