X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Oct 27, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.

freaky_ruben@yahoo.com or at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freakystales

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

I was totally freaking out. Why is it that every time I turn around I'm developing some random new ability? I had to get to Prof. Xavier, he'd know what was going on with my powers. If not he'd know where to start looking to find out what's happening. I ran to his office and barged in with out knocking. In side the office were Jean, Scott, Logan and Ororo and they were all dressed in these black leather outfits that looked like something right out of a scifi movie and instead of sunglasses Scott had on a slim visor over his eyes.

"Drew! What is the meaning of your intrusion?" The Prof. seemed kinda mad. "Well? We're waiting for an explanation!"

"I'm SO sorry for busting in here but something just happened that really freaked me out!"

Scott turned to me and had a worried look on his face.

"Drew, what happened? Are you all right?"

"Um, yeah I'm fine I think. No I'm not, Prof. I wasn't aware that you had made Bret my room mate...."

"Did he do something to you? Jean, Logan go to Drew's room and bring Bret here to my office!"

"NO! He didn't do anything. Will you let me finish? I walked up to my room to lay down for a while and that's when I discovered Bret was in my room. I got mad at first, but then I got scared. He was in the shower and I didn't know how Bret was gonna react to me so I ran over to my bed when I heard him coming out of the bathroom and pretended to be a sleep." I couldn't tell them what I was thinking when it happened so I decided to fudge the truth a little.

"I wanted SO badly to get out of the room but at the same time I was thinking that it was my room and I should be able to be here no matter what. That's when it happened, all of a sudden I went from laying on my bed to standing in the middle of the room. I turned around and I was still laying on the bed but at the same time I was standing in the middle of the room. I freaked out and wished that what ever was happening would stop and then BOOM I was back on my bed. It happened so suddenly that I yelled when I sat up and scared Bret. He fell through the floor, which was kinda funny seeing as how he was only wearing a pair of briefs, but I came here right after because I thought you might know what the hell is going on with me."

The room was quiet for a few minutes as everyone was waiting to hear what the Prof. thought of my situation.

"It seems as though what you are describing is an ability known as Astral Projection. It is when you project your consciousness out of your body. There are many degrees of astral projection varying from an invisible non-corporeal form to a visible corporeal projection. I'm very interested as to why you keep developing so many new abilities. I'll have to run some more tests before we have any definitive answers."

"OK, may I ask a question? Why are y'all dressed like a bunch of leather freaks?"

"Well, that's because.... well, um..... Prof. do you mind if he knows?"

"Not at all Scott, proceed in telling him."

"We are called the X-Men, we keep humans and mutants from warring with each other as best we can. We often help humans defend themselves from mutant attacks. Some mutants believe that a war between humans and mutants is inevitable, those mutants often try to eliminate what they call the 'human threat' by attacking innocent people because they believe that mutants are superior to humans."

"Do these mutants have names?"

"Yes, they are called The Brotherhood. Their leader is a powerful mutant by the name of Magneto. He controls all aspects of electro-magnetism. Next in command is a woman named Mystique, she is extremely dangerous. She is a shape-shifter as well as an extremely vicious martial arts master. She also has super agility and flexibility which aids her gymnastic talents. They have a few minions under them that they use to do their dirty work. Toad, Pyro, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Blob and Avalanche. Toad's powers are obvious enough with the exception that he spits a sticky slime from his mouth, Pyro can manipulate fire but not create it. Quicksilver has super speed and his sister Scarlet Witch has Hexing abilities. Meaning she can Hex something making the probability of something going wrong increase. Blob is, well a blob. He has super strength and his body absorbs all physical attacks. Avalanche is a terrakinetic. He has control over earthquakes and anything that has to do with the earth."

"Wow, I never thought there could be people out there who thought just because they're mutants that they're better than everyone else. Wait, you guys are all dressed up where are you going?"

"A few of our people from the Jr. team were sent on a small mission to locate a new mutant that Cerebro became aware of. Rouge, Iceman and Nightcrawler were sent to a high school in Florida to meet a girl who manifested electrokinetic powers. They left two days ago and were to return this morning. We tried contacting them but we weren't able to. So the Prof. is sending us to find out what happened and rescue them if necessary."

"Wow sounds like fun do you guys mind if I tag a long?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea, you're not even a member of the Jr. team and your parents would kill us."

"Aw, come on Scott! You, Jean and the Prof. have seen that I can handle myself in combat and I've learned a great deal of control over my powers. Besides if something happened to the team and the girl or the girl did something to the team I'm really the only one who wouldn't look out of place in a high school. Scott, you and Jean could pretend to be my parents seeing as how I kinda resemble a mixture of the two of you. With the exception of my eyes. Plus think of this as my audition for a place on the Jr. team, that is if there's a spot open."

