X Awakening

By Zeke Willis

Published on Apr 17, 2013


Disclaimer: This story involves, or is going to, characters from X-Men. The characters in this story have no relation to the REAL characters and/or the actors that play them in real life, and imply nothing of their sexual orientation and any similarities are purely coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel. Enjoy!!!

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to upload. I've been kind of busy but that's not an excuse. But yeah I will try to upload every two weeks but if I don't just know that it is coming.

Telepathic Conversation

"What have you done Nixo," Professor X asked me, "It's dangerous to use you powers when you don't know what they are and what they do." Most people probably thought he was being concerned but I caught the anger underneath it all. I mean Charles was a nice man but he had an agenda. People acted like the sun shined out of his ass and he could do no wrong. Even without trying to I saw the plans he had for Marie in his mind. He was going to help break down the blocks she unknowingly put up, but he was going to wait. He wanted her to go through so much pain that by the time he helped her she would follow his orders with no questions. He was building and army for the days to come. No, he didn't want to hurt humans but he wasn't going to let them kill us off. And he was pissed at me because I had healed Marie and made it where she would never need help with her powers again. After Xavier was through with his lecture on my irresponsibility everyone decided to put there two cents in and started screaming at me. I really didn't hear a word anybody was saying. I was just getting irritated. I mean everyone was screaming and shouting and giving me a fucking headache. So I snapped.

"Oh my god. Will you all just shut the hell up for one second? All of you keep saying how I'm bad because you think I hurt Rouge but I didn't see any of you trying to help her. Hell I just got here and I see how lonely she was. You treated the girl like she had a disease. I mean touching someone is not the only way to show affection," I shouted causing the wind to stir restlessly. It also drew my attention to Rogue's twitching fingers, which meant she must be waking up., "So if you're so worried how about you ask Rogue how she feels?" I said walking to pick her up. She looked at me asking if it worked with her eyes and I nodded. She screamed and launched herself into my arms giving me a bear hug. She touched my face and laughed before she skipped over to Storm and touched her face. She screamed like a little kid at candy store and went around touching people, before she ran back to me and kissed me on the lips. For some reason I felt like this was going to be a thing between us.

"Thank you so much Nixo. I can touch people again. You have no idea how much this means to me," she said sincerely. "And thanks for telling me about Bobby and them I deal with him," she laughed. I don't even the Professor knew that Rouge had my most recent memories. Like all things in life there is a consequence for every action, so my consequence for healing Rouge was sharing my most recent memories, which just so happened to star Bobby. As if my thoughts summoned him Bobby came rushing forward and tried to kiss Rouge only for her to turn her head aside at the last moment. He acted like nothing happened and gave her a hug, which led her to noticing the scratches on Bobby's check.

"Bobby what happened to your face," she asked touching his face. Bobby shot a glare over her shoulder at me. I saw a nasty twinkle come to his eyes after he saw me glance at Rouge.

"Well Nixo got mad at me yesterday and we kinda got into a fight babe. He just came into our dorm room and tried to take over," he replied giving me another nasty glare.

"Oh, well at least it happened after you cheated on me with Kitty, who is supposed to be my best friend. Hope you had fun but we are over and Kitty never talk to me again," she brushed Bobby off and hooked her arm in mine, "Lets go Nixo." We had just reached the door to leave when Professor X told Rouge to take me to the danger room because they had to find out what I was capable of immediately. He said they couldn't have a wild card running around the school. Then he sent some dude with red glasses on to follow us. Rouge led me to a wood panel wall at the end of the hall and pressed a spot that looked a little different. I mean I only noticed it because I was so close and I noticed the spot of wood was just a tad lighter than the rest. The wall moved aside and revealed an elevator. Rogue pressed her hand up to a security pad and then did a retinal scan. Then the freaking elevator spoke.

"Voice Confirmation needed," a feminine voice asked.

"Anna Marie codename Rouge," she spoke in a clear voice. The elevator doors opened and we stepped in. The door was just about to close when a shadow shot through and Layton appeared next to me.

"You may need back up," he said answering the question that was written all over my face. The elevator descended and a comfortable silence fell around us. It took us about thirty seconds to get to where we were going and the doors opened up. I step of the elevator and looked around. Before me stood a long silver hallway. I mean the whole hall was made out of metal. I saw doors lining the hall all the way down until some circular door with a big x in the middle. Rouge led me down the hall to a random door and put in a code making the door open. A quick glance at the room and I knew this must be the med-bay. There were hospital beds along on wall and all these other machines on the other, but the most surprising thing was the blue haired man that stood to the side mixing some chemicals.

"Dr. Hank McCoy, its been a while since the last time I saw you. You didn't even come and visit," I pouted gaining Hank's attention.

