X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Dec 24, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.

freaky_ruben@yahoo.com or at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

I recognized the woman who opened the door right away, she was the mother of the boys I had dreamed of. Right away Scott spoke up.

"Hello mam, my name is Scott Summers. This is Ororo Monroe and Drew Matthews, we're here because we would like to offer your children a full scholarship to The Xavier Institute for Gifted Youth."

I think she understood his slight emphasis on the word gifted and wanted more information before inviting us into her home.

"You came at just the right time, but how did you know about my boys?"

Sensing her hesitation to believe us Ororo stepped up to continue where Scott left off.

"We're mutants and our headmaster has a device that alerts him when new mutants come into their abilities. He sensed your boys this morning and would like to offer them a place at his school to not only give them the full education as any other school would provide, but also a safe place for your children to learn to control their new abilities."

After hearing what Ororo had to say she invited us into her home, as soon as I walked in and saw the interior of the house I realized that my dream was very accurate.

"My god, my dream was right! Everything is just exactly as I dreamed of it."

As if on cue she introduced us to her kids.

"These are my boys, from oldest to youngest. Wyatt, Chris and Warren. Guy these people are Scott, Ororo and Drew. They've come to offer you a place in their school to learn to control your new powers and finish schooling. What do you think?"

I could immediately sense the apprehension in the middle son, he was broadcasting his concern for the girl who stood by his side.

"What about Bianca? She came into her powers when we did, will she be able to come too?"

Scott eased his worry by assuring him the offer would be extended to Bianca as well.

"We'll have to talk with her parents first, Ororo would you and Drew take Bianca home to talk with her family?"

"Sure Scott, should I have Drew return here once he's dropped us off?"

"Yeah I want him to come back here. Just contact me on the comms when you're ready to return."

With that said Ororo and I walked over to Bianca. I placed my hands on both of them and told Bianca to think of home. I scanned her mind and with some white flames and a burst of white particles we were gone. We rematerialized in front of an apartment building and Bianca showed us into the building and up to her home. Once I had seen that Ororo and Bianca were inside I teleported back to Scott. When I returned Scott was just explaining about his powers to them.

"Drew, you're back. I was just about to tell Mrs. Halliwell..."

"Did you say Halliwell?"

"Yes why?"

"Because when I had my dream Brett told me that, that was the name I kept repeating over in my sleep."

"Oh, would you please explain your abilities to them. I think you would have an easier time then I would."

Curious Warren asked Scott asked a question.

"So you mean he can do more then teleport?"

Turning to respond I took notice of how beautiful Mrs. Halliwell's children were. The oldest, Wyatt, had the most amazing blond curly hair that came down to just about his shoulders. His eyes were the blue color of shallow tropical water, he was tall and very muscular sort of like Brett. Next was Chris he had his mothers eye color of the most surreal hazel I had ever seen. He was about an inch or two shorter than Wyatt and a lot slimmer, but still well built. His hair was like the color of milk chocolate and was medium length and came down to about the middle of his ears. Last was Warren, who oddly didn't look much like his brothers. He was as tall as Chris and had hair like his mother. It was long like hers and the same chocolate brown as hers and Chris', but that's as far as a familial resemblance went. His eyes were light brown like the color of honey and while not as muscled as his brothers he was lean like me. I could assume he studied some sort of martial art by the way our bodies appeared so similar to each other. I would have to remember to ask him why he looked so different to the rest of his family.

"I can do so much more then just teleporting, I am a class 5 mutant which is extremely rare. I am a Psychokinetic, which gives me the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, astral projection, matter transfiguration, teleportation and regeneration. I also am fused with another being. Alone I am one half of a very powerful mutant. The other half was a cosmic entity known as Phoenix, he fused with me to complete his destiny and now the limits of my power are infinite."

"Wow, that's a lot of power. Well we might as well tell you about our powers. I can....."

At the same time Warren was talking Scott's comm sounded.

[Ororo to Scott, come in.]

[Scott here.]

[Scott, Bianca's parents have agreed to allow her to come with us. We're ready for Drew to bring us to you.]

[Copy that Ororo, Scott out]

"Drew, do your stuff."

"OK, we'll finish this conversation on our way back to the school."

