X Men - Manipulation

By Ruben Cordova

Published on May 31, 2008



Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. Feedback is always greatly appreciated you can contact me one of three ways:

  1. rubencordova83@gmail.com 2) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales 3) http://www.myspace.com/latinbjqueen

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations, "texts appearing like this" are spoken conversations and [texts appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications

In the darkness hidden in a small clearing amongst the trees a man is waiting, watching. He is old but his hair is not white from age, no. His hair has been white since the day of his birth, all those many years ago. His pale blue eyes, which have seen more misery than anyone can imagine, look out from his hiding place down to a mansion of sorts. He breaths a deep sigh as he becomes frustrated that his partner has yet to arrive. The man then sees someone climbing out of the second story window on the side of the mansion and make their way over towards his position.

The distance is too great to make out who the person is but as they come closer he sees the form of a man shift into that of his female partner. She makes her way into the dense forest and closer to the old man. She emerges from the trees and crosses the clearing to where the man is standing, as she walks she is caught by the moonlight and the man can clearly see her blue skin covered in scales, her blood red hair and those eerie but beautiful yellow eyes, Mystique. Only at the moment her eyes are a clouded gray. When she reaches the man he steps out from the shadow of a helicopter and we see he is a rather sickly looking Magneto.

Magneto: "It is done?"

When she answers her voice sounds as if multiple people are speaking at once, but all through her female voice.

Mystique: "Yes, the mission was a success."

As she finishes speaking she is hit with a sudden sharp pain and grabs her abdomen before collapsing to the ground. Magneto looks to her fallen form with pain and regret in his eyes.

Magneto: "I am sorry my dear, at least before you die I had the opportunity to see your beautiful form one last time. I was so glad when I realized that The Cure was only temporary and that you would once again become beautiful."

As if coming out of a fog, her eyes fade from gray back to yellow as she looks at Magneto with pure rage, Magneto looks away lost in thought.

Flashback – 23 hours and 45 minutes ago

Magneto: "How is the process coming along?"

Mr. Sinister: "I have managed to reconfigure her DNA to include the mutations you provided, however her molecular structure has become unstable. She won't last more than 24 hours after the procedure has completed. May I ask just how did you have her obtain the samples without her becoming suspicious?"

Magneto: "A few vials of serum I managed to obtain from Col. Stryker's base at what is now the bottom of Alkali Lake."

Mr. Sinister: "I'm not one for compassion but why this route? Why her?"

Magneto: "She's the only one who could get into where the samples were stored without detection, and she's the only one capable of getting close enough to the X-Men. Regrettably the mutant community lost its most powerful ally, I intend to give them another."

Mr Sinister: "I see, well the process is complete. She should wake momentarily."

As Mr. Sinister turns back to the computer console Magneto pulls out a syringe and injects him with the serum. Once Mr. Sinister falls into submission, Magneto picks up a file folder and gives his orders.

Magneto: "When we leave you will use your technology to wipe your mind, erase all data of what took place here, place yourself into cryo-stasis and activate the self-destruct sequence. Understood?"

Mr. Sinister: "I understand."

Magneto walks over to where Mystique is laying and injects her with the last of the serum, he lifts her in his arms and walks out of the building. Moments later as Mystique is piloting a helicopter away, the building explodes. Magneto looks down to his lap where the folder sits, he opens it and reads the dossier one last time.

The helicopter lands. Magneto closes the folder, places it on the seat, takes a deep breath and exits the helicopter with Mystique. He instructs her that Logan is helping Scott in the garage and will be there long enough to complete the mission.

End Flashback

Mystique: "Erik?! What have you done?"

Magneto: "This was the only way I could ensure that mutants would have someone strong enough to continue fighting repression. You are dying as a result of Mr. Sinister's genetic manipulation process. I was responsible for the loss of the mutant communities strongest mutant, I had to replace her somehow. No matter the cost, and he will be unstoppable."

Mystique: "What if... you die before... ugh... the child is even born or... ugh... you have a chance to turn him to your cause?"

