Wtf Man

By Markie

Published on Jan 8, 2014


WTF, man? [Part 2]

Don't read this story if you're not supposed to (and you know if you're not supposed to).

This story is pure fiction. Any similarity to any person living or dead is purely in your head, since I try not to give too many descriptions of my characters to let you create whatever sexy person you want to in your mind. I love feedback, so please send it if you have the time to:

This work is mine, and is not to be used without my permission. That's plagiarism. I could sue you. Seriously, I know people.

We kissed passionately as we both came down from our orgasms. He lay on top of me with his full weight, catching his breath when we broke the kiss. Strangely, I loved his weight on me. It was somehow very comfortable for me, and he didn't seem to mind it either.

"How did we get here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," he replied.

He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. I didn't see any regret there, but he did seem to be holding back somewhat since we had come to our senses.

"I think the cuddling and hormones just led to sex. It's actually kinda natural, if you think about it," I said, reasoning.

He seemed to become distant, thinking about what had happened. He hadn't moved off of me, except for lifting his head to look at me.

"Are you upset about what we did?" he asked.

"No, not at all. I actually liked it. It was pretty awesome."

"I agree. You're the best I've ever had," He said smiling again.

"Good, you were getting me worried there for a second."

"Does this mean we're gay?" he asked.

"I don't think so. I still like girls, so I think it's bi, if anything."

"Ok good. Are we boyfriends though?"

"No, not at all," I said. He seemed taken aback.

"Why not?"

"I'm not looking to date you bro, you're my best bud, and I don't want to fuck that up. We can be buds without any shit, and then occasionally we can hook up if we want to."

"I like that," he said.

Trystan sighed in content as I wrapped myself around his body, which was still on top of me. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, and wrapped my legs around his waist. He gripped me tighter in his embrace and planted a soft kiss on my neck. I found it strange that I was so calm about what had happened. A few hours before I would never have thought of fucking a dude, much less my best bud, but there I was, with Trystan on top of me, his cock still inside me (and coming back to life, I might add), and I was actually at ease.

Trystan started to pull up off of me, and pull his dick out. I stopped him before he managed to get very far.

"Bro, I need to go take a piss." He said, smiling at me. "Do you wanna join me?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" I replied.

Carefully he sat up, trying not to pull out yet. He pulled me into a sitting position, with me basically sitting on his rod, and then carefully stood up. He held me with one arm across my back, and one hand on my ass, and I held on tightly. He walked us to the bathroom, and each step he took made his pole move inside of me. I had never been more turned on, and wanted to be fucked just like that. He reached the bathroom, and started to put me down. I clung to him, and he giggled as he hugged me tightly.

"Rex, I need to put you down to take a leak."

"Do you?" I asked, with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah, I kinda do," he said, seeming confused.

"Well, if you step into the shower, then you can relieve yourself inside me." I said, realizing as I said it just how nasty it was, but at that moment I couldn't give a rat's ass.

"That's super gross man, you realize that?" he said. I nodded. "With that said, let's do it."

I smiled as he walked over to the shower. He pressed my back against the wall of the shower, and I realized that though he was strongly built, he wasn't used to carrying around so much weight for such a while. The wall helped relieve some of the stress in his arms. I saw his expression become distant as he concentrated, and a second later his hot fluid filled my insides. It felt much different than I had expected it to. It wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't pleasant. If I weren't so turned on I would have been disgusted, but at that moment I didn't mind. As he kept going I started to slowly lift myself up off of his cock. He looked at me perplexed, until I slowly sank back down, before starting over. He smiled broadly as he realized what I was doing, and he let me fuck myself as he concentrated on pissing. His piss was flowing heavily out of my hole, mixed with his cum, and it made for a decent lubrication. Soon his flow stopped, and he grabbed onto me and started to plow me with all the power he had. He fucked me like a jackhammer, and I loved how rough he could be. When he finally blew his third load inside of me, we were both exhausted and I knew that cumming three times in such a short time took its toll, and it would be a while until he was ready again. He finally pulled out of me when he had finally come down from his high. I almost fell to the ground when my feet hit the ground, but luckily he caught me before I did.

"I didn't realize how weak you had made me," I said, smiling. I closed the shower door and he turned on the water, and we washed each other thoroughly.

The restaurant we went to for dinner was nothing special to look at, but they had the best food in town, in my opinion. Trystan and I had decided to go out for some food to take a break from our sudden passionate insanity. I was thrilled that things seemed to be just as it always was before. We made fun of each other, horsed around and made dirty jokes at every opportunity. We didn't avoid talking about what had happened, or pretended it didn't happen, but we went back to talking about chicks we'd hooked up with, and would still like to hook up with in the future.

We called over the waiter to ask for the bill when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it was Trystan's sister calling. I found that odd, since she hardly ever called me. I answered, and she sounded slightly panicked.

"Hey Jared, is Trystan there? He's not answering his phone."

"Yeah, he's right here. Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Not really, no," she said. I handed the phone to Trystan. His body language changed as the conversation went along, and I knew something had happened.

"What is it?" I asked when he handed my phone back to me.

