Wrong Place Right Time

By Mr Mike

Published on Aug 11, 2008


Wrong Place, Right Time Part 2: Curtis & I Find Out Why It's Called `The Pokey"

Dear reader: WOW! Thanks for all the emails! I've spent more time answering your emails than writing in the past few days! Your collective response has been overwhelming! So, since you've asked, you shall receive.

Just a quick review for those of you who might have missed part one: the story takes place in a small town jail in Ohio. The 2 main characters, Curtis, & myself have become cellmates...and a bit more! A few of you have asked what became of my 1st cell mate Brian, after he was moved into Ricky the killer's cell and raped. Well, the rapes seemed to continue but honestly, with the goings on in my own cell, I stopped paying attention. I do know that Brian and I were released on the same day. He looked pretty bad by then, too. Ricky, I was later told, was sentenced to 26 years for voluntary manslaughter...but only served 4 years. Curtis...well, just read on...

(Continued from Wrong Place, Right Time)

I couldn't believe it but I agreed and took off my shirt and jeans and lay back down. My dick was well past tenting; it was halfway up my belly by this point.

"Damn boy! No wonder Doreen keeps coming back for more! Now that's a pretty cock!" Curtis exclaimed.

"Man, knock it off. You're making this harder than it already is..." I answered

"Baby, if I'm making it hard, then the least you can do is let me take care of it!" and with that, he sat down on my bunk and slowly started caressing my cock. I moaned. "There baby, now don't it feel good?" Curtis asked in a hushed tone. His eyes were locked on mine. "Baby, I can make it feel better all day and all night if you want". All I could do was lay there moaning as he continued to stroke my dick. He pulled it the rest of the way out of my briefs and used long, slow, soft strokes. He reached down and cupped my balls and slowly squeezed them...not too hard but just right. His touch was amazing!

"Come down here on the floor baby, Curtis is gonna take good care of you" he cooed as he helped me slide down onto the floor. Curtis then pulled off my briefs and started to kiss and lick my entire body, never letting go of my cock the entire time. I was mesmerized. He definitely knew what he was doing. He licked and nibbled on each of my nipples then kissed his way down my belly and to my cock. He took it in his mouth and began licking it...almost like a popsicle. He wrapped his lips around it and slowly worked all 6.5" down his throat...almost massaging it with his tongue as he did. He bobbed slowly up and down and before I knew it I was shooting a load down his throat! He just swallowed and swallowed and took every last drop, making sure to suck the last bit out of the head as he finished me off.

I laid there panting. "Damn! That was fucking awesome!" I tried to whisper.

"Baby, I'll take care of that every day we're in here together...but I want you to fuck me like you do Doreen. I'll make you forget that bitch!" he giggled, "Hell, I'll make you forget your own name!"

"I dunno man, I ain't gay...", I panted.

"You ain't gotta be gay to get a piece of ass, Whitebread!", Curtis giggled at me. "Besides, looks like someone wants more attention anyway!" Curtis had my dick back in his hand and damn if it wasn't already hard. I guess this is was dear old dad meant by thinking with the wrong head!

"Come on Whitebread, lookit this ass, you know you thinkin' about tappin' it", Curtis giggled as he laid down on the floor and cupped his ass cheeks with both hands. "I'll work your cock like no girl ever done!"

I had to admit it; Curtis had a great ass! It was dark brown, round and firm. His thighs were thick but not too muscular, and they were practically hairless. He just laid there looking at me and wiggling that ass at me. He started to grind into the floor just a little bit. "Come on Whitebread, just touch it...", he almost pleaded. This was the one time the Curtis didn't giggle. He gave me a longing look that something deep inside me just couldn't refuse.

As I was still laying on the floor after the greatest blowjob of my life, I propped myself up on one elbow and slowly, hesitantly, set my hand on his ass. It was warm and felt firm but with the softest skin imaginable. I squeezed one of his cheeks, gently.

"Oooh baby, that's nice" Curtis cooed. His gaze was locked on mine. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. It felt like there was something going on between us. I had only really met him a few hours earlier when he was brought into my cell but at this moment, it felt like we'd been together a lot longer. It felt almost as though something serious was being forged.

"Man, I ain't never been with a guy before, I'm not sure wha..." I trailed off.

"Whitebread, I know you been with Doreen and I don't know how many other girls I know; it ain't no different than being with them." There was that giggle of his again.

"Well man, none of them had a dick!" I harped.

"You mean like this one?", he giggled as he rolled onto his back, exposing himself to me. His dick was massive. It had looked big when he was taking a piss but now it was fully erect and looked enormous. If I had to guess, I'd say it was at least 10" long and as big around as a baby's arm. And it was just sticking way out, with a nice upward curve to it. It was thick, black and shiny with some big veins bulging along the shaft. The head was bigger and flared like a mushroom. He was dripping some serious precum too! His balls looked considerably smaller compared to that enormous black rod. My eyes were glued to it! Curtis slowly stroked his mammoth cock.

