X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Jul 8, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback

Email me at freaky_ruben@yahoo.com

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those are computer and/or headset communications.

Becoming Whole

Hi I'm Drew Matthews, let me tell you alittle bit about myself. I'm 5'9", 15yrs old, well I'll be 15 in a few weeks, and 155lbs with a medium build because I am a gymnast and a black belt in Jujitsu and I've been doing both since I was about 4yrs old. I have short light brown hair and gray colored eyes. I'm a mutant whose telepathic and telekinetic. Oh yeah and I'm gay I can't exactly tell you how I first realized that I was gay but I had always sensed that I was different, I could just never figure out what it was called. Until I got to high school. That's also when my powers first revealed them selves. Growing up I had always felt like there was something I was missing. Something that was supposed to make me feel.... whole, but more on that later.

You see it was my first day of my freashman year, my parents and I had just moved to Bayville from California, so I was desperate to make some new friends as soon as I could. The beginning of the day was great I had some awsome teachers and alot of the kids there were pretty cool.

"This is gonna be the best four years of my life." I said to my self.

Then lunchtime came around. I was walking out of the cafeteria with my food and, being the klutz that I am, I tripped and fell into a group of guys who I later found out were the captain and the rest of the Varsity football team. When I got up I saw that my plate of spaghetti had hit the team captain right in the middle of his chest and gotten his jersey full of tomato sauce. Now I know you're thinking 'big deal, just apologize and he can wash the stain out' I wish, see the school colors were white and blue and the majority of the jersey was white. See my problem?

"You fucking idiot! Why don't you watch where the fuck you're going?!?" said Bret, the team captain.

"S-sorry dude, I'm just abit clumsy and, oh god I'm totally sorry!" I said.

"Well 'Dude' why don't you just buy me a new jersey seeing as how this one is ruined and I 'Totally' wont beat your ass?" said Bret.

"What?!? I'm not.... I mean no way!" little did I know Bret is not the type of guy you tell no to.

"What do you mean no! You owe me for ruining my jersey and not beating your sorry ass on the spot!"

"Hey Bret, why don't you show him what happens to freshmen who don't follow orders." said one of his team mates.

Luckily, the priciple noticed the group of guys surrounding me and walked over just in time.

"Bret, I would back away if I were you. You wouldn't want to miss the first football game of your senior year because you lost your temper and got suspended for fighting." said Principle Darkholme. "I suggest you boys go see if the Home-Ec room is open and wash that jersey of yours ASAP so the stain doesn't set in."

Before Bret and his gang walked away he said to me "You're fucking lucky, but I'm not gonna let this slide watch your back."

The rest of the day went dragging on because I just knew that wasn't the last I had seen of Bret that day and boy was I right!

My last class of the day was Gym, but my class just before that was all the way at the other end of the school plus I had to use the bathroom so I was late to gym. I hurried up and ran to class and quickly changed into my gym clothes and went to where the class met. It's a good thing that I have alot of endurance cause our first day we had to run 1 mile so the teacher could judge our performance and see just what he could do to torture us that year. After class I was walking to my locker to change and guess who was just three lockers down from me?!? BRET!!!!! I later found out that students who played more than one sport were given gym for thier last period so they could get some extra time to workout and stuff before practice. Bret played football, wrestling and baseball. That's why, me being a freshman and him being a senior, we both had gym at the same time. I just stood there looking at him, he was so beautiful his back was muscular and tapered from his broad shoulders down to his slim waist. When one of his buddies noticed me staring he nudged Bret and he turned to see me staring at him. When Bret turned around I saw that he had nice sized pecs and one hell of a six pack. The bulge he had showed real nicely cause he wore briefs rather than the rest of his friends who wore boxers.

"So you're a fag too! Great all the more reason for me to beat your ass after school." Bret said walking towards me after he put on his clothes.

I didn't know what to do so I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran. I looked behind me and saw Bret and his gang running after me. I ran through the gym and out into the quad where there were only a couple of kids and no where to hide. In my moment of hesitation I felt a hand on my shoulder and then another grabbing my neck and slamming me into the ground. My head hurt like a bitch but that was just the begining. I was kicked and stomped for what seemed like forever. Then I felt something, something I had never felt before. It was as if something was building up in my head and then it exploded and knocked all of my attackers down. I jumped up and surveyed the damage. The guys had been thrown back about 15 ft and everything around me was either knocked over or splintered into pieces. Then I noticed that I wasn't standing I was floating?!?! How? That's when all of a sudden I could hear everyone around start talking about what was going on. I heard words like, freak and mutant and then I realized that I was hearing them but they weren't speaking. Oh My God! I was hearing thier thoughts!

