X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Apr 11, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.

freaky_ruben@yahoo.com or at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

By the time that Brett and I had woken up that morning Warren had already headed downstairs. We woke up kind of late so we decided to take 10 minute showers. I jumped in first and when I was done I told Brett to meet me in the hall. I headed out of the room and saw Wyatt poking his head out of the door.

Wyatt: "Hey is Warren in the room?"

Drew: "Actually he was already gone when I woke up."

Wyatt: "Well if you see him before I do can you tell him I was looking for him?"

Drew: "Sure thing."

Wyatt: "Thanks!"

As soon as Wyatt closed his door Brett came out and we headed for the staircase when of all people, we ran into Warren.

Warren: "Hey Drew, Jean wanted me to let you know that your mom and dad are coming on Saturday to visit you on your birthday."

Drew: "Thanks Warren. Hey Wyatt was looking for you."

When we finally got down to the Cafeteria our group of friends had just sat down to eat. Brett and I grabbed a tray and sat down at their table.

Drew: "Hey guys, how's it going?"

Jubilee: "Pretty awesome! So I heard through the grapevine that you brought in some new students to the school. What's the 411 on them?"

Drew: "Well Jubes, they should be down any minute. There are three brothers and one of the brothers girlfriends."

Jubilee: "Oh well, one's taken at least that leaves me with two options."

Drew: "Hold on a minute Jubes, the youngest brother is gay so I guess you'll have to settle for the oldest brother. But I have got to say all three of them are very easy on the eyes."

Just as I said that Brett gave me a sharp jab to the ribs.

Brett: "You better not let me hear you say that again or we're gonna have some problems."

Drew: "Sorry babe but you have to admit it, it's like their family won the hottie lottery!"

Brett: "Well... I guess they all are very hot but I've only got eyes for you."

Bobby: "Ugh! Don't make me puke, I just ate!"

No sooner had Bobby said that, Bianca showed up with Chris and his brothers. I waited for them to grab something to eat before I flagged them over to our table.

Brett: "Finally I get to meet Warren's brothers! I'm Brett, let's see you're the tallest so you must be Wyatt."

Wyatt: "Yeah, I guess Warren told you a lot about us. I wanted to introduce myself when we first got here but you and Drew took off before anyone could say hi."

Brett: "Yeah sorry about that, it's just that Drew and I are a pretty new couple and I missed him while he was gone."

Wyatt: "It's cool, this is our middle brother Chris."

Brett: "Great to meet you Chris, so this must be the girlfriend we've heard about. Bianca right?"

Bianca: "Yeah."

Drew: "Well guys this is our group. This is Jubilee, Bobby, Kitty, Holly, Piotr and I believe Bianca knows Amara."

Bianca: "Yeah she's my room mate."

Warren: "So what can you guys do, like what's your power?"

Jubilee: "Oh no newbie, you guys are the newest here. You spill the info first."

Wyatt: "Well I can phase, it's kind of annoying trying to get a hold on it at first but I'm a fast learner and I'm starting to get the hang of it."

Kitty: "Well if you want some pointers just ask me or Brett we can both phase."

Wyatt: "Thanks, Kitty right?"

Kitty: "You do catch on fast."

Chris: "I can turn invisible and well let's just say I've had a few problems with controlling my invisibility."

Bobby: "Really, like what?"

Chris: "Well let's just say my lower half was exposed even though I was wearing clothes."

Piotr: "Sounds pretty embarrassing. I had something like that happen when I first got my power, well I'm able to transform my skin into a nearly indestructible living metal. When I transform my body mass increases a bit, so anyway I was in gym class back in Russia and I had just finished changing and joined the rest of the class. Well something happened and I began to argue with another student. One thing lead to another and we started fighting, well I guess it triggered my power cause all of a sudden I transformed and all of my clothes ripped off. I was so scarred and embarrassed that I ran and never went back."

Chris: "Traumatic, but luckily I had my mishap at home."

Bianca: "Hi guys I'm Bianca and basically I can generate force shields."

Jubilee: "Do your shields absorb attacks or reflect them back?"

Bianca: "To tell you the truth I don't exactly know, when I first used them I blocked a bullet and I didn't notice if it bounced off or got absorbed."

