Wtf Man

By Markie

Published on Feb 9, 2014


Don't read this story if you're not supposed to (and you know if you're not supposed to).

This story is pure fiction. Any similarity to any person living or dead is purely in your head, since I try not to give too many descriptions of my characters to let you create whatever sexy person you want to in your mind. I love feedback, so please send it if you have the time to:

This work is mine, and is not to be used without my permission. That's plagiarism. I could sue you. Seriously, I know people.

WTF, man? [Part 4]

The time had finally come for me to head home. It had been a long day, and I was ready to get home and do nothing.

As I was driving home my phone rang, so I pressed the button on my steering wheel to answer the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Rex, what's up bro?" came Trystan's voice.

"Hey GB, just heading home, and you?" I replied. I had started calling him GB recently. None of our friends had much to say about it. It stood for gentle bull, and nobody seemed to care why I called him that, but just went with it and soon the nickname had stuck. Of course the reason for the nickname was that he was one of the gentlest people I knew, but when he wanted he could fuck like a bull. Come to think of it, the nickname was pretty dumb, but it seemed special to me somehow to have a special nickname for him.

"Just had dinner with Ben, and now we're going for a drink. I was hoping you wanted to join?" he suggested, without hiding the sincere hopefulness in his tone.

"I don't really feel like heading out, bud. I'm pretty beat."

"Oh, that's cool then dude," he replied, clearly dejected.

"I don't mind you guys coming over to me for a drink though. That way I can head to bed if I want, and you guys can either crash or let yourselves out," I said.

"Really? You don't mind?" he asked excitedly. Our friendship had grown a lot in the previous month, since the first time we had hooked up. We felt no shame anymore in telling the other that we missed them, or couldn't wait to see them, and we let all pretenses fade which normal friends would keep up about how we felt about the friendship we shared.

"Of course dude. Just don't get pissed, or bother me when I do go to bed. I'm really tired."

"No worries there. See you soon my man," he said cheerfully.

"Cheers," I said before hanging up. I was surprised to find GB and Ben waiting for me when I pulled into the driveway.

GB greeted me with a tight bear hug, lifting me off my feet and swinging me from side to side. Ben seemed to follow our lead and greeted me with a hug as well, though not quite as enthusiastic as GB's had been.

I opened the front door, and we all went inside. I locked the door before moving to turn on the lights in the living room. It was pitch black, so Ben and GB stood as the waited for me to turn on the lights. As I locked the door, I felt a hand squeeze my ass, and smiled as I squeezed GB's hand in response. I turned on the lights and proceeded to put my laptop bag down against the wall. I offered Ben and GB drinks, and they accepted. I walked over to the glass table where I kept all my alcohol, and poured a whisky and soda water for GB, vodka and OJ for Ben, and rum and coke for myself.

"Guys, I'm gonna go change," I said before turning.

"Wait, we'll come with you," said GB, and he and Ben got up to follow me.

"Oh come on bro, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before, plus I haven't seen your place yet," said Ben upon seeing my confused expression.

"I guess you're right," I said. In all honesty, I didn't mind a bit that they wanted to come along, but I didn't want Ben to catch on to how close GB and my friendship actually was.

"So tell us about your day at work, honey," said GB in a mocking tone, though I knew well enough that he only used the mocking tone to make Ben think he was playing around.

"It was shit, to be honest," I said. "I barely had a chance to catch my breath."

"At least it's a long weekend now, so 4 days of chilling," Ben said.

"Yeah, so we can get wasted for 3 days straight, and let you recover on Monday before work on Tuesday," said GB.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," I said as I stripped off my clothes, including my briefs, which were still damp with sweat from running around all day. I saw GB hardly hiding his gawking, but also noticed Ben stealing glances at my dick Ð which wasn't unusual, since we all check each other out shamelessly. I pulled on a relatively small pair of shorts (going commando and shirtless) and bent over to pick up my dirty clothes. I went into the en-suite bathroom to chuck the clothes into the washing bin, and bumped into Ben when I turned to leave the bathroom.

"Nice bathroom dude," he said checking out the room.

"Thanks man," I said as I walked out. I gave GB a smile while we waited for Ben to come out. I walked around the house and showed them all the rooms. I had finally gotten round to furnishing the guest bedroom. I had bought a new bed, which was in my room, and my old bed now stood in the guest bedroom with all the other items expected from a bedroom. As we walked past the bathroom in the hall, I remembered that I still needed to shower, but couldn't leave the guys alone while I cleaned myself, so I went back to my bedroom to spray some anti-perspirant under my pits and into my shorts (which got me a laugh from the guys, who were following me like a second and third shadow).