Magneto: "If that scenario should come to pass I have made arrangements and will contact the appropriate people before I die."

Taking out a cell phone Magneto places a phone call and in seconds a portal has opened in front of him. He turns to look at Mystique's fallen form one last time, as he turns Mystique pulls out a hand gun and aims for Magneto. With a smile on his face he motions to move the gun with his powers but nothing happens. Mystique uses he last of her strength to shoot Magneto in the neck with an acrylic dart filled with venom. Mystique smiles at the shocked look on his face.

Mystique: "Don't you just love plastic?!? The venom usually takes 20 minutes to kill its victim. With the amount I gave you, you'll be dead in 20 seconds."

Magneto removes the dart from his neck and collapses through the portal which abruptly closes, leaving Mystique dead. As the sun begins to rise hours after Mystique's death, Ororo awakens to see Logan still as sleep next to her. She smiles as she thinks back to last night and its events.


Logan walks into the greenhouse to find Ororo, or 'Ro as he so affectionately calls her, watering her many flowering plants all the while humming a sweet little tune. Logan has a cup of hot cocoa, 'Ro's usual drink before bed, and we see him drop a pill into the drink as his eyes briefly flash yellow then return back to normal. Logan sets the drink down on a nearby table and approaches Ororo, he slips his arms around her waist and pulls her into an embrace. She responds jokingly.

Ororo: "You know, if my boyfriend finds out your here he'll rip you to shreds."

Logan: "You steppin' out on me?"

Ororo turns around to face Logan and the two kiss passionately. Logan breaks the kiss to offer the cocoa.

Logan: "I brought you some hot cocoa, just the way you like it. Four marshmallows and a little whipped cream."

Ororo: "Mm... you know the way to my heart."

Logan: "Come on, you can finish watering tomorrow morning. Drink up so we can head to our room and... have some fun."

Ororo takes a drink from the cup and catches a bit of an unfamiliar taste, nothing bad just unfamiliar.

Ororo: "You put something else in here didn't you?"

A brief flash of panic crosses Logan's face before he coolly answers her.

Logan: "Can't get nothing past you can I? I added a bit of cinnamon to the cocoa, just to see if you like it."

Ororo: "I do."

Ororo put the cup to her lips and took another sip, at this point Logan reaches a hand under the front of her shirt and rubs her stomach seductively.

Ororo: "Keep that up and we won't make it back to the room."

Logan: "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Ororo: "Both!"

Ororo drinks the rest of the cocoa in one final gulp before she wraps her arms around Logan's neck and kisses him with an insatiable hunger. She holds on to his neck as she jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist, all the while still locked in a fiery kiss. Logan walks, with Ororo wrapped around his waist, over to a table and clears it of its contents with one arm while the other rips Ororo's shirt from her body revealing a white lace bra. Now sitting on a table Ororo reaches and pulls Logan's tank-top from his body revealing his hairy torso. The two began feverishly making out again while fumbling with the zippers on each others jeans, finally frustrated Logan brings out one claw and tenderly slices through Ororo's jeans so as not to hurt her, exposing her matching lace thong .

While being cut free from her pants Ororo finally manages to get Logan's pants open and the heat radiating from his crotch is simply too much to resist. She slips a hand into Logan's gray briefs and frees his hungry cock from its confines. She can't help but stare at the thick pole she has come to love this past year, at first it was rather painful to take Logan inside of her. While he isn't very long his cock is like the rest of him, stocky. He was about 6 inches but thicker than she had ever seen. She pushed back his foreskin and revealed the red head of his dick, pumping it slowly knowing it would drive him crazy.

Not wanting to wait any longer Logan moves the material of Ororo's thong to the side and reveals her smooth, moist passage. Using one hand he positions his cock head at her entrance and slowly pushes forward. He slips into her pussy easily and begins to move back almost taking his cock out completely before going balls deep again. Both knew this encounter wouldn't last long but were too caught up in the moment to care.

