X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on May 31, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. Feedback is always greatly appreciated, you can contact me one of three ways:

  1. rubencordova83@gmail.com 2) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales 3) http://www.myspace.com/latinbjqueen

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations, "texts appearing like this" are spoken conversations and [texts appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications

Warren and his friend were sound a sleep as Brett and I got up and headed for the shower. Brett started the shower going as I relieved myself at the toilet, we hopped in and stood holding each other under the hot spray of water. After a few minutes Brett leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him deeper into our lip lock. As we made out my hands roamed down his back from his broad shoulders to his slim waist until finally resting on his firm yet supple round ass. I kneaded his ass roughly as our make out session escalated towards the next step, finally I slipped my hand into his warm crevice and rubbed his smooth hole which eagerly twitched in anticipation. I could feel his breath become quicker as I teased him before pushing my finger deep inside. He let out a deep moan as my finger pushed further inside him and came into contact with his prostate. As I gently finger fucked him I felt his hands firmly grab my ass and pull my cheeks apart, exposing my hole to the steamy air of the shower. He mimicked me by teasing my hole as I had done to him before pushing inside me, we stood under the water lost in ecstasy.

Brett: "I need you inside me, please."

Drew: "As much as I want to be in you, I want you inside of me."

Just then something occurred to me that never had before, I focused my mind and astral projected behind Brett. I removed my fingers from his hole and brought my hands up to play with his nipples, he nearly had a heart attack when my astral form began kissing his neck from behind. He turned to look and was surprised to see astral me standing behind him, with a devilish grin Brett turned me around and pressed me up against the wall. He got down on his knees and darted his tongue into my ass, searching for that oh so sweet spot. My astral form got into a rather uncomfortable position behind Brett and started rimming him. Brett would moan into my ass causing a vibration to run from my hole down to my balls, it nearly pushed me over the edge twice. Finally satisfied that I was loose enough he had astral me lay down on the floor of the shower and Brett straddled my astral form, slowly slipping the astral cock inside him. Brett laid back and then had me straddle his waist so we were face to face, I had to admit it was weird seeing astral me behind Brett while at the same time being on top of him. Needles to say, if anyone had walked in at that moment, it looked like we were filming the next blockbuster movie for Falcon Studios. I reached out to Brett with my telepathy and empathy and was able to enhance our physical sensations and our emotional connection, after a few minutes I couldn't focus enough to keep up our bond and astral project. As soon as my projection faded Brett started cumming inside of me, it was just what I needed to push me into the solar system. I started cumming, my ass milking even more cum out of Brett's hot cock. I shot so hard I nearly passed out, as we were recovering I felt a strange sensation that I hadn't felt before. Shaking it off I got up and we finished our shower, then headed into the room to dress. We walked out of the room and I saw Warren in his brother's room along with Bianca, so we headed in.

Drew: "Hey guys. What's up?"

Warren: "Nothing, just came over here to shower. You know since the bathroom was kind of occupied."

Brett: "Sorry about that, we just uh... took a little longer than expected to get cleaned up."

Chris: "Well me and Warren already showered and now we're just waiting for Wyatt to finish up before we head down to get something to eat. What do you guys have planned for the day?"

Drew: "Well I was hoping that maybe we could ask if it would be alright if we went to the mall today. You know, being Sunday, I just thought it would be nice to get out for the day and chill."

Bianca: "Yes! That would be so cool, I haven't been shopping in so long."

We all kind of gave Bianca a weird look.

Bianca: "Just because I like wearing black doesn't mean I'm not into the girly stuff too. OK, so maybe spending the past few days with Amara has rubbed off on me, I don't know. I just wanna get out and have fun."

Wyatt: "What's this I hear about fun?"