"I believe he has made some valid points Scott. Take him along to help you in anyway he can and consider it an audition . However when I send a team out they use their code names should they have to engage in a fight with other mutants. Code names make it harder for enemies to search for you with today's technology since they don't have your real names. You should have one by now Drew. Scott is Cyclops, Logan is Wolverine, Ororo is Storm and Jean is just Jean"

"Actually I have been thinking about it and I think I have a suitable name: Psyon."

"I think it's great seeing as I am starting to think you may not just be telekinetic, telepathic, empathic and be able to astral project. Those abilities are different branches of a main ability called Psychokinesis, but in order to be sure in my assumption, I will need to conduct further tests. There are other things that need to be present in order for your power to be called psychokinesis. Scott take Drew and the team to the Blackbird and get him an X-Suit."

"Yes Prof., Let's go team."

I was so excited not only did I find out about the X-Men but now I was trying out for a place on their Jr. team. As we made our way to the sub-level I noticed that everyone has the same design of suit, except Ororo hers is like a cat-suit, but each suit has a little bit of color along the seams of the design. Scott's is red, Jean is pink, Logan is yellow and Ororo is white.

"Um, I noticed that each suit has a different color along the seams. Two questions what are Rouge, Iceman and Nightcrawler's colors and do I get to choose my own color? Oh wait one more, who are Rouge and Nightcrawler and what are their powers, I've already met Iceman."

Jean kinda laughed a bit and then answered me.

"Rouge and Nightcrawler are Marie and Kurt. Rouge can absorb peoples life energy when she touches them with her bare skin. Like Scott she can't control her power, but when she touches a mutant not only does she absorb their life energy but their powers as well. It wears off after a while. She also has Flight, Super-strength and is Indestructible. Kurt has the ability to teleport but is limited to be able to see where he's going, he can't just think of a place and go there. He also had Super agility and flexibility, he looks different from most but you'll see what I mean. To answer your other question yes you get to choose your own color and Rouge is green and Nightcrawler doesn't use our suits."


We made our way to a part of the sub-level I had never seen before. Scott and I separated from the rest of the team so we could get me my suit. The rest went directly to the hanger. When we walked in there were other suits hanging that I assumed belonged to other team members. In the middle of the floor was a large platform and a machine next to it.

"This is the Bio-scanner, we use it for many reasons but right now we're gonna use it to make you a suit that will fit you and no one else. Take your clothes off and step on the scanner platform. Once measured your suit will come out of the machine next to it."

"Um, why do I have to be naked?"

"To get correct measurements, a suit can't be custom if the computer measures you with clothes on. Besides its not like I haven't seen you naked already and we're both guys so, we have the same equipment."

"Yeah about that, I thought you were someone else coming into my room. I shouldn't have yelled like I did."

"It's OK, now hurry up we need to be going soon. Oh and what color do you want on your suit?"

"Actually I noticed that Storm and those other suits over there each look a bit different than most. Can I pick my own style and color?

"Sure just hurry up so we can go."

Walking naked over to the computer console Scott showed me the different styles and I settled on something uniquely me. I chose black boots and a black sleeveless shirt with burgundy pants, gloves and a long burgundy trench-coat. Scott explained that the material for the clothes isn't exactly leather or cotton. The pants, gloves and coat are made of a polymer Beast and Forge came up with, it is as strong as Wolverine's claws but fits nicely and allows for easy movement. Also they are resistant to fire and electric attacks. The boots are designed to give traction on any surface and ground you from electric attacks and the shirt is like the pants and coat. Once I had chosen, the machine produced the clothing in less than a minute and we were off to the hanger. I was shocked to see just how big the hanger was, I noticed two smaller planes and then the big one. I had a few question as we met up with the team and boarded.

"This must be the Blackbird, what are the smaller planes for?"

"Well the smaller ones are called Sky-hawks and are for small teams, mostly a Sr. X-Man and one or two Jr.s to a plane."

"Cool, so how long until we get there?"

"Not long so sit tight and buckle in."

Once everyone was buckled Scott started up the Blackbird and opened the hanger doors. I looked out of the front window waiting to see the hanger doors open but I didn't see anything. That's when Storm tapped my shoulder and told me that the hanger doors were above us. Slowly we rose from the ground and came through the doors which were actually the basketball courts. We were off, after only what seemed like an hour Jean said something about the stealth thingy and Scott flipped a switch and landed the plane in an open field of the Miami Airport. As we got off the plane I asked how we were gonna explain a huge jet in the middle of an open field and all Jean said was what jet. I walked off the ramp and turned to see, Nothing! The jet was completely invisible, no one would notice anything unless they literally walked into it.

"Things just keep getting better and better!"

Scott handed each of us a little thing that looked like those tiny hearing aids. He said they were com-links and no matter how far we got from each other we would always be able to communicate. They also served as a GPS. He checked a small PDA and located the small plane the other team had landed just a few yards away.

"Wolverine, Storm go check out the Sky-hawk. Jean, Psyon and I will head to the high school for clues as to what happened. Contact us if you find anything."

We went into the city and headed for the high school. Before we got to the school Scott stopped and lead us into an alley.

