X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Nov 9, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people.

Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental.

The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel.

This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse.

Though you should always practice safe sex.

Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else.

Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.

freaky_ruben@yahoo.com or at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

We arrived back at the school. Ororo flew the Sky-hawk and Scott flew us back in the Blackbird. I asked Scott why we left before rescuing Rogue and the others. He said that if Mystique was impersonating Holly then the Brotherhood must have the team and Holly.

"But why impersonate Holly? What would she be getting out of that?"

"Most likely she was searching out other new mutants in an effort to recruit more members into the Brotherhood."

"That explains a lot but where are the others exactly?"

"They're most likely being held in the Brotherhood's hide out. We're going to dump off our guest here and you then go and rescue the team."

"I guess I get to fill in the Prof. of everything that happened on the mission right?"

"Yup along with Ororo's report on their part of the mission."

When we got back Ian and Piotr were waiting in the hanger to escort Mystique to a holding cell. They took her away and I followed the Prof. upstairs. I again pressed the small X on my belt and shifted my clothes back to my X-Suit.

"Very interesting ensemble."

"Hey I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna go up to my room and change. I'm kinda tired and I really need a shower."

"Certainly, stop by my office when you're ready and I'll scan your mind rather than have you tell the story. It will be much quicker that way."

I headed towards my room and then I realized that I hadn't seen Ian for more than a week. No wonder he didn't even say hi to me in the hanger. Why am I stressing so much over this guy? We're not really together and neither one of us has done this before, whatever this is we're doing. Maybe I really need to just back off and prioritize what I need to focus on right now, and right now I don't need distractions. If Ian wants to see me he can come and find me. If he doesn't then I'll take that as a sign that we were just not right for each other. I walked into my room and Brett was laying on his bed reading.

"Hey, long time no see! Where've you been?"

"Just... out training. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really, just trying to get adjusted to this new life."

"Well if you need anything feel free to ask me, I'm gonna take a bit of a nap and then go see the Prof. later."

"Cool, I'll keep quiet and let you sleep."


I laid down and thought about all that had happened. I thought with as much as everyone played up Mystique that she'd put up more of a fight. Also how was it that Rogue, with her abilities, could possibly be captured? Nightcrawler too couldn't he have just teleported away with the team? Something wasn't adding up, how was it that they were captured? Eventually I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes I was standing in the middle of someones front yard, in a suburban neighborhood I didn't recognize. I looked around and noticed the mailbox had a name on it, I walked closer until I could make out the name. It was Grey, just then the front door opened and cautiously I walked through it. Even though the house was fully furnished I knew there was no one here except for me and whoever brought me here. I walked into the living room and there was a little girl sitting on a chair. I sat down across from her and there was a familiarity that I couldn't place.

"Hi, are you the one that brought me here?"

"Yes, and I only have a little bit of time so listen. He's coming for her, he won't stop until he's got her back. You've got to let the Prof. know. He's on his way now! Hurry before........."

She and the world around us started to fade but not before one final warning.

"He's found a way to suppress our abilities, he's dampened mine but he'll totally suppress them once he reaches the school. Once my powers are gone it'll be free, he'll try to control it to do his bidding but it's too powerful for him to control."

And then she was gone, I awoke in a cold sweat and immediately ran from my room towards the Prof. office. On my way I saw Piotr, Ian and Jubilee.

"Guys no time to explain but do what ever it is you do when something bad is about to happen!"

"Drew what are you talking about?"

"No time Jubes just do it!"

I continued on and found Prof. Xavier talking with Hank and Betsy.

"Sorry to interrupt, Jean contacted me. They're in trouble but I think Magneto's on his way here for Mystique. Jean said that he found a way to suppress mutant abilities but he only dampened hers. He gonna unleash Phoenix and try to use it to get even, but see said he'll never be able to control it."

"Hank take the students down to the safe room and secure them there while you Betsy, you gather the Jr. team."

"I already told Piotr, Jubilee and Ian to do whatever it is they do when danger comes so I'm sure they've got it covered."

"Still, Hank assist them while Betsy assembles the few remaining X-Men we have left."

Just then Jubilee and the others came running around the corner with Amara and Kitty.

"Prof. what's going on? We've got everyone locked down in the safe room except for myself Piotr and Ian."

"In short Magneto is coming for Mystique, he's suppressed the abilities of the others and is threatening to unleash Phoenix to get his way. Everyone get ready they'll be here shortly, I can feel them."

We went to get changed when I remembered my X-Suit was still in my room.

"Guys. my suit's in my room I'll go change and meet you all back here."

I ran to my room and when I opened the door Brett was still there sleeping.

