X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Jul 29, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback


{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

In the previous chapter.......

"If you guys don't mind I think I'm gonna head up to my room and rest. I need to think about everything that's happened to me."

"Very well, but if you need myself or Jean don't hesitate to call for us." Suddenly I caught a portion of conversation I wasn't meant to hear as I made my way to my room.

{Prof. do you think he could be the one Phoenix was referring to?}

{I have no idea, but if so Drew may have access to more power than he can handle.}

As I reached my room the only thing I could think of was about what Jean had said. What in the hell could she have meant? Phoenix had spoken of someone? I peeled off my clothes and headed for the shower. Relaxing under the hot spray I thought about everything that happened to me this week. On Monday, first day of high school, I was jumped and my powers manifested. Tuesday I came to a school for mutants and made quick friends of a few of the students here. Wednesday I demonstrated my abilities so as to find out my class level and control. That same day I lost control and ened up unconscious for two whole days. Today was Saturday, only two weeks left untill I turned 15 and boy what a time I was having. My thoughts turned once again to Ian, shit! He must have thought I'd blown him off, I was supposed to meet him after classes but that obviously didn't happen. How was I gonna fix this? Well did anything really need fixing? I mean we both said that niether one of us wanted to rush things so, maybe I didn't have to do damage control after all. I turned off the water and reached for a towel to dry myself. Once dry I stepped back into my room and, for the first time since I had arrived, fell asleep in my comfy new king-size bed.

After an hour or so I woke to knocking on my door. Without waiting for an answer Scott walked in.

"Listen, I want to con........"

Seeing me naked wasn't exactly what Scott had in mind when he entered my room. I thought it was Ian so I had placed myself in a very exposing position. Upon realizing it was Scott not Ian I panicked.

"Jeeze Scott, couldn't you at least wait for a response before barging in here?!?" I yelled, quickly jumping under the covers.

"S-sorry, I didn't expect for you to be...... I mean I just wanted to see if you were all right. When I went down to the Med-Bay you had already left. I'll see you later."

As quickly as he had came he left. I decided to head out for a little bit of air so I pulled on a pair of white shorts and a white sleeveless shirt. Ok, so I have a thing for sleeveless shirts so sue me. I walked around and eventually ened up in the back yard, if you could call it that. I mean it was at least as big as two football fields. I noticed Jubilee, Ian, and Bobby sitting by the lake that was located a few yards away so I walked over. As I came closer I could hear the topic of conversation, me of course. I waited before approaching them, I wanted to hear all they were saying.

"I haven't seen him since Wednesday afternoon. We were supposed to meet in the Rec-Room, but he never showed. I mean I know we just met and all but I was getting used to the idea of possibly me and him."

Possibly?!? What the fuck? I mean sure we did just meet but I thought that we'd at least made a little bit of a connection. Maybe I was just reading a bit too much into him. Seeing things that weren't there, but they were there. I remember waking up with his arms wrapped around me. I had enough listening so I stepped forward.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?"

A bit startled they all turned and jumped when they saw me.

"Drew! How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that me and you are still only a possibility." I said, my words rank with sarcasm.

"I didn't mean it like that I only meant...."

I didn't really feel like hearing it so I cut him off

"Doesn't matter what you meant, I feel the same way. We've only just met, maybe it's best we take things really slow." Drawing out my last two words to add emphasis. He folded his arms across his chest and, with a speed I've only seen jets fly at, he flew across the lake and dissappeared into the trees.

"You know that was a really mean thing to say, he really likes you." Screamed Jubilee.

"He sure had a funny way of showing it!" I countered.

"Well maybe he's not sure if you like him the same way he likes you." Bobby said trying to calm both me and Jubile down.

"Listen guys I'm an empath so I know how Ian feels about me, but I've practically thrown myself at him from day one so he definitely knows how I feel about him. He still only thinks of me as a possibility."

"Well maybe if someone had the decency to not stand him up the other day and then avoid him for two days he might be a little more convinced of how you feel about him!"

"What? I never stood him up. I've been unconscious in the Med-Bay since Wednesday afternoon!"

"Oh, well maybe you'd better go talk to him. He thinks you stood him up."

"Ok, where does he usually hang out?"

"Ever since you got here, with us. But before he usually hung out over in the grove behind the lake. See it?" She said pointing across the lake to a small patch of trees.

"Yeah thanks."

Walking it would take me a while to reach the grove, so I walked to the edge of the lake and gathered my power. Just enough to fly but not soo much as to lose control again. Within seconds I landed near the grove and walked into the trees. I could see Ian sitting on a large tree stump in the middle of a small clearing. Hearing my approach he quickly moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. Before he could secure his grasp I spun around and kissed him. When he realised the person he heard approaching him was me he broke the kiss and pushed me off of him.

"I thought you wanted to take things slow? Why did you come here, to taunt me some more?"

"I came to apologgize and to let you know that I didn't stand you up."

"Sure seems like it to me. I waited, you never showed, and then you completely avoided everyone."

