Wtf Man

By Markie

Published on Feb 23, 2014


Don't read this story if you're not supposed to (and you know if you're not supposed to).

This story is pure fiction. Any similarity to any person living or dead is purely in your head, since I try not to give too many descriptions of my characters to let you create whatever sexy person you want to in your mind. I love feedback, so please send it if you have the time to:

This work is mine, and is not to be used without my permission. That's plagiarism. I could sue you. Seriously, I know people.

WTF, man? [Part 5]

I woke up as GB pulled me closer to him, and placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"Ben was acting weird last night," I said.

"Yeah, weirder than usual," GB agreed.

"Do you think he knows about this?" I asked.

"I don't think so. I can't see how he could even suspect anything, much less know about it. We're very careful not to show any signs of affection when we're not alone."

"Apart of course from you hugging me like a lover you haven't seen in forever," I said.

"Shit, you're right."

"Maybe he was just super horny last night?" I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe so." We lay for a few more minutes, just thinking. "Be right back. Don't move!" he said before getting up and walking into the bathroom. I closed my eyes and thought about how we had been around one another when we were in public, trying to remember any signs we may have given that anything was going on between us, and I couldn't come up with any.

GB got back into bed and moved to lie with his back to me, making it clear that he wanted me to spoon him. I moved so we were spooning tightly, with my dick nestled in his crack. My morning glory was still standing proudly at attention. GB reached back, and quickly guided my dick to his hole, which I noticed he had lubed up in preparation. I gave a quick thrust and buried almost all of my length inside of him, and he grunted in shock. Since he had been rough last night, I was planning on doing the same. I didn't give him any time to adjust, instead immediately pulling out and pushing back in. I went slowly at first, but steadily increased my speed until I was fucking him hard and fast. Sweat was flowing down my forehead, but all I concentrated on was plowing his sweet hole hard.

We both climaxed pretty close to when the other did, and afterward just lay there for a minute, catching our breaths.

I eventually got up when I heard a knock at the front door, and went to answer it. Ben looked slightly hung over when I opened the door.

"Hey bud," I said as he came inside.

"Hey. Glad to see you seemed to go through with the dare," he said, clearly checking out my naked body.

"I'm not afraid of a challenge," I said.

"And neither am I," said GB, coming into the room in his birthday suit. I couldn't help but chuckle at Ben's reaction. He was looking at GB with wide eyes. He clearly didn't expect us both to be naked. "We even took the dare a step further and fucked before going to sleep," GB added.

Ben looked shocked for a second before breaking out a smile. "Nice one," he said chuckling. GB and I grinned at each other, happy that Ben didn't take GB seriously.

The guys followed me to the kitchen, where I made some toast and put out jam. I wasn't in the mood to make breakfast.

"This is what you're getting guys. Enjoy," I said.

I sat down at the kitchen table and spread some apricot jam over my toast. The guys joined me, and followed suit with the toast. They didn't seem to mind the lame breakfast.

"So are you guys gonna get dressed today?" Ben asked.

"Why?" GB asked.

"Cause you're both naked, and I'm kinda uncomfortable," Ben replied.

"Oh, yeah we are," I said, remembering my state of undress. "But so what? You were the one who wanted us naked in the first place."

"Well you'll have to get dressed. I actually came over to invite you guys to come to my sister's art exhibition."

"Sounds fun," said GB.

"You guys go, I have some things to do around the house, now that I don't have to work." I said.

"I can stay here and help out," GB offered.

"No bro, go and have fun. You'll just talk my ears off and distract me," I replied.

"Ok cool. When do you wanna leave, Ben?" GB asked.

"As soon as possible. We need to pick up Lewis on the way."

"Okay, let me go get dressed." Ben and I made small talk while GB was away, which was only for a very short while. He seemed very excited to go. He had always loved art, he just couldn't create it himself. Soon they had left, and I went back upstairs to my bedroom and jumped in the shower. As I rinsed the soap from my body I realized how lucky we were that my cum hadn't been flowing down GB's thighs, or that there wasn't any visible residue on my cock from our session this morning. Ben would have seen if there were any evidence, and that would have been a bad thing.

I checked my phone when I emerged Ð still naked Ð from the bathroom, and saw that there was a text from the night before which I hadn't seen yet. It was from the chick at work I had managed to fuck before any of the other guys had.

`Hey' she said.

`Hey, what's up?' I texted back. She didn't reply straight away, and I didn't expect her to, so I proceeded to make the bed. I had just started to put the pillows in their place when the reply came. I finished with my bed before opening it.

`Not much, just thinking about you.'

`Oh yeah, and what about me are you thinking about?'

`Your smile.'

`You're gonna make me blush.'

`I love when you blush'

`Then you would have loved to be here now.'

`Wish I could beÉ' She seemed to be getting bolder in her attempt to get me again. My lack of wanting to hook up again after the last time seemed to have made her see me a decent guy, and she had been flirting with me constantly ever since.