GB called for pizza while I turned on some music, once we had returned to the living room. Ben was pouring himself and GB another drink, since they had finished theirs while I had left mine behind. He handed me my drink back, and I took a large gulp of it. I sighed as the burn of the alcohol helped calm the stresses of the day.

"Let's play truth or dare," suggested Ben when GB and I had both sit down.

"Why? We're not teenage girls," said GB.

"Or teenage boys trying to get girls to kiss them," I added.

"Cause it'll be fun to do what we used to do when we were kids. Adult life gets so fucking much sometimes," Ben replied, and I had to admit that his logic was solid to me, especially after the long day of work.

"Sure, why not?" I said.

"Fine. I'm in," agreed GB.

"Cool. Who wants to go first?" Ben asked.

"Since it was your idea, you go first," I replied, and GB nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's see," he said, looking between GB and me to decide who to choose. "Rex, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said.

"Pussy," said GB with a smile.

"I always choose truth first," I said in defense.

"How did you learn about jacking off?" Ben asked me.

"Wow, straight to the tough stuff, aren't you? No starting out with lame questions to test the water? Fine, I learned from catching my uncle do it. We had gone to visit, and I caught him in a bush outside. I guess he liked the idea of being caught or something. He never knew about it though."

"Interesting," Ben said.

"Okay, GB; truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare," he replied proudly.

"I dare you to go check for mail outside," I said

"Cake," he said, getting up and walking to the door.

"Obviously naked," I added as he reached for the door handle. He acted like he knew already (which I'm sure he did), since there didn't seem to be any surprise or hesitation at my words. He merely pulled open the door, stripped, and confidently strolled leisurely toward my mailbox, opened it, and pulled out a single envelope. As he closed the mailbox, lights hit him from an oncoming car. The car stopped in the street, and a young guy with acne got out with boxes of pizza. GB seemed completely at ease as he walked over to the guy, took the pizzas and asked him to follow GB to the house, where he got money and paid the shocked dude for the pizza. He closed the door, and turned to face us with the biggest lopsided smile on his face. It was clear to me that he had been very embarrassed, but didn't want to show it.

"Fastest fucking pizza delivery ever," he said as he sat the boxes down on the coffee table in the middle of the room.

Ben and I were laughing hysterically, and GB was turning gradually more red with each passing second.

"Ben, truth or dare," asked GB as he took a bite of pizza.

"Truth," said Ben.

"How did you lose your virginity?" GB asked through his third mouthful of pizza.

"I can't remember," he replied simply.

"Bullshit," I said.

"I'm serious. I was at Karen West's party in 11th grade, and I remember getting very drunk, and talking to this chick I didn't know. I think she was Karen's sister or something, and she was a bit chubby. Next thing I remember is waking up with that chick, naked, in the tool shed. I bolted home before she woke up, but I did notice a used condom right next to me."

"Lucky you remembered to use a condom in that state dude." I said.

"Yeah. I never saw her after that."

We had all pretty much finished eating by that point, so I was more than prepared to choose "Dare" when Ben chose me again.

"Okay, let's think of a tough one for you," he said, thinking hard. "I have it! I dare you to make out with GB."

"Are you serious?" GB asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"For how long?" I asked, pretending to be appalled by the idea.

"Do I really have to specify? For as long as you would make out with a chick you were about to hook up with," he replied.

"What do you think?" I asked GB.

"I guess it's fine. We're best buds, so it shouldn't be weird after. It's just a dare."

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed, looking into his eyes. I tried to convey with my eyes the message that we should still put effort into making it seem reluctantly done, but I wasn't sure I managed it.

"So how do you want it? With tongue? And with passion like we were about to seal the deal with some chick?" asked GB.

"Yeah. Try to forget the other is a dude," he said. He seemed far too interested in watching two guys make out than he should have been.

GB and I looked into each other's eyes, and I decided to just go for it. I grabbed GB behind the head and pulled him in for the kiss. We kissed on the lips about 4 times before I licked his lips, and he opened, allowing my tongue entrance. Soon we were caressing each other's tongues with our own. Without noticing we started feeling each other up, and I was getting far too into the kiss. I realized with a start that we were meant to seem put off by the kiss. I pulled away from GB and looked at Ben.

