Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Oct 1, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block - Costa Rica" 19 written By Bradford Dean Bigelow


"Lance, over here hombre!" Juan Delgado called out.

"So, you think I made the right decision, huh Bobby?"

"Hey, you planted the seed, Brad. So the Trudeau boys wind up with Juan and Darryl. How different does it make us from what we've got with our boys?"

There Bobby and I sat, leaning back on our hands, sitting up, our pecs almost touching each other, as we watched the umpteenth volleyball game.

"I thought you said that Chaz Little would be on a shopping spree with Bill Connklin?"

"Yeah, well things change. As you can see, Brad, the Trudeau boys have more or less paired off with Juan and Darryl."

I cut into Bobby's thought with, "Yeah, I can see that. Who would've thought that skinny Darryl would take to the bear type!"

"No less than you and I would take to each other, Brad?" Bobby replied.

Leaning on his right hand, so that he could free up his left hand, he turned my head so that he could close in on my lips, for an intimate kiss.

The landing volleyball splashed sand on us.

Kareem scooped it up, with the comment, "Cheating on 'Chase-baby', Bradford?"

Bobby answered, "Kareem, I'm going to make mincemeat of your balls, if you don't fuckin' mind your own business!"

"Ooooh yeah. Temp me Bobby!"

They both grinned, as Kareem recovered the volleyball and ran back to the game.

"And how do we handle guys like that, Bobby?"

"What? You mean about our open relationship?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"They'll get the message. Let them all think what they want."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why? Do you care what they think, Brad?"

"No, but Chase-baby thinks the four of us should have a friendly chat, Bobby."

"Man, is that guy smart!"


"Chase, of course. Man, we've got to get him connected with the business somehow. He could be a real asset."

I didn't let on that I knew Bobby had millions of dollars stashed away, but did hit him up for my losses.

"Speaking of 'ass'ets, any idea where I'm going to recoup my losses from the loan shark payoff and that oneway ticket to Costa Rica?"

"I told you you'd get payed back, Brad. Don't you believe me?"

How embarrassing! Of course I believed Bobby. I thought I'd get him to open up, on the financial side, that's all.

"Yeah, I do Bobby. In fact, forget it. I don't need the money."

"Oh yes you do, Brad."

"I do?"

"You don't have that much in securities and your savings account is a laugh!"

"Hmm... and who gave you this information? The bumbling idiots?"

"No. Our senior accountant."

"Anybody I know?"

Bobby tossed some beach sand up in the air, as he looked out onto the beautiful sun setting, it's rays causing the ocean waves to shimmer.

"Have you met the Account Executive for Pegasus Worldwide?"

"No. Can't say that I have, Bobby. What's his name?"

"Hiroshi Fujiyama. 31yo, very aggressive in selling with the internet and multi-media, however very unhappy in his present position."

"Oh? How would that be?"

"First of all, he's got one of those deadbeats, not worth rescuing, as one of his designers. Doesn't give a crap about his job, holding out each week for that four digit paycheck."

"My fault?"

"Hey, not at all, Bradford. You walked into a position five years ago, into a company on the verge of making a lot of grave mistakes, that would eventually mean it's downfall. They already had the wrong people, in the wrong positions, before you even arrived on the scene. So, don't go blaming yourself. You don't do you?"

Bobby became quite adamant, when I tried pinning everything on myself. A sweet side of him emerged, rubbing my back and backing down on the tone of his voice.

"Bobby, you really care about me, don't you?"

"You mean a lot to me Brad. That's why I want you to succeed. I want you, well, I don't want to monopolize your life. You've got a good brain on those shoulders."

"Yeah, but sometimes I don't use it the way I should. I'm real thankful to you already, Bobby, for trying to help me out."

"One thing I want you to know, Brad and this is coming from my heart, I never want to be the vehicle of coming between you and Chase."

"Oh, you're not Bobby. I mean, this fourway relationship stuff is kind of new to me, yet I'm liking it a lot. I mean, so far it looks like you and I are paired off, but at the same time I have this deep love for Chase. Tony, I don't know. We're close friends."