Bret and his friends had gotten up by now and were just staring at me, I could tell they were scared just like everyone else was. All except for Bret, he was well.... he seemed cocky as ever. He told the others not to be afraid, that he could take care of me mutant or not. That's when he picked up part of one of the broken benches and swung. I closed my eyes expecting pain, but nothing! I looked at Bret and the piece of wood had stopped inches from my head and it looked as if he couldn't move it. I thought about grabbing it and hitting Bret with it and then it happened without me even touching it. Bret was out cold and everyone started running and screaming. I panicked, I tried to explain that it wasn't my fault but everything on the ground started swirling through the air. Some of the stuff hit some kids that were running trying to hide from me. By that time the entire school had reached the quad cause school was over and that's where everyone went to get picked up from school.

I was overwhelmed by screams and random thoughts from all the kids and now there were some parents too. I couldn't take it anymore, I could barely tell my thoughts from everyone elses. My head felt like it was being split in two and it happened. From what I can remember I screamed for everyone to shutup. At least I thought I screamed out loud but I didn't. I felt like I exploded, I saw everyone grab thier heads in pain right before they all passed out. Along with the psychic scream I let out I had also let out a telekinetic pulse that blew everyone and everything away from me. Then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in my room. Man, what a dream. I had never dream't so vividly before. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 7:30, PM!!! I ran down stairs and shouted for my mom. When I reached the living room I saw my mom sitting on the couch talking with four others. The first seemed like he was in charge, he was tall. About six foot with reddish-brown hair and he wore sunglasses. Nothing wierd about wearing them but it was evening and he was inside. The next was a woman, she shorter than me but not by much. Her hair was the same color as the guys hair and her eyes were green. Then there was the other two. The first one looked to be about my age maybe alittle bit older. He had brown hair and ice blue eyes. Last but not least was an older bald man in a wheel chair.

I walked slowly over to where my mother sat and took a seat next to her.

"Mom, what's going on? Who are these people?" I said.

"Hunny, do you remember anything that happened today? Anything wierd or strange?" Mom said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, uh, I remember floating in mid-air and things swirling around me and hearing peopel's thoughts." I paused, "I remember hearing someone say, uh I mean think, the word mutant. Is that what I am?! What happened?! Why is this happening to me?!

As I was panicking the house started to shake and things started to float around the room. I could hear my mom's thoughts, she was scared but oddly the others weren't. I got a few stray thoughts from the wierdo in the sunglasses, {telekinetic and telepathic, just like Jean.}

"Who's Jean and what the hell is going on?" I screamed.

"I am" said the red-head, "I am Jean, this is Scott, Bobby, and Professor Xavier."

Pointing at Scott I said, "He said that I was another you. Well at least that's what he was thinking about anyway."

Things had clamed down a bit and everything that was floating dropped from the air, but the thoughts they kept coming. Strangely I wasn't getting anything from Jean or Professor Xavier, just from Bobby, Scott and Mom.

"Here this might help" said Prof. Xavier as he closed his eyes. It was as if someone hit the mute button because I stopped hearing what everyone was thinking.

"So.... you guys are mutants too?" I said.

"Yes, as Jean said I am Professor Charles Xavier and I run a school called The Xavier Institute, which is a school for gifted students like yourself."

"You mean a school for mutants?"

"Well, yes. We provide a haven for young mutants like yourself. We teach them how to gain control over thier gifts as well as classes to further thier education."

"Wait.... how did you find me?"

"Well, this afternoon I sensed a spike of telepathic energy. The source of the spike was very close and very powerful because I was almost rendered unconscious."

Jean walked over and sat close to me. There was a very warm feeling I got, not heat but it seemed as if she and the others genuienly cared about me but also as if she and I were supposed to meet. Her voice was full of compassion when she spoke.

"You see you and I have the same abilities, however my telepathic power is no where near the level of the professor. I was actually knocked out this afternoon by the spike you sent out."

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I was scared and it just happened. I got overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, but that still doesn't explain how you found me." Even though they were mutants too I had just met them. I didn't know anything about them. Sensing this, Professor Xavier came closer.

"When I learned that Jean had been knocked out I quickly started scanning the area for the source of the spike. That's when I came across your mind. I could sense the panic you were going through so I gathered the strength that I had and telepathically knocked you out using a machine we have at the schooll which magnifies my telepathic ability. I then informed some of my pupils that I would need thier assitance."

"So you guys are all students at the school?"

"Yes and no." said Bobby, "I'm a student at the school I've been there since I was 14, I'm 16 now. Scott and Jean are some of the Professors first students from when he founded the school years ago."

Bobby was cute, he had the most beautiful eyes and, okay this might sound a little wierd but the first thing I notice about a guy are his hands, and he had some nice looking hands.

"Ok, so we know what my powers are, how about everyone else?"

"Well my powers allow me to generate and manipulate ice." At that Bobby placed his hand over a cup of water sitting on the coffee table and it instantly froze over.

