X Factor 2009

By Mike McKenzie

Published on Oct 18, 2009


DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of any person that may be featured or mentioned in the story.

18 year old Joe was really nervous about his second live show performance. Although the first live show had gone really well this week was Divas week and he had no idea if his voice was strong enough to carry off a Whitney song! Luckily, it was all plain sailing and the crowd and judges loved it. Now all he had to do was hope the public felt the same, but there was an agonising and tense 24 hour wait to find out the results.

After Xtra Factor, all of the contestants went back to the house they shared to grab something to eat, chill out and reflect on the show. Spirits were high and they all decided a few games of Guitar Hero would be good to try and de-stress and enjoy themselves before tomorrow night. But Joe was so restless, this competition meant more than anything else had ever done before and he just couldn't relax.

Lloyd noticed this, from across the room he kept glancing at Joe who was smiling on the outside but his eyes suggested he was far from happy. As the rest of the contestants started getting a bit rowdy and focused their attentions on the Xbox, Lloyd crept across the living area to sit next to Joe. Joe gave him a tired smile before looking down at the floor, obviously upset in some way.

"You alright mate?" said Lloyd is his soft Welsh accent.

"No... I dunno... I'm so happy to be here but I just feel like my nerves are killing me" sighed Joe, rubbing one of his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Mate, are you crying?" whispered Lloyd, putting one hand on Joe's shoulder. "Come on, let's go up to our room and have a chat".

Lloyd stood and Joe followed as the pair quietly left the noise and over-excitedness of the living area to climb the long stairs to their bedroom. Lloyd and Joe shared a room with Rikki, the three young boys got on really well but Joe and Lloyd felt they shared a bond because they were similar in age and both got homesick at times so they looked to each other for comfort.

As Joe followed Lloyd into the bedroom, Lloyd locked the door behind them.

"So we're not disturbed, I can see you need to get a lot off your chest", he soothed, flashing Joe a warm smile.

"Thanks mate, I really just need to get my head sorted and maybe talking it through will help cos I think it's gonna end up ruining my chances and I'll regret it forever" Joe sighed, choking back a few tears.

"Listen Joe" replied Lloyd, "I don't mind saying that you're probably one of most likely people to win this thing, honestly I reckon you'll be in the final and you stand more chance than me. You've got an amazing voice and you've got loads of fans and are a likeable lad - honestly you've nothing to worry about cos you're already on your way to being a popstar".

Joe laughed and wiped away the last of his tears, he felt really pleased to hear Lloyd saying that to him, it meant a lot to hear that his fellow finalist had such faith.

"So chin up, hey?" Lloyd continued, placing a hand on Joe's knee. "Honestly if you wanna talk it over we can do that now or if at any time you feel a bit down just let me know".

Joe looked up at Lloyd and smiled his trademark grin; "cheers Lloyd, it means a lot. I feel better already, guess I just needed someone to tell me I'm being daft".

"No problem, happy to help" Lloyd smiled back, noticing that Joe's cheeky glint was back in his eye. "Listen lad, you still look a bit tense and I've been told I've got healing hands if you want me to give you a back massage to ease some tension? Might help for tomorrow's group performance?"

Joe was a little apprehensive, he and Lloyd were great friends but was this a bit too close for comfort?

Lloyd sensed Joe's apprehension immediately and stood up to leave. "Sorry mate, I can see that wouldn't be comfortable for you, no worries eh?" But Joe's curiosity got the better of him and he pulled Lloyd's arm back toward the bed; "no Lloyd, it's OK we can give it a go - can't do any harm can it and I definitely need all the relaxation I can get!"

Lloyd smiled and rolled his sleeves up, ready to give his mate a massage to remember. "Cool, take your top off and lie on your stomach, I'll have to straddle you just to get the best position OK?"

"Sure" Joe smiled, pulling his top off to reveal his slim, very slightly toned body with only a thin trail of hair leading beneath his jeans. Lloyd had seen Joe topless many times so this was no surprise to him.

Joe climbed onto the bed and lay face down, ready for Lloyd to work his magic. Lloyd straddled Joe, positioning himself just below his arse so he could have full access to the other boy's back and shoulders. He tentatively placed his hands on the sides of Joe's back and started to slowly rub up and down.

"Aaah that tickles!" Joe giggled, his body trembling under Lloyd's touch.

"You'll get used to it in a minute, just keep still, close your eyes and relax" Lloyd whispered, trying to lull Joe into a sleepy state.