Kitty: "We used to have a student here named Justin, he could generate force shields too. His shields reflected attacks but if the attack was too strong it would breakthrough. He got killed in an attack on the school by The Brotherhood."

Bianca: "Sorry to hear about that, I'll be sure to keep that in mind when working with my power."

Warren: "Well last but certainly not least I'm Warren and I can manipulate sound. To what degree I don't yet know, the only thing I've been able to do so far is emit a sort of sonic scream."

Bobby: "Hey that's like this one girl here, her and her dad can both emit a sonic scream."

Warren: "Cool I'll have to ask her for some tips on learning to control it."

Just then Jean came up to our table.

Jean: "Hey guys, you ready to get your testing done with the Prof. and me?"

Wyatt: "Sure. Well I guess we'll see you guys later."

They followed Jean out of the room and went to go test their new found abilities. Brett and I were done so we got up and he walked me to my first class of the day. My day passed almost uneventfully until just after classes let out for the day. The staff and both the Sr. and Jr. X-Teams were summoned to the Prof.'s office for some big announcement. When I got there Warren, his brothers and Bianca were sitting near the Prof., once everyone was gathered Warren spoke.

Warren: "We asked all of you here to tell you something very important. Earlier today Angel witnessed Bianca shoot a projectile at me and nearly kill me, it was completely an accident. I was badly injured in the chest and Angel wanted to take me to see Hank, but Wyatt had a better idea. He was able to completely heal my wound using his powers. Now I know you may have a question, how does being able to phase heal wounds? Let me explain, my brothers and I come from a family of witches. We are good witches and we use our powers to protect innocents from evil. I know it might sound hard to believe but it's true. My brothers and I have magical abilities that we've had ever since we were born, and we have been trained by our mom and her sisters to use them. We have complete control over our magical powers so there is no need to worry about us losing control."

The Prof. chose to ask the question that was on everyone's mind.

Prof. Xavier: "If you have total control over your magic, how did Bianca shoot you by accident?"

Warren: "Well it was like a reflex but I'll let Bianca explain her background later, it's quite different from ours. Now to let you know exactly what we can do, we can each cast spells and make potions as well as summoning spirits and other magical creatures. Individually we have quite a range of abilities, I have the abilities of Empathy, Visions, Astral Projection, Warping and Energy Blast. Some of those are obvious as to what they are, I'll show you what warping and energy blast looks like."

Warren warped out of the room and back in then conjured an energy blast in his hand and dissipated it before continuing.

Warren: "My brother Wyatt has the abilities of Molecular Immobilization, Molecular Combustion, Healing, Glamoring and Orbing. Chris also has the abilities of Orbing, Glamoring and Healing as well as Telekinesis and Levitation. Orbing like Warping is a form of teleportation and Glamoring allows them to change their appearance. Kind of like metamorphosis but they can't become objects just different people. Now I'll let Bianca tell you about her abilities."

Bianca: "Thanks Warren, well I come from a family of witches as well however my family is a clan of assassins know as The Phoenix Clan. People in my family are taught everything they need to know about being an assassin at a very early age, basically from the time we're born until we turn 13 we are taught how to fight and control our powers. At age 13 we choose if we want to become apart of The Assassin's Guild, I chose not to follow in my families footsteps. So don't worry I've never had to kill anyone and if I take on a contract The Guild would send someone to kill me. Now about my powers, I too have a form of teleportation called Shimmering. As well as Energy Balls, Conjuring Athames, Power Drain and the ability to Resurrect when killed."

After Bianca had finished everyone was silent, everyone just looked at them as if in disbelief except for me. I already knew who they were. The Prof. chose to speak for the staff.

Prof. Xavier: "Warren, why were we not told about this before?"

Warren: "Well we can't just go around telling everyone our family secret because only people of the magical community are supposed to know about magic. Every so often there are times when we need to expose magic to whomever we are helping at the time. If we were ever exposed a lot of bad stuff would happen."

Jubilee: "Like what? The world seems to be dealing with mutants rather well."

