Wtf Man

By Markie

Published on Aug 14, 2013


WTF, man?

This story is pure fiction. Any familiarity to any person living or dead is purely in your head, since I try not to give too many descriptions of my characters to let you create whatever sexy person you want to in your mind. I love feedback, so please send it if you have the time to

This work is mine, and is not to be used without my permission. That's plagiarism. I could sue you. Seriously, I know people.

Life was starting to look up. No longer was I feeling like the loser who hung around at home all day with no job, or any direction whatsoever. I had finally gotten a pretty awesome position at an IT company which was ? thankfully ? not too far away from where I lived with my parents. After I had worked for about 8 months and determined that I could afford it, with my dad insisting on helping out, I got my own place and moved out. My dad paid the deposit for the loft-styled house I bought, and he gave me all of the old furniture he had kept especially for when I moved out.

It took some getting used to, but I quickly grew to love the freedom of living on my own. I walked around the house naked most of the time, and often left the dishes laying around just because I could. In all honesty though, I didn?t like stuff laying around too much, so I would only leave it for a while, before my OCD got the better of me.

I also loved having people over whenever I could. My place became where everyone ended up when they were either bored, or shit-faced drunk (in which case I pretended not to be home, more often than not).

I got home one night pretty early, compared to most other nights, so decided to call one of my varsity buddies and ask him to come over, since we hadn?t seen much of each other for a while, and I had been meaning to catch up.

?Hello?? I heard him answer.

?Hey Trystan, what?s up dude?? I asked.

?Hey Rex, not much man, and you?? he replied. It?s strange how the dumbest things you do can lead to the best memories. My name was actually Jared, but I had gotten drunk one night with my friends, and when I tried to take off my shirt at one stage, my arms got stuck, apparently making me look like a T-Rex, which lead to the nickname. It was the best night of my life, and not because of anything specific that happened, but just because of the whole feel of the night. Everything was just awesome.

?Not much bro. What you doing? Wanna come hang?? I asked.

?Yeah man, I was actually just thinking about what a douche you were for ignoring me,? he said laughing.

?I would never do that man, work?s just been busier than usual.?

?I know man, I was just fucking with you. I?ll be over in a bit.?

?Cheers dude, see you soon,? I said before hanging up.

I put my phone by the sink in my bathroom with music playing and got into the shower. I was just about to turn off the water when I heard some movement downstairs. I had grown to hear even the softest of sounds in the house, probably because the house was always so silent, or because I lived on my own, and needed to protect myself.

I didn?t expect Trystan to be there yet, so I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to the staircase to see where the noise came from. I saw something that looked like blood on the window in the living room, and went to check. I got kinda freaked out, and prepared myself for the moment Ghostface jumped out from behind the couch or something. I got to the window and saw that it was blood, but that it was from a bird that had flown into the window (at what I assumed to be an immense speed).

I sighed and turned around, heading back to the staircase to go get dressed. Just as I passed the front door, the door flung open and I almost fell to the ground screaming before Trystan burst in saying: ?Honey, I?m home!?

?What the fuck man?!? I said breathlessly.

?What do you mean?? he asked.

?You scared me shitless you asshole,? I said.

?Sorry man, I didn?t plan to.? I had to believe him. That was his usual entrance.

?Whatever man, it?s cool. I just worked myself up over nothing.?

?What happened?? he asked, following me as I started toward my room again.

?I was in the shower when I heard a noise from downstairs. I went to check and saw blood on the window, so me being the weirdo that I am, started thinking some serial killer was waiting to stab me.?

?So where did the blood come from then??

?It was just a bird that flew into the window.?

Trystan chuckled at my paranoia as I dropped the towel and pulled on some boxers and a T-shirt.

?So anyway dude, what are we doing tonight?? he asked me.

?Actually, it?s long weekend man, so I just wanna drink until I puke all over you,? I said with a laugh. I couldn?t remember when it had started, but we always said that when we wanted to get wasted. I had the weirdest group of friends who always seemed to puke over something that belonged to someone else when they got drunk, so I guess that?s how our little saying came along somewhere along the way.

?That sounds great bro. I brought some Jagermeister so we got shots, but we may need to go buy some more booze,? he said.

?It?s cool, I?ve got vodka, rum, brandy and whiskey. I think we?ll make it.?

?I think you may be right dude, but just barely though,? he said and we both laughed.

