Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Aug 25, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 02 written By Bradford dean Bigelow


The next day at work, I was a powerhouse! Of course I knew my staff wondered where all this energy came from, plus I didn't hear any grumblings of me being in a bad mood. A couple of times I did go to the private jon, big enough to fit only one exec at a time. After stripping off my suit jacket, hanging it on the hook at the back of the door, I loosened my necktie, enough so that it fit over my head, removing it. Like Bobby Freeman, I nixed wearing a tee shirt today. It felt mighty good too. Unbuttoning my dress shirt, I pulled it open, down to the beltline, then after unlocking the last two, took it off. Standing there in front of the mirror, I gazed at my body. Through my dark brown chest hair, I could see the pink nips. I felt them, gasping at both the burning feeling still active, plus the activity transpiring down below, inside my pants zipper. Placing my palms on my chest, I ran them up and down my hairy pecs. Then, with one hand midchest, the other continued down my defined bellytrail. I stopped looking in the mirror, gazing down to my navel. Poking my finger in, I winced.

"Fuck!" I yelled out, then went on to discover, "Sure did burn the inside like hell," talking out loud about how much my navel suffered last night, as the hot wax dribbled down inside. Even though it pained me, I stirred around inside the sensitive bellyhole, thinking of how good it felt, too.

"Anybody in there?"

I damn near got the shit scared out of me when I heard a male voice on the outside of the jon door, as well as two knocks.

"Be right out!" I yelled back, grabbing my shirt and quickly buttoning it up, looping my necktie back over my head, anchoring it with the white collar.

As fast as lightning, I assembled my attire back together, looking in the mirror often. I hoped he wouldn't come back too soon, in order to relax my crotch!

Being a little self-conscious, as I left the jon, I held my briefcase and overcoat in front of me.

"Hey, Brad?"

"Yeah?" I yelled out, turning around.

"You forgot your jacket!"

"Oh yeah. Thanks Chaz."

"You're welcome Brad."

I always got the feeling that Chaz Little wanted to hit me up, but had never let him get the chance. He was always doing things that would bring himself into conversation with me, but I brushed him off. A fellow exec, the thirty-eight year old knew he was slightly lower on the company totem pole than me. Not that I thought he was the power-hungry type, nor aggressive enough to fight me for the top position, but he didn't appeal to me. That is until this afternoon.

"Here, let me hold your things for you, while you slip into your jacket, Brad."


I held back the feeling, as the back of his hand grazed my right nip, through my shirt, as he took my overcoat. Knowing that he must've sensed the hardness of it, I wondered what he thought about it. For sure, he wouldn't say anything.

"Um, I also found this on the jon floor. Any idea what it is, Brad?"

I wondered whether Chaz detected the horror I thought. There, in the palm of his hand, he held a piece of white wax.

"Hmmm.. no, Chaz. I haven't a clue to what it is," I lied.

Worst part about his discovery, is what I discovered. Amidst the hard substance was a strand of body hair. I wondered if it came from my chest or stomach, below my navel or my armpit? I flew home faster than a concorde. Chase probably thought I was being unfriendly or either maybe that I had to take a piss in a hurry, as I flew up the stairs, instead of knocking, to say good afternoon. Immediately I went to the jon, ditching my briefcase on the way, stripping my overcoat, tossing it on the chair. My suit jacket, I hung on the jon doorknob. Well reheased in taking my tie off, I dropped it on the vanity. I almost tore the buttons off the shirt, removing it quickly. Barechested, I studied my bodyhair, trying to place where the strand, lodged in the piece of wax Chaz Little had in his hand, came from.

"Knock, knock!"

"Oh fuck! You scared the shit outta me, Chase!"

"You left the door open. By the way, the way you ran up the stairs, Brad, I thought maybe you had the Hershey squirts!"

"The Hershey what?"

"Squirts. You know, when you squeeze the chocolate out of the container, to make chocolate milk?"

I wasn't in any mood for comic relief and I think Chase sensed that.

"What's the matter, Bradford?"

Chase always addressed me as that, when he sensed something was terribly wrong.

"Chase, I did a body check in the men's room at work today and..."

"Body check? What do you mean body check? Who's body did you check out, Brad?"

"You know. Stripped down to the waist and checked 'my' body?"

"What did you do that for?"

"I don't know. I wanted to see if my nips had returned to their normal color, I guess."

"Still hurt?"

"Let's just say they're sensitive."


"Cool is right, Chase, but y'see, I had forgotten my jacket and Chaz Little returned it to me."

"While you had your shirt on or off, Brad?"

"On, you blockhead!"

"So? What of it?"

"Chase, he also said he found something on the jon floor."

"What? You left your pants there, too?"

"Chase, I'm trying to be serious here. I didn't even take my pants off!"

I knew he was being a blockhead. But at the same time I was panicing.

"So, what did he find?"

As if trying to make up for it, Chase began doodling with the hair on my forearm, twisting the thin hair follicles with his fingers.

"A piece of wax and this little strand of bodyhair hanging out of it."


"So, he asked if I knew what it was."