Warren: "Well, Piper, our mom told us that a long time ago her and our aunt Prue saved a doctor from being killed by a demonic assassin and were accidentally caught on camera by a news reporter while she was covering a live story just down the block from our house. Once the video hit the air our house was swamped with reporters and a bunch of others, so our aunt Phoebe went into the underworld with our dad and aunt Phoebe's then half demon/half human boyfriend Cole. Phoebe's plan was to get a demon named Tempest to turn back time to before magic had been exposed, but he told Cole that he would only do it if Phoebe stayed in the underworld permanently. While all that was taking place a crazy lady outside of our house shot and hit our mom directly in her chest, aunt Prue freaked out and tried to get Piper to the hospital but couldn't get the people surrounding our house to move so she could leave the drive way. As a last resort she used her power of telekinesis to throw everyone out of the way and drove to the hospital, by her using her powers in public and in a violent way the police sent a swat team to the hospital. When Prue got there they took mom in right away and started working on her, but they were unable to do much and mom died while Phoebe, Cole and dad were in the underworld. If our dad hadn't been down there he could have saved mom because like Wyatt and Chris, he had the power to heal. Finally as Tempest agreed to turn back time the swat team was about to kill Prue, but time turned back to the moment when Prue and mom were saving the doctor but only now our dad and aunt Phoebe were in the underworld unaffected by the time-shift. The demonic assassin was able to kill the doctor and blew my mom and aunt Prue through one of the walls of the house, by the time dad was able to orb home he was only able to heal our mom but not aunt Prue.

Bobby asked a question that had a rather obvious answer.

Bobby: "Why couldn't he heal her?"

Warren: "Because he can't heal the dead and that's why we're very careful who we tell about our magic, our parents don't want to have to go through that again and I don't want to lose a family member."

Prof. Xavier: "Quite understandable, I can speak for all those present when I say that your secret is safe with us Warren."

Warren: "Thank you Prof. that really means a lot to us."

Prof. Xavier: "Now regarding the day after tomorrow, Saturday, at 2:30pm Jean and Logan will fly the three of you home for your family event. Bianca you will remain behind as we do not have permission for you to leave school grounds. You should arrive a few minutes after 3pm at your home, Jean and Logan will remain with you then bring you back after the festivities at your home have concluded. To answer your question before you ask it all students are escorted by at least two staff members when leaving the school grounds, regardless of the location. It is done to protect our students."

Wyatt: "Well Prof. with the stuff that usually happens to our family, it might be your staff that needs the protection."

At that the meeting ended and we left the office, I caught up to Warren and let them know that I kinda already had an idea as to what they were.

Drew: "Hey guys I just wanted to say that I kind of already had an idea of what you were, in my visions I could sense an energy other than your mutant psionic energy. I also kind of overheard part of a private conversation you were having with your mom at your house. You see I was taking a look at your family photos and was in the middle of the staircase and heard just enough to raise some suspicion in my mind."

Wyatt: "I always told mom the staircase was a bad place for those pictures."

Drew: "Sorry for being nosy, I just never thought magic existed."

Chris: "You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat!"

Warren: "God Chris, you just had to come out with dad's corny sense of humor didn't you?"

Chris: "Yeah well at least mom's OCD didn't rub off on me or Wyatt."

Warren: "What ever, well let's go and clean up some. Drew I'll see you later."

Drew: "OK."

I walked around the ground outside for a little while before heading to get some dinner. I sat by myself because Amara, Kitty and Jubilee took Holly shopping and weren't back yet. Bobby and Piotr were in the danger room with Logan helping to train Brett. I sat in the silence as I ate my food when of all people Ian came up to me.

Ian: "Hey."

Drew: "Ian, how have you been?"

Ian: "To tell you the truth, I've been kinda miserable. I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day, it was very childish of me and I just wanted to say I was sorry."

Drew: "Apology accepted is there anything else you need?"

Ian: "Cold, real cold Drew."

Drew: "What do you expect? For me to just come running back to you with open arms? I'm sorry to disappoint you but, bullshit!"

By now the few people in the room had stopped to listen to our conversation.

Ian: "All I wanted was for us to have another chance, I want to be with you."

Drew: "No what you want is to get in my pants!"

Ian: "Why would I want that, I've already been in your pants."

Drew: "That's exactly why we can't be together, you're too immature. You don't get what you want and right away you start with the attitude, well guess what even if I wanted you back I can't because I'm involved with someone."

