X Men Alliance

By Silvio Arteaga

Published on Jan 20, 2010


X-men Alliance

X-men and any other character in the Marvel Universe are owned by Marvel Inc., not me.

So anything written here about the sexuality of these characters does not reflect the actual sexuality of the characters in the Marvel Universe. All rights go to Marvel Inc. And X-men is property of Marvel Inc. If you are under 18, leave now. This story (as a whole) containsexplicit material involving men.

()- means telepathic conversation " "- means dialogue that is actually spoken

Part 1: Introductions

Dad: "RUN!"

Me (David):"I'm trying to but I can't something is holding me back!"

What is this? Never had I felt a presence as powerful as the one I was feeling now. With all the strength I could muster I tried to break free from the invisible grasp that glued me to the ground, however all my efforts were in vain. There was nowhere to go! We were backed into a corner in a secluded alleyway, hunted like animals by some unknown force. I saw my dad fly up in the air in an effort to identify our pursuer.

Dad: "Son, you have to get out of here!"

Before I could respond, a blast hit my dad in the head and he suddenly fell from the sky.


I tried to run towards him but again, my efforts were futile.

Dad:"Son, listen to me you have to get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving without you!"

Hell no. He is all I have left in my life.



With horror I watched as my dad was hit with an invisible force and knocked into unconsciousness. At the sight of that something within me broke loose and I felt a tremendous surge of energy emerge from my mind. The hold that had me frozen in place weakened and I used that moment of weakness to break free.

"Whoever the hell you are, you are going to pay for what you did to my dad!"

Mysterious force: "You are in no position to make threats."

"Show yourself!"

Out of the darkness came a figure that looked like it had just escaped some mad scientist's lab. He had ruby red eyes, white, pale skin, a purple suit with a red diamond on his forehead.

"What are you?"

Sinister: "Not what, you insolent little boy, but who. And to answer your question my name is Nathaniel Essex, but you can call me Mister Sinister."

"What do you want from us, from my dad?"

Sinister:"I don't want anything from your daddy, I want you. But more specifically your DNA."

Chills went down my spine as he explained the reason for his attack. Not only did the sick bastard want me, he wanted my DNA to create the "most powerful mutant the world has ever seen".

"Tough luck. You're not getting anywhere near me!"

Sinister: "I beg to differ. You see there is nothing you can do to stop me. Yes you do posses an array of mutant powers rarely seen in an individual. However, you lack the proper training and experience to defend yourself against the likes of me."

He was right. I don't know how to control my mutant abilities. Actually, that is the reason why I am in the situation I am currently in. My lack of control caused...

Sinister"Now if you don't mind you'll be coming with me!"

"No, I won't!"

He didn't even respond. All I felt was an excruciating pain in my head, and all went black.

Jason:"You should really pick on someone your own size"

"What how?!? I just knocked you out telepathically."

"Wrong! You knocked my other half out but not me! Now feel the taste of your own medicine bitch!"

With all the strength I could muster, I sent a psionic dagger towards him, however he was more clever than I gave him credit for.

He instantly disintegrated it and fired one at me. Knowing my power I simply deflected it and grabbed him telekinetically and threw him toward the wall, shattering it.

Whilst he was recovering I quickly reached into his mind and knocked him out of consciousness. With him out of the way I ran over to where my dad lay unconscious, I picked him up and proceeded to fly out of the area, when I saw a futuristic looking aircraft hovering in the sky above me. I felt someone within was trying to make contact with my mind. Sensing no threat, I opened the link:

Professor Xavier: (Do not be alarmed my friend, we mean no harm. I am Professor Charles Xavier from the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.Our monitoring technology, known as Cerebro, detected a tremendous amount of energy emanating from this area. Unfortunately we could not tell who or what was causing the disturbance. To be safe we decided to investigate and here we stand. )

Jason: (Well, thank you for your concern but all is taken care of. And if you don't mind I have to go to the hospital. My dad is in serious need of medical attention. )

Professor Xavier: (Allow us to help. We have the exact equipment to help your father regain health. And far more tools specifically designed to treat mutants, tools that I am willing to bet hospitals don't have. Come with us and we shall explain more and provide to your father the medical attention he so desperately needs.)

Jason:(Fine. I'll go.) Just who the hell are these people? And why do they want to help my dad and me? As I boarded the aircraft, a strange realization came upon me, these people were mutants. Just what did I get myself into?

Spectacular. That was the perfect word to describe the place where the jet had just landed. The hangar was in the basement of the school! It looked like the facility of a top secret government organization. And the outside, was wow. It didn't look like a school but more like a country club." It was dark outside, but you could clearly see the basketball court and the vast grounds that surrounded the mansion.

Big, burly, hairy man: "It's a sight isn't?"

"Yeah, it is. It doesn't look like a school.

Logan: " My bad kid, where are my manners. I'm Logan."Man was this guy hot. The thin silver muscle shirt he was wearing did next to nothing to hide his bulging muscles. Mmm...Oops I think he noticed I was taking too long to respond.

"I'm Ja- ah-David." By the way I think you're hot... Ha! Like I would say THAT out loud. So if you haven't figured it out yet yes, I'm gay!

"Well kid, welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters or the Mansion for short."

Professor:" I think you're going to like it here." Wait, what did he mean by that?

Giving me a knowing look he said, "Everything will be clear soon. Now let's head over to the Med Bay where Hank, our "Dr." is taking a look at your father." I hadn't noticed that the other people who were on the jet with us had left with my dad. There was a red head , some guy with shades, and a woman with white hair. They all seemed nice. And the one with those weird shades looked hot.

As we entered the school one thing was certain, this place was not cheap. The professor must have been loaded, or had some friends with deep pockets. While we were on our way to the Med Bay I saw kids both older and younger than me littering the halls, but the strange thing was that they were using their powers, they were mutants! I voiced my concern to the Professor. He explained to me that this was actually a school for mutants, where kids come to learn how to better control their powers and learn how to use them for the good of mankind. I wonder if I could learn how to control my powers.

A little after we arrived at this hi-tech looking clinic which I presumed was the Med Bay. Out nowhere a big blue ape looking thing appeared in front of us and before it could attack us I sent it flying away with a telekinetic wave.

Logan: "David! Why on earth did you do that? The person you just attacked was Dr. Hank McCoy.

Dr. McCoy: "It's quite alright. He did not know who I was. It was only instinct. Now let's try this again. Jason, I'm Dr. Hank McCoy. But you can call me Hank. I was about to tell you before the little inicident occurred that your father is in good condition. He has a minor concussion but a little rest will do him wonders.

"Can I go in and see him?"

Hank: Unfortunately you cannot. He is sleeping right now and the computer is analyzing his blood work and monitoring his status. You can come and see him in a couple of hours. Is that ok?

"Yeah that's fine."

Professor: Now that that is settled. Let us go to my office, David, we have much to discuss.

Tell me what you guys think. This is my first time writing anything for nifty and frankly my first time writing anything having to do with the X-men.

Feel free to email me suggestions or comments at silvio.arteaga@yahoo.com

Please do!

Next: Chapter 2

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