I left to bring back Ororo and Bianca then returned to the house with the two and Bianca's luggage. Satisfied that Bianca would be coming as well the boys went up to gather thier things while we waited downstairs with Bianca. I noticed that there were some family photos on the wall of the staircase. I walked up to the first landing and looked at the pictures there were pictures of the boys when they were younger, pictures of other family members and thier children. There were two pictures that stood out from the bunch, the first was a picture of Piper, I had read her mind just enough to get her name, the boys mother and what I could assume to be her two sisters. On either side of Piper were on older younger sister making Piper obviously the middle sister. I recognized the older sister from the vision I had last night. Then the other picture was of Piper and her younger sister from the first picture but this one included an even younger sibling who bore a vague resemblance to them as if her parentage differed from the other two. What really got my mind working was the absence of the older sister from the second picture, as I walked further along I noticed that at one point the older woman stopped appearing in the family photos and was replaced by the younger woman, I made a mental note to ask Piper about that because I had seen her a sleep in one of the rooms of the house in my vision. I noticed about halfway up the staircase that I could hear the conversation Piper was having with her sons, although I didn't hear all of what they were saying I caught the end of what was being said. What I heard Wyatt and Warren say gave a bit of insight into the strange energy I felt in this family.

"... the mansion. Just in case one of us is busy when mom and dad call."

"Sounds like a good idea, I mean we're bonded now through magic as well as blood. Who knows it just might work."

Magic?! Did this family practice Wicca? Magic doesn't exist, does it! Well mutants exist but that's genes not supernatural. I quietly made my way back down the stairs and rejoined the others and decided that I was gonna keep everything to myself until one of them slipped up or I caught them in the act. Just as I settled down they came back down and were ready to go. We said our goodbyes to Piper and then I asked everyone to join hands and then placed my hand on Scott's shoulder, I then teleported back to Golden Gate Park. With the Blackbird still cloaked Wyatt was the one to question our location.

"Um, did I miss something or is your school in the middle of a park?"

Scott smiled as he turned to answer.

"The school's not here but this is."

Scott punched a button on his handheld and the Blackbird decloaked to our amazement, the rear hatch opened and we stepped into the plane. Bianca went upfront to sit with Ororo, Scott and I while Wyatt, Chris and Warren sat in the back. We kept each other awake during the boring flight by making small talk.

"So Bianca, how long have you known the brothers?"

"The brothers?"

"Yeah well, it's kind of repetitive saying thier names over and over again. So if you don't like me calling them 'the brothers' then what would you suggest I call them?"

"I dunno how about the guys?"

"I guess that works too."

"Yeah anyway I've known Chris and Wyatt since we started high school. I met Warren just recently when I started dating Chris. How long have you been at the school?"

"Honestly I've only been there for about 2 weeks."

"If you don't mind me asking what power do you have."

"That's right you weren't there when I told the guys about my powers. It's a little complicated, I am a Psychokinetic."

I could see the confusion on her face so I decided to explain.

"What that means is I have the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, astral projection, matter transfiguration, teleportation and regeneration."

"Wow and you've learned to control all that in just two weeks?"

"Actually yes and no. You see while at the school I was learning to control them but then a few things happened where I became fused with a cosmic entity known as Phoenix, by fusing with me granted me complete control over my abilities and probably some new ones as well. Anything new hasn't happened to me yet but who knows, when it comes to me my power has no limits."

"That must be hard for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well for one you don't have anyone that can relate to you because there's no one nearly as powerful as you. Second, all of that happened to you so fast. So much responsibility dropped on you and your not even done being a kid."

"I never thought of it like that before, but it sounds like you're speaking from experience."

"More like having seen a friend being expected to be something so great at such a young age that she has never really had the chance to be a kid."

"She? Sounds like you sacrificed a lot when you were little."

"Yeah I did... I mean she did! She did."

"Look, I don't have to be a telepath to know you're referring to yourself. We've just met so I don't expect you to tell me everything, but I can feel that we will be great if not best friends. Eventually you'll know everything about me and I'll know everything about you, that's how friends are. But acknowledge it or not I know there's something different about you then just you being a mutant, I can feel it without using my powers."

"I wish I could tell you but it doesn't just involve me so it's not my decision to make alone."

"I understand, hey look we're here!"

We landed in the underground hanger and the rear hatch opened and Brett, Prof. Xavier an Jean, who Wyatt immediately started drooling over. Scott introduced them to the new students.

"Prof. Charles Xavier, a very powerful psychic and headmaster of our school. My girlfriend Jean Grey, powerful like Drew except her powers are telekinesis and telepathy. Last but not least Brett Andrews, he's new to the school as well. His abilities allowed him to phase, like Wyatt, and fly."