Trystan poured us each a shot as I poured myself a rum and coke and him a whiskey and soda. Heaven knows how anyone could drink whiskey. I couldn?t get used to the taste ? though I didn?t really try very hard to get used to it.

We threw back the shots and chased it with our drinks. I knew it was going to be a good night.

We started making small-talk, and he led the conversation to his latest conquest from two days before. Eventually he asked me about my sex life, and I proudly told him that I had finally gotten into bed with a smoking hot girl I worked with. She was the only woman at the company I worked for, and everyone wanted her. I had to work my ass off to finally get there, but finally I had beaten out all the other losers at the office and got to be the first one in the office to have been in her pants.

She expected me to never talk to her again, but she was everything I wanted in a woman: She wasn?t easy, she like computers, she loved video games, and she was so hot any other girl melted into the background when she was around (though she didn?t seem to know how attractive she was, which made her even better).

?Dude, you?re a fucking legend man! I have to worship you now,? Trystan said before falling to the floor and kissing my foot.

?Thanks dude, it was amazing,? I said, laughing as he got up again.

The night went by in a blur, and before I knew it the clock had skipped to 1am. I told Trystan that he obviously wasn?t driving, so he hung his keys up next to mine, and we moved to my bedroom. I offered him some of my boxers to sleep in, but he said he would just sleep in his underwear.

Since I only had one bed, I said he could either sleep on the couch, or I could make him a bed on the floor with an inflatable mattress, or he could crash in bed with me. I wasn?t surprised when he chose to share my bed. I pulled off my shirt and got into bed, and he did the same. Within seconds I was out for the count.

I woke up a few hours later to an insane thirst. I got up and used the light from my phone?s screen to walk to the bathroom without bumping into anything, and drank water from the sink. I drank two headache tablets to help prevent a hangover the coming morning, and trudged back to bed. I climbed in and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes what felt like seconds later to find sunlight streaming into the room. I had forgotten to close the curtains before bed, and was too lazy to get up and close them. I was happy to find that the water and pills had helped, and that my hangover was reduced to a light throbbing and aching stomach, instead of the nausea I usually had along with those symptoms.

I turned onto my side, turning my back on the window and Trystan, and noticed that he had cuddled up to me and had his left arm holding me pretty tightly against him for someone who was asleep.

I didn?t move his arm, off of me, because it wasn?t an unusual occurrence. I went back to sleep for what time I had left before I woke up fully.

I woke up to Trystan getting out of bed and going to the bathroom for water. I got up as well and stood next to him by the toilet and took the longest piss of my life. He finished drinking water and joined me, pissing into the toilet alongside me. Yet again, I wasn?t startled because neither of us were ashamed to see each other naked or be in each other?s space. We both needed to pee, and there was a toilet big enough to accommodate us both at the same time.

I went to the kitchen to get some OJ while he took a shower. I had just finished my third glass when I heard the water shut off, and went up to grab a shower myself.

?Hey Rex, do you maybe have something fresh for me to wear? My clothes are stinking,?

?Sure man, you left some gym shorts and a T here last time, which I washed,? I said, handing him his clothes.

?Thanks bro,? he said. I smiled at him before turning and getting into the shower. The water helped get rid of the last of the hangover. I was lucky enough to know my limits and how to dance around it when it came to alcohol. I hardly ever got insane hangovers. I got out of the shower and dried myself off.

Trystan looked up at me with a weird expression when I entered the kitchen. I went to the fridge to grab some ingredients to make us breakfast.

?Dude, what?s with the nudity?? he asked me.

?Nothing. I always walk around the house naked when I?m alone, and you?re my best bud, so since we see each other?s junk all the time, I thought why try to hide it when you know exactly what the fuck it looks like??

?True. I don?t really mind, and it is your house, so you can do whatever you want to do.?

?Exactly. So are you hungry?? I asked.

?Not exactly,? he said and I smiled.

?This will help,? I said, handing him his plate of food.

?I know. Thanks bro. You?re pretty fucking awesome sometimes.?

I just smiled and ate my food.

?Are you in a hurry to get home?? I asked.

?No, I?m in no rush. I can stay here all weekend.?

?Cool. What do you say we inflate that mattress in the living room and put on a movie and just chill out??

?That actually sounds amazing. Let?s do it.?

So I got the pump and the mattress and inflated it, put on some random movie, and lay down next to my bud.

?Shit, you forgot pillows,? he said when the movie started.

?No worries, I?ll just use you as my pillow,? I said with a smirk, laying my head on his chest. He smiled and moved his arm around my shoulders and put his other arm behind his head. I moved my head to rest more on his shoulder.

