Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Sep 1, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 08 written By Bradford Dean Bigelow


A day didn't go by, in which my paths didn't cross with Bobby Freeman. Every morning he checked in with me, briefing me with his day's workload.

"So, if it's fine with you, Bradford, I'll get on that memo that I presented to you and get it in circulation," Bobby told me, in a most professional manner.

From Chase's and mine conversation, this morning, an inkling of that devilous mood remained.

"Everything looks in order, Bobby. Looks like you've put a lot of creativity and work into that memo, regarding the parking situation."

"Thanks Bradford. It did take some planning with the city, on the rerouting of traffic. They are very cooperable."

Bobby's wording seemed to fit nicely into my devious plan.

"It seems since your promotion, Bobby, that you have been very cooperable."

"I like my job and the people are good to work with."

"Good attitude to take, Bobby. After you get that memo out, how about coming back to my office and playing with my nips?"

He gave me a strange sort of look, slightly turning his head and contorting his eyebrows, adding a little smirk.

"Sounds like it could be a lot of fun, Bradford, but on company time? Isn't that going against your new company policy, after I reported to you about two of our fellow workers chatting on gaycloset.com, during company hours?"

"Didn't seem to bother you and Chase to play with me on company time, Bobby?"

"Hmm," is all Bobby said, walking over to me, then saying, see if this can hold you til you get home."


He actually laughed, as my whole body caved in half. Placing his hands on my shoulders, as if to tell me something confidental, or perhaps I thought it might be a joke, he lifted his knee into my crotch!

If that wasn't enough, Bobby put his free hand on top of my head, scooped up a handful of my head, jerked my head up and 'told me', "Don't forget to thank me now, Bradford."

It might have been partly shock, but I doubted very much that I could have even taken a deliberate kneepunch to the balls, if I saw it coming. However, strange as it might seem, the pain began to turn into something highly erotic and pleasurable. I found myself complying to Bobby's whim.

"Th-hank you."

"Thank you, what, 'boy'?"

"Thank you Sir."

"Oh come on now, boy. I think you know my full name by now."

"Thank you Master Bobby."

"That's better."

He left me in a heap there, turning to go out the door.

"Y'know, Bradford, I think you need some special attention this afternoon. Why don't we meet after work at my place?"

"Your place at home? Like condo 8-6?"

"Get real, Bradford. I don't bring torture toys to work!"

He could've abbreviated the sentence, to say 'toys', but I know he had to rub in the 'torture'. It did excite my cock to hear that extra word.

"Yes, sir. Um, question Bobby?"

"Um, do I have to come over there and work your balls over again, Bradford or are you going to start treating me with respect?"

Hmm... entertaining thought! However, I had to finish up some work, too.

"Question, Master Bobby?"

"Yes, boy?"

"Will your boy, Tony be there, too?"


"On, sir?"

"If he has to take a piss or not."

After his cool reply, he opened the door and left. As I sat in my chair, at my desk, working on signing some important papers off, my free hand went to my crotch. I had to back out from under the hutch of my desk, when I sensed my erection hadn't settled down yet. Throwing the pen down, I leaned back, thinking how much all this bdsm scene, especially the 'need' to feel pain was interfering with my whole lifestyle. Bad enough that I had to go to the jon everyday now, strip off my jacket, tie and shirt and play with my nips, squeezing them with my fingernails, then opening my crotch up, to shoot off. More than once, Chaz Little had needed the jon and I searched the place thoroughly for any body remnants, before making my exit. I even made the effort to remember all my clothing. In addition to my nips, my navel needed attention. A quick unbuttoning of one button, at the beltline, at my desk and I could stick my index finger in, feeling the depth of my sensitive bellyhole. If someone entered, I could retrieve it easy enough. For the rest of the day, I couldn't live, after Bobby's knee to my balls, without feeling my orbs and squeezing them to almost torturous pleasure. Another thought crossed my mind. If I met Bobby right after work, then I'd have to put off tasting the 'chocolate truffles'. Oh well, I'd have to outweigh my priorities and say that the sweets would have to wait!

"Come in!" I answered to the knock on my door.

