X Factor

By Jayson Spears

Published on Mar 20, 2001


Legal Disclaimer: X-men is copyrighted to Marvel, I don't imply anything about the people from the movie.

Side note: I own all of this. It's all real. Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen. Elvis lives with Aliens. Yes E.T did go home and I need less caffeine. Clear? Good? Great!

Want to Archive this? Cool! Just tell me where you archived it.

This prologue is rated PG13 for some violence, but later installments will have Male - Male sex and * gasp * gay themes. If this offends you then... What the heck are you here for? Now own with my damn spectacle. E-mail Abercromnie@hotmail.com, I thrive on mail!

~ The X-Factor: Chapter 0 - Prologue

Zachery lay in his bed waking up. He rubbed his eyes. They were dry and sore. He stretched and pushed his blanket away, his room was very dark. He walked over to the window then pulled up the blind. * THWACK * something hit him right in the head. He saw red everywhere, was it blood? Was he bleeding? What hit him? "MOM! Mom help!"

Madeline came running into the room. She saw Zach on the floor and heard a crowd outside. She knew all too well what it was. She ran to Zach and removed the Tomato from his face, and picked some pieces out of his blonde hair. She kissed his forehead and then walked over to the window.

"Filthy Mutants! Abominations!" yelled a woman in the crowd. "Freaks!" yelled another. She looked at them. Striking out against what they didn't understand. In fear, yet they had nothing to fear, They were not violent. Madeline's family's powers weren't scary. They didn't cause the plague. They just wanted to be left alone. As Madeline looked out the window, lost in thought, someone in the crowd threw a bottle at her. Glass flew everywhere. Madeline fell back clutching her forehead. Zachery crawled over to her. He asked, "Mother are you alright?" She didn't respond. She got up and calmly walked over to the window.

She looked at them, emotions surrounding her, crushing her. She pointed out the window and spoke "You all act like we are animals, you fear us, you fear for the safety of your children, But so do I! You all do not belong here, remove yourselves or I will call the police." A man in the crowd laughed and said "Ha ha the police don't care about freaks like you" then he spat at her window. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't, She was too angry. "Fine, have it your way then" she replied. She held her hands palms out towards the crowd. Then she thrust them apart and a stream of blue flame raced down towards the crowd. Zachery could feel the intense cold from where he was huddled on the floor.

The crowd scattered the cattle, screaming for their lives, terrified by Madeline's show of power. She hadn't wounded any of them, a few of them might have had frostbite but that was the extent of it all. The torrent of ice swayed around like a snake. Madeline brought her palms back together and then into fists - the stream of icefire stopped. She looked at her son and felt sick to her stomach. He was a mutant too, and she knew one day he would have to deal with this. He was only 9 and didn't understand what was going on, but he did understand fear. Madeline heard a siren, and she suspected the police would be coming.

Her husband, Darius, Was already in prison for protecting Zachery from a pimp. He didn't mean to kill the man, but he could not hold back his anger. The people in the neighborhood all thought Darius a hero for killing the man who preyed on Children. The jury however convicted him on the fact that he was a mutant. There was a knock on the door. Madeline took a deep sigh and told Zachery to stay in his room. She walked into the living room. Again there was a knock. Madeline opened the door and was greeted by a man, about 20 years of age, brown hair down to his shoulders with a five o' clock shadow. He was about 5'9 ft tall. He identified himself as Officer Toby Doerkson. She looked at him and said, "How may I help you officer?" He replied "I had reports from a group of people fleeing that there was a mutant disturbance from this residence."

She looked at him and started to speak "I-I-I..I um." - "I assumed they were a vigilante crowd and I just came to check if any of you were hurt." Madeline looked at him shocked. "Mommy who's this man?" Toby looked at the blue eyed boy, bits of tomato still on his face and in his hair. "I'm Officer Toby, pleased to meet you." Zachery's eyes widened and he ran up and grabbed his mother. "No! I won't let you take her like they did Daddy, I just won't." Toby looked at Madeline and Madeline hugged Zachery. "I'm not here to take Mrs. Kerrigan away Zachery." Toby said calmly.

"Y-y-you're not?" Toby shook his head no. There was an odd silence, but Madeline broke it saying "Would you like some coffee officer? I was just making a batch before... the disturbance." He smiled but graciously declined "Sorry I really should get back, I'm on duty." Madeline escorted Officer Toby out and then locked the door. She took a deep sigh and looked at Zachery. She told him to go take a bath. He scurried off into the shower.

Madeline broke down. She knew the crowd would be back. She knew what was in store. She knew it didn't matter if they moved. Madeline was positive this wasn't just a crowd of Mutant haters, no one here knew they were Mutants aside from a few close neighbors, and Zachery's powers weren't manifesting enough for anyone to really notice. This was Alan's doing. The district attorney of New York had always been in love with her, he was devastated when she married Darius. He even accepted Zachery, but she knew inside he was the reason Darius was convicted. She finally broke off all ties and he said it would be the biggest mistake of her life. He was trying to bully her into being with him.

Just then Zachery walked out from the bathroom. "Mommy what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She smiled at him, her beautiful child. "I'm fine dear. How would you like to spend the night at Darryl's?" Zachery perked up. "Really mum? Can I?" Darryl was Zachery's best friend. She smiled and told him to pack up a bag or two. He rushed off to get his things and within minutes he was ready. They got out of the apartment and into the car, Madeline felt sick to her stomach, she knew what she had to do.

They arrived at Darryl's. Madeline popped the trunk and got out of the car, Zach grabbed one bag and she grabbed the other. She stopped him and hugged him, she told him she loved him and for him to never forget that, then she kissed his forehead. "Eww mom not in front of Darryl your embarrassing me!" then he gave her his innocent smile. She tried to hold back the tears. She ushered him off. Got in the car, and watched him walk toward the house. She knew this would be the last time she saw him. A tear shed and froze on her cheek and she pulled out of the driveway. Zachery turned around and waved as she drove off.


Well that's it for the prologue, what did you think? Don't worry I'll start introducing the X-men in the first real chapter. All will become clear. Im also not sure on how long i'll continue this story, But I think its worthy of a decent ending so I'll work up to it. All depends on what you guys want. Comments? Complaints? Questions? Send them to me at Abercromnie@hotmail.com! I love email! But beware! Spam me and I'll Spam you back! Huzzah!


Next: Chapter 2

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