Wrong House

By moc.oohay@821rialbcire

Published on Jun 5, 2016


This is a work of fiction depicting acts between legal adults, this is purely a fantasy and should not be perceived as anything anyone should do in real life. In real life these acts would be a gross violation of a person's body and a crime. Do not attempt any acts represented in this story in real life. Thank you, and happy Whacking. If you like this story let me know if you want more. Email: ericblair128@yahoo.com

I needed money bad, so when my friend, Greg, told me about a way to make some extra scratch I jumped at the opportunity.

"What do I need to do?" I asked him

"How comfortable are you with breaking some laws?" He asked me.

"Why do you ask?"

"We want you to break into a guy's house, clean him out. My friend Brad told me about the place. The dude is loaded, not just that, but he happened to sit next to him on the bus yesterday and overheard him say that he'll be out of town starting tomorrow. So tomorrow night after he is gone, we want you to break into his house and clean him out. It's relatively victimless, a guy like that is insured like crazy, if anything, he will be able to just file an insurance claim and make a profit. You'll be doing him a favor."

I still didn't know about doing this, but I was out of options. I racked up a huge amount of debt buying frivolous things with credit cards. Now bills are coming due and my job just barely pays enough to keep the lights on. If I didn't do this I could be facing bankruptcy.

After a long pause I replied "Okay."

Greg smiled and said good, meet me here tomorrow afternoon, Greg will want to go over the plans for you.

Out of curiosity, I finally had to ask: "Why don't you or Brad break into this house yourselves?"

Greg smile and held open his hand. "Fingerprints, Brad and I have been arrested before, so our prints are on file, you are squeaky clean, so there's no way they can trace you to it."

"I see" I replied.

The next day Brad brought me up to speed with everything that would be going down. He said that this guy didn't have an alarm system in his house, so I didn't have to worry about any police showing up while I was working. He then showed me how to properly pick a lock, after an hour or so of practice I felt pretty good about it, I felt ready to try it on this guy's house.

Night time arrived, I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life, but I felt ready. This guy will hopefully be able to replace his stuff as easily as they said.

I climbed into the driver's seat of th U-Haul Brad rented for me, read through the directions to his house one last time, and started to drive. It only took about 20 minutes, but then I was at his house.

This house was bigger than I even thought it would be, it was at the end of a long empty cul-de-sac so I didn't have to worry about neighbors spotting me. I approached his front door and inspected it for wires. Just like Brad said, there was no security system to be seen, so I took out my lock picking kit and went to work, the front door lock wasn't too hard to pick and with it undone I opened the door and walked in. I couldn't believe how big and extravagant his house was, this guy must be worth a fortune. It made it all the weirder that he didn't have a security system.

It was at that moment I heard some sound behind me. I turned around to check it out, but didn't see anything. The next thing I knew I felt a pinch on my neck, suddenly everything looked funny, I started feeling lightheaded and everything faded to black.

My eyes opened and shock immediately set in. There was a bizarre piece of metal in my mouth it was holding it open and there was a hole in the middle. I tried moving my arms, but found they were tied to my ankles, and my knees were bound forced up by my face, I couldn't move and I was completely naked. What the fuck is going on?

I heard a door open and saw a man walk in.

"Mmmmm, awake I see." He said to me.

He walked up to me and I suddenly realized he had a massive bulge that was right by my face.

"I bet you're wondering what is happening to you right now. Well, you broke into the wrong house. Did you really breaking into my house would really be that easy? I made some very good arrangements, and I must say you were definitely worth every penny."

As he said that last part he reached between my legs and started rubbing my cock. I tried to scream out to get him to stop, no way did I want some twisted old faggot to stroke me like that, but he just ignored me and kept rubbing.

"Don't bother screaming, you're still in my house, now in my basement. Don't you remember how quiet and secluded it looked when you drove in here? Besides, I don't know why you would be screaming anyway, I can tell very easily how much you're enjoying this."

He was right, I hate to admit it, but his rubbing was getting my cock harder and harder. I couldn't move and couldn't even make audible words to get him to stop, and somehow this whole scenario was making me unbelievably rock hard. Then it hit me... what did he mean by "worth every penny"?

I didn't have too much time to think about it, because I felt a familiar feeling. A massive load was building in my balls and working it's way up my shaft. I WAS ABOUT TO CUM TO A MAN'S TOUCH! And not just a man's touch, a strange man. I still had no idea who this guy was and he was about to make me blow a massive load...

