Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Sep 26, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas,in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story.Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 15 written By Bradford Dean Bigelow


Silence prevailed, except some bits and pieces of chatter that I could heard from the jon. About ten times, I made out the word, 'torture', four or five times, the words, 'balls, nips, ass' and an occasional reference to 'remember, Bobby said not too fuck with his balls, too much'.

I soon realized that this wasn't going to be any roleplaying sesson, as Bobby and I played. This was real life. Neither Bobby, nor Frank would be my knight in shining armor, coming along and stopping the action, if it got too unbearable. At least, this is how I thought it would go. These two men didn't mean anything to me and vice versa. They could care less if I kicked up my heels and screamed my lungs out.

I then realized they had returned, when the older of the two, the one whom seemed to be calling the shots, said, "Let's start with the hoses."

Scared beyond description I had been, but at the mention of 'hoses' made my cock twitch, a slight grind with my torso. What could I be thinking of? Here I was, with leather cuffs restraining my limbs to the bed of a refined hotel, downtown and almost ready to receive a brutal beating and my cock betrayed me that I shouldn't be scared shitless!

"Go ahead. You first, Greg."

I braced myself for the worst beating of my life. I'm not sure of how it was going to affect me. This previous weekend, I had the taste of leather straps used on me, licking at my back and now hoses, being of whatever substance, readying to be used to beat me.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhakkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" I screamed out, as Greg's weapon beat me across my asscheeks.

"What're you holding back for Greg? Bobby said to teach him a lesson!"

"I wasn't holding back, Gary."

"Yeah, okay, Greg. Let me show you how to do it."

I saw stars, as Gary's hose hit me more on an angle. Oh man did my ass burn!

"Top that, Greg?"

"Easy, Gary."

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkooooooohhhoooooh!" I screamed out, grinding my cock into the bed, seemingly feeling pleasure.

"Hmmmmmm... not bad, but seems like you're still holding back, Greg."


From there on, they beat my ass, making comments that didn't coincide with the whipping action.

"Yeah, that's better, Greg... yeah, harder!"

They alternated the swinging of their hoses, til my ass was on fire. I had tears in my eyes from the soreness I felt. I hadn't cried since I was a young teen and now my eyes felt like a cloudburst.

"Enough! I've had.....akkkkkkkkk...enough!" I cried out.

Their only pitiful response was, "We're calling the shots here, boy!"

I was afraid of that. It became obvious to me that Bobby wasn't going to come in and rescue me. Also, was all this fuss about punishing me worth my love for Chase? How could I even suggest a thing to myself? Of course it was. In fact, I started to feel for myself. Not in the kind of feelings that what I did was okay. I resigned to the fact that whatever Gary and Greg dished out, I had coming to me.

"Feel good boy?"

I wasn't paying attention. They made me pay attention!


"We asked you a question boy!" Gary questioned me, after Greg gave the whip of his hose across my asscheeks.

"Yes... It feels good!" I shouted out.

I hadn't even been dwelling on it, but after saying it, realized that my cock responded. I wondered if I had given the correct response.

"Not exactly what we looked for," Gary confirmed my doubt about my response.

"Sounds like we can have more fun than what Bobby clued us into, Gary!"

"I'm with you on that one, Greg. C'mon, let's turn him over."

"Hell yeah.. Time to work over those globes!"

"Have your fun, Greg. I'm zeroing in on those hot nips!"

Even my ass, lying on the soft comforter, burned, as they flipped me over, retying my arms and legs.

"Think I need a fuck first."

"Yeah, could use a blow job, now that you mention it, Greg."

'Fuck?' Okay, a blow job was one thing, but a stranger fucking my ass?

Sure enough, my ankles had been released. Greg kneeled between my legs. I couldn't see anything, as I parted my lips for Gary's cock, letting him slide in on in for the blowjob. His precum had already made my mouth salty and it did agree with my tastebuds. However, I wasn't supposed to be enjoying this. I didn't know how big Greg was, but only the tip of his cock entering my asshole made me squirm with delight.

"Shove it, Greg!"

A muffled cry filled the room as his cockmeat filled my ass, all at once.

"Tight, Greg?"

"Yeah. Real tight. This is going to be one hot fuck, Gary."

"I can't wait."

"Take your time working your cock up and down his throat. I'm planning on a nice, long hot fuck here."

I never swallowed a cock before, but Gary coaxed me every inch of the way, until his hairy pubes buried my nose in his manscent. His full balls slapped up against my chin. I don't know what period of time passed, but it seemed like hours that Greg's cock massaged my prostrate, as Gary massaged my throat. At the same time, Gary's hands reached behind his own ass, until his fingers and thumbs detected my nips, nestled in my hairy pecs.