"Wow" was all I could say.

"As you already know my and your powers are the same, telekinesis and telepathy, however I have alot more control over mine than you do." said Jean

{Not for long} I thought.

{Hey I heard that, but don't worry you'll learn how to control them soon enough} she smiled and looked to Scott.

He stated that his power was too powerful to demonstrate in the house but informed me that his eyes generate a beam of concussive force that's strong enough to blast a hole thru a mountain. Also he can't control the energy in his eyes because of a severe head injury he sustained as a child, and at that he sat back down.

{A hole through thru a mountain, yeah I'll believe it when I see it!}

{Don't be so doubtful Drew, it's hard not being able to control your ability. In time you will get to know Scott better and see that he's not always as stiff as he appears to be.}

{Sorry Prof. Xavier, it's just that..... well I'm new to all this mutant stuff I just need to process it a bit. Hey! I'm talking to you telepathically! I'm starting to control it already!}

"Yes you are, well now the reason we came. You see we would like to offer you the chance to learn to control your abilities and also be in an enivironment where you will be able to further your education. We would like for you to enroll at the school. It's entirely voluntary and there's no tuition to speak of. Your room and board as well as meals, books, other materials and a small allowance are all covered by private investors who donate generously to the school. So what do you say?" Prof. Xavier smiled and then I heard Jean.

{I'll personally make sure Bobby is your tour guide the entire first week if you agree.} Laughing to herself, while everyone just assumed we were communicating telepathically.

"As much as I love your offer Jean, I'm going to have to talk with my dad before any decision can be made."

"Well then" said Prof. Xavier, "We had better be getting back to the school Scott, Bobby, Jean let us take our leave. Mrs. Matthews thank you ever so much for your hospitality. Drew as soon as you've reached a decision I shall send someone to pick you up."

"Thanks Prof, I'm sure my dad will agree. It's just that we come to decisions as a family and this is a rather important one. I'm sure I'll see you all very soon."

Later that night...

"Ok so tell me why they were bothering you in the first place." said dad. He always wanted to hear evey detail so he could understand a situation as completely as possible. "I understand him being mad about the jersey, but what exactly made him attack you so quickly in the locker room?"

Oh shit! This is it. This is where I'm gonna have to come out to my parents. Well on the bright side if they threw me out, which I doubt they will, then I can go to the school no problem. If they are cool about it then it just saves me from having to do it farther down the road. Here it goes, but my dad interuppted me as I was about to speak.

"Did he think you were checking him out or something, is he homophobic?"

I was shocked! How the hell did my parents know about me being gay?!?! Then mom stepped in.

"Sweetie, there's something we never told you. Your father, well he's a mutant too. He's telepathic. That's how we know about you being gay, we've known for a while now. He was once erolled at the Xavier Institute, that's how they knew where to bring you when they found you. You see you've met them before but you were just too young to remember."

"Hold on! Dad you're telepathic? Why didn't you guys ever say anything and how did you know about me being gay before I even figured it out?"

{Well, we know what the term gay means and you didn't before now. That's how we knew, but also when you were little your favorite thing to do was watch the wizard of oz and then pertend you were Dorothy.}

"Wow, dad I never knew. How old was I?"

"About 4 or 5, so do you want to go to the institute? I mean you're close enough to visit at least every other weekend what do you say?"

"Well I guess I'll go, I just hope they don't have a problem with me being gay."

"I doubt they will" said dad,"You see when I went there there were a couple of gay students and no one had any issues. Everyone is treated fair and they have a zero tolerance policy towards any sort of hazing and no one is allowed to use thier powers against another student."

"Ok then I'll go, I mean it's better then having to spend this entire year dealing with Bret and his gang. Um... how do we contact Prof. Xavier?"

"Well it's a little late now, but I'll contact him first thing before I go to work tomorrow. Besides you'll need time to pack."

"Uh, dad we just moved here last week most of my stuff is still packed. No wonder you knew your way around Bayville so well, you used to live here!"

"Duh son! Anyway, this house has been in my family for generations your bedroom used to be mine when I was your age. Then once my parents died when I was 18 I packed everything away and moved to California. Then I met your mom when we were both 22 and now here you are 14 years later."

"Hey I'll be 15 in 3 weeks, but now you two get all mushy and think about your younger years, I'm going to get some sleep I have a big day ahead of me."

"Ok, you get some sleep besides your mom and I still need to figure out what it is we're getting you for your birthday. Now that you're out to us I think I have a pretty good idea of what to get you. Goodnight son, sleep well."

"Night dad, night mom and dad nothing like porn ok I'm barely out.."

"And too young to start a collection" chimed in mom, "Goodnight sweetie."

With that I went upstairs. Little did I know, at that time, that my decision set me on a course to encounter something that would finally make me whole.

Next: Chapter 2

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