X Men into the Light

By Charlie Jiu

Published on Dec 31, 2014



This series of storied is fictitious and based on the X-Men franchise in comic books (graphic novels), television series, and movie franchise. The plot of this series runs parallel to the movie "X-Men: Days of Futures Past". I do not own the characters, nor do I have the "mutations" of these characters. Please be advised that there will be sexual content, it is in appropriate for readers under the age of 18.


Year 2019 – Basement in Phoenix, Arizona

We were in the basement of a dingy suburban house. Bobby (Iceman), and Kitty (Shadow Cat), were out gathering supplies while we waited in the cement basement, the coffin, Warpath called it. Why in a cement basement? The thick cement warps the tracking mechanism the Sentinels used to track mutants, but the warping doesn't stall them for long. The basement was dark and completely sealed with no way in or out. It was built using mutant powers (not really sure who's, but it was) and it can only be accessed with mutant powers. Kitty can walk through walls and access the structure, and Blink can open a portal. There wasn't any electrical wiring, so there wouldn't be a light switch or anything. There was only one source of light, and it was me...

Year 2011 – New York City

I'm glow in the dark, a lame ability, I know. Actually there's more to my powers than just that. My ability formally, is to bend light. Bending light is a board term that encompasses a lot of capabilities. When I was about 10 years old, I found that I can turn invisible, make invisible force fields, and illuminate. As I aged, my powers matured with me, and I showed signs of my parent's mutations as well. My mother was a healer, and my father could blast energy out of his hands. My parent's mutations harmonized with my own.

When I was 18 I met the one and only person with a mutation powerful enough to break my force fields. Her name was Emma Frost, a powerful telepath with the ability to turn her skin into a diamond-like substance. Only in her diamond form could she break through. In my adolescence I learned to hone in on my force field ability to the point where I'm wearing a force field layer just over my skin at all times. This makes me immune to not all, but most abilities... Emma's was not one of them.

I was the quite the thief before I joined the X-Men, and Scott (Cyclops) knew that. I was on a private mission that night, one that only Cyclops and I knew about. I was to steal a flash drive from Emma's penthouse in New York City. I used a force field to cut a hole into her safe. That's when she caught me. Even though my force field prevents her from reading my mind, and my invisibility prevents her from seeing me, she sensed a void in the air.

In her diamond form she grabbed me by the neck with one hand, lifting me up. I couldn't breathe, and I could feel my neck about to break at any second. I reached out my arm, my palm inches away from her face. Her rage, and hate for me glittered in her diamond eyes. I concentrated my light into one point of focus, and then I released it. For the first in my life, I used my father's mutation... For the first time in my life, I killed someone. Emma Frost was now in countless pieces scattered on the floor.

The blast that emitted from my hand had started a fire in the penthouse. I was weakened from the run-in with Emma – too weak to hold a force field. I killed someone, and burning was my karma. I fell to my knees and watched as everything went up in flames, including myself.

I was naked when Cyclops found me in the centre of the burnt rubble that used to be Emma Frost's luxurious penthouse. He walked closer when something caught his eye and he stopped. I was on my knees with my hands in front of me holding onto a diamond hand, which broke off a diamond woman. Emma was holding onto the flash drive, in her cold dead hand. However, that wasn't the thing that stopped Cyclops in his tracks. There was a burn on my thigh. A burn – that was until specks of light shown through and the burn disappeared.

What does this mean? It means I've become self-healing, and virtually immortal. A cell regenerating mutation eventually will begin to heal aging cells, meaning I'll be frozen in time. I'll look like I am now for the rest of my essentially never ending life. I learned later that I wasn't only self-healing, like my mother I could heal others from wounds and illnesses, but not death.

I looked up at Cyclops. I could see the regret painted on his face. He was handsome, but in the moment, I was not admiring his symmetrical face. I had tears in my eyes. Mortified with what I had done, I spoke.

Me: I hope you're satisfied.

I'm Asclepius, derived from the Greek God of Healing. But they call me Clep, or Clepius for short.

Year 2019 – Basement in Phoenix, Arizona

Rogue was pacing, she's always anxious when Bobby wasn't with her. She knew he was strong, and could take care of himself, but he wasn't immortal. She finally sat down on a crate of canned goods, and took off her gloves. Her hands were pale, well actually, she was pale... period.

Rogue, real name Marie, is, like the rest of us, a mutant. Her ability was the absorption of memory and abilities through skin to skin contact. Borrowing abilities is usually temporary, but a while back she held on too long and stole the abilities of a fellow mutant, not only that, she took her life. So on top of absorbing abilities, she had super strength, and the ability to fly, but not anymore. The strength and flight faded as time passed, she only has her base mutation now. She has nothing other than her comrades to defend against a Sentinel attack. Why is she here? She's here to make sure Bobby is okay. An inseparable love, something I had admired.