"Did you tell him it looked like a piece of wax with a strand of bodyhair hanging out of it, Brad?"

"No, I didn't say that. I lied and told Chaz I didn't know what it was!"

"Then what are you worried for?"

"You're right. What should I be worried about?"

I knew Chase thought I was crazy, the way he rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes you worry me, Brad."

"I do?" I replied, taking it to heart.

"Yeah. I'm beginning to think that you need a man around to keep tabs on you."

"Yeah?" My thoughts brightened. "Got any ideas of who that man could be?"

"Seems like Chaz might have an interest. What do you think, Brad?"

My heart sank, like falling down through my stomach, down my leg and into my shoe.

"Chaz Little? He's an old man, Chase!"

"Old? He didn't look that old."

"You know him?"

"Sure. Remember you introduced me to him when you took me to the company Christmas party, last December."

"Oh yeah. Well, he is thirty-eight years old."

"Old? You call that old, Bradford? My foot, that's not old. Old is like ninety-nine, Brad."

"True, but compared to me being twenty-five, that's old."

"Well, I'm twenty-nine."

"Yeah, well that's not too old for me!"

Oh man, what a blockhead I am for saying something like that to Chase. It's as if I was throwing myself at him.


"What?" I asked of him, us both looking at each other, our reflections in the mirror.

"I think I better rub some ointment into your nips, Brad. They look mighty sore. Are they?"

"Sore, Chase?"

"Yeah, from the hot wax?"

"Oh yeah.... Oh yeah... they are sore! Oh man are they sore! Very, very sore. Yes, sore indeed!"

I knew I didn't fool him, even though he fooled me!

"Alright if we use your bed, Brad?"

Talk about the fool here! By the time I stripped off my socks, shoes, pants and briefs and reported to my bedroom, Chase had stripped off his tee shirt, shorts and sneakers and climbed under the covers. I lifted the sheet and got into the bed next to him. As we got down to the kissing, my nips rubbed on Chase's lightly haired, blonde chest. I didn't even feel pain.

"Give me a blowjob, Brad?"

"Yeah, okay, Chase-baby."

As I knelt up on the bed, the covers slid off my back, falling off both of us, to the foot of the bed. Placing my knees in between Chase's legs, I spread them wide enough to accomodate my thighs. Bending over, I opened my mouth wide, taking in his whole cock, while still half flaccid, down to the base.

"Ooooooooh," Chase sighed.

Right away his shaft began to swell. I could feel it hardening, already forcing itself down my throat. However, taking it down my throat would come later. I loved working his cock with my lips and tongue. Part of the erotic encounter would be to hear Chase moan and groan, as I licked up and down his hard shaft, then swirling my tongue around the slimy head. I delighted in eliciting tones from him, driving my tongue into the piss slit. Changing strategies, I would slide his cock out and lap at his balls, eventually taking each one into my mouth and bathing them with my saliva, rolling them around in their sacs, with my tongue.

"Oooooooooh, that feels heavenly Brad."

Popping Chase's ballsac out of my mouth, I spontaneously announced, "Yeah, don't you wish you could have it done everyday, Chase-baby?"

"Oooooooh yeah, Brad and every night!"

I'm not sure how that registered with either of us, but I took that to be a sign that maybe we both wanted a more permanent status, regarding our relationship. Then it struck me, why am I beating around the bush here? Letting his orb slip out of my mouth, I uprighted myself, only to crash down, in the bed, right beside the twenty-nine year old.

"Whatsup?" Chase asked of me.

"Chase, we gotta talk."

"Yeah, I know we have to, Brad."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I want to tell you that the way you lick my balls, while they're in your mouth, is just incredible!"

I know I prolly looked like a blockhead, my mouth stuck in the opening position, as if I wanted Chase to stuff his cock inside it, but his response floored me.

"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about, Chase?"


"Oh? And what's the other partial thing?"

"Bradford, I think we're starting to develop something here."

"Yeah? Go on," I prodded.

"Brad, I think I'm starting to like you beyond the liking stage."

"Yeah. And?"

"Dammit, Bradford! Don't you feel anything towards you and I?"

"How can you even question something like that, Chase? Dammit backacha, Chase! I feel so much towards you, like I love you and that maybe we should think about moving in with each other!"

"Moving in with each other?"

There! I said it! It might not have been in too romantic a sense, but I had laid it on the line. Like an ultimatum to my staff, at a meeting, I had given Chase the prospectus to work with, waiting for him to accept the deal or turn it down.

"Brad, you've seen how I can be."

"Are you talking about the hot wax, Chase?"

"No. I mean yes. I mean yes and no. You've seen how I can be, Brad. I'm a neat person and like things neat."

"And haven't I learned to be neater, Chase?"

"Yes, you have."

"Plus there's other stuff."

"And then there's tying me out eagle-spread, to the bed, while playing with my body, right?"

"Yeah. That's part of it."

"That part is fine, Chase. You know that."

"I know that, Brad, but I like things in my apartment, arranged in a certain manner. Be it that I don't have as much junk hanging around, like you do."

"Junk, Chase? Like what?"