Ororo locked her legs behind Logan in an attempt to pull him deeper, taking cue he starts taking longer, deeper stokes. After a few minutes Ororo decides to change position, she unlocks her legs and pushes Logan from between them. She climbs off the table, turns around and lays her torso down on the table-top, wanting it in her favorite position. The only position that, along with Logan's thick tool, could make her cum quickly. She looks back over her shoulder and beckons Logan to slip inside her wet pussy once again.

Ororo: "I want you to fuck me. Fuck me fast and hard, I wanna cum when you do."

Not missing a beat Logan guides his cock back into the warm depths of his lover. Slowly he picks up his pace until he's slamming her so hard the table beneath them starts scooting away. On the brink of ecstasy Ororo reaches down to finger her clit while being rammed from behind, this drives her over the edge. She screams out, announcing her orgasm. Once her pussy started gripping Logan's cock, the deal was done. With loud, ferocious moans Logan erupts inside her, drenching her interior with his thick cum.

Coming out from the haze of orgasm Logan pulls out of Ororo and wipes the remnants of his load on Ororo's ripped shirt. Having no clothes to wear for the walk up to their room Ororo snags Logan's tank-top and slips it on, Logan wraps his arm around her waist and the pair walk up to their room where they fuck twice more.

End Flashback

Ororo slowly pulls down the blanket covering Logan, see notices he's wearing black boxer-briefs. Remembering that last night he had on gray briefs, she began to question but just assumed that he had showered sometime after she fell a sleep. She scooted closer and wrapped her arm around him to rub his stomach, Logan began to stir. He turned to her and smiled, with a quick peck on the lips he jumped up and walked into the bathroom. Faintly she could hear him emptying his bladder, then she heard something odd. He started the shower?! Ororo entered the bathroom to relieve herself while Logan undressed and stepped into the shower. As he entered she noticed that he had black smudges covering his hands and arms.

Ororo: "What's that all over your arms?"

Scott: "Grease, I was helping Scott last night. Remember?"

Ororo: "Oh yeah, I must have forgot."

She thought to last night. Had those grease marks been there last night when he came to the greenhouse? She tried to remember but she hadn't paid much attention to his arms. She stepped into the shower with Logan where they cleaned each other up. After dressing they headed downstairs for the morning meeting with the Prof. and the rest of the staff. That's where she heard something that really confused her. Scott walked in and he and Logan began chatting.

Scott: "You look tired Logan, sorry for keeping you so late last night. You must have got something like 2 hours of sleep."

Logan: "Yeah something like that, it was about 5am when I finally made it back to my room."

Wait, he didn't come to bed until 5am! That can't be right, it was just after 1am when Logan came to the greenhouse. She decided to question him.

Ororo: "Sorry to interrupt you guys, but Logan what time was it when you brought me my cocoa last night in the greenhouse?"

Scott and Logan both looked at her confused before Logan replied.

Logan: "'Ro, I didn't go to the greenhouse last night. I told you I was helping Scott all night, I didn't even get to bed until a couple hours ago."

Panic set in as Ororo realized what this meant, she hadn't been with Logan last night at all! She quickly left Logan's side and ran over to the Prof.

Ororo: "Prof.! Somethings wrong!"

Prof. Xavier: "What seems to be the problem, my dear?"

Ororo: "I don't exactly want to say it out loud, but I need you to scan Logan's mind. I need you to see if he really was with Scott all night last night."

Prof. Xavier: "What's this all about?"

Frustrated Ororo tried getting his attention with her thoughts.

Ororo: {Prof., can you hear me?}

Prof. Xavier: {Yes, now what is the... your worried about something. What is it?}

Ororo: {Prof., last night Logan claims to have been with Scott all night. But I was with Logan last night, he came to the greenhouse. Look into my memory from last night you'll know I'm not lying}

Prof. Xavier scanned her mind and found she was being truthful.