"I feel the same about you, Brad. Chase and Tony, I'm sure they have their own special relationship."

"They do. I think they're madly in love with each other, like you and me."

Bobby didn't say it in words, but instead, regardless of whomever's eyes peered in our direction, made me lie down on the towel. He placed his chest on top of mine and like saddling a horse, threw his leg over my thighs, mashing our pubes together. His lips found mine. After about ten minutes of making sweet love to my lips, we got sand kicked in our faces.

"Dammit, Kareem! Oh, it's you, Tony. Hi there!"

"Phone for you, Bobby."

Tony dropped it in the sand and wandered off.

Bobby, still on top of me, replied, "I think Tony and I need to chat. Handle that call, will you Brad?"

"Who is it?"

"Probably Bill about the flight reservations."

"You know more about it than I do, Bobby."

Walking away, he yelled back, "So handle it, Bradford!"

I smiled, picked the phone up out of the sand, brushed it off and then answered it. Sure enough, it was Bill. I didn't have a piece of paper, so scribbled the flight number and time down in the sand. Somebody dropped on down behind me, as I clicked the phone closed.


"Shhhh... I'm writing."

I laughed, as the pen on his paper, gave me a tickly massage on my back.

"I think Tony's pissed at Bobby."

"Of course he is," Chase-baby responded, as he wrote. "That's because Bobby stopped communicating with him."

"Didn't you fill Tony in?"

"Hey, that's not my job to keep the peace between him and Bobby. It's like you and me, Brad."



"Writer's block again, Chase-baby!"

"Okay. Like you and I. Satisfied?"

"Yeah, so what about Tony and Bobby?"

"It's a communication thing. As with you and I, they need to open up and share some feelings."

"I had this feeling that I was monopolizing Bobby a little too much."

"Maybe so, maybe not. In the beginning it might be a little tough on each of us, to get the hang of this relationship."

"You're right Chase-baby. Y'know, Bobby thinks you should be part of the company in someway."

"I intend to be."

"You do, Chase-baby? What do you think your position will be?"

"I'm going to stand with Tony, as the good man behind the two good men."

"Hmmm... and what kind of salary do you think that position should encompass?"

"Something more 'off the record'?"

Unlike with Bobby and I, I didn't wait for my Chase-baby to initiate a sexual response.

"Finished with your note taking?"

"Uh-huh. Why Brad?"

"Because I have a feeling my sandy notes are going to get obliterated!"

They swept into the rest of the beach, as I turned Chase-baby over onto his back, his right hand pressed into the flight number, my lips into his. My hairy chest ground into his light, wispy blond pecs. My hand found his cock getting rigid.

"What did Bill say about the flight?"

"Bobby, don't you ever think of knocking?"

As if opening a tin can, my body being the lid, I lifted my body up off of Chase-baby. Tony kicked sand in over my lover's gooey pubes.

"Should make you lick them off now, Tony!" I ventured to say, looking up at his grin.

"I came to return Bobby to you, Brad."

"Return him? It's not me he belongs to, Tony."

Tony and I looked at each other. Apparently Tony and Bobby had been given enough time to try to sort some things out. Most likely an understanding, much like Chase-baby's and mine, had transpired.

"More like we belong to each other and right now Bobby needs to talk with you. C'mon Chase, let me see about getting your pubes cleaned up?" Tony replied.

"Yeah, okay. To be continued, Brad?" Chase-baby said to me.

"That's a 'def'."

"Def?" Bobby questioned.

Chase-baby answered, "He's been hanging with Jordan and Kevin too much!"

"For real?" Bobby questioned, joking.

"Yeah, for real," Chase-baby replied.

Taking Tony's left hand in his right, the two walked away. Bobby and I stood there for a moment, capturing the memory of the two backs and two asses, walking into the sunset.

"Um, here's the flight schedule."

"Oh good. Put it in your pocket for now, Brad."