"Ah, Mr. Nixo Nolan. The last time I saw you was two years ago in Italy with your dad at the Genetics convention. How is the family holding up?" he asked.

"Well they took me being a mutant pretty well. It didn't even faze them. Oh? I almost forgot they are moving out her to New York. They are buying a house somewhere out here so they can stay close to me.," I explained.

"Sorry Doc, but we're not here for a friendly visit. Nixo here is about to go into the danger room, so we need you to take his blood for Professor," Rouge told him. The Doc took out a few empty vials and a needle. He got everything ready and stuck the needle in my arm. I think he took about four vials before he took the needle out. He held a swab to it and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. He removed it to put a band aid on my arm but there was no need. My arm was smooth.

"Seems that you have a healing factor Nixo," laughed Doc looking at me. He took a scalpel out of a drawer and held it up so I could see. Next thing I know there was a flash of pain on my arm and I'm bleeding form a cut. As I watched it the cut closed up and my arm was brand new. The Doc nodded his head like his suspicion was right. He looked at me and then at Rouge and told her to take me to the danger room. Layton and Rouge led me to a room across the hall from the med bay.

We walked through the double doors and into nothingness. I mean we were standing in a dome-shaped room with nothing in it. The size of the room was impressive but that was about it. I was just about to ask what I was going to be doing when a set of doors on the other side of the room opened and the Professor and a group of people walked in. The professor was surrounded by the same group of adults that had attacked me yesterday. They stopped about ten feet away from us and glared at me. The professor drew my attention away from the group of people with him when he began to talk.

"Nixo you will be put in a random dangerous scenario with the team. You guys will have to fight off all the enemies without getting injured as you progress the intensity of the program will increase. The program is designed to gauge how powerful you are. It will also give us insight into what powers you have and what powers you can one day develop," the professor rushed, not giving me any time to speak what's so ever. "Danger Room please initiate program sequence Alpha gamma gamma Robbery to Alpha Omega Sentinels." After Xavier spoke the room dimmed and we were covered in darkness. Then little pinpricks of light began to form and the room began to swirl until it flashed white and we were standing on the top of a roof in downtown New York. I noticed that all the people that had come in with me had backed up and were looking around. Storm was the only one that looked a t me and explained what was going on.

So now here I am in front a bank that's being robbed by some common criminals and I have to go in and stop them. According to what Storm told me I would have to work through as many missions by myself and if I needed help the team would jump in. I decided to have a little fun and flew up into the air above the bank. In the middle of the roof was a glass dome that looked perfect for the dramatic entrance I wanted to make. I flew right over the doom and began to darken the sky. The wind picked up and moved so fast it gave of a screeching sound. Clouds began to roll in and the lightning could be seen and thunder heard. The scene looked just like a classic comic book fighting scene. I made sure it was pouring down rain before I let myself fall through the glass dome. I fell four floors and landed in a crouch in the middle of the bank. I heard footsteps running toward me and I rolled to the left watching as a robber ran past me. Then I heard guns being cocked and I got a little nervous. Shots were fired and all I thought about was stopping them before they hit me. The bullets stopped right before they hit me. They just froze right where they were, suspended in mid-air. With just a thought I sent the bullets flying back to where they were sent and twelve bodies dropped. The next few programs were pretty much the same if just a little difficult. I didn't start breaking a sweat until I had to go up against the brotherhood. Toad was easy enough to deal with. All I had to do was strike him with a few bolts of lightning and he dissolved. The Blob was a little more difficult to deal with. I mean he weighed like three tons and he was hard to move. I had to concentrate really hard to lift him in the air and dropped him so he disappeared. The next few scenarios all seemed to blend into one and I couldn't tell one from the other. All I know is that by the time these huge robot looking things appeared I was tired. My bones ached and I had a headache that felt like someone slamming a hammer into the back of my eyes. This was the hardest program. I could tell by the way Strom begin to inch away from the shadows of the room that she was watching me from. I also noticed how the other teachers and students that came in with me were inching forward too.

"Mutant threat detected. All Sentinels must exterminate," this robotic voice said from my right. Before I could even turn to look at the thing the ground around me blew up and I was flying through the air. I was freaking out so much that for a moment I forgot that I could fly and ended up being caught in Layton's arms.

"You might want to focus before those things mess up your pretty little face," he whispered in my ear before melting into the shadows, dropping me on my ass. I was muttering how much of a jerk Layton was when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Before I could form a conscious thought I had a shield erected around me just as lasers were about to hit me. While I had a few spare moments to collect myself I noticed that everyone was engaged in battle with these robots. I can't even describe how happy I was when one on the robot thingies sent Bobby crashing through a wall. My amusement didn't last long because as I continued to look around I noticed that a lot of people were injured. I was already straining to keep my shield up so I decided to end this program once and for all.