"Like what you see Whitebread?", he asked, giggling as usual. "Maybe you wanna take a little licky lick?"

"Ummm...", I just really had nothing to say. My eyes were completely focused on Curtis and his giant dick. I don't know what came over me but the next thing I knew, my hand was on his dick. I could feel his hand lightly brushing against mine as he stroked himself. I started stroking him. It was so different feeling another dick in my hand. Don't get me wrong, at age 17, I'd stroked my own probably 10 times a day but mine was nowhere near the size of Curtis'! I could feel the heat and strength coming off it as I stroked. I spit into the palm of my other hand and slowly rubbed in a circle on the head of his cock. He just laid back and moaned. It almost looked like his pretty, dark eyes were rolling back into his head.

As Curtis laid there moaning while I was jacking him off, we could hear the outer door to the cells opening. It must've been Fats, the guard. Damn, was it dinner already?! We hurried up off the floor and got our pants on and got back on our bunks, so it would look like nothing was going on. A second later, we could hear the key in the cell door.

"We'll have to save this for dessert", Curtis giggled. I hate to admit it, but I chuckled a bit too.

As we guessed, it was Fats bringing dinner and checking on us. Dinner was cold sandwiches brought from a nearby diner and iced tea (sans ice!). "You boys getting along OK? No one falling off of their bunks?" Fats joked. We both just muttered that we were getting along. We hurried up and ate and while I can only speak for myself, I'm pretty sure we both couldn't wait for Fats to come get our dinner trays so we could get back to what we had been doing. I was so damned horny by this point that I thought I might explode.

About a half hour later, Fats came back to get the dinner trays and do a cell check. "You boys need anything? Coz if not, you're on your own until breakfast...not like you'll be going anywhere." Fats joked. We told him that we were set for the night...not like he'd be bringing us magazines or a midnight snack anyway. I thought it was odd that we weren't guarded more closely. Maybe there was a camera behind the mirror...maybe that's why the light was always on in the cell. I was becoming a bit paranoid. Maybe Fats and the other cops were watching Curtis blow me and me acting like some fag and jacking him off! Damn...

Oh well, too late. The damage is done. If they were watching us or filming us, there's nothing we could do about it now. A matter of public record is what I think they call it. Besides, I was still horny as ever. I was sitting there on my bunk when Curtis waved his red bikini briefs over the edge of his bunk at me. "Yoooo Hooooo" he giggled.

"Damn man, get them things outta my face will ya?!" I barked.

"Damn Whitebread, you couldn't wait to get em offa me earlier!" Curtis giggled. I felt myself just rolling my eyes in disbelief.

Just then, Curtis hopped down off of his bunk, completely naked. His cock was already hard and waving its mighty girth in the air. He stepped back, stuck a bit of a pose with one hand on his hip and the other stroking his impressive meat. "So what say we get back to what we were doing, lover" he giggled.

"Don't call me that" I growled at him, still feeling uneasy that perhaps we were being watch or worse, filmed.

"Aww, I'm sorry Whitebread, didn't know you were so sensitive", he giggled. In the background, we could hear Ricky's boom box blasting out one of his damned Pink Floyd tapes, and muffling the sounds of Brian crying.

Curtis sat down next to me on my bunk, placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it and started trying to kiss my neck. I started to pull away and was about to say something when he said to me, "Damn Whitebread, you are the least romantic muthafucka I ever knowed!"

"Well I'm just not used to guys kissing me, all right?" I kinda growled.

"Damn baby, just relax. You've enjoyed everything so far, right? Well just relax and we'll both enjoy...and we can enjoy it all night and all day if ya want" Curtis replied, seeming more serious than usual.

I softened a bit as he resumed kissing my neck. It felt different, his stubble rubbing against me. It was odd but kinda nice. He reached up and started to play with my erect nipples, squeezing and pinching them. This sent bolts of electricity right through. It felt like my dick was gonna burst right out of my tight jeans. Curtis seemed to sense this and stroked my chest, down to my belly and then to my crotch. He seemed in heaven, kissing my neck and fondling my crotch. I laid back a bit and he was on top of me, naked, kissing my face and unbuttoning my button-fly jeans. My dick was straining to burst free and Curtis just kept fondling it.

"Lets get these jeans off you Whitebread, coz I want that dick!" Curtis giggled while staring directly in my eyes. It was strange, his stare was a combination of a plea and a look that said `Fuck with me and I'll kick your ass'. It was such a fucking turn on!

I let Curtis have his way, pulling off my jeans and briefs. He started kissing my belly and worked his way down, kissing my pubes and then licking my balls. I could feel his tongue trying to work it way into my ass crack, just past my balls. He was pushing my legs up and saying, "Let me see that ass Whitebread". He started running his tongue along my crack and it seemed like he was trying to bury his face in my ass! All I could do was moan. I felt his tongue tickling the opening of my ass and my head was spinning.

