X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Dec 6, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.

freaky_ruben@yahoo.com or at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

Beast and Betsy rushed over to where Jean and I lay. Betsy and Beast helped Jean to her feet and down to the Med-Bay so Beast could run a few tests to make sure Jean was alright. Everyone else remained outside staring at my glowing body. Prof. Xavier had some of the Jr. team take the now released members of the Sr. team to the Med-Bay as well, leaving only Holly, Storm and my newest friend Brett. They knew basically what had happened, except for Holly, and where at the ready should Phoenix have assumed control over my body. They watched the white glow of my body change to a blazing white fire, unaware of the change happening deep within my soul. A few moments later the white flames engulfing my body vanished and my eyes opened and now they seemed alive and to slightly glow. More the color of silver rather than the steel gray they once were. I looked around and saw fear and concern among the friendly faces, I stood and turned to help the Prof. up from the ground.

"Prof., what happened? The last thing I remember was freeing Jean from Phoenix...... oh no! He's in my body now isn't he?"

"It would truly seem that way Drew, however it is a mystery as to why he jumped into your body and why he is not in control of you the way he was of Jean."

"Come on Prof. I think we both know the answers to those questions. When I was in Jean's mind he said something about me being the half spirit, the fragment needing to be made whole. Do you have any idea what he was referring to?"

The Prof. turned to Ororo and asked her escort Holly inside and contact her family to let them know she is alright. I helped the Prof. back into his wheelchair and we continued to talk.

"Drew, when Phoenix first became a part of Jean he did indeed mention that he was on his way to his destiny. He said that there would one day be a boy born who was what he referred to as a halfling, a being that for some reason or another is born with only half a soul. Phoenix knew exactly when and where this being was to be born and was on his way to complete his destiny when he saved Jean and the team. However he became stuck, unable to free himself from Jeans mind. He explained that the only reason he deviated to help Jean was because he sensed that she would be an integral figure in the halflings life. So he chose to save her rather than fuse with the halfling, had he not Jean and most of the other teachers would not be alive today."

"But why isn't he in control of my body like he was with Jean?"

"My best guess would be that having finally found the one he was meant to fuse with, he did just that. I would bet that if we ran a few tests we would find that not only have your abilities stabilized but that also you have complete control over all of your new and previous powers. Also your genetic structure may have been altered slightly to allow Phoenix to completely fuse with you, his days of independent consciousness are gone. He is now you and you are no longer a halfling."

My head was spinning, I could feel the power running through my body. It was as if someone had opened the flood gates within my very soul. What was also strange was that I could feel the minds of the entire planet! Thankfully Phoenix had imbued me with the control I needed to wield my power, it felt wonderful. Even though I had fought Phoenix with my mind, I had a few bumps and bruises here and there. I removed my trench-coat and looked at my battered arms and hands, as soon as I had seen them I felt something in my mind click and my arms were once again engulfed in white flames. As quickly as they appeared they then disappeared leaving my arms completely healed. I was amazed, my Psychokinesis was fully active and I now had access to my once out of reach full potential. Along with the control Phoenix imbued me with I was also now becoming aware of the abundant knowledge I gained, I knew exactly what I was capable of and lets just say my imagination was truly my only limit. I knew I had no equal and that none had ever reached my level nor would any ever again. I was now infinite, space and time had no sway over me. I also knew the part I was to play in humanity, I would guide and assist those who needed such and help to keep the world from Armageddon. Some would try to control me and others destroy me to tip the scales towards destruction but all would be futile attempts. I felt somewhat sad coming upon the realization that I was now the protector of this world and my short childhood was at an end, there would be a bit more time to relax but only just. I turned to the Prof. and for the first time took notice of Brett behind him.

"Prof., Brett I am still the person you knew before this change but I am so much more now. I know my place in this world but not my fate because I don't have one, it has already come to pass. A storm is coming the outcome of which I do not know but I will still fight along side you to bring your vision of humanity to reality Prof. What Magneto believes isn't wrong but his way of going about it is. If he ever lays a hand on an innocent human or mutant life I swear I will obliterate him and his thugs."

"I understand your sentiments Drew however as you know violence does not solve conflict, it only escalates it further."

"Brett will you run inside and see if anyone needs help?"

"Sure thing Drew!"

Turning back to the Prof. I continued.

"Prof. I don't know if you can feel it but the world somehow knows of mutants, the storm is approaching."

Just then Logan ran outside and yelled for us to come inside, when we did we were ushered towards the television. On the screen was video surveillance of a bank robbery that had taken place just a short while before the face-off outside. A man walked into the bank and once he had dealt with the security he ripped the safe door from its hinges and left with a large amount of cash. The Prof. and I looked at each other with a knowing glance, he turned to Logan, Jean, Scott and Kitty and told them to try and track down Juggernaut to subdue him long enough for Jean to attack him mentally. I decided to take a walk and clear my mind when Brett and Ian both came up to me. I introduced them to each other and invited them to join me. Brett said he would see me later in the room and I was left to talk with Ian.