Prof. Xavier: {You're telling the truth, and I sense nothing indicating you were manipulated telepathically. I'll check Logan just to confirm my suspicion that you may have been raped, so to speak.} {Logan, I need to check your memory from last night. It has to do with Ororo, I'll explain when I'm done.}

Logan: {Sure thing, but it's like I told her I was with Scott until about 5 this morning.}

The Prof. took his time to look over Logan's memories and found nothing of him having been with Ororo at all last night. Like Ororo, he found nothing in Logan's mind indicating he was manipulated by telepathy in anyway.

Prof. Xavier: {Thank you Logan, I'm going to make an announcement. Don't panic when you hear it, I want you to stay here when everyone leaves.} "I have some rather urgent news to discuss. It seems as though we may have an intruder on the school grounds, if you find anything report to me immediately. I have my suspicions it may be Mystique. If it is, telepathy won't locate her. I want..."

Before he could finish Logan ran out of the room, Ororo ran after him. Prof. Xavier sent Scott after them.

Ororo: "Logan wait!"

Logan made his way to their room followed closely by Ororo and Scott. Upon entering the room he immediately picked up something he had missed before in his exhausted state, Mystique's scent! He followed the trail to the bed where the scent mingled with that of Ororo's, realization of what this meant infuriated him. The scent then went from the bed to the window and outside, he walked over to Ororo and hugged her tightly.

Logan: "Don't worry 'Ro, she'll pay for what she's done."

Quickly he ran and jumped out of the window, following the trail into the trees. Ororo turned from the window to Scott's puzzled face, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Ororo: "Last night... I was with Logan, but... it wasn't him... it was Mystique! She... she raped me!"

Scott caught her as she broke down in his arms, he didn't know what to do. What could he possibly say that could comfort her, he then had his own realization just as Betsy walked in.

Betsy: "Ororo, the Prof. told me what he thinks happened. I'm so sorry honey. Scott where's Logan?"

Scott: "Betsy, stay with her. If I don't get to Logan before he finds Mystique, he's bound to rip her apart!"

Ororo: "It's what she deserves."

Scott ran from the room, trying to make his way outside as fast as his legs could take him. He sped into the trees and ran for about five minutes before he stopped and looked around for any signs of Logan. Seeing nothing and having no idea of where to go he called out for the Prof.

Scott: {Prof., can you hear me?}

Prof. Xavier: {Yes, where's Logan?}

Scott: {That's what I need you to tell me, I'm looking for him.}

Prof. Xavier: {Hold on... he's to the left from where you are now. About 30 yards, don't let him kill her.}

Scott continued running until he could see Logan standing in a clearing next to a helicopter. When he caught up with Logan his eyes fell to the lifeless body of Mystique.

Scott: "What have you done?"

Logan: "I wish I had done what you're thinking, but she was dead when I got here."

Scott knelt to examine the body, he didn't find any stab wounds but what he did find he recognized immediately. The mark on the back of her neck, he'd know it anywhere. He had had a similar mark when Stryker used the mind control serum on him to attack Jean. He looked up to Logan to show him the mark.

Scott: "What she did... it was against her will. She wasn't in control, someone was using her. Look she's holding a gun, I'll take it to Hank and have him analyze it. Could you take Mystique and put her in one of the coolers in the Med-Lab? I'll have Marie pilot the chopper into the hangar."

Logan: "Hold on Scott... I'm picking up another scent. It's Magneto. It vanishes here, but there's nothing here."

Scott: "Not anymore, remember a few months ago we found out about that girl he had. The one with the ability of remote teleportation."

Logan: "Blink, that's her name I think. Must've been how he escaped... hey that guns plastic! You think she used it against him, killed him for using her?"

Scott: "This is Mystique we're talking about here, remember when she double-crossed him for leaving her when she got hit with a Cure dart? Maybe this was his payback for her ratting him out, but in the end she had the last laugh."

Scott picked up the gun, Logan picked up Mystique's body and they made they're way back to the mansion. Everyone was waiting outside when the two came walking up. There was a look of anger on the Prof.'s face when he saw a dead Mystique, but before anything was said Scott ran up to the group to diffuse the situation.

