X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Jul 18, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback

Email me at freaky_ruben@yahoo.com

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those are computer and/or headset communications.

Becoming Whole

When morning came I woke up at my usual time of 6:30am. I guess sometime in the middle of the night Ian stretched out on the floor too cause he was laying behind me and his arms were wrapped around my waist. I decided that I'd have a little bit of fun waking him up. I turned to face him, reached up his shirt and started rubbing his nipples. Instantly I felt him harden against my thigh. With one hand pinching his nipple I used the other to reach down and rub his crotch through his pants. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Good morning Drew, I see you're up early."

"Yeah you're up too." I said still rubbing his crotch. "I'm gonna head to my room and take a shower, care to join me?"

"I would love to but I have to get back to my room and get ready before class starts."

"Ok, well I'll walk you to your room."

Before we left we quietly woke up Bobby so he could wake everyone up while we left. Ian and I walked hand in hand as we made our way to his room. Quickly we realized that our rooms were right next to each other. My room was at the end of the hall and his was to the right of mine. Bad thing was directly opposite of his room, which meant it was to the left of mine, was Jeans room. We had to be extra quiet so as not to alert Jean.

After sneaking back into my room I headed over to my closet decided on what to wear. Because all the teachers knew about what happened at my old school they probably thought that I was getting beat up because I couldn't defend myself but I was only caught off guard. Either way they would get a glimpse of just how tough I could be. I picked out a black sleeveless shirt and some black mesh shorts, seeing as how I would be tested in not only my powers but also on how much I can defend myself. I laid my clothes on my bed stripped naked and walked into my bathroom. It's soo cool how each room here has its own bathroom. I got in the shower and let the hot water rush all over my body. It felt so good to just stand there. After a while I grabbed the soap and rubbed it over my shoulders down to my chest and stomach. I reached further and started soaping up my crotch, my cock instantly sprang to life. Now I don't mean to brag but I like my size, I think 8 inches is big but not too big. So as I ran my hand over the shaft of my cock my thoughts turned to Ian. I wondered what he looked like naked and from what I felt this morning he had to be bigger than me by atleast an inch or two. I pictured myself on my kness worshiping his cock, taking it all in my mouth and sucking him till he pulled out and shot his load all over my face.

After I came I washed my hair and turned off the water, I dried off and walked back into my room. No sooner had I stepped back into my room my bedroom door opened and in walked Ian. He just stood there staring at my naked body. After a minute I spoke up.

"Ian, is there something you wanted?"

"Umm yeah actually Jean wanted me to show you to the danger room, but I'll let you get ready first."

He started to walk out the door when I called him back.

"Ian you don't have to leave just let me slip on my clothes and you can take me." I said suggestively.

He watched my every move as I walked closer to him and picked up my shirt from the bed and put it on. Next I slowly slid on my shorts and shoes.

"Umm you don't wear underwear?" He asked shyly.

"No I find it too.... restraining. Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Duh, to show me where this 'Danger Room' is."

"Oh yeah follow me."

As we walked down the hall and down stairs I noticed that there were a hell of alot more students here than I saw yesterday. When we reached the elevator we stepped in and he hit the button that said 'Sub-lvl' and a computer voice came out.

"Ian Blake, code name Draco"

<Processing.........Identity Confirmed>

"Sigma, Delta 1529"

<Processing...........Sub-Level access granted>

With that the elevator started moving downward. After a couple of seconds it stopped and we got out and he showed me to a door.

"Well this is where we part ways. Meet me in the Rec-Room after classes are over ok?"

"Sure, see ya then stud."

He smiled then turned and headed back to the elevator. I walked into the room and was greeted by Scott, Jean and Prof. Xavier.

"Alright first things first, Scott is going to take you down into the large room there and test how well you can defend yourself."

"Hey Scott you prepared to get your ass handed to you?"

"Only in your dreams kid." He said, walking out of the room.

He lead me down a set of stairs and through two sets of thick metal doors. When we reached the center of the room all of a sudden a computer voice rang out.

<Combat Training: Level 1>

The room seemed to ripple and all of a sudden we were in a forest.

"Now pay attention, the safety protocals in the room won't let you be seriously injured or killed but you will get knocked around a bit. Also in this part of training there are no use of powers. You ready?"

Before I could even respond the forrest repositioned its self and Scott was gone.

Prof. Xavier gave me my goals over the com-system.

<You are to locate Scott and defeat him in combat, if possible.>

"Got it Prof. Xavier"

I immediately surveyed my surroundings. I took notice that a few of the trees had some low branches I could easily get to. So I ran over to one tree jumped up, swung myself into a handstand, lowered into a crouching position and waited. As I looked around I could see Scott making his way towards my direction. When he was directly underneath me I went back into a handstand and swung down making my feet connect full force with Scott's chest. I let go of the branch did a back sommersault and landed on my feet.

"Those are some sweet moves kid but the battle's far from over."