"Was that good enough for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." He seemed slightly disappointed that the kiss had ended. I didn't think anything of his behavior, because he had always been pretty strange, and he was probably one of the horniest people I'd ever come across. He found just about anything sexy, probably even a leaf floating in the wind. Strangely enough he was the person in my group of friends who got laid the least. That might have been the reason for his sexual appetite; since he didn't get a lot of it he obsessed over it.

"Good," I replied. "Now, truth or dare?" I asked Ben.

"Dare," he replied without hesitation.

"I dare you to sit naked for an hour, and not get an erection once. If you do get one, then you have to wash my car every Sunday for a month."

"What?! I can't do that!" he said slightly louder than normal.

"What do you think GB? Should I change the dare, or keep this one and let him forfeit?" I asked.

"Let's give him a break and change it. But if you don't do this next one, Ben, then we get to each give you a slap across the face."

"Alright, that's fair I guess," Ben said.

"I dare you to eat out GB's ass," I said. Ben's eyes grew wide as saucers. He seemed to want to argue, but he didn't want to get slapped. There was a clear struggle going on in his head. GB and I exchanged a look, and we were both on the same page: this would be vile for Ben if he accepted it.

Ben finally agreed and moved over to where GB directed him: on his knees by the couch. GB pulled off his shorts (the only piece of clothing he had put back on, causing him and myself to be dressed alike) and bent over the couch so his ass was in Ben's face. Ben seemed to prepare himself, and finally went for it. For a while he was licking the hole, and all around it, cleaning it thoroughly, and I knew something was coming soon. As Ben put his mouth back onto GB's hole and sucked, GB farted. It was the funniest scene I had ever seen. Ben jerked away and seemed to gag while also trying to wipe his tongue of anything he may have inhaled. GB and I were rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically.

"I knew you guys were gonna do something like that!" Ben screamed eventually.

"Then why didn't you just take the slaps?" I asked. Ben didn't seem to have an answer to that. "Okay Ben, last round then I'm going to bed."

"Trystan, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to sleep with Rex, in his bed, naked, and spooning. All night long, and no cheating. That should freak you guys out enough to get you back for farting in my mouth."

"Fine, anything is worth what just happened," said GB.

"I agree, that was fucking awesome," I said. "Obviously you can take the guest bedroom, Ben."

"No, I think I'll head off and trust you guys to follow through on the dare. Don't wanna wake up to you guys shitting all over me," Ben said laughing at his own joke.

As Ben pulled out of the driveway I pulled my shorts off and waved them in the air as I flopped my dick from side to side while waving goodbye to Ben. GB quickly mimicked me, and we could see Ben shake his head as he drove away smiling.

GB and I walked into the house, and I locked and bolted the door behind us. I grabbed the shorts out of GB's hand, and tossed them with mine onto the floor. I turned off lights as I went, leading the way to my bedroom.

I turned to close the bedroom door, and when I turned back GB was sitting on the bed, looking at me. I smiled at him as I walked by him and went to turn on the shower.

"What are you doing?" he asked, walking into the bathroom.

"I really need a shower."

He gave me a wicked smile and went into the shower. I followed him into it. I had been wanting him all night long, and that kiss had only intensified my lust. We didn't mess around this time. Our lips were glued together as he lifted me up, and sank me down slowly, with me having positioned his cock so it was slowly penetrating me as I sank down. I clung to his neck tightly, as he rocked his hips slightly, making me lift up slightly and fall back down, forcing his cock back inside me, deeper than before. He continued this motion, with each rocking movement becoming more and more forceful, forcing me to lift higher and fall further onto his dick. It was amazing, and I was dumbfounded as to how he was able to keep it up. I wasn't light by any means, so supporting my full weight and then also basically throwing me off him and catching me with his cock must have taken a great amount of effort. He kept it up though, and soon I felt the telltale swelling of his rod inside me, along with my own balls tightening. After one last thrust he pulled me to him so his cock was buried inside me as deep as possible, and we both came together. GB lost his footing during his orgasm, and sank suddenly to the floor in a sitting position with me on his lap, his cock still buried deep inside me. It was the best sex I had ever had, and I didn't want it to end.

I hope you liked this chapter. I may or may not make continue with this series. Please send me any feedback - unless it is that you didn't like the story at all, because then you will just get a reply saying something in the line of "If you don't like it, don't read it". I love hearing from you guys! Thanks to those who have shared their thoughts. I truly appreciate it!

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Next: Chapter 5

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