Peter (Colossus), could change his body into an organic metal. In this form, his strength is heightened, and he is durable against physical attacks. Peter was moving crates, and stacking them on top of each other. We were preparing to transport supplies to our multiple safe houses. Peter was about 6'1" with wide broad shoulders, and a body builder's muscular build. He was wearing a sleeveless compression shirt like he usually does. He doesn't need to wear much protective clothing, I mean, he's a man literally made of steel.

Clarice (Blink) was our transportation vehicle. She's a teleporter who opens portals to destinations of her choosing by launching projectiles. She was beautiful, standing there with her pink markings contrasting on her fair milky skin, and her luscious magenta hair reflected my glow. She stood in a dark corner leaning against the wall. She was wearing a long sliming black trench coat, with a cropped tank top underneath, and skin tight leather pants for bottoms.

Warpath, strength, speed, and combat training, was keeping a look out. He had an uncanny ability to sense when danger was coming. He was just sitting on top of a stack of crates, staring at the ceiling as if he could see through it. He was muscular, most mutants were, but Warpath and Colossus were ripped. The kind of ripped that any shirt would be too tight for them. Lucky for me they wear compression shirts made of the most durable, and flexible fabric.

Roberto (Sunspot), or I call him Robby, was next to me, holding my hand. He has the ability to absorb solar energy and repurpose it into super strength, flight, and heat projection. When he absorbs the sun's energy his body bursts into flames. He wasn't wearing a shirt since it usually went up in flames anyways. When he caught fire, his lower body usually didn't burn like his upper body did. He was wearing a pair of flexible leather-like pants with a red stipe on both sides. The pants showed off a bulge that didn't do his cock justice, a cock I could wait to have inside me when this mission was over. Robby, was my "significant other". I don't like saying boyfriend, it sounds too childish, and saying that we fuck doesn't really do our relationship justice...

Robby yanked my arm to get my attention, and when I turned my head towards him he landed a very welcomed kiss. I was nervous. I'm always nervous when it came to a gathering mission. There were young mutants depending on us, waiting for supplies at our safe houses. Each safe house guarded by one of our senior X-Men. There aren't much of us left – it's enough that Sentinels and the Government is out to get us, we don't need to die of starvation too. Robby's hand was warm, and his warmth calmed me.

Robby: Too hot?

Me: No, you forget I'm fire proof.

I smiled and for a second I felt like the luckiest guy in the world... but then it all went to Hell.

Warpath: THEY'RE HERE!

Rogue: Bobby?

Warpath: No...

All Hell broke loose. Colossus' skin began to shift quickly into its metal state and he began to move faster stacking crates and Blink started opening portals all over the floor. The crates fell through into the portals. I could see that the portals opened in the ceiling of our safe houses. We planned for it to be more gracious, carry it through so that the supplies don't get damaged, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The ground and the walls around us were trembling, and so were we. They were drilling down to us, and they were close.

Blink: We have to go, NOW!

She opened one last portal. The other side was 5 miles away from here, a checkpoint we all agreed on in case something like this happened. We hurried over to the other side. I thought I was the last one through, but when I looked back – Rogue was standing there on the other side, still in the basement. I don't know what came over me, I guess rash decision making comes with being an X-Man. Next thing I knew I was back in the basement grabbing Rogue by the hand and shoving her though the portal just as it closed, and just as the Sentinels entered the basement. There was problem, a flaw in my bravery – when the portal closed, Rogue was 5 miles away from the basement, but I was still in the middle of it...

Year 2019 – 5 miles from the Basement

Blink: What the fuck were you thinking?

Rogue was speechless, because she didn't know what she was thinking. Everything happened so fast – just too fast.

Blink: Rogue, (there was a pause, but then she noticed something) where are your gloves?

Everyone gathered towards the two, Sunspot, Colossus, and Warpath. Rogue bent over and picked up a sharp edged stone, and slit her wrist. Slowly, but surely, the wound healed. She did it again, and again, and the wound continued to heal. The team was dumbfounded; no one said a word until a worried significant other spoke up...

Robby: Where's Charles? WHERE IS CLEPIUS!?

Year 2019 – Basement in Phoenix, Arizona

I stood in the middle as the Sentinels drilled down into basement. There were four of them, one in each corner of the room – surrounding me. I was defenseless – I felt every fiber of my abilities leave my body when I grabbed Rogue. I'm sure she didn't mean it, but her reckless behaviour, and mine, has led to my downfall. With no way out, I stood in the middle of the cement room. I had to accept my fate, I mean, what else could I do? I had no powers, nothing to defend against four deadly robots.

The Sentinels we built using technology derived from Mystique's shapeshifting ability. I've seen what forms that can become. They adapt to the mutant they're fighting, murdering. One of their forms was a diamond state, much like Emma's. Even if I had my force field, they would have broken through, but I would have healed. I was sort of happy. I never thought I could die – watching my friends die around me got tiring real fast.

Death was quick, and ironically, I burned.

Next: Chapter 2

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