I looked up to see Wyatt coming from out of the bathroom in just a pair of boxer-briefs. I hated to admit it but Wyatt was just as hot and built as Brett, I wonder if they both measured up the same elsewhere. All of a sudden I felt a huge flare of hostility and looked around the room, I turned and saw Brett staring at me with this look in his eyes I hadn't seen since that day at Bayville High. He just turned and walked out of the room back into our and slammed our door.

Chris: "What up with him all of a sudden?"

Drew: "I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Excuse me guys, I'll be right back."

I walked out into the hall way and when I tried the door it was locked, I knocked on the door distinctly aware that I was being watched.

Drew: "Brett, open the door!"

No response.

Drew: "You know if I really wanted, nothing could keep me from getting in the room!"

Still nothing.

Drew: "Brett, baby! What's going on?"

Brett: "You tell me."

Finally he opened the door and when I looked at his face, he was in tears. I entered and closed the door behind me. Brett walked away and sat down on the bed, I started to walk towards him but right away he glared at me.

Drew: "I don't know what's gotten into you! One minute everythings fine the next, you're looking like I killed your puppy."

Brett: "Look, I don't know how but I felt and heard what you were thinking about Wyatt. At first I was surprised but then I got really angry, how could you think about someone else like you did?"

Drew: "OK wait a minute! How in the hell is this happening?"

Brett: "I don't know! All I know is I felt what I felt, couldn't you feel anything?"

Drew: "Yeah I did, I just thought it was my powers picking up emotions in the room. Maybe we should talk to Xavier about this, he might know what's going on."

Brett: "Fine but that doesn't change the fact that you were hot for Wyatt."

Drew: "I'm sorry about that, but it's just thoughts. I would never actually do anything! You know that!"

Brett: "I know, but until we figure this out please try not to lust after other guys."

Drew: "Deal. Now let's go, we can talk to the Prof. when we get home."

We headed back into Wyatt's room and everyone was ready to go, that's when I remembered to ask Warren about his friend.

Drew: "Hey Warren, where's your new friend?"

Warren: "Oh he was gonna put his things away in his room, but that was a while ago. Well if we don't run into Matt on the way out, he'll just have to miss out on he fun."

We eventually made it to Prof. Xavier's office and he allowed our group to go out as long as we took a chaperon, Logan. Even Logan inquired to the where abouts of Matt, as Warren had said before he hadn't seen Matt since he went to Wyatt and Chris' room.

Logan: "I dunno kid, there's just something about him I can't put my finger on."

Warren: "Paranoid much Logan?"

Logan: "I call it careful."

It was a little after noon when the seven of us finally left the school and about a twenty minute drive to the mall. We chatted away while Logan acted as chafer to our group, when we got to the mall Logan told us to stick together and meet him here when we were ready to go. He was gonna stay at the food court while we had fun, he handed us each a prepaid card and told us the Prof. had given us each two-hundred bucks to spend as we wish. I had to say the day was really turning out great, we hit up shop after shop. Each of us finding clothes and other stuff that fit our style, eventually our stomachs convinced us to go grab a bite to eat. That and we had all used up our money, we ate and joked around with Logan, who paid for the food, until we were ready to go. When we piled back into the car it was about 7:30pm, we drove until all of a sudden Logan stopped the car on the road that led to the school. He rolled down the window and stuck his head out the car to sniff the air, immediately he floored it and raced back to the school. We were still a few miles out.

Logan: "I smell smoke and the only thing out here is the school. When we get there I want Drew and Brett to come with me. Wyatt, Chris, Bianca and Warren I want you to say in the car, if we have to help defend the school I want you guys out of harms way. You haven't had any X-Training."

Bianca: "True but we've been fighting demons our whole lives, not to mention I'm a trained assassin."

Wyatt: "Yeah and our aunt Phoebe taught us all how to fight, not to mention we have magic on our side."

Logan: "Well, ok. But if any of you get hurt, I'll bring you back just to kill you myself."