He jumped back up and threw a couple of punches which I easily blocked. When he went to kick me I quickly ducked down and did a sweep kick knocking him off of his feet again. Everything he threw at me I blocked and every chance I got I knocked him on his ass. I finally decided that I had enough so I ran in the opposite direction causing him to run after me. I ran up a tree, backflipped off it and landed behind him. Before he could turn around I did a spinning back kick to his head and he was out cold.

<Level 1 Complete>

Everything rippled and once again we were in the big empty room. Jean came in and went to Scott.

"He'll be ok right? I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Yeah he'll be fine but his ego will be bruised for sure. Where did you learn all those moves from?"

"Well I've been training in Gymnastics and Jujitsu since I was about 4, so they came in handy."

"Well from the looks of it you could definately help Scott train some of the kids here in self-defense. I'm gonna take Scott over to the Med-Bay, why don't you go and grab some lunch with the rest of the students and I'll come find you when I'm done."

"Sounds great."

I made my way back to the first room and was met by Prof. Xavier.

"Absolutely fantastic Drew. I never imagined I'd see the day when a student would defeat Scott in combat. Listen when you come down you're going to need an access code and you voice pattern needs to be added to the system. Also I need for you to come up with a code name for yourself ok?"

"Yeah ofcourse. I'll do it while I'm upstairs eating, Jean said she'll come for me when she's ready."

"Right, when you return we'll take care of that then."

I walked out and back to the elevator. Once I was back on the main floor I headed for the lunchroom. I grabbed a plate and went and sat down next to Ian, Jubilee and Kitty.

"So.... how's your first day of training going?" asked Ian.

"Great! Prof. Xavier said I was the first student ever to beat Scott in combat training on the first day."

"What?!?! You beat Scott." Jubilee practically yelled, "No way I don't believe it."

"Believe it, you can go down to the Med-Bay and see for yourself."

"Wow, how did you do it?"

"Well I've been training in Gymnastics and Jujitsu since I was 4 and I know how to take care of myself."

Underneath the table Ian grabbed my hand and said, "Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"What's going on between you two?" Questioned Jubilee.

"Nothing." I stuttered

"I've noticed they way you guys started acting yesterday when I came to your room to get you Drew. Are you guys crushing on eachother?"

I was shocked Jubilee is definately smarter than she looks. Ian spoke first.

"Well in a way I guess you could say that, I mean we just met and I don't think were gonna rush into anything."

"Right, this is only my second day knowing you guys so I'm definately not gonna rush anything."

"Aww you guys would make such a cute couple. I can't wait to tell Amara, she's gonna flip!"

"Just remember Jubes, we're not officially a couple yet so limit the people you tell ok?"

"Sure thing, umm Drew I think Jeans looking for you."

I turned around in time to see Jean walking towards our table.

"Drew are you ready to continue training?"


"Great follow me."

We went into the elevator and back down to the Danger Room.

"Have you thought about a code name yet?"

"Well I don't really know what to call myself, what did my dad go by?"

"He used to call himself 'Hypnos', on account of the strongest aspect of his telepathy was hypnotizing people into doing what he wanted."

"Cool, do you have any suggestions as to what I should call myself Prof. Xavier?"

"Well Drew, it's entirely up to you."

"Ok well how about I give it a few days before I decide on anything. I mean this is only my second day."

"Sounds reasonable enough, Now follow Jean and begin the first phase of your psionics training."

Once we were in the big room again we heard the com-system

<Drew, this portion of testing is to gauge not only how much raw power you posses but also to scan your energy readings to determine you class level. Begin!>

<Psionics Training Program: Telekinesis Level 1>

The room rippled and all kinds of different cubes appeared around the room. Some were small, about the size of my hand, others were huge. Some looked as though they must have weighed a ton each!

"Okay, My job is to test your telekinetic ability. So let's begin, start by lifting one of each size of the cubes."

I concentrated and one by one I lifted each cube until I got to the biggest one. It took a couple of seconds of hard concentration but eventually I got it to lift just like the rest.

<Level 2>

The room rippled again and now there wer four of the huge cubes.

"Ok Drew now I want you to lift each cube and keep it suspended untill you have all of them in the air."

So having already lifted one of these huge cubes before it was no problem getting the first one to lift. Then I kinda hit a wall, as much as I tried I couldn't get the next cube to lift. So I gave up and dropped the first cube.

"You know if you can't do it Drew you should stop, I wouldn't want to strain your mind."

"No, I can do it! I know I can, if I could do all of that stuff at my old school then this shouldn't be a problem right?"

"Well, not exactly. You see when that happened it was your subconscious that was tapping into your full power. Something that your conscious mind hasn't yet learned how to do. Come on we'll take a break and then the Prof. can start his assessment of your telepathic ability."

"No just let me try again I know this shouldn't be an issue again."

At that I lifted the first cube and then turned my attention to the next one. I sent my power towards the second cube and in my mind I commanded it to bend to my will. It rose and hovered with the first cube. After that the third and fourth cubes were easy to lift. I just had to keep focused.