"Brett wake up! Something big is about to go down, you need to get downstairs and locked down with the other students."

"Huh, go where and do what?"

"Hold on let me change real quick and I'll take you myself............ OK let's go"

I took him down stairs and saw everyone waiting in front of the front doors. They stopped us and asked where we were going.

"I'm taking him down stairs with the others, he'll be safe."

"Sorry but the safe room is already locked down, besides the more people we have the more of a chance we have of defending the school."

"OK, well at least take him and get him a suit. Please Hank?"

"Very good idea, come let's hurry they'll be here any minute."

After a few minutes Hank returned with Brett. He was wearing an all black body-suit with black gloves and boots. I looked at him and actually found him to be kinda hot, but no time for that we have a school to defend.

"Brett stick close to me, you're still learning to control your powers so, if anything goes wrong I'll be able to protect you."

"Got it."

"All right team here's the situation. From what Jean was able to communicate to Drew, Magneto has developed a way to suppress our mutant abilities. What we don't know is whether he does this using some types of technology or by using a mutant who has that ability. If it is indeed some sort of technology then no doubt he will use Quicksilver's speed to try and subdue you quickly. If it is the ability of another mutant then we would need to get him far enough away from the main group so as not to affect us and release his hold on the others. However we may not have a choice but to give Mystique back to Magneto in hopes that he will release the others."

"Prof.! Do you feel that?! It's huge, what ever it is."

"They're here, and so is Phoenix!"

We ran outside and saw Magneto and his thugs. He had Rogue, Nightcrawler, Holly, Iceman and everyone else bound with metal cuffs around their wrists and ankles. Each of them also had a metal collar around their neck. That collar must be what he's using to suppress their abilities. I kept an eye out for any movement while trying to come up with a plan to free the others.

"Charles, I believe you have something that belongs to me."

"If you're referring to Mystique then yes we do have her, however you must let my team go."

"You are not in the position to negotiate Charles. Hand over Mystique or we will be forced to take action."

He turned to Jean and whispered something to her, she moved closer to the school as if she was going to walk right in. I made to block her but the Prof. told me not to. He moved into her path and confronted her.

"Hello Phoenix. It's been quite sometime since we've spoken."

Jean's voice sounded weird. It sounded like her voice and a male voice were speaking at the same time.

"Yes, it has been a while. You cannot stop me now, none of you can."

"I see you don't have a collar like the others, why is that?"

"The collar was only necessary to release me, once that was done the collar was no longer needed. I will retrieve the woman and then I will have my revenge on you and your mutants for imprisoning me."

"We only did what was necessary to stop the rampage you were on. The human emotions you were craving corrupted you and we did what we had to do, you were never meant to merge with Jean which is why she couldn't control you."

"True and she still can't, but since I have control now I will do as I please."

Phoenix walked past the Prof. and went into the school. As we watched her pass she looked at me and kept walking. When we turned back Magneto had the Prof. bound and with one of those collars around his neck. I took this opportunity to come up with a plan and telepathically give it to my team.

{Here's what we're gonna do, find quicksilver first and take him out. He has got to be the one with the collars. Second we gotta get those collars off of the others. Last we're gonna have to take on Phoenix, we might be overpowered but with all of us and the Prof. we should be able to at least knock her out. Everyone got it? GO!}

Shadowcat and Jubilee were the first Quicksilver would try to target. He toyed with them at first speeding past them and trying to trip them. Jubilee let loose a bright plasma blast and blinded him, as soon as he slowed down Shadowcat took that time to jump on him and phased underground with him. A few minutes later she came back and informed me that he was locked in the danger room with a wilderness survival program running and the collars were locked in the Med-Bay. Jubilee and Shadowcat went to help Colossus and Psylocke with Blob, Scarlet Witch and Toad. Magma was busy with Avalanche, so that left Magneto for me and Beast. Beast was trying to come up with a way to get the collars off so no one saw Phoenix returning with Mystique. It was too late when a sensed someone moving towards me. She got me with a kick to the back of the head and sent me flying. I landed at the feet of Magneto and Phoenix who picked me up with her telekinesis.

"Well, well, you must be the powerful boy Charles recently acquired. Let's see just how powerful you really are. Phoenix do with him as you wish."

She threw me away and I landed hard on the ground, I couldn't let her go on the offensive. I must keep her defending, that way she'll have less time to think and I might be able catch her off guard. Before I got the chance she picked me up again and slammed me hard into the ground, then into a tree. As she had me pinned against the tree she picked up a huge chunk of the ground and sent it flying towards me. Luckily before it struck me Brett phased me through the tree and into the ground with him.

"Thanks, she was really kicking my ass."