`You could be, if you want to.' I replied. Why not? She was hot, and I was single.

`Where do you live?' she replied.

I sent her my address, and didn't receive a reply. I pulled on some shorts and went down to the kitchen to clean up, with dick swaying freely from side to side in my shorts as I walked.

Minutes later I heard the doorbell, and went to open it. There she was, dressed in tight, dark blue jeans, with a powder blue tank top and brown boots with high stiletto heels. She knew I was very much into chicks who wore high heels, as I had pointed out that I found her love of wearing heels hot as fuck.

"Hey," she said with a meek smile.

"Hi there," I said, smiling confidently. "Please, come on in." She walked past me, and I closed the door. I moved to the couch, and she sat down next to me. We made small talk for a while, since she seemed pretty nervous. I knew she was a very decent girl, and that making the first move in texting me was a huge thing for her.

"I'm glad you texted me. I've been meaning to call you, but you know how busy work's been. I get to work, come home, sleep, back to work." I said, putting my hand gently on her knee, touching her hand which was placed on her knee as well.

"I know, same here. Don't even worry about it," she said.

"Good, I don't want you thinking I don't think about you," I said.

"I'm glad to hear that you do," she said, blushing.

"I love when you blush," I said, using her own line. She smiled more widely at me, and I moved my hand to hold hers. She looked down looked at our hands, then moved her hand so our fingers entwined. She looked up at me, and we stared into each other's eyes for a minute. I leaned in and kissed her, and she sighed as she kissed me back.

I woke up with a start. A phone was ringing, and it took me a moment to realize it was hers. Kimberly sat up as she answered the phone.

"Shit, I completely forgot," she said to the person on the other end. They seemed to be upset about something. She hung up the phone eventually and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," she said with a hand on my stomach.

"Do you really?" I asked with a smile. I lightly traced my fingertips along her arm as she played with the hair of my treasure trail. I was starting to get ready for round three.

"Yeah, it's a friend's birthday and I promised to take her out to dinner."

"Yeah, it's already pretty dark," I said, realizing that our sexcapades had made her lose track of time.

"Yeah. But I'll talk to you again very soon," she said.

"Can't wait," I said. She got dressed slowly, giving me a show. When she was dressed I got up and walked naked with her to the front door. I opened the door and she smiled as she looked at my naked form standing in the doorway for all to see. She leaned in and kissed me deeply, before giving my dick a quick squeeze. She turned and walked to her car, and I watched her until her car was out of sight.

I closed the door and proceeded back to my bedroom for another shower. "So the moment I turn my back you bang someone else?" a voice said. I almost fell over of fright at the sudden voice speaking. I recognized the voice though, and turned to look at GB.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw you two. I came back to surprise you, and found you asleep, naked with some chick. It's obvious you fucked her."

"Yeah, of course I did." I didn't understand why he was upset.

"AndÉ?" he asked, almost screaming.

"And what?"

"And aren't you gonna explain why you did that? Or apologize or anything?"

"No, why would I? I'm a guy, she's a girl, she wanted me so I gave her what she wanted. What do I have to apologize for?"

"For cheating on me, maybe?" he said with rage all over his face.

"How could I cheat on you if we're not together?" I asked, confused.

He was speechless for a moment, shock clearly his main emotion. "What do you mean we're not together?"

"Exactly that," I replied.

"But I thoughtÉ" he began, before trailing off.

"We're best buds, who fuck when we're horny. That's how I understood it, and I thought you did too."

"I guess I thought something had changed."

"GB, bro, I really love having sex with you bro, and I love you so much, but like a brother. I don't want to be in a relationship with a dude, and I know I never will. I really like this girl, and I think I may end up with her in the long run. I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I can't promise you something I can't really give."

"But I was so happy with the idea of us together," he said. I could see tears in his eyes.

"Trystan, you're making me feel like a dick. I don't want you to cry, so please don't." A single tear flowed down his face from his left eye. "If you thought something had changed, then why didn't you speak to me about it? You know how assumptions can get you into shit, it's happened to us with so many things before."

"Maybe I was afraid that I was wrong, and eventually just made myself believe that we really were together," he said, and a second tear rolled from the other eye.

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. He held onto me tightly.

"No matter what, you'll always be my best bud, and I don't want to lose you. I also don't want to stop fucking around, but if you can't accept that friends with benefits is all I can give then it won't work."

"And if you start dating that girl, the sex will stop and all I'll be is that lame guy who you used to have sex with, who hangs around," he said with tears now flowing freely.

"Bro, you're the most important person in my life. You've had my back when all of my relationships went to shit, and through anything else that happened to me, so if you want us to keep having sex even when I'm dating a chick, then I would gladly do that. Anything to keep you in my life."

"Is it fucked up that I do want that?"

"No, not at all." He looked up, and I wiped away the tears from his face. We looked at one another and I know he saw my sincere heartache at having hurt him in my eyes. In his face I saw heartache, but also knew that he would overcome it and we would be fine. I saw genuine love in his eyes, and couldn't stop myself.