Ian: "Yeah I know, and apparently the same day we broke up. What did you do, suck him off and now he's your butt-boy"

Drew: "What we do as a couple is none of your business! You know what, your not even worth arguing with. I'm out of here!"

I left and needed to blow off some steam so I headed to the danger room. If anybody was still there I would join in on their simulation. I decided that I wasn't gonna tell Brett about what happened between Ian and me at dinner. I got down to the locker room and changed into some shorts and a tank top then went into the control room. Logan, Bobby, Piotr and Brett were still training so I spoke to them through the com system.

Drew: [Hey guys it's Drew, mind if I join you?]

Logan: [Sure thing you can help out Brett, he's not doing so hot. More running than fighting.]

I went down and entered the room, they were running a wilderness simulation and using the dense forest to attack Brett. It was the same simulation Scott had used on me so I decided to do the same thing that I had done to Scott. I got to a low branch and swung up to a handstand then crouched down to wait. After a few minutes I saw someone running towards my direction, as he came towards me I saw that it was Logan. When he got closer he slowed down his pace and took a big sniff of the air, he looked up and saw me in the tree. I motioned for him to come up and using his claws he easily climbed to my position.

Logan: "Your boy Brett is really trying hard but he's never had any kind of combat training, maybe you should find him. He keeps phasing and flying around, he won't take anybody on directly."

Drew: "I'll fly up and see if I can find him."

I flew into the sky and searched until I sensed Brett with my telepathy, he was hiding inside a tree trunk.

Drew: "Brett it's ok, it's me."

Brett: "Are you here to help me or them?"

Drew: "I'm here to help you, now tell me why you won't take them on directly."

Brett: "I don't know how to fight and my powers aren't exactly offensive."

Drew: "Sure they are you could phase them into the ground like you did when I was fighting Phoenix."

Brett: "Yeah but I still don't know how to fight."

Drew: "OK I'll tell you want I want you to do telepathically, I'll fight them directly. Let's go!"

We flew up and started searching for the others, all of a sudden and ice shard flew up and hit me in the arm. I looked down and saw Bobby take on his ice form and started ice-surfing after us, Piotr was with Logan were on the ground and at this point could only watch as the air battle took place. I dodged ice shard after ice shard trying to figure out a way for Brett to do most of the fighting, then it hit me. I would link with his mind and imbue him with my years of experience in gymnastics and jujitsu.

Drew: {Brett come towards me and just hang in mid-air, I'm going to give you my training experience.}

Brett: "As much as I would love that, it's kinda cheating if I don't learn on my own. I think I'll take my chances with Bobby, you go down and handle Logan and Piotr."

Drew: "Are you sure?"

Brett: "Yes, now go!"

Bobby: "I don't know what you two love birds are talking about but I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation."

At that he sent a huge ice beam at me and caught me off guard while I was talking with Brett. It hit me square in the back and sent me falling to the ground, I hit the ground hard and struggled to get up. Logan and Piotr came running over.

Logan: "Drew! Are you ok?"

Drew: "I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting that."

Logan: "You've got to keep a sense of your surrounding at all times, so as you don't get caught off guard."

Bobby came ice-surfing down to gloat.

Bobby: "Looks like I just handed you your ass, me a class 4. I took out a class 5 with no sweat."

Drew: "No sweat! You got a lucky shot in, thats it. Trust me the fight is far from over."

I let my full power rise and my body became engulfed in a fiery white aura and my eyes glowed a bright white. I rose into the air and taunted Bobby, my voice boomed a thousand times louder than normal.

Drew: "Let's see you take me out now that I'm using my full power!"

Bobby ice-surfed up to me and began giving his best attacks, I easily deflected them all. After a few minutes I grew tired of Bobby and his futile efforts.

Drew: "I think I've proven a point, never think you've beaten someone until you've actually beaten them. That's enough Bobby, we need to get back to training Brett."

Bobby: "No, I can go all day. Let's finish this!"

Bobby again sent his biggest and strongest ice beam at me, I didn't move or try to block it. I let it hit me and when he stopped I was there untouched by his attack. He went to attack again but I held out my hand and suppressed his powers, the ice he was surfing on dissipated and he started to fall from the sky. I reached out with my mind and halted his fall, I set him down and then came down beside him.

Bobby: "My... my powers! They're not working! What did you do?"