"Excuse me... I mean us", Mr. Bigelow, one of the young gentlemen asked.

"Enter gentlemen."

I had recognized them from one of the offices, on one of the floors of the building, but couldn't remember their names, if ever we had been introduced. They appeared to be somewhere between a little younger than my twenty-five years, to a couple of years older.

"Mr. Freeman asked us..." the dark-haired one hesitated, whereas the blonde picked up.

"What Darryl is trying to say, is that Mr. Freeman asked us to bring these in here and..."

There definitely was a sense of hesitancy in their delivering whatever it was that Bobby wanted for them to give me.

"Well, what are you waiting for, boys? My time is valuable."

"Yes, sir," the dark brown haired young man replied, gathering up both of the papers each had, then approaching my desk and handing them to me.

The two stood there, as I read through one paper, the second one a breeze, being nearly the same, only different names inserted.

"So, I see that you two are the ones that had been caught redhanded, chatting at gaycloset.com, on company time?"

"Yes, sir," Darryl, the blonde replied.

"Yes, sir," the dark-haired hunk seconded.

Clearly a case of humilation, most likely a ploy by Bobby Freeman, which left me with a sense of smiling, but trying not to let the two notice.

"It seems that everything is in order and you," I shuffled the papers, placing the dark-haired guy's paper on top, "Frank, is it?"

"Yes, sir. Frank Faracco."

He reached out his hand for me to shake, which I smiled and complied.

"I hope you two will know that this will go in your files and..."

"But, Mr. Freeman said," Darryl blurted out.

"Mr. Freeman said what?" I questioned.

The two, who showed signs of being guilty as hell, looked at each other. Readjusting my position in my chair, most likely to accomodate the awkward positioning of my pent up erection, I gathered enough that Bobby had more for them to relay to me.

"Um, Mr. Freeman told us that..." Darryl started to say, but Frank finished, "you're gay sir and..."

"The bastard said fuckin' what?"

Of course, as I stood, as they revealed the nature of their further statement, causing me to jump out of my chair, in livid anger, at Bobby revealing my closely closeted secret at work, I'm sure they could see the tent of my pants. Instantly my anger subsided, as I too looked down in the direction their stares took them.

"Um, that's what Mr. Freeman said how we could handle this."

"I'm afraid I don't follow you there, Frank?"

This is where Darryl's brave side kicked in, I think.

"Yeah, Mr. Freeman said that if we came in here and had you strip, that if we sucked you, rimmed you, gave you the royal treatment that possibly you wouldn't put those in our files."

"He did, did he. Well we'll see about that!"

I got my secretary, Chaz Little on the phone and told him, calling out the Army, Navy and Marines, if he had to, that I wanted Bobby Freeman delivered to my office. I suppose it only took going to the executive board room, to produce him. It's possible that I could be sorry for the disturbance.

"What the fuck is this about Bradford?"

I know for a fact that Frank and Darryl did a double take, at Bobby talking down to me like that.

"I think you have a lot to explain here, Mr. Freeman!" I replied, not letting my executive position slide.

"I don't see what the problem is Bradford. All you have to do is drop the pants and let them rim and suck you. Is that too much to ask?"

"Can you boys excuse us. Mr. Freeman and I have to talk."

"Oh fuck, Bradford! You have to make an issue out of this? I've got the traffic planning board on hold and... fuck it!"

What happened next, totally blew my mind. Bobby Freeman unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped, right there in my office, in front of Darryl Jennings and Frank Faracco, hurling his big balls and 9c out.

"C'mon idiots! Get your tongues over here and show the big boss what he's missing!"

Was Bobby ever right, as I watched Darryl, the twenty-six year old blond, walk behind Bobby, pull Bobby's asscheeks apart and stick his protruding tongue inside. The other one, twenty-seven year old Frank, held Bobby's humoungous balls, as he fed himself his cock.

"Now, would this have been so difficult, Bradford?"

Softly I said, "Um..ahem! Not at all. In fact I think I can take over here, if you want to return to your meeting, Bobby."

"Dry me off!" Bobby demanded.

I wondered if Bobby had played with these two before. Taking their neckties, Darryl wiped Bobby's asscrack, as Frank folded his necktie around the wet erection.