"Drew you see the 'X' symbol on your belt push it."

I pushed the small button and my clothes shifted to look like normal jeans and t-shirt.

"How did that happen?"

"Another invention of Beast and Forge, when those two get together they can literally make anything. Forge's mutant ability allows him to literally build what ever comes to mind, he and Beast have made almost all of tech stuff we use."

After we all shifted our clothing we walked into the school as Storm contacted us.

[Storm to Cyclops, we have located a file on the girl in the Sky-hawk's computer. Her name is Holly, we're sending a picture to your PDA]

[Understood Storm, head back to the Blackbird and have it ready should we need to make a quick escape. Cyclops out.]

Scott showed us the picture and we headed into the main office where we were greeted by the staff.

"We just moved into the area and wanted to check out the school. Do you mind if our son takes a walk around the school while we talk about enrolling him?"

"Sure just take this guest pass. The school just went to lunch so all the students will be out and about."

I took the pass and headed out to look around. There were a lot of students here and I thought finding Holly was going to be difficult. In all reality finding her was pretty easy. I found a secluded spot and contacted Jean.

[Psyon to Jean, I know you can't respond but I've located Holly. I'm going to see if I can scan her and get some info. Psyon out.]

I walked over to the table where she was sitting with some friends and introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Drew. I'm kinda new here and I don't really know anybody, do you mind if I join you?"

"Why don't you go sit over with the rest of the losers."

Damn this girl is a bitch but I've gotta stay close enough to scan her. I walked a few feet away and sat down, I focused on Holly but I wasn't able to get anything. It wasn't like she was blocking me but as if there just wasn't anything there. I got up and walked back to where she was."

"Excuse me, Holly? We need to talk, it's about someone you may have met recently. He's a friend of mine and he's missing. I need to ask you a few questions so we can try and figure out what happened to him."

"Hold on I don't even know you, get away from me you weirdo."

"Look either you come with me over to that table and talk or we talk right here."

"I'm not answering any of your questions!"

Not expecting her to hit me, I got caught off guard when she back handed me. Quickly recovering I was able to block her as she through every move she could at me. I thought this was a bit odd seeing as how I wasn't expecting her to be a trained fighter. I tried to tap into her mind again but still nothing so I tried using my empathy and found that she was completely blank. No emotions what so ever! This threw me off just a bit and she exploited that by flipping over me and kicking me square in the back. I hit the ground hard and turned just in time to see her avoid hitting the ground by doing a back hand-spring. Something in my mind clicked and I realized who she was. She wasn't Holly, she was Mystique! I couldn't let her know I knew who she really was, so I decided to play along a bit longer. She stood there waiting to see if I was going to make a move so I decided to catch her off guard a little. I telepathically contacted Jean and Scott and told them of what I had found, Jean said they were on their way and not to engage her. Oops, too late! I sat sat up from the ground and got to my knees, I astral projected behind her and kicked her in the back sending her towards my body. I quickly jumped back into my body, jumped up and landed a spinning jump kick to her head sending her crashing to the ground. As soon as she hit the ground she returned to her normal appearance. She had shoulder length, straight blood-red hair and deep-blue skin. She wore a skin tight white body suit with white high heeled boots. Wow, she must really be super agile to do what she was able to do in six-inch stilettos. I guess she must also be able to transform her body suit when she shape-shifts, other wise she'd have to run around naked. Jean and Scott showed up and were stunned to see Mystique knocked out, and me without so much as a scratch.

"About time you guys showed up! I had to kick her ass all by myself, I thought you said she was a martial arts master?"

"Drew did you use your powers to predict her moves?"

"No, Jean. Actually I couldn't scan her at all, it was as if she was devoid of all emotion and her mind is completely closed off."

"Well, that confirms what the Prof. always thought. Because her ability changes her molecular composition, her brain is structured different from ours. She is immune to any telepathic abilities and apparently that includes empathy."

"Well we need to find out where the team is and why she was impersonating Holly."

[Cyclops to Storm, bring in the Blackbird. Have Wolverine prepare the holding cell, we have a guest.]

[Understood, Storm out.]

I assumed we were taking Mystique back to the school for interrogation. I don't know how we're gonna get anything out of her seeing as how she's immune to all telepathic abilities. She seemed like one tough bitch to crack but if we ever hoped to see the team and Holly we were gonna need to do something and do something fast. Once the Brotherhood found out that Mystique was captured I'm pretty sure Magneto would do anything and everything to get her back. Including attacking the school.

OK, so this is the new chapter. YAY! Drew has his code name, Psyon. It's pronounced (sigh-on) for those of you not sure. Drew is definitely going to run into some problems in the next chapter regarding his abilities, and his destiny will be made known in chapter 8. I hope to have a major battle start in the middle of chapter 7 and end in chapter 8, it's gonna be hard leaving you with a major cliffhanger between those two chapters but I've gotta build the suspense some how. Email me and join my group to give me feed back!

Next: Chapter 7

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