Drew: "Don't worry Bobby, the effects are only temporary. I just blocked the psionic energy flow within your mind, it will clear in a few hours and you'll be back to normal."

Bobby calmed a bit and Logan came up and announced that training was over for the day. We all walked back to the locker room, Brett and I decided to head to the room to shower so we could go directly to bed afterwards. It had been tiring during the training session and we both felt like we were about to pass out. When we got to the room Warren was laying on his bed reading a book, I took a shower first. When I came out Brett went in and I dried off and flopped down on the bed and thought about my confrontation with Ian. I let him get under my skin and it bugged me, I let my emotions overflow when I was facing off with Bobby when I shouldn't have. Warren broke the silence as I got up and we prepared for bed.

Warren: "Hey Drew do you and Brett always sleep in the same bed?"

Drew: "Actually we started doing that the day you came. I hope you don't mind, I mean it's not like we're having sex or anything."

Warren: "Wow, I would have thought that as much time you guys spend together that you'd be having sex all the time!"

Drew: "Yeah well Brett and I thought that we'd take it a bit slow but I honestly don't know how much longer I can take waking up with his cock poking me hard in the ass."

Just then Brett walked out of the bathroom and had heard what I said.

Brett: "Well if my morning wood bothers you that much then next time why don't you do something about it?"

Drew: "Oh don't worry I will. Just not what you're thinking, keep up with the smart ass comments and you'll wake up one day without your cock."

Brett: "OK, ok a guy knows when to back off."

We quickly fell a sleep and I had the best nights sleep I've had in a very long time. When we woke as usual Warren was already gone. Brett and I dressed and then joined the others for breakfast, we sat there quiet as most of the school came up to ask Warren and the others about magic, and what exactly they could do. Some asked if they flew on broomsticks while others asked if Hogwarts was real and if J.K. Rowlings was a fellow witch. Eventually Jean and Scott came and took the brothers and Bianca down to the Danger Room for more training. Brett and I talked while walking to the one class we shared together, Logan's wilderness survival course. He held in deep in the woods behind the mansion but still on the vast property owned by the school.

Brett: "So... I was thinking maybe tonight we could fool around a little bit?"

Drew: "After what you said this morning, I think I will do something about your morning wood."

Brett: "You know you don't have to, I was only joking. I don't want you to feel like you're being pressured into something you're not ready for."

I stopped in the middle of the hall and took Brett's hands into mine as I looked deep into his eyes.

Drew: "You're sweet, but I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to be with you, to feel you inside me. I want you to be my first, my lover."

Brett: "I want that too, I want to be the only one you'll ever need. You're my world now and I spend all of my time away from you, thinking about you."

Drew: "Then tonight, I can't wait anymore. I need you!"

Brett: "What about Warren?"

Drew: "When we're sure he's a sleep, besides the thought of someone listening to us having sex gets me even hotter for you. I don't think I can wait for tonight."

Brett: "Well you'll have to, you know Logan will come sniff us out if we try to skip his class."

Drew: "OK, come one. We're gonna be late."

Throughout the whole day all I could think about was Brett inside of me, I couldn't keep my head clear enough to focus on what I was doing. After class was over we headed out to get some dinner, we saw Warren and his brothers sitting with Bianca so we decided to join them. We talked about how the day had went and how training was going for them, when we finished we all headed up to our rooms. We talked until Warren said he was gonna hit the sack be cause he had a big day tomorrow, we said good night and climbed into bed as well but didn't fall a sleep. After an hour or so we thought that Warren was a sleep so we began our love making.

Drew: {I'm going to link with your mind so we can talk without disturbing Warren. Just think what you want to say and I'll hear you.}

