Wtf Man

By Markie

Published on Jan 10, 2014


WTF, man? [Part 3]

Don't read this story if you're not supposed to (and you know if you're not supposed to).

This story is pure fiction. Any similarity to any person living or dead is purely in your head, since I try not to give too many descriptions of my characters to let you create whatever sexy person you want to in your mind. I love feedback, so please send it if you have the time to:

This work is mine, and is not to be used without my permission. That's plagiarism. I could sue you. Seriously, I know people.

When I woke I felt completely rested. During the night we had moved somewhat. I woke up and found myself completely entwined in Trystan. Our fronts were facing each other, our legs were tangled together and we were both holding one another tightly.

With a lot of effort Ð both to not disturb him and to be quiet Ð I got out of bed and relieved my bladder, washed my hands and went to the kitchen. I made Trystan's favorite: Egg and sausages. I also made some pancakes for myself, since I didn't eat eggs. I poured some OJ and took the food upstairs. Trystan was just waking up when I came into the room. The smell of the food was helping him wake up faster.

He smiled at me as he rubbed his eyes before sitting up.

"Morning sunshine," I said, sitting down next to him on the bed.

"Morning," he replied with a yawn. Unless he was woken with sex, he took a long time to wake up properly. I decided to try something. I grabbed a sausage from the tray and slowly inserted it into my mouth, trying to seem as seductive as possible. It definitely caught his attention. I stuffed the sausage in pretty far, before pulling it back and taking a bite off the edge.

Trystan seemed fully awake now, with his briefs being tented out obscenely. I wasn't completely sure though whether it was from my display or whether it was still his morning glory.

"Want a bite?" I asked, offering him the sausage I had taken a bite from. He leaned in and slowly, in his own seductive way, took a large bite of the sausage. I couldn't stop myself, and burst out laughing. He seemed shocked at my reaction, then joined in.

"Sorry bro, it's not you. This is just kinda ridiculous," I said.

"I know. It's hot as fuck, but it is funny."

"Let's eat and get ready. I want to go to the mall," I said, handing the rest of the sausage to Trystan before grabbing a pancake.

"Cool dude, what for?" he asked.

"There's a book I want to get, and I need some clothes, and just a few groceries. Shouldn't take too long."

He nodded. He knew I hated dawdling when going to stores. I liked to go in, get shit done and leave. No time for fucking around.

It was a scorcher of a day, so I planned on swimming, and decided against a morning shower. I would shower later on. We got dressed, and I turned on the dishwasher before heading out.

We got to the bookstore and I had to search quite a bit to find the book I was looking for. I finally found it, and was relieved to find that I had gotten one at all, since it was the last copy.

I paid for the book while Trystan was browsing around. When I was done I went to find him, and he was in the erotica section. He giggled like a school kid when he showed me a copy of the gay Kama Sutra. I smiled as I took it from him and checked out the back.

It seemed interesting, so I flipped through the pages, and was quite intrigued. I finally gave it back to him to put back. Instead though he grabbed it up and went to pay for it. My eyes were wide with shock, but he just smiled at me. The guy checking him out looked at him in surprise when he saw what he was paying for. The guy must have been in college still.

"It's a gag gift for a buddy of ours," he said, looking at me. The guy followed his gaze and looked at me. I must have seemed straight enough for him, because he seemed to buy the story and laughed at the lie Trystan had told him.

"Well I hope your friend appreciates the gift," he said with a smile as Trystan turned to walk away.

"I'm pretty sure he will," he said back. He handed the plastic bag with the book in it to me. "Here you go, baby," he said before squeezing my ass.

I played along and pretended to seem super stoked. "Thanks babe!" I said as I leaned in and held his head as I gave him a kiss. I turned around and looked at the shocked check-out guy with his mouth hanging open staring at us, and burst out laughing. I almost literally fell to the floor and started rolling around. We had done stuff like that before, so we were both pretty much in sync when it came to teasing people.

We made our way to my favorite clothing store and I proceeded to browse. I needed some jeans, so I started there. I picked out three pairs that I really liked, and went to the shorts. I was feeling like spoiling myself, so I went all out and got everything I wanted. After about 20 minutes I had more stuff than I could carry, and was just about ready to check out, but moved on to the last section I needed to visit with Trystan following, carrying quite a lot of my choices.

Trystan's expression seemed lustful when I asked him to pick out some briefs for me. I needed some, but for some reason I wanted him to choose which to buy. He went crazy and chose the ones with the brightest colors and patterns. He must have chosen about 25 pairs by the time he had finished, so we went to check out. Trystan had gone clothes shopping a few days before, so he didn't feel the need to get anything.

After putting the clothes in the car and buying the things I needed for the house we decided to grab some lunch. We got a pizza to share in the food court, and found a table. It was packed, but we were lucky and got a table when a crowd got up to leave. Not too much later three guys came up to us and asked if they could join us, and sat down when we agreed with friendly smiles.

They introduced themselves as Aaron, Jeb and Brad. Aaron seemed like an aspiring bodybuilder, while Jeb and Brad seemed more like runners. I didn't feel inferior in the least, since I was proud of my body from doing gymnastics and tennis. Trystan didn't have any reason to feel bad himself, since he was a typical jock, having played rugby all his life.

While we all hit it off famously, I seemed to have more in common with Aaron than any of the other newcomers. We chatted about anything that came to mind, and joked along with everyone else. If anyone were to watch us they surely would have thought that we were all life-long friends.

"Excuse me guys while I go drain the dragon," I said smiling at my own words. I got up and headed to the bathroom, where I proceeded into a stall and locked the door. I was very shy about showing my dick in restrooms, which has always baffled myself and my friends. I unzipped and pulled out mini-me. I always love the feeling of letting go after holding in a piss. I was just about done when I heard the door of the restroom open and close. I was just finishing up when there was a knock at the door of the stall I was in. I was confused, because I had been the only person in the restroom before this person came in.