Scott: "It's not what you think! She was already dead when we found her, Marie there's a chopper in the clearing about a mile and a half east of here. Have Warren fly you over there and bring it down into the hangar. Hank, I found this in her hand. It's plastic and Logan found Magneto's scent near the chopper, we think she used it against him. I need you to analyze it and help Logan place her body in the coolers until you can perform an autopsy. Prof. we need to talk."

Scott handed the gun over to Hank, and he and Logan made their way down to the Med-Lab. The Prof. and Scott walked to his office and Scott told him about his theory of Mystique being used by Magneto, but what was to be gained from Ororo being raped by Mystique? Neither of them could could come up with any answers, only more questions.

Meanwhile Marie and Warren were stepping into the chopper when Marie saw a folder sitting in the co-pilot's seat, she picked it up and read its contents.

Subject: Mystique Real Name: Raven Darkholme Transferred Abilities: Telepathic Immunity

Genetic Manipulations: Subjects reproductive DNA was altered to produce a male offspring and include specific mutations from the sample subjects. Core DNA was manipulated so that while the subject is in a male form she will be able to impregnate the target. The targets offspring would then have the mutant abilities of the subject and the other samples. The sample mutations as well as those of the subject were altered to produce a class 5 offspring. Included is a pill which will temporarily alter the target's reproductive DNA to insure pregnancy and produce a class 5 offspring. The pill must be administered 15 minutes prior to copulation.

Side Effects: The Core DNA manipulation process produced fatal side effects to the subject. Subjects molecular stability has been compromised and will result in her death within 24 hours after the process is completed. The target will experience no molecular instability due to no manipulation of target's Core DNA. The manipulation process will delay activation of the X-Gene in the offspring, to what age is unknown.

List Of Sample Mutations – Note: Not all sample mutations are listed, only those that will be transferred to the offspring.

Sample 1: Wolverine Real Name: Logan ? Transferred Abilities: Regeneration, Superhuman: Senses/Stamina

Sample 2: Pyro Real Name: John Allerdyce Transferred Abilities: Pyrokinesis

Target: Storm Real Name: Ororo Munroe Transferred Abilities: None

Marie: "Oh my god! That bastard Magneto! Warren look at this!"

Warren sat in the co-pilot's chair and took the folder from her and read it.

Warren: "I guess he really is capable of just about anything, we need to get this to the Prof. ASAP!"

Marie started up the chopper and soon they were landing inside the hangar, as they were running out they ran into Kurt who was coming out of the Danger Room.

Marie: "Kurt! I need you to teleport me and Warren to the Prof.'s office now!"

Kurt grabbed hold of the two of them and in seconds they were standing in front of Scott and the Prof. Kurt teleported out and Marie was about to tell them about what she found when Hank burst through the door.

Hank: "I have news! First I analyzed that gun you gave me Scott, it had a cartridge of six acrylic darts. One was missing, I examined it's contents. Turns out it's a very powerful snake venom, Black Mamba to be exact. The amount of venom in the dart is enough to kill someone in under a minute, less if the person is hit in the head or neck. If she did use it against Magneto it's very likely he's dead. That's not the shocking part, I began analysis of Mystique's blood and found evidence of not only the mind control serum Col. Stryker used at Alkali Lake but signs of genetic tampering."

Marie: "Then that explains the folder I was about to show to the Prof. Warren and I found it in the chopper, it shows exactly what Magneto is or... was capable of."

Marie handed the folder to the Prof. who read it along with Scott, Scott clenched his jaw and walked over to the window. The Prof. handed the folder to Hank and walked to where Scott was and sat on the window ledge. When Hank finished reading he stood open mouthed, in shock. While he found the technique fascinating he was appalled at the depths Magneto could sink to.

Marie: "What are we going to do? I mean we have to tell Ororo and Logan."