"So, what's new with you Ian? I feel like you've been avoiding me, did I do something?"

"Yeah you walk in here and with in a few days your king of the school! Your going on missions and joining the Jr. team and here I've been here for a lot longer than you and I have nothing to really show for it besides being on the Jr. team. I had to wait 6 months to be recruited and here you are on the team and you haven't even been here a full month!"

"Wow, I never knew you would turn out to be the jealous type. I thought you might actually be supportive of my quick advancement but here you are the green eyed monster pulling the rug out from underneath me. I guess any thoughts of you and I are gone, I'd say goodbye to you but unfortunately I will still have to see you around campus."

With that I stormed off and up to my room, when I got there Brett was taking off his X-Suit and I once again was graced with a perfect view of his body. He'd gone nude under his suit liked I had done, I didn't notice he had turned to face me until he started laughing.

"Man, I knew I was right!"

"Right about what?"

"I knew when I first saw you coming out of Bayville High cafeteria that you were gonna have the hots for me. I was right, don't pretend you weren't checking out my body right now. I watched you for a few seconds, man you were practically droolin all over yourself."

"Oh shut up! I was only looking."

"Yeah well take a picture, it'll last longer!"

"Don't tempt me, I just might."

"Anyway Drew, I'm gonna hit the shower and then get some rest. What about you?"

"I'm gonna get a head start on resting, just wake me up when you get done and save some hot water for me."

The next thing I know I feel someone climbing into my bed with me, being as tired as I was I scooted into the warm body pressing into my back and fell back to sleep. A few hours later I felt an arm wrapped around me holding my hand, with my free hand I softly stroked the arm thinking it was Ian come to say sorry. As I kept feeling the arm it dawned on me that Ian's arms weren't as developed as this, slowly I turned around and was shocked to see Brett was sleeping with me. I was about to panic when I stopped myself and just laid there and watched him sleep. He had the most peaceful face when he was a sleep, I lightly traced his jaw line with my finger when he started to wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled, he moved his arm to stretch and released me from his grasp. He stretched and I was mesmerized by how defined his muscles were, he looked at me watching him and broke my gaze by bringing his face close to mine and softly pressed his lips to mine. At this point my mind was moving a mile a minute, part of me wanted to just get out of there and couldn't believe what was going on. The other part of me wanted to give into the desire I had for him since I saw him in the locker room, I gave in and picked up the pace of our make-out session. We laid there for what seemed like forever making out, finally we broke our lip lock and Brett spoke for both of us.

"Look, I know we don't really know each other and we don't exactly have a friendly past. I've know I was gay since last year but I was so afraid of coming out. I want to get to know you more and I would love it if eventually we could make love."

"Don't you mean fuck or have sex?"

"No, I want my first time to be with someone I truly care for. I don't know if your a virgin but I hope that if we start a relationship you can hold out until I'm ready."

"Brett I have to tell you, I just ended a type of non-existent relationship. The person I left wasn't really who I thought he was, even though I didn't really know him all that well. I won't rush you or this relationship and I'm still a virgin so I can't wait until our time comes."

With that we went back to making our for a while until Brett reminded me that I still needed to shower. Reluctantly I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After a while I got out and returned to my room, Brett was just now getting out of bed and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I walked over to my dresser and started getting dressed when all of a sudden I got distinct feeling of fear and panic from those in the school.

"Something is happening, we need to get down stairs!"

Brett grabbed me and phased us through the floor to downstairs.

"Thanks, but I could have just teleported us straight to the Prof. to find out what is going on."

"Yeah well I just wanted to hold you a bit longer."

"Speak of that, your still holding me."

Brett let me go just as the Prof. and the other teachers walked around the corner.

"Drew, Cerebro has detected two......"

Just then Jubilee rushed out from the rec-room and yelled for us to come and see Magneto holding a press conference on t.v.

"It is time that a new portion of the population is brought to the attention of the world. People with special abilities should no longer hide who they are, we are the next step in human evolution. We are not homo-sapien, we are homo-superior! I call out those who have been repressed by our government to join me in my fight against those who would fear and destroy us mutants. Any who try to stop our take over will perish!"

I could feel every ones apprehension as they looked to the Prof. for some glimmer of what was going to happen next. He sat there as stunned as everyone else, never had he imagined the Magneto would resort to anything like this. Surely Magneto knew that now he not only would have to contend with human resistance but resistance from the X-Men as well. My blood was boiling, and everyone could see it. I had told the Prof. that if Magneto ever hurt anymore innocent people I would take him out, now all I had to do was wait for him to make his move. I was so pissed that things started floating around the room, Brett tried to calm me down.

