Wrong Place Right Time

By Mr Mike

Published on Aug 7, 2008


We've all made mistakes. Luckily, I've made it to the point in life where I can look back at most of them and laugh. Allow me to tell you the tale of one of my youthful indiscretions...way back in the day.

I was 17, and a bit of a young hellion. It was the early 1980s, in a small town in Ohio, and I was heavily into punk rock. I had the spiked hair, 5 gold hoop earrings in my ear, ripped jean, and a chip on my shoulder the size of New York. I was your typical dark, brooding, teenage male. The girls loved me and I took advantage of that every chance I could. I was about average height, with a 30" waist, broad shoulders and well defined pecs & arms from doing roofing and construction for my best friend's dad's company. As it was late summer, I had a ruddy tan too.

I've always been a bit of a loner but always had friends. I just didn't always enjoy the same pastimes as most of my friends. Yeah, I liked cruising around looking for girls and drinking 6-packs of whatever swill we could get...but I wanted something different. I wanted more out of life. I wanted excitement!

I started to hang around with a kid named Brian Watts. He seemed pretty cool and dug most of the bands I was into. He also always had pretty good connections for speed, which was a popular pastime with the punks at the time. One night, we had gone to a couple of parties but they were lame, so we went off looking for a bit of fun. Unfortunately for me, Brian's idea of fun that night was raiding mailboxes, looking for checks, etc. I wanted no part of this so I took off. About ½ mile away was an all-night convenience store. I went in and got a pack of smoke and a can of soda and then proceeded to just sit out front and watch traffic. In small towns, that's often what one does...watch the cars go by and try to figure out how the hell to get out of town for good.

About 2:00am, the newspaper truck pulls up and dropped off the day's paper delivery. Bored, I helped myself to one. So there I sat, 2:00am on a Sunday, with half a buzz on, drinking a soda, smoking Marlboros and looking through the paper when all of a sudden, 6 cop cars, rollers flashing, come screeching into the parking lot! "Don't move!", one of the cops shouted as he jumped out of the car. Seeing that he and the other cops all had guns, I made it clear that moving was the last thing on my mind. Next thing I know, I'm being handcuffed to a gas pump and the police are questioning me about mailboxes being raided by 2 "punks" and being asked where my accomplice is. I froze. The cops thought that I'd been raiding the mail! Holy shit!

The cops threw me in the back of one of the cruisers and sped me off for the county jail. The officer was less than polite and told me, "Hey punk, it just might go easy on you if you give your friend up now". I told him that I had no idea what he was talking about. Friends got to look out for each other, even when they're being stupid.

About 20 minutes later, I'm at the county jail juvenile facilities, being processed on Federal charges of mail theft! I'm realizing that I'm in deep shit here! I ask if I can make a phone call to my dad. The officer informed me that my father had already been called and that as a minor, I basically had no rights. I was then strip-searched and had a cavity search done. This cop had his fingers up my ass...and he seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much!

After 20 or so minutes of questioning, I was placed in a cell. There was a kid that I knew in the cell next to me. We'd all heard that he'd been arrested for murder. Seems he'd gotten into a fight with some biker. The biker had kicked his ass royally and this kid went home, got a knife and came back and stabbed the biker in the chest. This really has nothing to do with the story but I thought you might find it of interest. The kid's name was Ricky.

Well, when Ricky sees me being brought in, he gets quite a laugh. "Hey man! I knew they'd finally lock your punk rock ass up!", he shouted and laughed. If looks could kill, he woulda been a dead man. The guard laughed and said, "Well now, looks like you're making friends already!"

It was so fucking hot in my cell. It was 85 degrees outside and felt hotter in the cells. There was one big, bright light...and I was to find out that it NEVER went out. The only other things in the cell were the bunks and the toilet/sink contraption. It was worse than I could have ever imagined. As I knew I'd be here for at least the night, I made myself comfortable on the bottom bunk. The worst part was...I was horny. As we all know, teenage boys are uncontrollable that way! So here I was, lying on an uncomfortable mat on a bunk in a jail cell...and I had a raging hard on! I tried to think of anything to make it go away.

About an hour or so later, I hear some noise outside my cell. Then I hear keys in my cell door...are they letting me out? No. Much to my surprise, they were bringing in Brian Watts...the S.O.B. that landed me in here in the first place! The cell door slams behind him and I get up to face him. He went white as a sheet and just blubbering and apologizing to me for getting me into this mess. I just punched him as hard as I could, square in the face. I was angry as Hell! He tried to fight me off but I just kept pummeling him. Finally, I was done. I told him the top bunk was his and that he'd be best off to not piss me off anymore. I also informed him that he had better straighten this mess out and tell the cops that I had nothing to do with his little mailbox mess. When the guard came in the morning to bring us breakfast, he saw Brian's face all bruised. He asked what happened and I said, "he fell of the bunk". The guard suggested that maybe I should let him have the bottom bunk. "No dice", I replied. After the guard came back for our breakfast trays, I began to pummel Brian some more, making it clear that he had better find a way to get me out of this mess.