"Ian, I wasn't avoiding anybody I was unconscious for two days."

"What!? Bullshit, the Prof. or Jean would've have said something."

"Well I don't know why they didn't but if you don't believe me then you can ask them yourself. I was actually looking forward to seeing you after training but then my powers went all wonky again and I ended up knocked out."

"Why did you lose control? Did they push you too hard?"

"No, no nothing like that. This morning when I woke up Prof. Xavier said that I was a class 5 mutant, just as powerful as Jean if not more. He also said something that really freaked me out. He said that I can't tap into the true extent of my powers because for some reason my energy level fluxuates when I try to."

Seeing the confused look on his face I tried to clarify a little bit.

"Think of it as...... ok like this. A cars engine can't properly run unless it has all of its parts, right? So basically he thinks I'm missing something that will give me total access and control over my powers."

"Whoa, what a load to try and digest. Does he have any idea what you're missing? Maybe it's locked away in some deep part of your mind."

"I dunno, but what I didn't tell him was, and you've got to swear you won't say anything cause you're the only person I've ever told this to. I've always felt like I was meant to do something great, like I wouldn't be complete untill I've found that last piece of myself."

"Listen, everybody has a place in this world. Somethings in life you have to seek out, others you just have to let come to you. If you're meant to do something it will find you."

"Thanks, you know just what to say to make me feel better. Well being a beautiful saturday afternoon why don't we go grab some lunch and come back here and have a nice pic-nik?"

"I'd like that, come on I'll fly us back."

He grabbed me around the waist and in seconds we were flying across the lake back to the mansion.

"Ok Ian you go grab the food and I'll go and get a blanket from my room for us to sit on. Meet me back here in ten."

Without waiting for a response I raced up to my room snatched up a blanket and ran back down the stairs. Not one to watch were I'm going I smacked right into Logan and landed on my ass with a loud THUD!

"Watch it bub. Oh hey Drew, how's it going?"

"Great, except now I'll have a huge bruise on my ass for sure."

"Where's the fire?"

"Huh? What fire?"

"Geeze, are you sure you're not blonde? I meant what's the rush?"

"Oh, sorry I'm a bit slow. No place in particular. Just gonna have lunch outside in the grove across the lake."

"Hmmm.... alright but watch yourself kid."

Ok that was weird anways, I met back up with Ian and in a flash we were back at the grove.

"I grabbed us some sandwhiches, soda, chips and some brownies. Quite a feast I must say."

"You're so cute when you're dorky."

"Yeah well you make the cutest face when you're mad. You get this little wrinkle in between your eyebrows and...... What?


"Then why're you staring at me like that Drew?"

"Cause you're the first person I've cared about like this and I'm scared as to what might happen."

"I really, really like you but this is all new to me too. I'm just as scared as you are but for some reason when I'm around you I feel invincible."

"That's because you are invincible, you dork."

"You know what I mean Drew. We've only just met but I feel like I've known you forever."

Slowly he leaned towards me and we kissed. His lips are so soft and when he slipped in his tounge my whole body shuddered. We looked into each others eyes and we didn't need words. Ian threw everything back into the bag he brought it in while I laid out the blanket. Quickly we went back to making out. His hands rubbed down my back giving me the chills and when his hands massaged my ass cheeks I pushed him down to the ground and undid his pants. What was hidden behind his zipper was the most beautiful cock I could have ever imagined. 10 inches of rock hard uncut beauty. Eagerly I kissed his cock, from the head down to his sack and back up. Now, I've never blown a guy before but I wasn't gonna stop now. Slowly I put his cock in my mouth and licked around his head. Ian let out a loud moan so I knew I was on the right track. Little by little I took more and more of his monster in my mouth, but I backed off when I gagged. So for my first time giving a blow job I'm proud to say I took 7 of 10 inches. I had plenty of time to get to a point where I could take it all, but for now I'd just use my hands for the rest. In the middle of sucking him off he stopped me and we got completely naked. When I went to take him back into my mouth he swung my legs around so that I straddled his head. Instanly he engulfed my manhood. It was so hot, here we were naked in the forest blowing eachother. I wanted it to last as long as possible but after ten minutes I felt my balls tighten and pulled off Ian's cock in just enough time to warn him. He didn't pull my dick out his mouth, he sucked even harder and in seconds I filled his mouth with my cum. He swallowed as much as he could but there was too much and some spilled out the sides of his moouth and ran down his cheeks. After my orgasm passed I went back to work on Ian's dick. Swirling my tounge around his cock-head I massaged his balls. When I felt his sack tighten I knew he was gonna cum. With a loud grunt he unloaded shot after shot into my hungry mouth. I swallowed everylast drop. Completely drained of our man juice we cuddled up next to each other and drifted off to sleep.

When we woke up it was nearly dark so we dressed and went back to the school. When we got there we headed to the luch room. After the afternoon we had and not even bothering to eat our food we were starved.

Chapter 5 is gonna debut Drew's code name. As well as having Drew finally become aware of the X-Men.

Next: Chapter 5

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