"Great Drew now place them down slowly. Being able to lift them is one thing but giving them a controlled desent is important also."

I lowered them down easily and awaited my next task.

<Level 3>

Again the room changed and now there were 25 small cubes all about the size of my palm.

"Alright this is the final test. The ability to lift objects weighing thousands of pounds comes in handy, but so is being able to divide your focus between many small objects. I want you to lift all of them."

"Ok, easy enough now what?"

"Now I want you to move each cube around your body in a cicular motion."

Soon they were all travelling around me slowly at first then they picked up speed.

"Ok, now I want you to keep them swirling around you but give each of the 25 cubes its own path. Can you handle that?"

"Sure can't be that hard can it?"

Little by little each cube broke away from the line and started swirling around me each it its own way. At first it was easy controlling them but as time passed I had to use more and more energy to keep them stable. That's where it all went wrong. All of a sudden I couldn't keep them in control, a couple dropped a few more flew away from me at high speed and slammed into the walls. The rest were sitll swirling around me but I couldn't make them stop. Everytime I tried they started to move faster and faster. I begged for Jean to help me but she said she knew I was able to stop them, I just had to focus. So taking a few deep breaths to calm myself I closed my eyes and focused. All of a sudden I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. I opened my eyes and I was levitating in the middle of the swirling cubes. I noticed that my body began to glow a lite shade of pink. Then the glow intensified and now my eyes were also the same glowing pink color. Instantly all of the cubes froze in mid-air and began to dissolve into millions of tiny particles and then they dissapeared. As soon as they were gone I felt my power subside and I fell from the air and collapsed to the floor unconscious.

Slowly I woke from what felt like a bad dream. My head ached but just barely. I looked to my left and Jean and Prof. Xavier were there. When they realized I had waken Jean was the first to speak.

"My god, you gave us a scare! I thought you were going to be out for quite a while."

"What happened? How long have I been in the Med-Bay?"

"You've been out for two days, so that would make today Saturday."

"Really?! Prof. what exactly happened?"

"Tell me what you remember Drew."

"I remember..... all the little cubes and making them disintegrate. Then nothing."

"Drew, Whilst Jean was training you I was taking readings. Basically it seems that you as well as Jean are a class 5 mutant, but what truly intrigues me is that your energy levels seem to fluxuate when you try to use more power. It seems as though you have just as much, if not more, power as Jean but for some unappearant reason you are unable to access it and use it to its full extent. Almost as if you were a car engine missing a vital part needed to properly function."

I sat there trying to absorb everything that had just been said. Should I tell Jean and Prof. Xavier that I'd always felt incomplete? That I felt as if something was supposed to happen to me I just didn't know what. I chose not to tell. I wanted to get a better understanding on just what exactly was happening. Before I could say anything else Jean spoke.

"The power levels you gave off, well we haven't seen anything quite like it since....... since Phoenix." Immeadiately I was hit with a feeling of pain, sadness, rage and regret.

"Jean why all the motions?"

"Sorry, i forget you're empathic. I guess there's no time like now. Here's what happened. A couple of years ago we were sent into space on a mission, that's not important here's what is. Upon returning from space something went wrong with the shuttle. We would all die from either radiation exposure or simply the shuttle crashing. So I forced the crew into the part of the shuttle still shielded from the radiation and took control of the helm. I focused all of my energy into reinforcing the shuttle's shielding, and providing myself cover, with my telekinesis. At that point in time an entity known as The Phoenix sensed our iminent destruction and possesed my body. Thus abling me to safely land the shuttle. After that things were good and having Phoenix in me was a god-send. It allowed me to help in situations where normally I wouldn't have been able to. However, I began to lose control of my body to Phoenix, who became hooked on feeling human emotion. Primarily rage and pain. It completely took me over and made me do things I didn't want. It caused alot of suffering and detruction untill finally Prof. Xavier and a few of the teachers here were able to detain me long enough for the Prof. to lock Phoenix away in my mind. There it remains so as not to cause all the pain again."

"Whoa, wait why didn't you just force it out of your mind? I mean it doesn't sound like something you would want to keep right?"

"Yes and no. You see we thought of that but the thought of Phoenix being free was out of the question. So we chose to keep it locked away where it could do no harm."

"If you guys don't mind I think I'm gonna head up to my room and rest. I need to think about everything that's happened to me."

"Very well, but if you need myself or Jean don't hesitate to call for us." Suddenly I caught a portion of conversation I wasn't meant to hear as I made my way to my room.

{Prof. do you think he could be the one Phoenix was referring to?}

{I have no idea, but if so Drew may have access to more power than he can handle.}

Ok guys I just want to say thanks to all of the support that I've been getting regarding my story. Thanks to all of the suggestions for Drew's code name and I think I'll use one from a couple I've recieved. Stay tuned for chapter 4 it's not too far behind, and my story is far from over.

Next: Chapter 4

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