I pulled down his pants while he pulled his shirt over his head. He pushed me against the wall, and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him as he lined up his cock and slid into me. He fucked me slowly, and for longer than ever before. As we kissed his tears streamed down his face, and I lost control of my own tears.

We knew it wouldn't be our last fuck, but it would be the last for a while, until he came to fully accept the situation. Somehow this knowledge made him last for what felt like hours. I didn't cum during this encounter, but didn't need to.

When he finally climaxed, he pulled out and set me down. He got dressed, and looked at me. I gave him a kiss, and he kissed back. We kissed for a full minute before he pulled away and walked away from me. Without a word, we had said goodbye to each other, and he left my house.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kimberly asked me, after the waiter had brought us our dessert. We were having dinner for our 4 month anniversary.

"Of course, babe. Ask anything you'd like," I replied with a smile.

"Have you ever thought about having sex with a guy?" she asked. "And be honest."

"Why do you ask?" I replied suspiciously,

"Well, I've always thought it's pretty hot." I chuckled at her answer.

"Yeah, I have thought about it. To be absolutely honest, I've even done it."

"What?" she asked, seeming mildly shocked.

"Yeah, a while back."

"With who?" she asked.

"With Trystan," I replied.

"When was this?" she asked, curiosity clear in her attitude.

"The day after we first hooked up," I said.

"Up to when? I'm assuming it's stopped."

"The last time was the day you came over and we had sex for the second time."

"Wow, okay. Did you stop because you started dating me?" she asked, not seeming to mind that I had fucked my best bud after fucking her.

"Not really, he had feelings for me. If I'm gonna be totally honest with you Ð which I always want to be Ð it wouldn't have stopped at all if he weren't still getting over his feelings for me."

"Alright, so do you still want to hook up with him?" she asked.

"If he wants to, then I think I do. I know that's not what I should say, but I don't want to lie to you."

"It's okay, I get it."

There was silence for a few minutes, and I expected her to say that we were over.

"If you want to have sex with him again, then I'm okay with it. We could even maybe have a threesome if you guys want. But understand this: I'm not saying that I don't mind if you cheat on me. I'm saying it's okay for you to have sex with Trystan, and only Trystan, if it's not me. If I find out you were with another girl, or another guy for that matter, then I will cut off you balls and feed them to a shark."

I was completely stunned. When I didn't speak for a few minutes, she broke the silence.

"I know how much he means to you, and I don't want to come between that. Just please make sure that you don't bring any diseases when you come back home to me."

"I love you," I said. It was the first time that either of us had said it, and she seemed stunned.

"I love you too," she replied after a moment. I leaned over the table and kissed her passionately.

It was about 6 months in total since that night before Trystan seemed completely back to normal again. He was helping to move Kimberly's stuff into my house. I hadn't asked, but he had wanted to help. I was afraid that it would hurt him again, but he seemed fine.

After many hours of work getting everything carried inside, and arranging her stuff, we were finally sitting and having a drink. Kimberly had just gone to bed, and though I was eager to get into bed with her for our first night in our home together, I was happy to be hanging with GB as we had done so many months before.

"You know, Kim gave me permission to hook up with you if we wanted to. Only you though, we don't have an open relationship by any means. She doesn't want to come between our friendship, and said she doesn't mind us together, as long as I don't bring diseases back home to her," I said.

"That's amazing of her," he said. I could see him eyeing my crotch after hearing the news, and I decided to see if he was ready to go further.

"So if you wantÉ" I was cut off by him kissing me. I kissed back.

We didn't kiss long before I got down on my knees between his legs. He had pulled down his shorts, and I started sucking him. He didn't last long at all, and was soon coating my throat with his seed. I licked it all up, cleaning him properly.

When he tried to reciprocate I told him that it wasn't needed.

He left soon after, and then after locking up and turning off all the lights, I prepared for bed and crawled in next to my woman. She was still awake, having waited for me to get to bed.

She moved on top of me and straddled me, slowly sinking down on my throbbing member. She fucked herself on my cock for what felt like mere seconds, and I exploded deep inside her. She got down and lay on the bed next to me after I had finished. I decided to pay her back, so went down on her like I had never done before. I pulled out all the stops, and soon had her squirming from her orgasm.

As I lay with her in my arms, I knew that for the first time in months that everything would be alright. I had the perfect woman for me, and my best friend was back to his old self. I fell asleep completely at ease, as I hadn't done for a very long time.


I hope you liked this series. I have to say that even though it took me a very long time, I'm very surprised that I got this far into it. It wouldn't have happened without the awesome feedback I get from you guys.

Please send me any feedback - unless it is that you didn't like the story at all, because then you will just get a reply saying something in the line of "If you don't like it, don't read it". I love hearing from you guys! Thanks to those who have shared their thoughts. I truly appreciate it!

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