With a thought I expanded my shield so it knocked all of these robot things back a couple hundred feet. I flew into the air and began to gather all the natural energy I could feel around me. The sky above me became pitch black like night. The wind began to howl like an angry wolf waiting to attack. Lightening was flashing across the sky and converging above my head. I also began to gather all my mental energy. I looked like heat wave were forming underneath my feet but the waves had a purple color to them. All my senses sharpened and I swear I could hear everything that was going on. I felt the sentinels get up and fly toward me. This was it. I was going to prove to everyone that I could take care of myself. The sky above me split open and a lightning bolt as bright as the sun came out and struck me. The mental energy that I was collecting was sucked into my body and I felt like I was going to burst. The clouds in the sky began to move around me and take a shape of a bird. With a final cry I let out an earth shattering scream before my power pushed out of me in one all powerful wave. I felt myself go limp and I could feel myself falling through the sky but I couldn't move or do anything to stop my fall. All I know is that before I lost consciousness and hit the ground I saw Layton running toward me and catch me before I smashed into the ground.

OMG could someone please shut that damn beeping noise off was the first thing I thought of as I came too. As if that wasn't irritating enough I could hear people arguing and yelling. I mean come on I know I was probably knocked out for a while but they could of at least had the decency to argue outside. And since they decided to argue in my room I decided to listen to them. I was almost happy to listen until they said my name.

"He needs to be dealt with Storm the boy is dangerous. I know you saw the message his powers carved into the danger room," Jean demanded.

"Just because whatever that thing was looked liked the Phoenix doesn't mean it is. Last I recall it still resided inside you," Strom countered calmly. "What looks evil isn't always thus just like what looks good isn't always so," a man said in a heavy German accent.

"Oh shut up Nightcrawler," Bobby hissed from across the room. He continued,"Jean and the Professor are right we need to block his powers while he is sleep and weakened. We can't take the risk that he could switch sides and join Magneto."

I heard a growl come from my right and it sounded closer than all the other noises. "Shut the fuck up Bobby. You're just scared because someone can finally put you in your place and there isn't anything you can do about it. You're just pissed because he burst your little fantasy?well here another piece of news Bobby. I'm way stronger than I let on and I could fight the X-Men by myself without moving a muscle," Layton hissed squeezing my hand tight. I squeezed his hand back to calm him down before he gave up to much information. I could tell he was about to open his mouth so I used my telepathy to talk to him.

"Now would be a good time for you to shut up before you give away any more valuable information. And don't you dare tell them I'm awake," I hissed.

"Ok?so are you okay and everything. You used a lot of power back there," he asked.

"I'm fine just tired. How long has this been going on? And why are they trying to block my powers?" I questioned him right back.

"About two days but Storm has kept them from doing anything to you. She won't even leave the room unless I'm in here with you. And they want to block your powers because you had to go and show them how strong you are" he laughed.

"Oh well that's not bad? I guess," I mumbled confused.

We were brought out of our little conversation by the door to the room bursting open. I couldn't help but open my eyes now. Dr. McCoy rushed in followed by the Professor and everyone else from my danger room test. Before he could even speak the Professor asked him how strong I was.

"Well he is powerful but I can't place him on a scale. The strength of his powers depend on his emotional state, but if I had to gander a guess about his normal level I would say he has enough power to destroy galaxies if he so wanted. I've only seen a few mutants this powerful," he rushed giving Layton a pointed look. "Anyway that is not what I came here for. I was doing his blood work and I came across and anomaly in his blood. I was referencing his blood and DNA with all the other samples in our database to see if there was anyone that could possibly help train him and I came back with three matches. I got a little curious and ran a full DNA analysis and it seems that I found Nixo's real parents," Dr. McCoy let out in one huge breathe.

"So who are they," Bobby asked greedy for some personal information on me.

"Well according to my test, and trust me I redid the test about ten times, but anyway according to my results he has three parents and?." but Bobby had to interrupt him again.

"How can he have three parents?that's not even humanly possible," Bobby questioned.

"That is the anomaly I was talking about but according to my test he does and his parents are Jean, Logan and?.Storm," he spat out.

"What the fuck do you mean that they are my real parents," I screamed before I could help it. Everyone in the room stopped breathing and turned to me with looks on concern on their face. I could feel my breathing pick up and I knew I was having a panic attack but I couldn't stop it. I saw Storm's face full of joy, Logan's face full of wonder, and Jean's face full of doubt.

Well at least I can never complain about having a boring life, was the last thought I had before the room went black.

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