Brett: {OK, is it working?}

Drew: {Yes.}

We started making out and rubbing each other all over, Brett slipped his hand down my chest, over my stomach, into my briefs and started rubbing my dick. His fingers felt amazing on my cock, after a few more minutes he scooted further down and put his mouth on it. Feeling his hot breath on my rod was wonderful, I hoped I could make him feel at least half as good as he was making me feel. While Brett was licking my cock through the fabric of my briefs I reached out with my mind and floated over the box of condoms my dad had given me. Brett pulled off my briefs and let them drop off the side of the bed. I handed him a condom and he took it, opened it, put it in his mouth and brought my dick towards his lips. He slowly slid the condom down my cock, it felt incredible unlike anything I had felt with Ian. The condoms were the super-thin kind because it felt like I wasn't wearing one at all. Brett sucked my dick, taking as much into his mouth as he could, but I wanted something else. I wanted to be kissing him again. I took him by the shoulders and pulled him up to me, when we were face-to-face I kissed him deeply, passionately. His passion rose to meet mine and he kissed me back, hard. I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but it was intense. We broke the kiss and just looked into each others eyes for a few seconds, I took the other condom and unrolled down onto Brett's hard cock. He went to start sucking me again but I stopped him.

Drew: {I have a better idea.}

I guided him until his crotch was in my face and mine was in his, this way we both had complete access to each others dick. I sucked him and he sucked me, it was incredible how good it felt. The intense pleasure of it was too much, we both moaned out loud. I swear I could feel every beat of Brett's heart through his cock in my mouth. The urge to kiss him again took hold of me, he must have felt the same desire because he moved to kiss me. We kissed again and it was sublime.

Drew: {Oh Brett, this is amazing! You're so fucking hot and you're with me, lavishing your pleasure and love on me, no one else, just me!}

It was time we went further, I wanted to really make love to him. I wanted to feel him inside of me, to be as close as two people can be.

Drew: {Brett?}

Brett: {Yeah?}

Drew: {I really want you to fuck me.}

Brett: {You sure you're ready?}

Drew: {Yes.}

Brett: {OK, lay on your stomach and I'll grab some lube}

Seconds later he was on top of me, gently using his fingers to open my asshole so it could take his 9 inch cock. Soon he felt I was open enough.

Brett: {Just relax, OK?}

Drew: {Yeah, go for it!}

Brett placed the head of his cock to my asshole and slowly pushed forward, his dick slid into me nice and smooth. It felt so good, I absolutely loved it! He made love to me then, slow and steady. A few times I pushed my butt up and back to meet him and was rewarded with groans of pleasure from Brett. When I was up like that I could reach under myself and feel my own cock, which was harder than ever and soaking the bes with pre-cum. Lost in ecstasy I forgot to talk telepathically to Brett.

Drew: "I'm gonna cum!"

Brett: "Me too, let's shoot together."

We both shouted as we blew our loads, it was fantastic to cum with Brett it was the best orgasm I'd ever had. I know Brett liked it because he collapsed on top of me, wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me so tight I could hardly breathe for a second. Slowly he pulled out of me and we lay there as our orgasms passed. We got up to clean up a bit, then got back in bed and snuggled close together. We fell a sleep in each others arms and, oddly enough, woke up before Warren did.

Brett: "Let's hop in the shower."

Drew: "OK, we have some time before Warren gets up anyway."

We adjusted the water and got into the roomy shower stall, Brett had a sly grin on his face when he spoke.

Brett: "Man, this hot water feels fucking awesome! Will you soap me up, Drew?"

When I heard those words I just couldn't say no, I took the bar of soap from the soap dish on the wall and began to rub it all over his broad back. His back was huge, the skin was lightly tanned but as my hands reached his waist there was a definite line where his back ended and hit butt began. I slid lower and both my hands were soaping up his hefty butt cheeks.

Brett: "That feels good, Drew. You experienced at butt-soaping?"

Drew: "Sure, in the couple days before you got here I managed to soap up the whole Jr. X-Team. You're just the last of them."

Brett: "Soap me up good then, it feels great."

My hands were working in circles over each of his thick butt mounds. They were completely hairless and although they were big and chunky, they were very hard too. I slid both my hands between the hard cheeks and into that deep crevice. I was rubbing sudsy foam all up and down his crack and could feel the puckered asshole with my fingertips, tight and twitching. My fingers strayed downward towards his sac and suddenly my hand was cupping and massaging soap into his balls. He dropped his head and moved his feet farther apart when my hand surrounded his balls.

Drew: "How about this? Do you like this?"

Brett: "I like that just fine."

My hand moved higher up between his thighs and encountered his stiff boner, I rubbed soap along his twitching shaft slowly and deliberately.

Brett: "I like that just fine too. You can play with my asshole if you want."