Would you believe that I actually went to put it in my dress shirt pocket?

"Um, dah, Bobby?"

Bobby laughed, replying, "Yeah, well we won't be seeing those types of clothing for awhile."

"Yeah, well I wish you would clue me into the business end of this venture, Bobby. You know, I don't even know what kind of business we're going into?"

"In good time, Brad. Right now we need to erase ourselves from this beach. C'mon, help me get the guys packed up and back to the cabin."

I had to admit it, Bobby seemed a bit changed. He didn't seek out anymore sexual advances for at least the next two or three hours.

Arriving back to the cabin, a slew of men, in clothes, assited us with taking care of the beach leftovers. None of us stood ashamed, being in the buff, while these fully clothed guys went about their business, taking care of the empty ice chest, volleyball net and beach remnants.

"C'mon, fellas. Pick out some clothes!"

I recognized that voice from my captivity at the Summit Hotel. It was none other than Bill Connklin, accompanied by the bumbling idiots!

"Isn't this nice! Shop at home service?"

"Yes," Bill replied to me. "And for your shopping pleasure, I've assigned to you these two valets, whom I think you already know!"

What goes around, comes around, somebody said and this had been the case with Greg and Gary. Simliar to the get up I wore on my first visit to Bobby's dungeon, they each donned a leather strap over their shoulders, around their bodies and coupled at their pubic region.

"Just for curiosity's sake, how old are you guys?"

Greg replied, after looking at Bill, who gave him ther okay, "Go ahead, you idiot! Answer your master!"

'My master'? I questioned. 'Hmm, this could prove fun!'

"I'm forty-three."

"And you?"

All it took this time, was two wiggling eyebrows, from Bill, to Gary.

"I'm thirty-seven."

"And are you two lovers?"

"We were," Gary replied, looking to Bill.

I kind of felt sorry for the two. Sure, they tied me down in bondage and tortured me, raped me and did all kinds of stuff, to humiliate me. However, breaking up a happy relationship, didn't make me feel like it constituted a reason for getting even. In fact, strangely, I didn't reckon any vengeful animosity for the two.

Perhaps Bill had been surprised as I had been by my question, "You didn't break these guys up over our little misunderstanding did you?"

"Misunderstanding, Brant?"

"Bradford's the name."

"Oh yes. Sorry 'bout that, but you mean you're willing to bury the hachet that fast? Why they didn't even get to apologize yet for beating you and raping your ass!"

"Yeah I know."

"We're sorry, Mr. Bigelow," Gary assured me, falling to his knees in front of me.

"Yeah, real sorry, Mr. Bigelow," Greg agreed, his knees lining up with Gary's.

"Hmm... "

I thought about it for awhile. Why not do some wheeling and dealing for myself here. Not solely myself, but the four of us, plus Gary and Greg. After all, it wasn't only me that found them to be a cute couple. Plus, in my own opinion, I felt compelled to 'rescue them'.

"You know, Bill?"

Leaving Gary and Greg on their knees, I took Bill by the shoulders, leading him away from the group. I layed some heavy, nonsensical words on him, which he perceived as good reasoning.

"I think the four of us, Bobby, Chase, Tony and myself, could stand to really enjoy ourselves on this holiday in Costa Rica."

"Yeah, so? What's your point, Braydon?"

"Bradford, and the point is that I'm thinking what a drain it would be on us to have to tote our own luggage to the airport, from the baggage, to the hotel, to even do the simplest chore, like run our baths or turn down the bed covers... that sort."

I was talking slave duties here and Bill smiled at all of my suggestions.

"I like your plan, Bradley."

"It's Bradford."

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that. By the way, like how you thought of bringing out the troops during the handling of Jason's loan shark."

"You like that, huh?"

"Yeah. I didn't know you knew Sam Waterford. How did you happen to meet up with him?"

"I'll have to let that part remain confidential, Bill."

"Yes, well. I guess we all have our secrets, Branford."


"Yes, well, I suppose you can handle these two?"

"Piece of cake. I'm sure with Bobby's input, they will have a splendid time with us."