Lloyd continued his massage and began to build up a pattern as he moved from Joe's back to his shoulders, softly kneading the flesh underneath that unblemished smooth skin. Lloyd's big hands traced the sides of Joe's body and back up again to brush his neck with his fingertips. Joe was very still but was silently moaning into the pillow, feeling relief and bliss at Lloyd's expert touch.

After a good few minutes of silence, Lloyd spoke breaking Joe from his trance; "You enjoying that?" he softly spoke, digging his thumbs into Joe's shoulder blades.

"Huh... ah yeah, it's lovely man!" Joe sighed, his voice sounding calm and blissful.

"Cool, I'll keep going" said Lloyd, shifting himself just a bit further down Joe's legs.

Lloyd could now see Joe's arse in full view, he stared at the two pert mounds of flesh creating a lovely bubble butt shape in Joe's jeans. Lloyd was desperate to see and feel that arse, so he decided to take a risk and see if it paid off. He moved his hands to the very bottom of Joe's back and started to rub in small motions before letting his fingers slip under the waistband of Joe's jeans and boxers and caress the top of his soft bum. Joe didn't respond, so Lloyd slid his hands a bit further in, now being able to almost squeeze Joe's cheeks. He rubbed the palms of his hands across Joe's arse, feeling the warmth and plumpness of it under his touch. From the top of the bed, Joe was biting his lip to stop himself from audibly moaning.

Lloyd knew by now that if Joe had a problem with this, he'd have said. So deciding to bite the bullet, Lloyd quickly slipped a finger between Joe's crack and pressed it against his smooth hole. That did it, Joe couldn't hold back and gasped loudly in pure bliss at that feeling that had just jolted through his body like lightening.

"You liked that too?" Lloyd grinned, removing his finger and rolling Joe over into his front. His eyes were immediately met by Joe's raging erection clearly making a tent in his jeans!

Lloyd's eyes widened and he grinned down at Joe who was nervously staring intensely back at Lloyd.

"You want me to carry on Joe?" Lloyd seductively whispered, reaching out to trace a finger down Joe's lean torso.

Joe gulped and nodded, but looked so terrified that Lloyd decided to make this work he'd have to be really gentle and take it slow. Lloyd stood up from the bed and confidently removed his own shirt, revealing a smooth defined body that he was incredibly proud of. For a 16 year old he had the maturity and body of a 21 year old and Lloyd loved to use these assets to get his way. Lloyd then carried on shedding his clothes, next came the jeans and socks leaving him in just tight white CK pants that were now obscenely bulging with hot rigid cock. Lloyd took the lead and unzipped Joe's jeans, sliding them over his slim legs and throwing them on the floor. Joe was visibly shaking, now also just lying in his black boxer shorts where a wet patch had formed from his cock leaking pre-cum.

Lloyd clambered onto the bed and positioned himself alongside Joe, turning Joe slightly toward him so they were now lying face to face literally inches apart. Lloyd slowly moved his mouth to Joe's and used his tongue to part Joe's luscious lips and explore his mouth. Joe moaned softly at the intrusion and instinctively placed the palm of his hand on the back of Lloyd's head. As their tongues mashed together in an intense but slow kiss, their cocks also brushed lightly as they started to move into a grinding motion. Pretty soon, both boys were holding each other close - humping cocks and smooching passionately as their hormones took over.

All of Joe's nerves and reservations about this encounter were now rapidly melting away as he placed his hands down the back of Lloyd's pants and squeezed his gorgeous plump backside. Lloyd responded by biting Joe's bottom lip and returning the favour, revisiting Joe's arse for another feel. Both feeling more horny by the second and conscious they were still in a house with more than a dozen other people they frantically shed their underwear finally revealing to each other their magnificent young cocks. Lloyd's was just over 7 inches, pretty thick and juicy with a pair of low plump balls, complimented by a trimmed patch of dark blonde pubes. Joe's was a surprise, in contrast to his slender frame his cock was 8 inches long and boasted a little more girth that even Lloyd's impressive member. His balls were large and furry, as was his neat nest of jet black pubic hair - he had the body of a teenage boy and the cock of a 30 year old man.

After the initial few seconds of eyeing each other's tools, Lloyd took lead and fed Joe his prick. Joe eagerly clamped his lips around the head, slurping on Lloyd's tasty cock enjoying the feeling of having his mouth full of man-meat. He ran his hands up and down Lloyd's hairy legs, feeling the toned calf muscles and occasionally reaching round to squeeze his bubble butt. Lloyd moaned deeply as Joe inched his way down his cock, licking the underside and sucking eagerly on the head. For someone so nervous and unsure, Joe was a natural born cock sucker.