Prof. Xavier: "I'm going to call them down, along with the rest of the staff and explain what we've found. The information we discuss will never leave this room." {All staff please come to my office. There is new information we've been able to discover regarding last night's intruder.}

After a few minutes Logan came in with a somewhat distraught looking Ororo, followed by the rest of the staff. Scott walked over and put his hand on Logan's shoulder, the look on Scott's face told him the news wasn't good. The Prof. explained the folders contents and what Hank had discovered. Needless to say the news didn't sit well with Logan, Ororo looked as though she had closed herself off from the world. She sat in a near catatonic state, even when Logan walked to her and held her hand she barely acknowledged his presence.

Logan: "'Ro, what do you wanna do? Do you wanna keep it or do you wanna..."

Coming out of her daze, Ororo looked at Logan. She placed her hand on his face and made her decision.

Ororo: "I know that this child wasn't planned and I know that Mystique's actions weren't her own. I couldn't kill a life, it would go against everything I believe. Logan I know this isn't your child, but..."

Logan: "Shh... it don't matter to me. I want to raise him as my own, with you. Nothing can change the way I feel about you, I was planning on giving this to you a little later but I guess now is as good a time as any."

Logan got down on his knee and pulled out a diamond engagement ring in a platinum setting, he looked up at Ororo who was as shocked as everyone else. No one had ever thought of Logan as romantic but since Jean's death he had changed. He and Scott had gotten over their differences and had forged a brotherly bond, Logan also acknowledged his feelings for Ororo and the two began a heated relationship. Now here he was, on bended knee, asking Ororo to marry him. Soon he would be a father to a child neither had expected but both would love unconditionally.

Of course Ororo accepted and the somber mood that had filled the room was replaced with cries of joy and laughter. Since neither of the two had any family that they knew of, aside from those at the school they considered to be their family, they opted to wed the following weekend. They announced their engagement and wedding plans to the school telepathically, via the Prof. Later that day when the two walked into the dining hall for dinner they were greeted joyously by the students who did not know the full situation. The girls of the school, and a few guys, rushed up to see Ororo's ring while the rest of the guys, and a couple girls, congratulated Logan.

The week passed by uneventfully while some of the staff members took care of any arrangements that needed to be made. The night before the wedding was to take place there was an air of excitement throughout the school, the chairs were set up near the lake where the ceremony would take place. The food was prepared and ready to be cooked for the reception, the dining hall was setup for the reception and everyone was wrought with anticipation for the following day.

The next morning Ororo awoke with excitement and began getting ready. One of the students, Lily, who could manifest any object she had seen brought a Vera Wang wedding gown she had seen in a recent magazine. Ororo had been planning on wearing a white suit she had when the girl showed up at her room. The dress fit perfectly and was stunning against Ororo's complexion. She sent Lily to Scott's room, where Logan had spent the night due to the whole not seeing he bride before he wedding thing, with instructions to create Logan a suit she thought would compliment Ororo's dress.

The time came for the ceremony and everyone was seated by the lake awaiting Ororo's arrival. Kurt took his place to officiate the wedding. Scott and Marie made they're way to the alter to take their respective places as best man and maid of honor, the music began to play and everyone stood. Ororo made her way to the alter escorted by none other than Charles Xavier, father-figure to most who attended the school. Everything went off without a hitch and the reception was fun for all.

When it came time to throw the bouquet and the garter everyone gathered around Logan and Ororo. Logan slipped Ororo's garter off her thigh and the two turned from the crowd to launch the garter and bouquet backwards. Logan went first, he tossed it high and far. When he turned he saw Scott had caught the garter. Next was Ororo, she threw the bouquet over her head but didn't wait for someone to catch it before she spun around. Her throw was a bit off and drifted towards the crowd of guys who had gathered to catch the garter. Piotr was joking with Scott, telling him whoever caught the bouquet would be the one he would eventually marry. Not knowing the bouquet was drifting its way towards him.

Marie: "Piotr, look out!"