"No problem, just try not to make it a habit OK buddy?"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, just be glad you don't have to take on somebody on your own. I need a plan! I need a way to take her out without hurting her. She's got to have a weakness."

"Well, the other day I saw you guys in the yard. You looked like you were beating her then but you stopped your attack. What was it that you did?"

"That's it! I can use my empathic ability against her, she can't shield herself from emotions. I'll tap into her mind and find Jean, then trap Phoenix with empathically reinforced telepathic barriers. Phoenix won't be able break free ever again."

"Cool just try and not get yourself killed, you ready to go back up?"

"Yeah just bring me up right in front of her."

Brett did just that and then flew off to help others still fighting. I stared down Phoenix shielding my mind both telepathically and empathically. Just before she moved I felt a bit off, like something in me wasn't right. I felt like there were literally butterfly's in my stomach. Phoenix lifted another hunk of rock into the air and it flew at me like a bat out of hell. I lifted my hands to telekinetically deflect it but nothing happened. Quickly I jumped out of the way and rolled to my feet just as it started back for me. Again I tired and again nothing happened, frustrated I flung my hands out at the rock as it was making its way back and as it was flying towards me it turned into water and drenched me from head to toe. A look of shock was on both of our faces, neither one of us knew something like that was even possible. I looked over at the Prof. and he nodded and smiled.

"It's a part of your Psychokinetic abilities, to be able to transfigure matter on a molecular level therefore converting one object into another completely different object."

"Like changing water to wine?"

"Yes, if you want to reference the bible."

"Well now's not exactly the time for another ability to show up, I'm kinda getting my ass handed to me."

Phoenix started to attack me directly, which I thought was dumb seeing as how I've had more training than her, but she was channeling her telekinesis into her arms and legs to add force. I was having trouble blocking because the impact was so painful. I tried doing the same and blocking her with my telekinesis but I just couldn't seem to access my powers. Every time I tried nothing would happen, I tired again and to my surprise I was finally able to throw her back far enough to catch my breath. She flew into the air and came at me, I went to block but again my powers were on the fritz. Just as she was about to hit me, my body burst into a bunch of tiny blue particles and I disappeared. Phoenix hit the tree behind me and was out for a few minutes. Then I rematerialized in those same blue particles beside her. I took this opportunity to try and free the team. I concentrated on the collars and disintegrated them. The look on Magneto's face was priceless. I don't think even he was expecting the kind of power I was showing. He called to his team and now that he had Mystique, who had taken the time to free Quicksilver, was content on leaving us to deal with Phoenix. I levitated the Prof. over to where Jean lay and he proceeded in trying to contain Phoenix. However this time Phoenix was prepared, she had erected barriers to keep even someone as strong as the Prof. out of Jean's mind. I was the only one capable of accessing her mind so I convinced him to let my try. I placed my hands on Jean's head then reached out with my empathy to her and was able to slip past the barriers into Jean's mind, Inside was the same house I was taken to in my dream. Again on the chair was a little girl I now know to be Jean, on the chair opposite her was a small boy with glowing blue eyes. Jean was clearly afraid of him, he had to be Phoenix. He turned to look at me and smiled the most scariest smile I'd ever seen. I told Jean to move behind me but she wouldn't move, she couldn't move. I gathered my power and lashed out at Phoenix, who lost his hold on Jean. Immediately the girl shifted and became the woman, free from Phoenix's grasp. Phoenix stood and faced me seeming to no longer care about Jean. This time though there was no malice in his eyes only what I can describe as realization. His body shifted from boy to man, a somewhat vaguely familiar figure. I realized who he became when I saw his now gray eyes.

"You are the half spirit, the fragment needing to be made whole."

Unexpectedly Phoenix ran at me and right as he touched me there was a bright flash of pure white light and then everything for me went black. The blast didn't just occur in our minds but in the real world as well. Everyone who crowded around us was blown back, when they recovered they saw that Jean was awake and back to her normal self. I however was glowing bright white, while laying unconscious on the grass.

OK, that's the new chapter. It's not exactly how I first imagined it but it works. I know I may have said something about having a battle start in chapter 7 and end in chapter 8 but I just couldn't come up with enough ways to prolong the fight. I'm in love with the way this chapter came out and hate to leave you with a cliffhanger, but I will say that Chapter 8 will pick up exactly where this chapter stopped, no gaps or anytime passes between the two chapters. Again I would love feedback, I haven't been getting much lately which is why I don't post often. Quick shout out to Tavon for helping me come up with Drew's code name, I tweaked it just a bit but thanks SO much for your help. Check out my group on Yahoo! and Enjoy!

Next: Chapter 8

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