"Um, they can wear their 'uniforms' under their clothing."

I suddenly had a chill, as a hand, the size of a grapeleaf encompassed my shoulder. Turning, I saw Kareem, all decked out in a Hawaiian shirt and in shorts.

"A little small for you bigboy?" I said, sticking my finger in between the last button on his shirt and waistline, poking it into his deep bellyhole, fur-lined with kinky black hair.

"Heee heee heeee.. hey stop it, Brad. That tickles! Bobby says it's time to load up the sardines into the cans!"

Turning, I saw that all the guys had resembled a bunch of toursits, decked out in brightly colored shirts, looking like a rainforest. That is, except me. Even Greg and Gary had the proper traveling attire. Of course, I heard the slew of joking and ribbing from the guys, as I returned to the group, ready to roll.

"Will you look at Bradford," Frank joked, "he's not even on the plane and he's thinking of seducing some young, hot flight attendant!"

Paco Gonzales, Jeff Malone's more outspoken other half, quipped, "Firm it up Brad. I'm sure you'll want your flightboy to ride in pleasure, all the way to Costa Rica!"

If Bill Connklin felt 'had', over my deal, he didn't mention anything. We departed the little cabin, in a convoy of black limos, without any luggage, except for the clothing on our bodies. Greg and Gary didn't talk much, other than when spoken to. Of course, it was Bobby doing all the taking to them.

"Hey, guys, why don't you give us a little show?"

"Oh, leave them alone, Bobby," Tony told him.

"I think a little show would be kind of fun!" I burst out, on Bobby's behalf.

Chase-baby sided with Tony, however.

"You guys are no fun," I complained.

"Was it fun when they humiliated you, Bradford?" Chase-baby asked me.

I had to think on it for a minute. Sure, some of the time I was scared shit, however, it came to me that a lot of the time, I enjoyed the experience I had at the Summit Hotel. I'm not sure I wanted to make that public, so kept it cool.

"So, what do we do when we get off the plain in Costa Rica, Bobby?" Tony asked.

"Go to our hotel, chill out, eat a five course dinner, swim, fuck around with each other."

We couldn't help but laugh, as Greg asks, "Does that include us?"

"Tell you what I'm going to with you two," Bobby informed as all, as if beginning to lay an idea on listening ears, called at a board meeting, "when the plane sets foot on Costa Rican soil, you have two choices."

"What's that?" Gary inquired, not so sure of Bobby's motives.

Hey, none of us could be sure of Bobby's surprises!

"You can either disappear into the jumgle and fend for yourselves, or we can forget all that is past and you two come be a part of our team."

"Your team Bobby?" Gary inquired. "And who's on your team?"

"I'm talking business, boys. Mr. Bigelow here, for one."

They both looked at me.

Gary states, "Well already we have something against us."

"You know, I can't speak for Mr. Bigelow here. You'll have to work out your differences with him, but I'm willing to wipe the slate clean, as long as you boys stay up front with me, from now on."

The two looked from Bobby, then trained their eyes on me.

Bobby then suggested, "Bradford," resulting to the formal, "when we get on the plane, why don't you take Gary and Greg into one of the private rooms and see if you three can't 'hammer out' your differences?"

I liked how he used his choice of words. In reality, when in the room, I did have an inkling to fuck Greg's ass. 'Hammering out' our differences might be fun, but I think I needed a 'mediator'.

"Sure, I think with you're input, Bobby, I could do that."


Chase-baby and Tony, who sat there, holding their own conversation, sipping their drinks, obviously had eavesdropped.

Tony added, "Sure, Bobby. You're not going to let your business partner down when he needs your help, are you?"

I wondered if Chase-baby and Tony already knew by what means we would be handling this situation?

By Bobby's response, "Yeah, sure. I'd be happy to assist Brad with handling this situation."

Bobby readjusted his package, as a gesture. Tony and Chase-baby smiled.



Copyright 2005 T. Luke McPhee All Rights Reserved.

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