"Good enough and you, Darryl?" Bobby more commanded.

"Yes, sir."

"If I don't hear good reports from the boss that you tongue fucked him good, you'll pay for it. Got it?"

"Yes, sir."


"Oh, I'll do a good job, sir."

"And Bradford?"

I almost slipped and said, 'yes, sir'!

"Yes, Bobby?"

"We'll talk later about you calling me away from the meeting."

I guess I knew how much later, 'later' meant!

As Bobby left, the two stood there. I figured I'd exercise my right and maybe get some answers to some questions that bothered me, at the moment.

"So, what are you boys waiting for?"

Darryl locked the door to my office, as Frank started towards me. He first took the collar of my jacket and walked behind me, taking my suit jacket off, as he rounded behind. Darryl attacked the knot in my tie. It felt like heaven, as Frank reached in, between my arms and sides and began to unbutton my shirt, as Darryl tackled my belt buckle.

Frank offers, right in my ear, softly spoken, "We've been ordered to do anything, at your request, sir."

"Ordered, eh?"

"Yes," each respond.

"So," I began to delve into the subject, "then Mr. Freeman holds this spell over you two, as if you two are his slaves or something?"

Frank, the bolder of the two, says, "Mr. Bigelow, you don't have to pretend. Mr. Freeman told us you're into this, too."

"He fuckin' what?"

My movement almost made Frank tear my shirt. Darryl, his hands moving my suit pants to my ankles, fell backwards onto his ass.

"Mr. Bigelow, please don't get mad at us."

"Yeah," Darryl jumps up, saying, "we don't want to get punished."

"The nerve! The fuckin' nerve!"

"Ooooh, Frank, you shouldn't have said anything."

"I don't see what the harm is, Darryl. Either we serve Mr. Bigelow or Mr. Freeman, what's the difference."

With my pants down, my shirt stripped, my finger on the buttons, dialing my secretary, to bring forth Bobby Freeman, into my presence, most likely for sentencing, I stopped. A rare thought occured to me.

"Considering you boys are being truthful, um, just what did Mr. Freeman tell you about me?"

"Other than that we should do anything you ask us to?"

"C'mon Frank. You know what I mean?"

"Frank, I guess we should level with him," then Darryl turns to me and says, "but you wouldn't tell Mr. Freeman what we said, will you, Mr. Bigelow?"

I threw my weight around, "If you hold anything back, I might!"

It actually didn't seem as bad as I thought. I figured Bobby would put me in the same class as these two lowly subjects. Instead, he told them I was on the same plane as him. Okay, so I wasn't his boss, but a fellow player in the bdsm game, being on the master's level. At least he didn't tell them about how he tied me up and tortured me, at home. I could accept that. I could also accept the rest of the afternoon, spending three and half hours with Darryl and Frank, undressed in my office, servicing me. They each told me it was alright to fuck them, if I wished. Frank even offered to fuck me, if I wanted to see how it feels. However, the oral workout was good enough. As we dressed, Frank and Darryl got their underclothes mixed up, but it didn't matter. I think I put on Frank's dress socks. They all looked the same.

"Oh no. Look at my tie," Darryl complained.

"Yeah, serves ya right, Darryl, for wetting Master Bobby's ass up so much!"

Darryl asked me, "Mr. Bigelow, did you like the way I tongue-fucked your ass?"

"Excellent, Darryl. Quite a talented tongue you have there."

"That's what Frank says," Darryl replies to me, very proud of his efforts.

"Oh? I took it you both bottomed."

Frank replies, "I top Darryl, but I get a kick out of switching, for the right men."

"And would Mr. Freeman and I be the right men?"

"I enjoyed having sex with you, Mr. Bigelow, but I kind of have this urge... never mind."

"Urge, Frank?"

"Promise you wouldn't tell our master?"

"My lips are sealed."

"I'd like to fuck your ass sometime, after hearing Darryl sqwaking about how tight it is."

"Hmm... we'll have to see about that. So, you two are a couple?"

"Yeah, new to each other. Not what you would call lovers or anything."

Darryl supplies the term, 'fuck buddies... my ass and Frank's cock."