"Ooooh yeah. We got ourselves some hot nubs here to workover," Gary said of my nips.

If I hadn't swallowed his cock, I would have surely done the polite thing and thanked Gary for the compliment, however I think his rod sensed the appreciation, as my subtle vocal cords vibrated with enthsiasm.

"Greg, I gotta fuck him."

"Yeah, okay. I hear ya, Gary."

It's at this moment, that Greg sped up the action. Ten minutes later he pulled out and shot his pentup load onto my pubes and stomach. Quickly, he pulled out and Gary filled my ass with his meat.

While Gary worked my ass over with his meat, which seemed to be wider and longer than Greg's, Greg busied himself with another project. I could have sworn other men had been present, in the room, but with my legs almost doubling my body in half and Gary slowly pumping his meat in and out of my ass, I couldn't see the commotion.

Soon, Greg appeared before us both, slapping Gary on the back, saying, "C'mon Gary, speed it up. I have the urge to do some hot cock and ball torture!"

Gary says, along with the in and out action, fondling my nips, "Yeah and it looks like these could be some fun, too. C'mon... move outta my way man. He's gonna eat this load!"

Greg removed himself from the bed. Gary pulls out of my ass, as I sighed. Suddenly that empty feeling grabbed me as a downer. However, in two minutes, Gary's steaming load shooting down into my belly, compensated for it.

"Real slut, isn't he?"

"Yeah. Maybe we should call back the boys and fill his gut."

"Plenty of time for that, Gary. C'mon, let's reposition his ass!"

I didn't even notice, as Gary switched from fucking my ass, to sending his big load down into my stomach. As they lifted me from the bed, straight ahead of me, stood a large X-frame. They placed me on it, my back to the wood, then stretched my arms up and out, fastening them to the two hooks. They proceeded to do the same to my ankles.

"Remember what Bobby said about his balls, Greg."

"Hey, you think I'm going to chance crossing Bobby, Gary?"

"Just reminding you, Greg. That's all, because I care about you."

"Mmmmm.... I know you do, Gary."

Right in front of me, the two nude tormentors hug and kiss. They take their time at it, too. As I already sensed it, Greg had to be around forty, maybe forty-two, at the most. Gary, on the other hand, seemed about mid thirties.

No choice, but to stand there, on these little wooden ledges, not that my body was about to slip and fall, I stood there, eagle-spread, watching these two make love to each other. If some innocent lip-locking wasn't enough, the two began getting romantic and stretched out in the bed, mashing their bodies together.

How so I missed being with my Chase-baby, wondering how I ever got myself into this predicament. Oh well, I thought, this is the last time I'll think about doing sex with another guy. From now on, I'm sticking with the man I've got and the hell with the rest of the world.

At least it wasn't totally boring, spread-eagled, watching the two make love to each other. Even though my abs and ass ached, my eyes feasted now, on the two rolling over and over in the bed. At times they switched places, '69'-ing each other.

"Gonna cum, Greg," Gary announced.

Greg informed him, "Not there, you're not!"

Right away, Greg up rights himself and gets into a doggie position.

Gary, sighing, "Hell yeah," hovers above him, starting to feed his cock into Greg's shoot. He comments openly, "Oooooh yeah.. fuckin' hot... hotter than the bitch's ass... ooooh yeah!"

Maybe he didn't think my ass was hot enough for his cock, but the way Gary pounded away at Greg's ass, didn't seem any different. Like me, his sweat poured off of him, instead onto Greg's back, instead of my chest, stomach and in my face. Both grunted and groaned, on the giving and receiving ends. I actually became astonished, as Greg began taking the light beating of Gary's hands, slapping his ass, or the sides of his body, as Gary fucked away at him. Regardless of what I would be feeling, my cock, at the moment, took in the erotic action and translated it into pure pleasure. I also began getting hunger pangs, watching Gary's slim, hairy ass crease. My tongue wanted to get some action, burying it deep inside, delivering it's massaging pleasure, around the assrim. Several times I looked down, upon myself, wanting to jerkoff my own cock, but it did a good job of siphoning off my balljuice, all on it's own.

I tried to sense if they really had been lovers. When Gary came, he pulled out, exclaiming, "Quick! Where do you want it, Greg?"

Greg spilled over, onto his back, murmuring, "On my stomach, man!"

Gary knelt beside him and almost simultaneously the two came, filling Greg's stomach with their rather large loads.

"Ohhh fuck........ooooh fuuuuuuuuuck... ooooh fuckin' yeah!" Gary called out, leaning his pubic area in, to shoot his load, other hand on his thigh, back arched, head thrown back and eyes squinting shut.

"Do me, man!' Greg called out.

Without even looking, like he's done it millions of times over, Gary's hand found Greg's cock and he stroked it into shooting a thick rope, hitting his own tip of his shaft and then petering out, after seven or eight ropes shot into the air.