"Come on babe, clam down. You can't do anything right now but wait and you don't wanna hurt anyone by lashing out. Take some deep breaths and just let it go."

Brett was holding me in his arms and gently rubbing my back, I felt so safe in his arms that I found it easy to let it go.

"Prof. you were going to say something to me when Jubilee interrupted."

"No, it can wait until tomorrow morning. I suggest you all get some rest, I believe tomorrow will be quite a busy day."

As Brett and I were about to go back upstairs Jean and Scott came over to talk. Scott was on the quiet side, he and I had not really spoken since I kicked his ass and since he barged in on me naked. Jean did most of the talking.

"Hey Drew, how's everything going?"

"Pretty good. I take it the Prof. explained to you guys what happened to me after the fight?"

"Yeah, I'm still amazed at it. I never thought that Phoenix would ever be under control again."

"Well, he's not necessarily under my control. He and I are one, myself being the raw power and he being the stabilizing force."

"At least he'll never cause the damage he once did ever again, anyway we noticed that you guys seem pretty close given your past. Did something happen?"

"Well without getting in to too much detail, we have a mutual understanding of how we feel for each other. We're not gonna rush anything like I did before, we're just gonna go with the flow. If it feels right then we know it is, simple as that."

"Well just don't do anything I wouldn't do, but if you ask Scott the two of us have done almost everything!"

"Really? Scott what exactly have the two of you done?"

Scott blushed as he stammered trying to find the right words without giving too much away.

"Um well... we um, you know what I think I remember Logan saying something about needing help fixing his bike."

With Scott embarrassed and Jean laughing hysterically Brett and I left her to clean up the mess she had made. We walked out the front doors and surveyed some of the damage to the school from the fight. Chunks of the lawn and uprooted trees were everywhere. I decided to fix the damage to make it easier on the others. I let go of Brett and walked out onto the grass. I let my mind open and I could feel the energy around me, slowly I pulled that energy towards me and rearranged it to the way it had been before. When I was done I looked and saw that everything was back to normal. Brett walked up to me and held me from behind.

"That was amazing babe, you should have seen the way it looked from where I was. Everything seemed to faintly glow and then ripple, then poof it was all fixed. I think there's nothing you can't do."

"I know, it scares me a little when I think of what I'm capable of. If I didn't have the control I do now, thanks to Phoenix, then I could destroy this world by losing control. Brett, I can feel everything on the planet. I think I can even feel the actual planet its self."

"Just know that no matter what happens I'll be here with you."

"You know earlier when we were a sleep I had a strange dream. I was outside of a red house with white trim. I walked up to the front doors and went in side. I saw four figures surrounded by different colors of light, three of the figures were male: Blue, Red and Purple. The fourth figure was a female she was surrounded by Red as well. I couldn't see what they looked like but I'd recognize the house in an instant. What was even more strange was that besides me being able to feel that they were mutants, they also had another energy flowing through them. I don't know what it was but I think they will somehow play a role in the coming battle between Magneto and the rest of the world."

"Maybe it wasn't a dream babe, maybe you had some kind of vision."

"Most likely, come on let's go grab a bite to eat and then get some sleep."

We walked back into the school and decided to sit with Bobby, Amara and Piotr. We chatted with everyone while we ate and then everyone went to thier rooms to chill. Brett and I laid a blanket on the floor and talked about everything, where we grew up. Our friends, movies, music, video games. I found out that Brett had actually been practicing his powers a while before the Prof. discovered him. Which would explain how he was able to control his powers so quickly once he got here. We eventually passed out on the floor holding each other. It's funny I've never really had trouble sleeping but I seem to fall a sleep a lot quicker with Brett than I do alone. Again I had the dream, only this time things were a bit clearer. I didn't know where in the world this was but I could tell it was in the U.S. This time in the dream it was night, I walked in and it was dark. After going through the first floor I headed up stairs, once there I went through each room. In the first I saw a woman sleeping, she had the same odd energy flowing through her. Unable to figure it out I walked to the next room, inside was a couple. The husband had no such energy within him and wasn't a mutant but his wife had the energy inside her as well. It was stronger in her than the first woman and from what I could see they had a familial resemblance, sisters. The last room I entered held the three men I had seen before, but there was no trace of the woman. Upon closer inspection I could see that they were around my age, I felt the energy the strongest in these three as well as mutant ability. However the youngest ones mutation had yet to manifest, I reached into him and with what felt like a click I accessed his latent power. It would manifest sometime after he wakes up, quickly I was taken to another place different from the house. I was standing in front of the young woman and upon inspection saw that her power too was slow in forming, as with the boy I went in and activated it. The dream ended when I heard Brett's voice calling to me. I woke to his beautiful face and warm body.

"Good morning sleepy head, how did you sleep?"