After several minutes, Lloyd reluctantly removed Joe from his cock and brought him back up for another lusty kiss. He could taste his own dick on Joe's mouth as they fell onto the bed breathing heavily against each other. Lloyd flipped Joe onto his back and shifted himself down the bed, raising Joe's legs high and wide as without warning he dove his head between them and buried his face in Joe's cute little arse. Joe had to bite his fist to conceal an almighty moan as he cock leaked pre-cum and his body shuddered in ecstasy. Lloyd clamped his palms on Joe's supple arse cheeks and lapped feverishly at the hairless gorgeous pink virgin hole between them. The taste was divine, Lloyd couldn't get enough as he nibbled, licked, sucked and french kissed the hole. Joe's pleasure was the most intense he'd ever felt, he succumbed to the feeling and began softly whimpering while bucking his ass back into Lloyd's tongue which was now half an inch deep in Joe.

Hearing the music and noise get louder downstairs, Lloyd realised they really had to finish up before anybody noticed they were gone. He removed his tongue from Joe and positioned himself over him, ready for the final part of their sexual encounter.

"Are you sure about this?" Lloyd spoke, looking at Joe with deep intense lust but also genuine concern.

"Yes..." gasped Joe, grabbing Lloyd's head and forcing his lips down to meet his own, tasting his own sexy arse on Lloyd's breath; "fuck me" he moaned, breathless from the heavy kiss and heavy smell of sex in the air.

Lloyd grinned at Joe who licked his lips in anticipation. The Welsh stud spread Joe's legs further and pushed them up so his knees were either side of his head. Lloyd looked down at Joe's amazing spread arse and watched his hole twitch with excitement. He positioned himself over Joe and slowly entered his wet hole, feeling the tight cavity clamp down in every inch of his thick meat as he pushed past the ring. Both lads groaned a little too loudly so decided to attach themselves at the mouth to prevent any escaped sounds of pleasure. As they passionately snogged, they began to build a rhythm as Lloyd penetrated Joe, sliding his prick in and out of the virgin hole that now itched for cock. Joe started bucking his hips to meet Lloyd's thrusts, feeling his prostrate brushed with each motion. They were having the best most intense sex of their young lives and never wanted it to stop, but the noise from downstairs reminded them they had to hurry. They could hear singing now, Jamie at full volume;

"THIS SEX IS ON FIREEEEEEE" he wailed, as Joe and Lloyd had raw sex on Lloyd's bed, now moving in time to the heavy rock beat, the bed bouncing and rocking frantically as Lloyd pounded Joe for all he was worth. The feelings were too intense, they couldn't hold back any longer, as the music downstairs got louder they unlocked their lips and screamed in pleasure. Joe was wailing, almost crying with the intensity of the fuck, he lowered his hands and grabbed Lloyd's meaty rump, pushing it to get the large cock to go deeper in his sweet hole. Lloyd buried his head in Joe's neck, moaning deeply from the pit of his stomach as he felt his cock squeezed and massaged with every thrust.

"If it's not forever, if it's just tonight Oh, it's still the greatest, THE GREATEST, THE GREATEST"

As Jamie sang at the top of his voice, Lloyd let out a loud grunt and sprayed his seed into Joe, filling his arse with hot spunk that seeped out of his hole and onto the bed sheets. As Lloyd rode his amazing orgasm, he ground his body against Joe's, feeling Joe's huge cock trapped between them Lloyd frantically rubbed his belly against it, causing Joe to shout in pleasure as his cock exploded with jizz, landing on his chest and neck as well as covering Lloyd's stomach. As the music from downstairs began to quieten, Lloyd let his softening cock slip from Joe's deflowered cunt and pulled the older boy in for one last hedonistic kiss, their bodies entwined with sweat and cum.

"I love you man, I really love you" Joe whispered, kissing Lloyd's eyes and nose, adoring the beauty of him.

"I love you too, you're amazing" sighed Lloyd, licking Joe's spunk from his neck while fingering his soppy hole.

Hearing the video game being switched off and movement from downstairs, they two were quickly broken from their trance and jumped off the bed. Joe ran into the en-suite bathroom to shower while Lloyd quickly tidied the bed, covering up the cumstains which he'd have to see to later.

As Lloyd finished dressing himself, he smiled contently as he heard Joe singing in the shower. Seems like his relaxation techniques had worked yet again... shame it didn't work on Ethan enough to send him through to the final 12... ah fond memories...

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it. This may be a one off story, but if I find the time and inspiration to continue I hope to. If you have any feedback on this or suggestions for any future chapters or other stories please let me know, I love to read your views.

Next: Chapter 2

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