Just in time Piotr spun around and looked up, instinctively he caught the bouquet which garnered a fit of laughter from everyone present. The bride and groom took to the floor and shared their first dance as a married couple. When the dance ended Logan and Ororo walked up to Scott and Piotr and joked about the situation.

Logan: "Piotr, weren't you just making fun of Scott? Telling him he'd have to marry whoever caught the bouquet."

Piotr's face turned the brightest shade of red as he turned to apologize to Scott. Logan was about to make fun of him some more when Ororo jumped in.

Ororo: "Don't joke too much Logan. Remember, whoever catches the garter has to dance with the bride and whoever catches the bouquet shares a dance with the groom."

The grin on Logan's face was gone in less than a second, Ororo took Scott's hand and led him to the dance floor. Piotr stood there nervously as Logan roughly grabbed his hand.

Logan: "Come on bub! Let's hurry up and get this over with."

Logan and Piotr took their place, dancing next to Ororo and Scott. Scott was having just a little bit too much fun watching Logan and Piotr dance because every time Logan would look his way he and Ororo would begin laughing. Finally fed up, Logan pulled Ororo to him and tossed Piotr into Scott.

Logan: "Your turn, asshole."

Piotr grabbed a hold of Scott and kept dancing as if he had never stopped, Scott on the other hand was a bit too tense. Thankfully the song ended and the pairs broke apart. The fun began to die down around 2am, Logan and Ororo went up stairs to pack for their honeymoon while Scott stayed behind with Piotr, Betsy, Warren, Bobby and Marie to start cleaning up. Nothing really got cleaned because Betsy and Warren were sitting cuddled up in one corner with Marie and Bobby in the other. Scott and Piotr sat at one of the tables talking, in the middle of the conversation Scott asked something that caught Piotr off-guard.

Scott: "How did you know you liked guys? Like was there a moment or situation when your attraction to guys became apparent?"

Piotr: "Well in high school back in Russia, I was a freshman. It was actually right before my powers manifested, I noticed I liked looking at the guys bodies in my gym class. It wasn't until I came here that I accepted my sexuality, why the curiosity?"

Scott: "Oh it's um, nothing. I was just curious, that's all."

Piotr thought Scott might be curios all right, he thought he had felt something besides Scott's muscles tense up when he danced with him. Not wanting to push Scott too much he just made a friendly gesture.

Piotr: "Scott, if there's ever anything you need to talk to me about or ask I'm here. Day or night, no matter when, just knock on my door."

The two left the hall and Scott made his way to his room. He was trying to suppress his feelings like he had most of his life, but when he was around Piotr he couldn't control himself. Eventually he fell a sleep dreaming of Piotr, right before he woke up the next morning he saw something in his dream that put him at ease. Someone he hadn't seen since she died, it was Jean. In his dream all she did was smile and tell him that it was time for him to move on, she wanted him to be happy and accept himself. Scott woke up and for the first time in a very long time he was happy.

The months seemed to flyby as Ororo and Logan eagerly awaited the arrival of their child. While Scoot was starting to accept the feeling he had towards men, he still kept his distance from Piotr. Once in a while they would talk but Scott just couldn't confess his feelings. Piotr knew how Scott felt but wanted to let Scott be the one to bring it up. Eventually Ororo went into labor and after six long hours, she and Logan were parents to a beautiful baby boy. He would certainly stand out in a crowd with yellow eyes and blood red hair other than that he looked human.

Ororo: "Thanks Mystique, he definitely has some of your traits. Hopefully he didn't inherit her capacity for evil."

This is my new story, it's another X-Men story but totally different from 'Becoming Whole'. Just to let everyone know I haven't stopped writing 'Becoming Whole' or 'Charmed Generations'. I've just been busy writing new chapters for them, this story and a college story. This story takes place 2 years after X-Men: The Last Stand and it is discovered that Scott Summers did not die, which will be explained in a future chapter, and the Professor returned to the school in his new body. Sorry for the straight sex but hey, that's how you make a baby! Also after some debate Kurt returned to the school. I love hearing from my readers so send lots of feedback. Enjoy!

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