Later that morning, my dad arrived with his lawyer. This was not my lucky day. It seemed that the juvenile court judge was on vacation and I would be in jail until he returned. As it turned out, so would Brian.

The beatings continued for the next 2 days. I blackened both of Brian's eyes, busted his nose and knocked out a few of his teeth. Every time that Fats, our guard, brought us our meals, he'd comment on Brian's appearance and our answer was always the same: "Fell off the bunk". Finally, they decided to move Brian in with Ricky, the killer. From the sounds I heard coming from their cell, killing wasn't the only thing Ricky was good at. It seemed that rape was a specialty of his too! While Ricky was shorter than Brian by a good 3", he was all muscle from months & months of having nothing to do but jailhouse workouts. I could hear Brian crying and moaning into his pillow while Ricky would yell, "Yeah bitch! Take that dick! Your ass is MINE!". I could hear the muffled slaps as Ricky smacked Brian around while repeatedly raping him. It never even sounded like Brian tried to fight him off. What a pussy...

I had the cell to myself, which was good because I really needed a good wank. It had been days since I'd gotten off and my balls were ready to explode! Just call me Mr. Lucky...I'd decided to wank sitting on the toilet so I'd have someplace to blow my load...while I was wanking, the cell door opened and Fats brought me a new cell mate. Just friggin' perfect. It was too late to stop so I just kept on going. I looked over at my new cell mate, a young black kid I'd seen around school. He was very effeminate in his speech and mannerisms and often wore girls' jeans to school. His eyes were glued to my hand wrapped around my hard 6.5" dick. I swear, I thought he was going to start drooling. He looked almost girly, wearing a midriff Flashdance-style shirt and the tightest cut-off Daisy Duke shorts I'd ever seen. I could see quite a bulge growing in those shorts too!

"Don't even think about it man, I wasn't expecting company", I barked at him, trying to maintain my tough guy act. He tried to avert his eyes and said, "Sorry...I'll just take the top bunk...even though I prefer to be on the bottom". He giggled when he said this. I tried to finish wanking but with another guy in the room, especially HIM, giggling, it killed the mood. I let my dick go soft, zipped up, and laid on my bunk. Great. Not only am I in jail, but now I've got blue balls! I didn't think it could get much worse.

With nothing else to do, my new cellmate and I got to talking. Turns out his name was Curtis and he'd been arrested for shoplifting. It seems he stole, as he put it, the hottest, tightest, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans he'd ever seen. Oh man, he was sooooooo gay. His speech was so femmy and I swear he swished when he moved. "Boy, this ass woulda looked to die for in those GV's! Damn, you know it looks good!", he giggled as he jumped off the bunk and showed his ass to me. I have to admit, he did have a great ass. It was a nice, big, round bubble butt. Most black girls I knew would've killed to have an ass like that.

"Hey man, look, I'm not a fag, OK? So knock that shit off", I lamely barked at him.

"Whatever baby. But its here if you change your mind, white boy", he giggled and replied. "Besides, you been with some girls I know. I done heard all about your freaky shit. I hear you likes fucking black girl booty!" Curtis just kind of winked when he said this. "In fact, Doreen says you done about wore her ass out last time y'alls was together".

Doreen was a really good looking black girl at school that I'd messed around with quite a few times. We would've been boyfriend/girlfriend but at that point in time, the races just didn't mix that way...at least not without trouble. And yeah, I did like fucking Doreen's "booty". It seemed my hands always found her ass and so did my dick. She seemed to enjoy it too, so I fucked her ass every chance I got.

Curtis then swished over to the toilet and started to wiggle out of his tiny little shorts. "Man! What the hell do you think you're doing???" I asked.

"Relax Whitebread, I'm just gonna use the toilet...if you don't mind!" Curtis seemed to giggle every time he spoke. It was actually kind of cute.

Curtis continued wiggling out of his shorts and I could see his underwear. Tight little red bikini briefs. OK, I'll admit it...I was staring. He had a hell of an ass on him. His legs looked completely hairless too. I was wondering just how smooth his ass was...when he just kind of stuck his ass out to get the rest of the way out of his shorts. Damn it was hot!

"Whew! Thems felt like they was gonna be stuck but good on me!", Curtis giggled. He caught me looking. "Uh huh! Oh I see! Mr. I-Ain't-No-fag, checking out my booty! I bet you're thinking different now aintcha?"

"Whatever man" I groaned and laid back on my bunk.