"Damn, you got a fine tasting ass Whitebread" he giggled and dove his tongue in for more. "I bet Doreen never gave you a rimjob, now did she" he asked with his usual giggle. I think I moaned that `No-she hadn't' but I was too euphoric to know for sure. I felt his hand back on my hard dick, slowly rubbing my precum around the head of my dick.

"I want you in me Whitebread" Curtis seemed to plead as he looked up at me from in between my legs. No man could have said no to that look...especially not feeling the way I was! We rolled out of my bunk and onto the floor. We pulled the mats off of both bunks and spread our blankets on them. Hey, if you're gonna try to have sex in a jail cell, ya might as well try to be comfortable, right?

Curtis laid down on the mats and I was almost immediately on top of him, rubbing my ready-to-burst cock between his ass cheeks.

"You like that, don't ya" I asked, trying to sound like I knew what I was doing.

"Oh yes baby! I can feel how hard you are! I can feel how hot your dick is! Stick in it me! Please!" Curtis blurted while trying to wriggle his ass onto my dick. Needless to say, we didn't have any lube so I just kept rubbing the tip of my cock against his asshole, trying to lube it up with my precum. Curtis just kept trying to buck his ass against me when suddenly, we heard and felt my cock pop inside of him.

Curtis let out a moan. "Oh hell yes baby! Fuck me!" I didn't care anymore if anybody could hear us, see us, or was filming us. I just want to fuck that ass! It was so tight and so hot. I started with slow, short strokes and slowly worked into longer, deeper strokes. Curtis responded by wiggling and thrusting his hips. And DAMN...it felt like he was milking me from deep inside him! It felt so good! I tried to keep it slow but couldn't help but speed up. There we were, laying on the floor of our jail cell, on our bunk mats and blankets, fucking like two lovers on a romantic getaway! My sweat was pouring off of my head and dripping all over his back. We both just kept grunting and moaning like animals.

Curtis forced us up and into a doggy style position. The sensation of fucking him like this was so intense! I knew I couldn't hold back any longer and groaned, "I'm cumming!". With this, I shot load after load of hot cum deep into his ass. With each load, Curtis seemed to milk more out of me with his ass muscles. We both just shook with each load. Even as we finished, Curtis' ass seemed to milk every last drop out of my. I collapsed on top of him and he laid back onto his stomach, still wiggling his ass.

"Damn Whitebread, now I know why Doreen keeps fucking you! You's good! Damn! I might not let you go!" he giggled, still panting from just having his ass fucked but good.

I don't know what came over me but I rolled him over and kissed him long and deep. Curtis looked pleasantly surprised! "Damn, and you's a good kisser too!" he giggled.

Over the next few days, we fucked like bunnies day in and day out. Curtis would suck my dick as soon as woke up most days. I tried to suck him off once but he was just too damned big and it made me gag to the point where I thought I'd puke on him.

On a Wednesday afternoon, we just missed Fats catching us in the act. Fats had come in to tell me that I would be going to court the next morning. He took me out to the visiting area and my dad's lawyer was there. She told me that she would do the talking in court and for me to just keep quiet. She said that she arranged for dad to bring me a clean suit to wear and that the guards would bring it to me in the morning, so I could change after my shower. I couldn't wait! But part of me was a little sad, because Curtis and I had been getting along and well, the sex was just amazing!

When I got back to the cell, I told Curtis what was going on. He looked pretty sad and dejected. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "Damn Whitebread, I'm really getting' to liking you...I mean LIKING liking you. Like wish you were my boyfriend kinda liking you." He looked like he was gonna cry.

"Man, maybe we can hang out sometime when we both get out", I answered.

"Naw man, it ain't gonna happen. You'll say it will but it won't. We's from different worlds man. And IF we did start hangin' out, you knows damn well we'd both be getting our asses kicked left and right. It's just how it is." Curtis looked both angry and sad.

I figured I'd try to make this last day/night as good as possible for him. I even let him try to fuck me but when that giant cock was pushing at my asshole, I chickened out.

"Man, I'm sorry. I can't. You're just too damned big", I said to him.

"Chickenshit Whitebread! Maybe I'll just rape you while you sleepin!" he giggled. I was pretty sure he was joking so I laughed along. I did, however, sleep with one eye open that night.

After showers the next morning, Fats brought me my suit and I changed into it. "Damn Whitebread! You clean up REAL good! All you need is some better threads! Looks like an old man suit!" Curtis laughed at me.

We just sat and made small talk until we heard the outer cell door. At that point, I kissed Curtis and told him, "Seriously man, look for me when you get out." Curtis said he would, but he never did. I saw him on the street a few years later and we both just sort of nodded and said Hi. But I still to this day think about Curtis and the time we spent in that jail cell. I never did find out if we were being watched or filmed. Does anybody out there know? And if we were filmed, do you think I can get a copy? For old time sake...

The End

I hope you enjoyed this story and yes, its true! Feel free to drop me a line at kingotbass@yahoo.com . I hope you'll enjoy these other stories I've posted on Nifty:

Mistaken Identity We All Make Mistakes Sometime How All of This Got Started Wrong Place, Right Time

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