"Nicole's husband is pretty sick, and needs to get to the hospital, so she asked me to babysit their little boy. They think it may be kidney stones."

"Shit, that's not good. Kidney stones aren't fun. Do you want me to take you, or do you wanna pick up your car instead?" I asked.

"I think I'll get my car first, it's pretty much on the way anyway."

"Cool, let's get going," I said. We paid for dinner and were off, reaching my place within minutes. Trystan came inside to get his car keys, and left after giving me a quick hug. I closed the front door and sighed deeply. I felt very worried for Mack, Nicole's husband, since I'd known them for a very long time. I knew first hand how excruciating kidney stones could be, and having them removed is both embarrassing and painful after you wake up from the anesthetics.

I looked around me and looked over the living room, seeing the bed Trystan and I had made and smiled. I got the pump for the mattress and set it to deflate the mattress while I folded the linens and put the pillows on the couch. By the time I had finished the mattress had just about finished deflating, so I finished that and folded up the mattress before putting that, the linens and pillows away in their respective areas.

I went into the kitchen and made myself some tea with a bit more sugar than most people would like, before returning to the living room and switching on the TV to Nickelodeon, just in time to catch the start of SpongeBob. I drank my tea slowly, thinking about how quickly the day had changed. It had gone from me just hanging out with my bud, to us fucking multiple times, and then to a yet unknown medical emergency in his family and him having to leave. Though I was worried about Mack, I couldn't help but think of Trystan touching me, kissing the back of my neck, holding me in his arms, carrying me to the bathroom. All those things kept flooding my mind, making me feel guilty for not giving more thought to Mack's situation. I finally shook my head to focus and watched SpongeBob being obsessed with some catchy song on TV, temporarily forgetting about everything else.

I had just gone into the bathroom to brush my teeth when my phone started to ring. It was Trystan calling.

"Hey man, how's your bro-in-law doing?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"He's doing alright I guess. The doctors said it's definitely kidney stones, so he'll be staying there overnight. Nicole will be coming home soon though. He's been taken into surgery, and apparently they've finished with him, so she's waiting for him to wake up then she'll come home."

"That's great! I remember when I had kidney stones the first time, and it's a bitch. He should be ok now though."

"Yeah," he said. "Is it cool if I come stay there again tonight? I know it's pretty late already, but I don't want to drive home now." He sounded so nervous, as if I would tell him that there was no chance of that happening this time of the night.

"Of course dude, you know you're always welcome," I said.

"Thanks Jared. I'll see you in a bit then," he said with a smile in his voice. He hardly ever called me by my name, and when he did it usually meant he felt serious and emotional. I'm sure he would call me by my name if he were angry with me, but that hasn't happened yet, thankfully.

A little more than an hour later I heard his car pull into the driveway, and his door open and slam shut. I heard him come into the house, but he said nothing when he came inside. Instead he locked the front door behind him and came looking for me. He knew exactly where I was. He came walking into my bedroom and crawled onto the bed next to me and put his arm over my abdomen as he lay his head on my chest and sighed in content. I put my one arm around his back and my other arm lay on my chest as it had before he arrived.

He was still dressed in the same clothes he had been wearing when he left, and I was wearing my grey and green briefs and a tank top. I hadn't felt like walking around naked, especially when he wanted to come over. I didn't want him to find me naked, because I didn't want to seem like all I wanted now was sex when he had clearly seemed distracted over the phone. I thought that he had been shocked by what happened with Mack because it showed him that anything could happen at any moment, and he probably realized that it could have been something much worse than kidney stones.

For a long time we didn't say a word, because we knew each other well enough to know that I knew what he was worried about, and it didn't need any discussion. We lay like that for a long time, with him eventually playing with the hair on my arm. I was starting to doze off when Trystan finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I was thinking a lot about what's happened between us," he said.

"What were you thinking?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"Tons of stuff, but in the end I came to realize that I'm glad that we did what we did. We're closer now than we've ever been, I think, and even though I thought I would be, I'm not ashamed or freaked out about what happened. I'll even tell anyone who asks me about it, because to me there was nothing wrong about it."

I took this in and had to smile, because I felt the same way.

"I'm not saying I want to marry you or anything, but this feels right to me," he continued.

"I know what you mean. I feel the same way, and I don't want to commit to anything, but I don't want this to end, whatever it is," I said. I could feel his cheek rise against me as he smiled. He got up and stripped to his briefs and got back into position as he was.

"I like what you're wearing," he said with a smile.

"Thanks, and right back at you," I replied. I played with the hair on his head as he played with the hair of my chest and treasure trail and we both eventually fell asleep.

I hope you liked this chapter. I may or may not make continue with this series, at this stage though I'm leaning toward continuing, but that may change. If I get enough positive feedback though I probably would definitely continue. Please send me any feedback - unless it is that you didn't like the story at all, because then you will just get a reply saying something in the line of "If you don't like it, don't read it". I love hearing from you guys!

Also, please take a second to donate (if you can) to the awesome site that keeps you guys rubbing off to the stories they let us post.

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Next: Chapter 3

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