"MmmmHmmmmm...you'll be thinking about this booty I bet! You wouldn't be the 1st. Hell, you'd be amazed at some of the boys come sniffin' `round me! They all wants it but are all askeered their boys will find out!". Curtis giggled as usual but sounded a bit upset at the same time. I started thinking that maybe his life was tougher than I'd imagined. A really flamboyant gay kid, living in the projects and surrounded by people that openly don't approve. Damn...that's got to be rough.

I attempted to ignore what Curtis said but he was right, I was thinking about it. There he was, not 3 feet from me, his shorts & underwear around his knees, taking a piss and that ass just staring at me. I was getting hard again. This was so confusing; I like girls! But there was Curtis and more importantly, there was Curtis' ass! It was round, dark & firm...a few little stretch marks on it, just like Doreen's. Man, I had to stop thinking about it.

Curtis finished pissing, flushed the toilet/sink thing and turned around before he pulled up his briefs and shorts. His dick was long, thick and black...at least 7" soft, with big veins on it. He had a thick, dark bush of pubes too. "Caught you looking didn't I Whitebread!" He giggled again. "You just let me know when you want some...coz you got good references!"

I just rolled my eyes and laid back down. I was hard as a rock. I was hoping my tight jeans would hide that fact but then Curtis said, "Wooooo Damn! Looks like somebody got excited" as he pointed at my crotch. "Baby, I'll take care of that for ya if ya want".

"Keep it down man! You want everybody in the cells to think we're getting it on or what?" I barked.

"Baby please...its what goes on in here...one way or other. Mens got their needs and they needs it taken care of. I'm just saying I'd love to help YOU out. Hell bitch, I'm horny too!" was Cutis' reply.

"Whoa man! I'm not into that stuff!" I told him.

"Baby, don't you worry bout how I gets off...you'll still be all man afterwards". There was that giggle again. I had to admit, I was thinking about it.

As the day went on, it just got hotter & hotter in that cell. I was sweating but didn't want to take my clothes off in front of Curtis. He was hot too but had no trouble taking his clothes off around me.

"Dammmmmmmmnnnn, its hotter than a mutha in here! I gots to take some of this OFF!" Curtis exclaimed more to himself than me (I think). He hopped down off the top bunk and wiggled his shorts off and slowly took off his top, revealing a small, almost boyish chest. His nipples looked like dark brown pencil erasers and he had a little bit of a hair trail from just below his navel that disappeared into his red bikini briefs. Standing there before me, he looked so sexy. That giant bulge in those tiny briefs, his long, lean body and lets not forget that ass! This was also the 1st time I really looked at his face. It was soft and smooth and almost girlish. He had big brown/black eyes and the thickest lips. I wondered how they would feel on my dick.

"Damn Whitebread, lookit you! Laying there getting all sweaty! You oughtta lose some of them clothes before you start stinkin' it up in here! Don't worry...I won't bite...less you wants me to!" And of course, he giggled.

I couldn't believe it but I agreed and took off my shirt and jeans and laid back down. My dick was well past tenting, it was halfway up my belly by this point.

"Damn boy! No wonder Doreen keeps coming back for more! Now that's a pretty cock!" Curtis exclaimed.

"Man, knock it off. You're making this harder than it already is..." I answered

"Baby, if I'm making it hard, then the least you can do is let me take care of it!" and with that, he sat down on my bunk and slowly started caressing my cock. I moaned. "There baby, now don't it feel good?" Curtis asked in a hushed tone. His eyes were locked on mine. "Baby, I can make it feel better all day and all night if you want". All I could do was lay there moaning as he continued to stroke my dick. He pulled it the rest of the way out of my briefs and used long, slow, soft strokes. He reached down and cupped my balls and slowly squeezed them...not too hard but just right. His touch was amazing!

"Come down here on the floor baby, Curtis is gonna take good care of you" he cooed as he helped me slide down onto the floor. Curtis then pulled off my briefs and started to kiss and lick my entire body, never letting go of my cock the entire time. I was mesmerized. He definitely knew what he was doing. He licked and nibbled on each of my nipples then kissed his way down my belly and to my cock. He took it in his mouth and began licking it...almost like a popsicle. He wrapped his lips around it and slowly worked all 6.5" down his throat...almost massaging it with his tongue as he did. He bobbed slowly up and down and before I knew it I was shooting a load down his throat! He just swallowed and swallowed and took every last drop, making sure to suck the last bit out of the head as he finished me off.

I laid there panting. "Damn! That was fucking awesome!" I tried to whisper.

"Baby, I'll take care of that every day we're in here together...but I want you to fuck me like you do Doreen. I'll make you forget that bitch!" he giggled, "Hell, I'll make you forget your own name!"

***Want to read more about Curtis and me? Drop me a line @  HYPERLINK "mailto:kingotbass@yahoo.com" kingotbass@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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