X Men New Life

By moc.loa@29popomzig

Published on Aug 23, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, then leave right now. This is a story involving gayness. So if this offends you, leave... please. This is fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality I'd really appreciate feed back. Send me mail at Gizmopop92@aol.com

X-Men New Life

Chapter 5

We finally arrived back at the mansion before 2a.m. Logan asked me to come sleep in his room but I really wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to be by myself for a little bit, and that's what I did. As I approached my room I saw Kitty and Jubilee. "Hey Aiden." Kitty walked up to me first to give me a hug. "Hey guys what's going on." They looked at me with a smile. "Well since we haven't gotten to know each other well we decided to have a sleepover at your room." I just looked at them like they were crazy. "Oh come on Aiden. It's gonna be fun you know it." I just laughed. "Come on in." They both jumped up and down like little girls and ran to my big bed.

"So what are we doing for this little sleepover?" I said rather sarcastically. They heard that in my voice and gave me very scolded look. "You need to stop being such a sour puss and enjoy what were doing for you." Jubilee said. I just laughed. "Well we got food and scary movies." Kitty said. That was kinda cool tho, since I love scary movies. They had the new Saw movie so I took it out and put it in my laptop and we all sat on the bed and watched in disgust as the black lady chopped her arm off.

At that point I should have been watching this with Logan. I love scary movies but this was just horrifying. Disgusting even. After the movie was over they fell asleep. "Wow that was super fun." I whispered to myself. One movie and they were out like lights. I decided that I would end up going to Logans so I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and walked out of my room to Logans.

I tapped on his door but he didn't answer. That was a waste of time. Well I couldn't go back to my room so I just decided to walk around the school in the middle of the night. I was kind of thirsty so I went to the kitchen to find something to drink. Nothing but soda. Gross! I just got went and got a cup and put some water from the tap in it. I stood facing the sink when I felt someone put their arms around me.

"You smell good." It was Logan. I just turned around and looked at him. "Where were you? I knocked at your door but you didn't answer." "I thought you didn't wanna come to my room." He tried to kiss me but I pushed him back and gave him a cold look. "I was in the garage fixing up a car." That explains why he was covered in grease. "Logan let go you're gonna get me dirty." "Then you can come take a shower with me." He smiled that crooked grin again. I couldn't resist him. I kissed him and he lifted me up to sit on the edge of the sink. "Logan not here."

At that moment there was alot of noise. Logan backed up and walked away. I was alone in the kitchen. It got silent. All off a sudden I heard a big clank right next to my feet. I looked down and before I looked at the tennis ball sized metal ball it blew up. Giving off a massive bright white light. As the light subsided I felt hands grab around my neck. I wasn't going down without a fight. I was still blind from the light. My hands were still free so I pushed back with my feet and felt around for something to hit this guy with. My hand hit his leg and I felt a knife on him. I pulled it out and stabbed him right in the thigh. By then he let go and I got a little bit of my sight back. I saw the door and made a run for it.

I turned the hall and saw Scott blasting the intruders but I noticed something. As he hit the guys with his optic beams they were doing the same thing that the clone of Scott did when he first arrived. This must be Magnetos doings. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there was another clone ready to grab me. But I dodged his grip and froze his head and kicked it. Sending it flying off his body and shattering to the ground. "Scott! Whats going on!" I screamed across the hall at Scott. By then he had taken care of all the Clones in the room.

"Aiden, I need you to help people escape out of the mansion. There are secret passages all over the place. Read my mind and you will know exactly where they are." I did exactly as he said and ran up the stairs to help the younger students escape the mansion. I saw Logan when I turned up the stairs. "Aiden, this way!" Logan was limping. "Logan what's wrong." "My healing power doesn't seem to work right now." I decided that it was best for me to take charge. I told him to get out of the mansion and I would take care of the escape plan. But of course as stubborn and prideful as Logan was. He turned into a different direction to go find some clones to hunt. Silly man. I turned another corner and I knew I was in big trouble. At least 20 clones were surrounding a group of maybe 10 or 11 of the younger kids. I had to do something and something fast.

I felt something in my head that felt like it could expand. So I tapped into it as hard as I could. I wanted them to shatter into a million pieces. I froze them all with my mind, and one by one began hitting each and every single one of them till they shattered. I ran up to the kids and they were trying to open the escape hatch. I gave it a slight kick and it opened up. After making sure the kids knew where to go, I went back down the hall from once I came to go find the others.

I turned into another hallway leading to my room. But just as I approached the door it blew off it's hinges. A guy whose body was green came out. He was hideous. He smirked at me and shot something out of his mouth at me. I didn't have time to dodge. It stuck right over my face and it wasn't coming off. I was trying to hard to breathe. Only one of my eyes could see. For the other was covered up with this shit that wouldn't come off. I saw him charging at me so I kicked as high up as I could. Hoping to hit him and luckily I did. I began melting off the sticky goop from my face and took in the biggest breath that I could possibly manage. By then I saw Storm. She was hurt. Down in a corner by the door to the ballroom with the big piano where I saw the clone of Scott.

"Storm what happened." I leaned down next to her. "Logan is in there." Storm said pointing to the door to the ballroom, "you need to help him. I don't know how much longer he can last without his healing power." I nodded at her and opened the door to the ball room. Only to see something even more shocking. Logan was fighting himself. Like there were two of him. How was I supposed to help him when I didn't know who was the right Logan. But then it clicked. One of them was covered in grease. I knew that was Logan, so I froze the clone Logans feet. Logan finally fell to the floor, exhausted. "You really think this will hold me you stupid little infant." By then what was once Logan morphed into Mystique. Breaking her feet out of the ice and charging at me. This time It was just me and her. I would get no help.

She flipped behind me, kicking me to the ground. Damn this bitch is fast. Everywhere I looked I'd see her and get either a kick or a punch. I couldn't get a shot on her. It was getting me really pissed. All this adrenaline I was pumping inside me was ready to realease itself. The next time she moved in she was gonna kick me in the face. But I caught her by the foot, kicking her in the face. She went out instantly. I ran to Logan and helped him up. But he was heavier than a truck. "Logan you have to work with me." I looked down at him with his arm around me and saw something sticking out of his rib cage. It looked like some kind of dart. I pulled it out and he got lighter and lighter. I then realized cause he was standing on his own. That dart was the reason why he wasn't healing. Logan was good and he got to Storm and carried her out to find the other Xmen. Pretty soon we caught up with Scott and Jean. They had just finished off the last of the clones. Besides Mystique and that green guy still in the house. We had to get them and put them into custody.

"They're gone." Logan yelled when we got to where they were. "They must of woke up and left. They probably knew that they couldn't take all of us as one." Storm said. "Get the kids back in their rooms." The place is safe now."

After everything was settled. Logan and I went back to his room. He was looking down at me. "You did good." I just smiled at him and walked closer to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "You know Logan. I think I have and answer for you." He looked in my eyes, his eyes looked so hopefull, and the more I looked in them the more I began to melt.

"I want to be yours. Just don't hurt me." He gave me a quick kiss. "I would never do such a thing." I kissed him and pulled him down with me onto the bed. Never breaking the kiss. We made love for hours. Now naked and tired, I layed down on whom I can now call my boyfriends chest, and fell asleep.

I know it took me a long time to get this posted. I have been really busy and it affected what I wanted to write. But now I got this up so tell me what you think. Send me feedback at Gizmopop92@aol.com

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