I stared down at his spread butt cheeks, white foam coated the mounds and the deep crack. While one hand continued to stroke his stiff shaft and play with his balls, the other ran up and down his soapy crack, grazing across his puckered hole with every pass. His legs were wide apart and I was getting a perfect view, I knelt down on the wet floor behind him.

Brett: "Getting a good look?"

Drew: "I love your sexy ass, I want to stick my fingers in you."

Brett: "Do it. I want to know what it feel like."

My fingers were already tracing the crinkled ring of flesh at his entrance, I placed a fingertip at the center of the soapy slot and began to press. The soap helped lube my finger and the rim began to open up, suddenly his ass lips bulged outward and my finger slid inside.

Brett: "Oh man, that feel incredible!"

His asshole was pulsing and spasming around my finger, I began to slide it out then shoved it deeper and then pulled it nearly all the way out again. He groaned and his thighs shook, my other hand was pumping his stiff boner and he was wiggling his butt around in slow, grinding circles, as if he was fucking himself on my finger. I placed another finger to his hole and pushed in, I watched ad both fingers slid in and out of his hole effortlessly and his his butt cheeks clenched and squirmed around them.

Brett: "Fuck! That feels so fucking good, So fucking good!"

My other hand kept up a steady jerking of his hard cock as his asshole swelled outward when he squatted down in front of me and groaned. I held my breath and added a third finger, Brett cried out and his hole convulsed over my three fingers twisting around in side of him.

Brett: "I'm cumming!"

I felt his cock jerk and spray cum all over my hand. Hiss ass clamped like a vice over my fingers and I rammed them deep and twisted them in circles. Brett fell to his knees and dropped his face to the wet floor of the stall, his ass in the air with my fingers still buried up his spasming hole. It was a very hot sight, his big butt mounds were covered in suds, quivering wildly, while his entire body jerked in the throes of orgasm. My own cock was drooling and ached so badly I wondered if I would shoot just from watching Brett.

Brett: "Fuck me, Drew! Please fuck my ass."

I slipped my fingers from his swollen hole and rubbed the soap over my cock, which I then pointed toward his upturned ass. I spread his soapy butt cheeks wide and pushed forward with my cock, the stretched hole welcomed my cock like a perfectly fitted glove. Brett lay there and took it, moaning and shoving back with his ass to meet every thrust. I wanted to make it last so I lunged forward and buried my cock to the hilt and held it there, Brett grunted, and his asshole spasmed around my entire shaft. I used both hands to hold on to his hips and began to pummel him, all the way in and then all the way out.

Brett: "Yeah, fuck me good, Drew. Oh, yeah, bang my ass with your hard cock, bang my ass good!"

I pulled my cock all the way out and stared down at the gaping hole his formerly tight ass had become. I rubbed more soap over the swollen ass lips and then stuck my cock back inside, burying it to the balls. I pulled my cock all the way out and then plunged back inside again, I repeated the action over and over, amazed at how loose and slippery his asshole had become. Brett lay there on the floor with the shower pummeling his head ans shoulders while his soapy ass got fucked, I crouched over his spread butt, held on to his hips with both hands and drilled his ass like a madman.

Brett: "Oh, fuck yeah! Fuck! Fuck! Unload in my ass, it's all yours!"

The friction of his slippery hole was taking its toll, the volcanic fuck tunnel was melting my resistance. I grunted along with Brett and rammed into his faster and faster, I felt the wave of orgasm approaching as I shoved my cock to the balls and held it tight against his ass. My entire body seemed to be cumming, spewing forth from my cock head into his hot guts, my energy seemed to be draining out of me as his ass sucked me dry. I fell over top of him and the shower drenched me, we lay on the floor with my cock up his ass for a long time. Finally he came to his knees and dislodged me with a groan.

Brett: "You fucked the hell out of me, I think my ass is going to be sore for a month!"

Drew: "Yeah well, I'm still kinda sore from last night. So I guess we're even."