"Occupied, sorry," I said, confused.

"It's me dude, Aaron," came Aaron's voice. I was still confused but sighed in relief as I opened the door.

"What's up bud?" I asked.

"I was just wondering if you needed any company?" he asked with a smile. I was taken aback. This was very odd.

"Not really, no. I actually just finished," I replied.

"That's a shame," he said, making it obvious that he was looking down at the bulge in my shorts, and then at the one in his jeans.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, feeling violated. I hadn't given off any signals to this dude. And even though he was smoking hot, I didn't want him. I still felt pretty much straight for anyone except Trystan, plus I felt that I would kinda be cheating on him if I hooked up with any other guys. We hadn't committed to one another, but I felt like I would be tainting our connection if I were to hook up with anyone besides him that didn't have a vagina and boobs.

"Well maybe you could keep me company instead?" Aaron asked with a smirk as he stepped into the stall beside me, closing and locking the door behind him. Even though the stalls in this restroom were bigger than usual, it was still a pretty tight fit.

Aaron unzipped and pulled out his dick, and I had to admit that I was impressed by it. He put his arm around my shoulders as he started pissing into the toilet bowl.

"I don't really think so, I'll just see you outside dude," I said, turning away.

"You can't leave now," he said, tightening his arm around my shoulders, keeping me there.

"Let me go, please. I don't want any trouble," I said with a clear warning in my tone.

"If you stay there won't be any," he said, with a clear warning in his tone as well.

I sighed and placed my hand on the back of his head. He smiled and started to lean in for a kiss. I smiled back as I pulled back and hit his face with my forehead before he knew what was happening. I had hit his nose, and it was bleeding. I was pretty sure it was broken. He let go of me to check his nose, and I quickly unlocked the door and casually walked out. Trystan looked up as I approached the table, and his eyes grew wide. I looked down at myself and noticed that some of Aaron's blood must have spattered onto my shirt.

"Sorry guys, but we've got to leave now," Trystan said when he saw my expression, which told him that we needed to get away to avoid more trouble. I loved how we could communicate wordlessly when needed.

"Yeah sorry guys. We'll maybe see you around sometime," I said as I got some of the grocery bags from beneath the table. We turned to leave and the others merely said goodbye as we walked away. We were on the escalators when Aaron got to his friends, and I saw them get up and glare at us after he told them what happened. They started walking toward us, and I knew we had to hurry.

Trystan and I got in the car and sped off as they got outside the mall, mere meters from my car.

"Are you going to tell me what that was all about?" he asked me when they were out of sight.

"Aaron made a pass at me," I said bluntly.


"And when I didn't want to do anything he tried to force it, threatening me that there would be trouble if I didn't comply; so of course I hit him in the face with my forehead, and walked away while he was dazed." I said.

"You're crazy, you know that, right?" he said laughing.

"Yeah, but I won't take shit from anyone. He hugely underestimated this small guy. I'll fuck up anyone who messes with me, or anyone I care for," I said, looking into his eyes, making my message clear: I would do the same for him if anyone messed with him.

He blushed and averted his gaze.

"That's my favorite," Said Trystan upon seeing the final pair of briefs. I had tried on all of them to show him what I looked like in them, and I had kept my personal favorite for last.

"I agree with you, pretty cool."

He was practically drooling, so I turned around and showed him my ass, which was showcased nicely in the tight briefs. He reached out and felt up my cheeks, and I smiled.

He made a sad face when I stepped away and turned around. I kneeled down and kissed him, and his sadness disappeared. He was sitting on the carpet on my bedroom floor. He lay back and I lay on top of him, kissing him deeply. I could feel his excitement against my leg, and wasted no time in taking off my new briefs before undressing him.

We kissed again, and he started leaking against my abdomen. We looked into each others eyes, and both knew what was about to happen. We didn't need any foreplay, so I reached for my dresser and pulled out some lube, and lubed us both up. Slowly and carefully I lined up and pushed into him. I knew this was his first time, so I was as careful not to hurt him as possible. I has lubed him up as thoroughly as possible, so it wasn't long before he was used to the sensation and telling me to go further. Within two minutes I was balls deep. When he gave me the heads up I slowly retreated, only to slightly faster push back in. I kept this up, speeding up each time until he was moaning like my own little whore from my cock.

It didn't take me long to finish, and I almost screamed as I pumped my load deep into him, making him mine as he had made me his the day before. The pleasure was so great that I barely noticed that he was also cumming, without ever touching himself.

I collapsed onto him with all my weight, and he wrapped his strong arms around me. I turned my face to his, and we kissed tenderly.

"That was much better than I expected it to be," he said smiling after the kiss.

"I'm very happy that you think so, because we'll be doing that a lot from now on," I said. He only smiled in agreement.

"Just so you know, if I had known what that prick was doing, I would have barged in and fucked him up so badly that he wouldn't remember his own name," he said as he caressed my face.

"I know, thank you." And with that we kissed yet again.

I hope you liked this chapter. I may or may not make continue with this series, at this stage though I'm leaning toward continuing, but that may change. If I get enough positive feedback though I probably would definitely continue. Please send me any feedback - unless it is that you didn't like the story at all, because then you will just get a reply saying something in the line of "If you don't like it, don't read it". I love hearing from you guys! Thanks to those who have shared their thoughts. I truly appreciate it!

Also, please take a second to donate (if you can) to the awesome site that keeps you guys rubbing off to the stories they let us post.

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Next: Chapter 4

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