Then he stopped. He took his hand off of my dick and even swatted at my balls causing the cumming sensation to go away. I was still rock hard though, and now in desperate need to cum, with my hands secured to my ankles I couldn't even try to touch my cock though.

"Not yet, boy." He said to me, "though that is a good sign that you will be enjoying this time much more than you are currently willing to say. I'm sure you don't even want to admit it to yourself, yet. But you have the makings of being a good little fag slave, and a very enjoyable treat for my many... MANY houseguests."

What the fuck is he talking about? Slave!? Treat for Houseguests!? I have a life outside of here. I need to get out immediately! But this guy wasn't done talking to me.

"I noticed you admiring my bulge when I walked in (I was NOT admiring it, it was right by my face I had no choice but to look at it.). Do you want to see what's underneath? Of course you do, you haven't lost a bit of hardness since I walked in, you are probably dying for this big hard cock, aren't you, you little faggot."

Why does he keep calling me that? I never had any attraction to men. I admit I got hard, but that was just from his touching my dick, it was responding to touch, not HIM. Why won't he just let me go?

"I don't want to be responsible for preventing someone from achieving their dreams. You are probably dying to see my big beautiful cock aren't you?" He said now leaning against me with that massive bulge in his pants pressed against the top of my head. "Tell you what, you ask me nicely to see my cock, and I'll take it out for you. If you say no, I'll understand that you are not the fag that you so obviously are, and let you go. Okay? Do you want to see my big, beautiful cock?"

"Noooo!!!" I tried to scream through this weird metal gag in my mouth.

"What was that? I can't understand you. Why don't you speak clearly?" He said with this sly smirk in his face, he was now looking down on me, his face was upside down from my vantage point, and he still kept pressing that massive bulge against the top of my head. "Though judging from that cock of yours, which is still absolutely rock hard, I'm guessing you said `yes'. Since I can't understand you, I'm going to have to assume that's what you said."

It was hopeless, that question was just more toying with me. He was planning on taking the monster hiding behind that bulge the whole time. There was nothing I could do to stop him. He stood back and pulled the waistband of his pants down, just below his balls propping his entire massive member up. Then he brought it forward again. Holding it at my eye level so I had no choice but to look at it. I could feel that thing hiding in his bulge, but now I was face to face with it, and it was huge. He was massive and cut, at least nine inches, and had long bulging veins running all the way to a perfect pink mushroom cockhead that was already dripping precum.

He pulled it away, but ran it up along the side of my face while he smiled down at me. "Do you like it? I told you it was big and beautiful, but sometimes you have to see it for yourself." Don't worry, you don't have to say anything. And I'm sure as the days go by, you will grow to love it and give it the worship it deserves.

DAYS!? What is he talking about? What does he have planned for me? How am I going to get out of this?

He was gently stroking himself, getting that massive member he had rock hard, and started rubbing it on my face, all over, and in the position, I was in, I had no way of stopping him, he just kept rubbing it on my face. Then he pulled back and rubbed it in a weird way on my forehead, it almost felt like he was writing something, I could feel the precum leaking out of his cockhead, and it was leaving a nasty snail trail all on my forehead.

"I just wrote the word `FAG' on your forehead, my little toy. That way anyone with a blacklight will be able to tell exactly what you are, and what your purpose is."

Every time he called me that, I felt a stronger feeling of defeat overtake me. There was no point in fighting him, he held all of the power in this situation. All I could do is sit there and take his abuse.

"Now I'm sure you are really wishing you could taste this big, beautiful cock right now aren't you? Well, I'm not going to bother asking you this time, I already know what the answer is."

At that moment, he rested the tip of his cock on the metal guard holding my mouth open and started pushing it in. I had a cock in my mouth for the first time in my life, and with the metal guard in its position hold my teeth back, I couldn't fight back and bite him if I tried, I was helpless but to sit there and let him fuck my mouth with that massive member he had. I felt every bump and ridge of his dick rub against my tongue, tasted the precum that was smeared all around his cockhead, and still all I could do was take it. He was pushing it in, as far back as it would go until I started gagging, I couldn't breathe, trying to signal to him to pull it out, but all he did was say "Breath through your nose, don't worry, in time you'll lose that gag reflex."