We were no where near prepared for what we saw when we pulled into the driveway. The entire school looked as if it had been leveled by a torrent of bombs, some of the debris was on fire. We could see a few of the staff, and I mean very few, out front battling what appeared to be other mutants. When we got close enough the car screeched to a halt and before any of us could blink Logan was already halfway to the fight, claws at the ready. When we caught up to him, this is how it was matched up. There was Jean, Logan, Hank, Wyatt, Me, Chris, Bianca, Drew and Brett against Magneto, Blob, Pyro, Toad, Sabertooth, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Avalanche, Blink, Mystique and some other chick no one knew.

Magneto: "I'd like to introduce to you all the newest member of the Brotherhood of Mutants! Mesmera!"

Logan: "What the hell have you done? Jean! What happened here?"

Jean: "I was out side talking to Hank down by the lake, all of a sudden the school just exploded. The blast was so big it knocked me and Hank into the lake. Most of the students were either in the dining hall or the rec room, I scanned the ruins telepathically. There are a few survivors but they won't last long with the smoke and fire."

I became furious! I walked as close as I could get to Magneto.

Drew: "How in the hell could you have even gotten anywhere near the school in order to do this?!"

Magneto: "It was very simple, with the help of Mystiques and Mesmera. You see Mesmera is just as powerful a telepath as Charles... was. Mystique infiltrated your school in the guise of Warren's new friend Matt."

Mystique stepped towards Warren and shifted into Matt.

Magneto: "With Mesmera providing the illusion of Matt being attacked, you going to his house and everything else. It was quite easy, I must say you X-Men are losing your touch."

Mystique: "Hey Warren! Didn't you ever ask yourself why I never bothered to use my powers to defend myself against that demon?"

Drew: "Somebody would have noticed the bombs before they went off, how did you do it?"

Magneto: "This morning Mystique paid a visit to the schools ventilation system and rigged it to disperse a nerve gas, then placed several bombs around the entire building which would explode in intervals. The gas went off a few minutes before the bombs, those not killed in the blasts will die none the less."

At this point I couldn't stand by any longer, so I took charge.

Drew: "Brett, Wyatt and Chris focus on getting any survivors out of the rubble and healing them. Jean, Logan, Hank and Bianca will take care of Magneto's thugs. I'm going for the big man himself, and I'll destroy anyone who gets in my way. GO!"

Brett and Wyatt started phasing through the rubble while Chris moved large chunks out of the way with his telekinesis. Toad went to jump at Chris but I caught him instead, I focused hard and he disintegrated with a painful shriek. Quicksilver sped by me and started punching and kicking me, he was so fast I couldn't get a hold on him. Frustrated I sent out a wave of telekinetic energy that flattened everything around me, that was enough to knock him down. I took my opportunity and in an instant he was gone. Bianca was easily taking on Mystique while everyone else dealt with the others. I made my way closer to Magneto and was then blocked by Scarlet Witch, I knew well of her hexing power so I quickly reached out and suppressed her abilities before she could think. I threw her out of the way and into Avalanche, who was giving Logan some trouble, then destroyed them both. I looked to Jean who had incapacitated Pyro and Mystique, with help from Bianca. With a thought those two were gone. This left us with Blob, Blink, Mesmera, Sabertooth and Magneto. I looked back to see how the rescue effort was coming along, they had gotten a few people out but they weren't finding very many people alive. In fact they weren't finding very many people at all, I quickly scanned the sub levels and found a majority of the students in the Danger Room.

Drew: "Brett, Wyatt, Chris!!! The Danger Room!"

Wyatt and Brett phased down to the sub levels and Chris Orbed. Wyatt and Chris started Orbing everyone they could to safety, groups of people started gathering and I knew that would become a target for Magneto. I turned around and looked to magneto's direction and saw a smile on his face.

Magneto: "You can't save them all!"