"Oh? How did you meet each other?"

The two look at each other, Frank volunteering, "On gaycloset.com, while at work!"

Frank went on to explain, that that was when Bobby caught them surfing on the gay channel, chatting more and more intensely, til they forgot where they were.

"So, we have ourselves an office romance here, huh?"

"Friends, maybe more," Darryl starts, but folds up the conversation.

Frank says, "We met in the leather room, so it's kind of cool that we got snagged by Mr. Freeman."

Yes, how quaint. Wait til I question Bobby this afternoon, about 'not' mentioning that little tidbit to me.

"Well, I must say that it's been a most enjoyable afternoon boys and..."

"Oh, Master Bobby says that this wouldn't be our first afternoon with you, Mr. Bigelow."

"He what?"

"No," Darryl replies, "Master Bobby is transferring us to your office pool."

"My office pool?"

"Yes," Frank replies, "He says that we should be ready for anytime you need a 'massage', to pick up the phone and that we'll be right in, to service you."

"He did, did he? And how do you boys feels about that?"

"Well, I really like the taste of your ass, Mr. Bigelow."

Frank adds to Darryl's comment, "Yeah, Darryl's big on rimming and tongue-fucking ass. I love his tongue myself."

"And what's your specialty, Frank. You did a good job sucking my cock, but I have the feeling that you're more resourceful in the top position. Correct me if I'm wrong?"

"Yeah, okay. You've got me there, Mr. Bigelow. I service Master Bobby because he's got us in this bind, but I'd much rather be man on top, fucking a hot ass or getting my pipe sucked."

"Frank," Darryl asks, "ask Mr. Bigelow about you know what."

"Oh yeah. Master Bobby said something like there's a guy in your building that's moving in with you and we wondered how living there is?"

Darryl perks up with, "And what the rent is like? Are the other guys that live there nice?"

Frank adds, "Yeah, Master Bobby told us that all gay guys live where you do. That's cool."

I was overwhelmed with all Bobby had told them. I wondered what he left out of our personal lives, other than what he told these two hunks. Another few questions for him this afternoon.

"So, what you're telling me is that you two are thinking of taking the empty condo when it becomes available?"

"If we can swing it financially."

Upon leaving work that afternoon, I had a ton of questions provoking my brain. One very big one was, if these two guys were available to service me at my whim, what would happen if one of them got wise and tried to report me to the cops or tried to bribe me. Then again, with the shifty ways that Bobby Freeman handled things, as I was starting to learn, I'm sure he had all bases covered.

Walking into the condo building, I was reminded of the chocolate truffles, seeing Kareem at his door, barechested.

"Hey Brad, how's it shakin' man?"

"Okay and you, Kareem?"

"Cool. Hey, when are you and I going to get together for some hot nip play?"

"Soon, Kareem."

I wanted it to be sooner, but after what happened with Darryl and Frank today, I wanted to get to Bobby's place, pronto.

"I saw what that master did to that guy's balls, in the 'Balls & Chain' magazine. I'd like to try it."

"No problem, Kareem."

Like no one else lived there, Kareem shouted questions to me up the whole flight of stairs, as I climbed to my own little nest egg. I almost forgot about Bobby waiting for me, first keying my own condo door. Then I picked up my briefcase, walked to his front door and knocked. The door opened and I stepped inside.

"Ooooomfffffff uggggggggghhh!"

"Fuckin' bastard! Nerve of you to get me out of a meeting!"


"You're gonna pay boy!"


With my balls bashed in, my gut punched and now being led, I was sure, to the back room, Bobby clenched my balls in his hand, right through my pants, luring me, as if reeling a fish in for the slaughter.

"Now get those fuckin' clothes off, boy! I'm so fuckin' angry at you. You're gonna get it and get it good! Strip, bitch! You better be naked and in position when I get back or else I'm gonna bash your balls in! Got that boy?"

"Yes, but...akkkkkkkkkkk!" The slap came across my face.

For a minute there, I didn't think Bobby was playing. I couldn't say that I was 100% sure he wasn't for real. Thing is, I wasn't in fear, but my cock was hard and twitching like hell!



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Next: Chapter 9

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