As the movie was dragging on, I felt my eyelids grow heavier. I turned so my back was touching Trystan?s back and soon fell asleep. I noticed in a sleepy state when he moved to his side, pressing his chest to my back, pulled me close to him, and sighed deeply as he himself fell asleep.

I wasn?t sure whether I was dreaming or not, but I noticed myself in the strong arms of Trystan, and I felt his warm breath on the back of my head, and felt his bulge pressed against my leg. He must have moved his hips against me in his sleep. I usually would have felt a little awkward, but instead I liked the feeling. I wiggled my ass to get the semi hard dick harder, and was thrilled when it fell nicely into the crevice of my ass crack. As I pushed back against him to get closer, he kissed the back of my neck very softly.

I realized then that I was awake, but also that I didn?t want whatever was happening to stop. I was in a daze, and liked it. His arms tightened around me, holding me closer to him than he ever had, and I couldn?t remember ever feeling so safe. With the arm that was under my head he reached down and twisted my nipple, and the other hand slowly moved down my body until it came to my trimmed pubes, where he let his hand hover, playing with the short hair.

I took his hand and slowly moved it lower, where he firmly took hold of my stiff prick, and just held it. I loved it. We were just lying there, him holding my cock, playing with my nipples, and his cock wedged between my ass cheeks, with only the thin material of his shorts between us. He had gone commando, and I was very happy that he did. I reached back and lightly tugged at his shorts, and he quickly let me go to remove them before returning to how we were, except with his cock suddenly naked in my crack.

For a while we just lay there, and I heard his breathing become more steady, and knew he was drifting off to sleep again. Without disturbing him I reached my arm out and grabbed the body lotion I had left on the coffee table a few days before, and scooped some out. I reached back and grabbed a hold of his dick and slicked it up, trying not to wake him at all.

When I was sure he was well lubed, I moved the head slowly to my hole. Luckily he hadn?t gone soft yet, so I was able to get his head inside of me by pushing back. His cock wasn?t thin by any means, and it was quite long. We basically had the same cock, which in a weird way I had always like. I thought it made us closer.

I gasped as his cockhead entered me, because I didn?t know what to expect, and it was more painful than I had hoped it would be. I turned my torso until I was able to turn my head enough to kiss him. He kissed back lightly, and when he woke enough to notice his cock inside me his eyes flew open. He pulled back a bit and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He started to very slowly push into me. I much preferred him to push into me then me push onto him.

After some time he was balls deep, and we took a minute for me to get used to the full feeling. I had the urgent need to go to the bathroom, but I knew it was just because of the sudden invasion.

He pulled out slowly, and pushed back in a bit quicker. He kept this up, going slightly faster with each inward thrust. I couldn?t believe I was willingly getting fucked, and by my best friend no less.

After far too little time had passed, though it was probably around half an hour, he grunted into my ear and I felt the warmth of his cum fill me. We lay catching our breath, his cock still inside me. I had no intention of letting him take it out anytime soon.

After a bit he started pulling out, and I stopped him, saying I didn?t want us apart again for at least a few hours.

?I like your thinking,? he said.

I knew he had gone soft, but I squeezed tight, and his cock was long enough flaccid that it could stay inside. After a while he grew hard again, and we maneuvered so that I was on my back, with him lying on top of me without his cock ever leaving me asshole. I wrapped my legs around him and he started thrusting into me again. This time we both knew we didn?t want it as slow, so soon he was pounding my hole. He wasn?t being rough, though I knew he could be if we wanted him to, but we were totally in sync, both wanting faster, more urgent sex, but not too rough. There was plenty of time to get to it all.

Soon I came from the friction of his body rubbing mine, essentially jacking me off as he fucked my hole. If there was any time difference between the moment my orgasm started and his did, it was miniscule. I loved the feeling of orgasm while he filled me with even more of his seed. I was his slut, and he was mine, and we both loved it.

I hope you liked this story. I may or may not make this into a series, at this stage though I?m leaning toward not (purely based on lack of time and a clear image of where the story is headed). If I get enough positive feedback though I may change my attitude. Please send me any feedback, unless it is that you didn?t like the story at all, because then you will just get a reply saying something in the line of ?If you don?t like it, don?t read it?. I love hearing from you guys!

Also, please take a second to donate (if you can) to the awesome site that keeps you guys rubbing off to the stories they let us post.

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Next: Chapter 2

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