No sooner had Scott stopped talking I rushed down and wrapped my arms around Brett who then proceeded to fly us both up and out of the hangar. Brett took us up to our room where we started making out. I had missed him so much in the little time I was gone but we definitely made up for lost time. No sooner had Brett gone to take a shower I sensed Jean and the guys walking down the hallway towards my room. I opened the door before Jean had the chance to knock.

"Hey roomie, come in let me show you around your new room."

Drew walked in and looked around and noticed that Brett was no where to be found.

"So where's our other roomie?"

"Oh he's in the shower. Listen I have to say you being our room mate came as a complete surprise to me. I was sent to bring you and your brothers here while Jean worked out the living situation, you should thank Brett for offering us to room with you otherwise you probably would have ended up on the other floor with some stranger for a roomie. Anyway welcome to the room and make yourself at home. Each bed has a dresser next to it and thankfully every room in this mansion has its own bathroom, I don't think I could handle a bathroom having to be shared by all the guys in this wing of the school."

"Man try having to share a bathroom with two brothers, your parents and one of your aunts. That's scary! Well I guess I'm gonna go see how my bros are doing, be back in a few."

Out he walked and left me alone to think about all I had learned from today. I thought about how the existence of magic might be possible and would explain the other energy I had felt flowing in their family. I thought about the pictures and assumed that the reason the one aunt was no longer in the recent pictures was because she must have died, but then who was it that Drew said lived with them just a few seconds ago. Could it be a different aunt? One not in any of the family photos. Just as I was in the middle of thinking when Brett came out and slipped on a pair of briefs then walked over to where I was sitting and wrapped his arms around me.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about today and some things that I discovered about our new roommate and his brothers."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Well you're not gonna believe me but I'll give it a try anyway. I didn't tell you this but in my recent vision not only did I see Drew and his family but I was also able to somehow feel not just there psionic energy but a different energy flowing through them. At first I didn't know what it was and kept it to my self but when we were at Drew's house I may have overheard a private conversation."

"You mean you were snooping?"

"NO! I was looking at their family photos which happened to be hanging on the wall going up the staircase. I over heard Wyatt say something about being busy when their mom and dad call and then Warren said something I'll never forget. He said something about them being bonded through magic as well as blood and that whatever it was they were talking about just might work. Magic! Can you believe it? I think they might practice witch craft."

"Well since you didn't hear the whole conversation maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions."

"Maybe but when we were on the plane I was talking to Bianca and we ended up talking about the guys and she eventually said that she wished she could tell me all about her self but it involved others and she couldn't make the choice alone. I'll find out eventually, but I'll let them tell me I won't go snooping."

"Good cause if I were to catch you snooping around I'd have to do this!"

He pushed me down on his bed and we proceeded to make out again. This time only for a few minutes because we were both hungry, I teleported us downstairs and to the dining hall. Eventually we were stuffed and headed back up to our room.

"You know Brett I don't remember seeing the guys or Bianca at dinner. Why don't you go and relax with a good book, I'll check on them and then come back, shower and then we can go to bed."

"Sounds great but remember no snooping."

"I know, I know. I'll be good."

As Brett walked into our room I knocked on Wyatt and Chris' door, after waiting and getting no response I knocked again. Still no answer, frustrated I decided to teleport into the room. Once inside I saw they were weirdly all a sleep. I tried waking them but to no avail. So that's when I decided to scan their minds. I entered their minds and was surprised when I couldn't read anything. No matter how hard I tried there just wasn't anything there, like there consciousness had somehow left them. The only thing I did manage to find was a small rhyme that kept repeating in their minds.

"Let our bodies sleep while spirits soar, returning us to our home once more. Obey the words of the Charmed Ones plea, and send us now so mote it be."

The Charmed Ones? Is that what they called themselves? This now cemented in my mind that they were indeed witches. Not only that but also they were magical. Magic had been what I had felt flowing through them and now it made sense as to why their minds were empty. They were somehow able to magically astral project, the words left in their minds now made sense. It was a spell. I teleported out and into the hallway then stepped into my room.

"How are they doing?"

"They were a sleep, the flight must have taken a lot out of them. I'm gonna go shower now, see ya in a bit."

When I finally came out of the shower Warren was talking to Brett. I walked over and laid on Brett's bed while Warren went and showered. I decided not to tell Brett about what I had discovered and just keep it to myself. Eventually we fell a sleep before Warren had finished showering. He was gonna have a big day tomorrow but I was gonna have even more fun finding out all I could about our four new students and their magic.

Next: Chapter 10

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