We cleaned off and got out of the shower, when we walked out of the bathroom and started to dry off and get dressed Warren and Chris walked into the room. As Chris walked past he gave Warren a weird look and entered the bathroom, when we came out and dressed we got Wyatt and all headed downstairs. Jean came by and a weird look passed from her to Warren, Bianca and the others, then Jean grabbed Warren and disappeared into the cafeteria. We went outside and Bianca offered to give a demonstration of her powers to me, I agreed and half way through Warren showed back up. She ended by making an athame appear, throwing it, shimmering out then back in and catching the athame. I was shocked to see just how quick she was, next up was Wyatt and by the time he finished a small crowd of kids had formed around us. Chris was next and then Warren, when he finished we started heading back to the school. Out of no where Warren suggested a race.

Warren: "Hey Drew why don't we all have a race?"

Drew: "I'm game. What do you have in mind?"

Warren: "We see which one of our variations on teleportation can teleport to the Cafeteria the fastest. Wyatt will Orb, I will Warp, Bianca will Shimmer and you can Flame. Chris, you and Brett go to the Cafeteria ahead of us so you can tell us who arrives first."

Chris: "OK we'll see you guys there, come on Brett let's go."

Warren: "OK everyone ready? On the count of three. ONE... TWO..."

They left me behind.

Drew: "Hey you guys cheated!"

Just as I materialized in the Cafeteria everyone yelled out.

Everyone: "SURPRISE!!!"

I was stunned, even being a telepath I didn't expect this. I walked over to my parents and thanked them and the staff for all of this.

Daniel: "Actually Drew it was Warren who set up everything you see, he offered to help your mother and I so all we had to do was relax until your party started."

Drew: "Warren thanks so much for this!"

Brett and I danced and had a great time, close to 3pm I saw Warren and his brothers leave with Logan and Jean. They were taking them home for their cousin's birthday party, I went over to our group of friends and talked until it was time to for presents. I opened one from Warren and his brothers first, it was a new laptop computer with a wireless printer. I was so happy that in the short time they had known me they actually bought me a present, and quite an expensive one too. I would have to remember to thank them greatly when they returned. Next was one from the Prof. and the staff, it was a replica of the U.S.S. Starship Voyager from Star Trek. How did they know Voyager was one of my favorite shows? I thanked them and last was the one from my parents, it was a medium sized box and had a little weight to it. I picked it up and wondered what it could be before I opened it. I ripped off the paper and opened the top of the box, inside was the complete DVD collection of the Voyager series and season one of my new favorite show Torchwood! I was beyond happy, I picked up the Torchwood box set and underneath was a hundred dollar bill.

Daniel: "That's for when season two is released on DVD, call it a gift certificate."

I was on cloud nine when Brett walked up and handed me one last gift. It was a small box, about the size you would put clothing in. I opened it and inside was Brett's jersey, the one he was wearing the first time we met. Luckily it didn't get stained but I would have loved it just the same, I grabbed him and we kissed. After everything was done and everyone left, the decorations and everything else disappeared with a flurry of white lights.

Drew: "Thanks again Warren, I hope they get back soon."

Brett: "They're with family, don't worry they'll be back sooner than you think."

Just then Hank informed the Prof. that the new modifications to Cerebro, to detect magic, were ready to be tested. Hank and the Prof. went down and a while later Hank came up and informed Scott to contact Jean and have them stop to investigate a surge of magical energy they had detected. Hank would feed the coordinates to the jets computer.

Scott: [Jean, come in Jean.]

Jean: [Go for Jean]

Scott: [Jean, Hank finished the modifications to Cerebro that we needed to detect magical energy. We picked up a spike of magical energy near your current position, would you and Logan take the Halliwell boys and investigate.]

Jean: [Copy that Scott, Jean out.]

A while later Scott was contacted by Jean.

Jean: [Scott, come in Scott.]

Scott: [Go for Scott.]

Jean: [We have someone here who would be interested in enrolling in our school, what do you think.]

Scott: [We'll see you when you get back, Scott out]

So yet another student was joining the school, cool. I would have to talk with Warren later about how everything went at home. Brett and I went up to our room and passed out on the bed almost immediately. We were a sleep when Warren came into the room, when we woke up the next morning there was someone in bed with Warren.

Sorry to end the chapter like that but it got a bit too long. Anyways tell me when you thin and if you like the direction it's going. For those of you who don't really like hoe my two stories have crossed over, don't fret I'm planning on having them go their separate ways but at a steep price. Stay tuned to find out what happens. Enjoy!

Next: Chapter 12

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