He lifted up all the metal from the ruins of the school and shot it towards the crowd of kids, I put up a huge barrier in front of them just before the metal struck. Magneto was very strong, I could feel the metal pushing against the barrier. With all the power I had I pushed the metal out of the way and destroyed it, Magneto had levitated up into the air. Now it was time to show these fuckers who they were dealing with. I gathered my power and my body became surrounded by white flames and I flew up into the air.

Magneto: "Quite an impressive trick. But it's just for show, there's no real power behind it."

The flames around my body grew and took the shape of Phoenix, to Magneto's astonishment.

Magneto: "Impossible! The Phoenix can't be tamed!"

Drew: "Only the one destined for it can control the power of the Phoenix, we are one. Now I will destroy what is left of your pathetic brotherhood."

I swooped down to the ground and grabbed a hold of Blob and Sabertooth. I lifted them high up into the air then flew down with tremendous speed. I had them in front of me and let them go just before hitting the ground, I opened up a fissure in the ground and allowed them to be swallowed up by it. I turned to Mesmera who was desperately trying to create some kind of mental illusion to confuse me, I ripped through them like tissue paper. I reached out with my mind and ripped her consciousness from her. Her body dropped to the ground and I splintered her spirit into nothing, her body quickly shriveled up.

Drew: "With out the mind, the body dies."

I turned back to Magneto who was now standing near Blink, she used her power and the two were gone.

Drew: "Not so fast."

I was able to bring them back and severed Blink's connection to her powers. She turned from this pink skinned, green haired, elf looking thing into a brown haired, scared little girl. Before I could deal with Magneto, he lifted Logan and moved him in front of Brett.

Magneto: "One wrong move and your boyfriend gets it."

Brett Phased into the ground and out of harms way, frustrated he flung Logan the other way and hit Bianca right in the chest. In an instant I flew up to Magneto and grabbed him by the throat.

Drew: "You're going to pay for what you've done, but death is too lenient."

I permanently severed the connection to his powers and made him what he hated the most, human. I tossed him like a rag doll over to Hank, who held him firmly in place.

Drew: "Chris! Wyatt! Do something heal her!"

Chris: "Just watch."

Bianca drew in one final breath and her body dematerialized, a few seconds later a swirling mass of black particles reformed back into Bianca.

Bianca: "Man dying sucks! Hurts like a bitch every time."

Everyone turned to look at the ruined school, nearly everyone had been rescued except for Angel, Kitty and Ian. Ororo, Scott and the Prof. were saved and everyone was healed from the nerve gas by Wyatt and Chris. Luckily a few people had been away this weekend, including some staff. When the kids told us what had happened I was surprised. Apparently Ian had helped Kitty get some kids to safety after the first explosion happened, he ended up get knocked out by flying debris and suffocated under the weight of the rubble that fell on him. Angel had been near where the first blast went off and, with a few students, was killed instantly. Kitty had phased as many people into the sub levels as she could, just as she came back up to help the last of the students an explosion went off near her and a piece of shrapnel hit her in the back of the head killing her instantly. Wyatt, Chris, Warren and Bianca decided that maybe this place was a bit too much for them to handle and made the decision to return home. With nowhere to live most of the students were now homeless, I had the power to fix this. I stepped up to where the front doors had been and gathered my powers, the white flames engulfed me and I floated into the air. I lifted all the rubble and used my vast powers to rebuild the school. Within minutes the school looked as if it had never been gone, and everything was back as it was before the blasts. By now it was late evening and we were all very exhausted, I helped Bianca, Warren and his brothers pack their things then Brett and I accompanied them home. We Orbed into their dining room and the Halliwell boys explained what went on at the school and the choice they had made to come home. We were introduced to their family, and even had some dessert their mother had made. God she was an awesome cook. While their family was delighted to have them back, they were also concerned about their education. Brett and I left to return to the school, we were so exhausted from the day's events that we fell a sleep almost instantly. Now that Magneto and his goons were no more, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he future holds. It's a sad thing but peace never really lasts that long, something always comes along to ruin it. I just hope it doesn't come for a while yet.

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