"Great." I lied. "How did you?"

"The best, did you know you talk in your sleep?"

"No, I'm usually sleeping when I'm a sleep. What did I say?"

"Nothing too much, you just kept repeating a name. Halliwell, ring any bells?"

"Hm...... Halliwell? No not that I know of. Come on let's get ready for school."

After showering together, it was about 8:15am, we went down and had breakfast. We separated to go to class and on my way Scott saw me and said that the Prof. wanted to see the both of us. We made our way to his office where Ororo was also waiting.

"Yesterday Cerebro detected two new mutants in California. Unfortunately I was unable to pinpoint thier location before they disappeared. When they reappear I want you three to take the Blackbird to meet them, I'll be scanning for them while you prepare. I will contact you when I have them."

"Prof. you said two, are you sure it was only two?"

"Quite sure, is there something you know Drew?"

"Well actually I had a dream last night. I saw three boys and a girl, they were mutants and thier powers were newly manifested."

I decided not to tell them about the strange energy they had until I knew what it was.

"Well until we know if it is indeed four or just two, have Jean and Betsy prepare a room for the boys and set up a roommate for the girl."

We left the office and went to get everything situated with the Blackbird. We decided that rather than leave the hangar and then come back once the Prof. had located the kids, we would just hang in the jet and wait. It was kind of awkward sitting in silence, Scott seemed a bit uncomfortable. So I decided to start the conversation.

"So... anybody have anything to talk about? Ant school gossip worth sharing?"

"Well I'm not usually one to gossip but, I heard a certain new student is romantically linked with his roommate and awfully quickly I might add."

Storm made me blush and Scott had a surprised look on his face. Finally breaking his silence he asked me a question.

"I thought Brett and you didn't get along? I also heard from... someone that you were with Ian."

"My, my aren't we a busy body? Actually Ian and I were only friends. I wanted something a bit more but he got jealous when he saw that I was fitting in around here quicker than he did. As far as Brett... we've worked past our differences. We were up late last night just talking and learning everything we could about each other. I really feel a connection between he and I that wasn't there with Ian. Ororo, do you mind if Scott and I talk for a few minutes?"

"That's fine, I'll be at the helm awaiting the Profs. coordinates."

Once she was out of ear-shot I wanted to resolve the issue between Scott and I.

"Listen Scott, there's some thing I want to talk to you about to clear the tension between us. First I'm truly sorry if I hurt your pride by beating you in the danger room. I only wanted to show you guys that I'm capable of taking care of myself."

"What would make you think that we thought you couldn't handle yourself?"

"Well with the staff knowing what happened to me and how I got jumped at school, I didn't want anybody to think that I was weak and needed protection."

"I can certainly tell you that I never doubted you being able to handle yourself. That's actually why I was eager to see where you were at with your fighting skills. When we were at your house your mother talked non-stop about you and all you had accomplished so far."

"That reminds me I need to visit home, anyway the other thing was about that time you walked in on me naked."

"Yeah, again I'm sorry about that. I was on my way to tell you what I had just told you now but then you were naked and laying with your..."

"About that, I was expecting someone else to come to my room around the same time you did. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"Oh I wasn't uncomfortable. I mean we're both guys, we have the same equipment. I was just not expecting to walk into the room and... see you on display. Ha, ha.. If you could have only seen the look on your face when I walked in!"

"Yeah well your face was priceless too. I hope this relieves the tension between us, I was starting to get a bit frustrated with all the non-conversation we were having."

"Sorry I just didn't know how to approach the subject. I thought you'd either yell at me for what happened or I'd walk in on you naked again."

"Asshole! It's not funny!"

"Yes it kinda is. Don't worry we're cool from now on."

Just as we finished Ororo came back and let us know that the Prof. had picked up the mutants again. Only this time he detected four instead of two.

"I guess my dream was right."

"It would seem so, Scott would you take your seat as co-pilot we need to get going."

"Sure Ororo, be there in a second." Turning to me, "Hey when we get there try not to use your powers if necessary."

"Aye, aye captain!"

"Smart ass, just like your dad."

We left the school and headed west, the flight didn't take too long and soon we landed the jet in the middle of Golden Gate Park. Exiting the plane Scott set in the coordinates to his handheld and closed the rear hatch.

"Their location is quite a ways from here, Drew do you think you could teleport us there?"

"If it's where I think it is the I know what thier house looks like."

I grabbed a hold of Ororo and Scott and thought of the house I had seen in my dream. instantly our bodies were engulfed in white flame and we burst into tiny white particles. In what felt like only 2 seconds we reappeared as white particles and rejoined in the flames which then vanished. It was just as I had seen it in my dream, the tall red house with white trim. We walked up the walkway and Scott approached the front door, he knocked and a few seconds later a woman answered the door.

Next: Chapter 9

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