He pulled back, thankfully, I thought I was about to throw up, and proceeded with an in-out motion, fucking my mouth. This felt even weirder, feeling that coarse and bumpy cock head constantly rubbing against my tongue. As he did that, I didn't notice him reaching for an object on the table by us. I had no idea what he was doing until I felt a digit enter my asshole. I would have screamed out in surprise, if I didn't have his massive member in my mouth, blocking all sound.

"I hope you don't mind," he said to me, "but I took the opportunity of cleaning your asshole out, while you were out. From now on, I'm keeping you on a strict bottom's diet. But this will work for your christening. Now I just need to lube you up nicely"

None of those words were making sense to me, I was not getting enough air and my mouth was dry and my throat was raw. Finally, he mercifully stopped. I just dropped my head, feeling like I was going to pass out, but he slapped me hard across the face.

"Don't pass out now", he said to me, "you'll miss the best part." What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

I soon found out exactly what that meant. He walked around to my front and grabbed my arms pulling me forward. I suddenly felt his monster cock rubbing against my asshole.

"Are you ready for this, bitch?" He said sneering. At that moment he pushed forward and that monster cock head started boring its way into my asshole. I let out a scream as the pain was excruciating. It felt like he was going to tear me apart and had a look of pure bliss.

I almost think that the more he made it hurt, the more he enjoyed it. Finally he settled into my ass, his monster cock was buried all the way in my ass and I felt his pubes tickling my ass cheeks. He let it sit there for a minute, buried all the way in. With it sitting in my ass, my ass hole was able to relax and get used to this monster intrusion. As I started to relax, he looked down on me and smiled.

"Mmmm... I think you're starting to like this. Don't worry, it gets even better."

And at that word he pulled out and thrust all the way in, this time there was no slow inching in, there was a sudden painful thrust, I screamed out loud as he bottomed out. He paused a second again, letting my body adjust, then he pulled out and thrust in again and... it didn't hurt. His cock moved much smoother and there was no pain.

He pulled out this time the out move was slow and I felt every ridge and vein in his cock and it strangely was feeling kind of... good. Then he thrust inside of me a fourth time and it hit some weird button inside of me and I let out a guttural moan as it sent a weird shockwave through my body.

He left it buried deep inside of me holding that button and I was thriving in the strange feeling of ecstasy running through my body, and just laughed, "I told you the best was yet to come. You might have woken up this morning not knowing you were made to be my good little fagboy slave, but there's no denying it now, you are, through and through, my good sweet little fagboy bitch. And it is time to give you the fucking you deserve."

And at the word "deserve" he started a steady and intense pistoning in and out of my ass, and the intense feeling was building to even greater heights. I couldn't believe how amazing his big, beautiful cock felt as it hit that certain spot. I felt the feeling build again. I was going to cum, and this time, he wasn't even touching my dick. What the hell is this?

His big, beautiful cock was growing more rigid in my ass as well, I could feel it, and I had a feeling I knew what that would mean.

"Feel that? That means it is time to take my seed, boy. I'm about to breed you like the little bitch you are, and after tonight, you will be my faggot, my personal property forever. Ready? One... Two... THREE!"

And at three I felt spurt after spurt of his cum filling my ass. As that happened he reached around and grabbed my dick again. That was more than I could handle. This time around I knew that nothing was going to stop me from cumming, he kept rubbing my cock and took aim, and I felt the explosion. It was the single most intense orgasm I have ever felt in my life. He was aiming my cock at my own face, and my face was becoming covered in my own cum, and I didn't even care. The orgasm was coming in waves and it seemed to take forever to finish.

It finally ended and I felt so spent and satisfied in a way I hadn't known possible until that night. And at that, he removed my restraints. I was finally able to stretch out and relax. I reached up and took off the mouth piece. He looked down at me and seemed to adopt a stern look: "You have anything you want to say to me?"

I couldn't even look at him, I just simply said "No."

"No what?"

"No master." I replied, not even comprehending what that meant.

"I thought so. Well get some sleep. Tonight is just the beginning. You are going to need your strength to keep up. Night, Night fagboy."

And at that he walked out of the room, locking it from the outside, shutting off the lights from outside and leaving me in pitch blackness to sleep completely naked with my own cum caked on my face and my... master's cum leaking out of my asshole.

Next: Chapter 2

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