X Men Alliance

By Silvio Arteaga

Published on Feb 12, 2010


X-men and any other character in the Marvel Universe are owned by Marvel Inc., not me. So anything written here about the sexuality of these characters does not reflect the actual sexuality of the characters in the Marvel Universe. All rights go to Marvel Inc. And X-men is property of Marvel Inc.

If you are under 18, leave now. This story (as a whole) contains explicit material involving men.

Sorry for taking so long in writing this chapter. The thing is, I have had no time to write. School and work have most of my time. Anyway, I've had half of this chapter written for two weeks already. Again sorry. Hope you like it. Enjoy!

[ ]- indicate telepathic communication/conversations " "- indicate real conversation

Introductions: Part 2

"So you're telling me, I'm being offered a chance to stay here!?!"

I can't believe what my ears are listening to. I'm being offered a stay at the Mansion! Unfuckingbelievable. The past few hours have been hectic, it's like straight from a comic book. And the best thing about staying here are the "X-men", who are a team of mutants that try to strengthen human-mutant relationships around the world.

Professor: "That is correct. However, there is one stipulation. You have to join the X-men."

"What? I don't understand. I couldn't be much help, not only that but I have no training."

Professor: "That is why you are being offered a chance to hone your powers, as a student, here at the institute. On top of that we will provide you with a more extensive training as an X-man.

Suddenly the guy with red shades spoke up.

Red-Shades: "Currently, we only have one telekinetic on the team and with you we will have two, plus any other abilities you might possess."

"Who are you?"

Scott: "I'm Scott, that's Jean (he pointed towards the red head) Ororo is over there (lady with white hair) and you've met Logan."

"Nice to meet you all I'm David Green. Is this the whole team?"

Ororo spoke up.

"Oh heavens no, we are just the team leaders, well, me and Scott are." She shot Jean a look of mock superiority.

"So where is everybody else?"

Jean: "Some are teaching and others are out on missions."

Wow was all I could say. I mean it was so much to take in. So after we discussed a few other minute details, Jean showed me to my room.

Jean: "David, I didn't want to say this in front of the others but how did you end up fighting Sinister? We were all impressed how you took him down; you must have some serious power. But what gets me is how did you get to the situation we found you in?"

The way she asked it almost sounded sincere had I not picked up on the underlying tone of her question.

"I really don't want to talk about it. And I really don't know how I took him down; all I remember is

everything going black. Then I was here."

Jean: Strange. Anyways, here is your room. You should really get some rest. I'll stop by in the morning to give you your schedule for the year."

And with that she left me to contemplate my situation. The room I was in was like the size of my old living room. And the closet was as big as my room. I think I can really learn to like it here. Not that I don't like it now. But still, I miss my old place... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Professor: "So Jean, did you find out anything?"

"No I didn't. He just told me he didn't want to talk about it."

Professor: "Just give him time. It's only natural for him to feel distrusting. I'll have a talk with his father in the morning. Because for whatever reason Sinister was trying to capture David, I'm absolutely sure it was of upmost importance, for he did not send any of his minions. I'm sure this isn't the last we'll hear of him."

"You're absolutely right."

How Strange. Why would Sinister go after David? Yes, he is a telepath and telekinetic, but what mutant isn't these days. David must have some other power that even he isn't aware of but that Sinister is. Either way, I highly doubt he'll come looking for David while he is here, Sinister knows he can't stand against the full power of the X-men. But I'm willing to bet he is going to try to lure him away from us. But how, I don't know. We are just going to have to on our guard. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I awoke at 7:30 to the sound of Jean knocking on the door. I took a moment to clear my head before I opened the door.

Jean: David, open up!

"Hold on." Before the door was completely open she pushed it out of the way and made her way into the room.

Jean: "Here is your schedule. Your first class starts at 9."

She handed me a piece of paper that had my class schedule.

"You know a good morning might be nice."

Jean:" A lot of things in life might be nice. Now get ready, breakfast is in 15 min the lines get pretty long around here."

And with that she left. I tried to get ready as fast as possible, but not so I could get to eat first but to avoid talking to people while in line. I've never been good at making conversation in awkward situations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

It wasn't until I walked into the cafeteria that my stomach decided to let me know I was hungry.

Fortunately, there were only a few students at the cafeteria and a line was non-existent. I decided to just eat some cereal and a cup of orange juice.

So I grabbed the food and not wanting to call too much attention to myself I sat down in the back where there were no people.

Guy: [That must be the new kid.]

Girl: [Hmm. I bet he's the new kid. He's really cute. The things I would do—]

I tried my best to shut out the random thoughts I was picking up.

Sometimes it's just hard to tune some thoughts out, especially if they are being broadcasted. That one girl was especially hard! The things lurking in her mind... pervert!

Anyways, breakfast was not a big issue. My classes however were. I had to take Biology, Psionics, Euclidean Geometry, Government, American Literature, Ethics, and X- Training. Fortunately I had X-training on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Biology and Psionics and Ethics I have every Monday and Wendsdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays were my Government, American Lit , and Geometry Classes.

Hectic! I never like school, but whatever. My first class was biology, and thankfully I wasn't the first one there.

"Is this biology?" I asked, stating the obvious.

Mr. McCoy: "Why yes. How are you doing today, David?"

"I'm doing well, just a little nervous."

Mr. McCoy: "You needn't worry; the first day is always the hardest."

Whilst we were talking I hadn't noticed that some students had already taken their seats. So, when I turned around to take my seat, I saw sitting in the desk right next to mine the hottest guy I had every laid eyes on. Coming out of my hypnotic state I quickly took my seat.

I tried to pay attention to what Dr. McCoy was saying. It was something about cell differentiation... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I can't believe it, is the guy next staring at me? No he can't be. You'd think since I'm a telepath I'd be able to tell, but I don't want to,

I like giving people their own privacy.

Hot guy: "Hey, you're the new kid, uh David right?"

"Uh yeah." Great answer David.

I can't believe this guy is talking to me! He is mega cute!

Bobby: "My name is Bobby. Bobby Drake."

"My name is David." Wow. I couldn't help but look him over. He was 6 2'. He had a slight muscular build and deep blue eyes.

Bobby: "Is something wrong?" "No, nothing's wrong."

Bobby: "Oh it's just that you keep staring at me with this look."

I could hear the suggestiveness in his tone. Crap. I must try to change the subject.

"Um, Bobby what time is lunch."

Bobby: "In like twenty minutes."

Please email me suggestions! Thank you guys for your time and patience! Silvio.arteaga@yahoo.com

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