I don't believe it. The front of his body, grazing over mine, as he exited the bed, didn't make him flinch a muscle, as he went right on explaining to me. Yet, it at least made my cock skip a beat.

"This. Now, can you explain to me the purpose of this, Bradford?"

"That, Chase-baby?"

"Yes, that thing. What's it for and what's it even called?"

"Oh, well y'see, last weekend I needed a pair of socks."

"Uh-huh. So?" He stood there, his arms folded across his hairy chest.

"I didn't have a clean pair for Saturday, so I thought I would wash a pair out in the sink."

"Uh-huh, so?" He stood there, his arms folded across his hairy chest, revealing the blonde stripe down his stomach.

"But after they dripped dry, I found them still damp, so I brought them in here to dry."

"Uh-huh, so?" He stood there, his arms folded across his hairy chest, revealing the blonde stripe down his stomach, that often led my tongue to his deep bellyhole.

"But I didn't want to stain the dresser with the damp sock and I couldn't find a string or rope to hang them on."

"Uh-huh, so?" He stood there, his arms folded across his hairy chest, revealing the blonde stripe down his stomach, that often led my tongue to his deep bellyhole, digging in and tasting the sweet, pungent taste.

"So, I took two pairs of my dress socks and tied them together, to make a rope. I needed a place to stretch it between, so tied one end to the clothes rack and took the picture off the wall, to snag the other end, then hung my sports socks over it to dry. Pretty ingenious, huh Chase?"

"I think it's the stupidest, dumbest, assinine idea I've ever heard of. Is this an example of an idea you would come up with at the office, Bradford?"

I'm not sure what I was thinking, at this point. Belittled for sure, but would never mention it to Chase. It had been a strange turn of events, over the past few months.

At the office I could be this cool-headed, dominating bastard, who got the job done, by thinking stategically, ordering people about, in their daily tasks, to mimic the organized, perservering, driven CEO, getting the job done-type.

However, whenever I was around Chase, I shrank down to become a lower form of life. The thing is, that I liked it!

"And what happened to the pictured, Bradford?"


"Yes, the one I gave you of me, at the lake?"

"Oh, you mean the one where you stood barechested, cut off at the top of your pubes, Chase-baby?"

"Yeah. That's the one?"

"Oops.. well y'see, it kind of broke and I took it out of the frame and it's sitting there on top of the dresser."

I waited, my right hand now on my left nip, tweaking it, as Chase look to his left, on top of the dresser.

"This was last week, you say, Bradford?"


"And in a week, all of this stuff collected on top of... what's wrong with your nip?"

"My nip?"

"Yeah, you're playing with your nip, Brad."

"Oh, it's just a little sensitive, I guess."

"Hmm.. didn't we come in here for me to rub some ointment into them, til you distracted me?"

Now I felt like a total blockhead. How do I get myself into these situations? I didn't really care now, as Chase-baby forgot all about my makeshift clothesline, the broken picture frame of him half-nude at the lake and the mess of the electric razor I took apart to clean, sitting on top of the print. Instead he paid attention to me!

"You lie down. I'll be right back."

I acknowledged, what I perceived as caring and lay back on the bed, in my favorite position, hands behind my head, flaunting my hairy tufts, in the pockets of my pits.

"I guess this'll do."

"That's not Bengay, is it Chase?"

So, I said something a blockhead would say.

"Bradford, do you think I would rub Bengay into your nips?"

"I was only joking, Chase, okay?"

Then I got a frightening thought. I was putting ideas into his head!

"I guess you saw the 'B' on the tube, Brad?"

"Oh. Bacitracin. Okay, I see."

As Chase sat down next to me, he uncapped the tube and squirted a dab on his fingertip, then proceeded to rub it into my left nip. It felt nice. Very nice. My cock thought so, too!

"I don't know what on earth would make you think, that I would even think of rubbing Bengay into your nips, Brad. Where do you come up with these sick thoughts?"

Damned if I knew!

"That feels good, Chase. Thanks for caring enough about me to nurse me."

"Well, Bradford Dean Bigelow, next time you ask me to drip hot wax on your body, I hope you'll think about the consequences beforehand!"

Asking Chase to drip hot, molten wax on my nips? Wanting it? Thinking before asking, I thought before answering Chase, as he rattled on about it.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself, Bradford?"

I didn't think too seriously about it, but went on my cock's intuition.

"Um, okay. Next time I'll think about it, before I ask you to drip hot wax on me, Chase. Sorry that you have to go to the time and trouble to rub my nips with the Bacitracin."

"No problem, Brad. I do it because I care about you."

"You do, Chase?"

"Of course I do. How many times do I have to mention it, Brad. I think you like to hear me repeat myself. I have something to do downstairs, so wait awhile before you hit the shower. Let the ointment sink into your nips, Brad."

"I will. Thanks Chase."

He kissed me on the lips, before leaving the bedroom. I'm not sure if Chase dressed himself before he left, or grabbed up his tee shirt, briefs, shirts and other stuff and went downstairs to his condo. Chase-baby could be that type of guy sometimes.


Copyright 2005 Bradford D. Bigelow All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 3

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