I suspected that Gary would then fall over onto Greg, but that didn't happen.

"Ooooh man was that fuckin' good!" Gary called out.

"Yeah, now feed me, man."

"Yeah, okay, then we gotta get workin' on the next set."

My first assumption proved correct, as Gary began using his fingers to feed both spent loads to Greg. He licked Gary's fingers clean after each scoop into his mouth.

"Aaaaaah man does that taste good, Gary."

"Should really be feeding it to him," Gary said, referencing a scoop of cum in my direction.

"He'll get his load later," Greg asserted.

"Yeah... here, you eat what you want. I'm gonna get started on his nips."

"Nah. I've had my fill. I want to start working those balls."

I thought, 'Here it comes'. Now that I've had my pleasure of watching probably the hottest fuck, hotter than any porn film, occur right before my eyes, live, now it was back to suffering time.

"Why don't you help me workover his nips, Greg?"

"Yeah, okay Gary. First, let me put a teaser on those balls."

"Sure, no problem, Greg. I'll get the chains ready."

These guys sure knew what they were doing. Greg went for the ball parachute, cuffing it around my globes. He cinched it shut, a slight discomfort to strangling the area between the base of my cock and above my sacs.

"Man, what a shame we can't take these balls to the limits, Gary."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I wonder why Bobby is being so soft on this guy?"

"Must mean something to him, I guess. I mean, he wouldn't even let me whip these hot balls."

"At least he said no mercy for these hot nips."

"No mercy?" The first words I spoke other than protesting the over all treatment.

"Better gag him, Gary."

"Yeah, you're right, Greg. This could get intense."

'Intense?' I thought. I wondered how intense 'intense' would be. I've had my nips clamped, with wide, rubber coated clips, tension screws completely unwound and it felt hot. I've had my nips whipped with both leather straps and more recently, a flogger. I've had them coated with hot wax and still they've needed more punishment, but I wondered what both Gary's definition or 'intense' meant and Bobby's idea of 'no limits'. Then I began to have second thoughts, altogether. Before I was gagged, I figured I better let it known.

"Um, I think I know what this is about, guys and if it's all the same, I think I should forgo the rest, so can we call some time out and get Bobby back here?"

"Here that, Gary? Forgo the rest?"

"Yeah. Real comedian we've got here."

"Time out... real funny, guy... real funny," Greg further humiliated me.

"Hee heee... yeah, guess he didn't get the message that he's not going to be seeing Bobby until tomorrow."

'Tomorrow'! I exclaimed inside.

"Tomorrow?" I said outloud, closing my jaw that I left open.

"Yeah, I agree Greg. I'll get the gag."

"Yeah, don't want to rile up the guests when we start torturing him."

As Gary popped the ball gag in my mouth, me so willingly, which I question to this day, he asked Greg, "Hey, I wonder if Bill is on the desk?"

"I don't know, Gary. I know he would want to come up and have some fun with us, but Bobby was being very specific about this Bradford guy."

"Yeah, you're right, Greg."

"But, why don't you give him a call and see if he can line up a couple of boys for later?"

"Hell yeah, Greg!"

"Hey, you don't taste bad!" I heard Greg say, after he licked my cockhead.

Of course it drove me insane, him handling my balls, taking the bulging orbs, in my sacs and licking them, then tasting my swelling shaft.

Greg broke off his sweet lovemaking to my cock and balls, to ask Gary, "What'd he say?"

"He says to leave the cross intact and the equipment. He's got a couple of college jock wannabees for the weekend."

"Hot! Did he tell you we can get in on the action?"

"Yeah, but we owe him one and you know what that means, Gary."

"Hey, told you before Gary. If it's gotta be one of us, I don't mind taking the heat," Greg replied.

"Cool! You're the best, Greg!"

Then I had to put up with more of the kissing and hugging stuff and right in front of me! It didn't last too long, as they then turned their attention to me.

"Cool! He's sure a frisky one!" Gary commented, taking my already hard shaft in his hand and keeping it firm.

"Yeah, well Bobby says he's new to s&m, so to take it easy."

"Not for his nips. Here, have a strap, Gary and let's work'em over!"

I braced myself. Of course, they started out lightly, which felt highly erotic. The feeling of the light sting on my nips, shot right to my cock.

"Hey, Greg, didn't you forget something?"

"Huh? What, Gary?"

"The weights on his balls?"

"Oh shit, yeah! Good thing you reminded me!"

"Go ahead, Greg. I'm wait."

In all of this, there was some humor. As Greg bent over, to get the weights out of the bag, Gary swatted him on the ass with the strap, giggling.

"Owwwch! Hey!"

Gary giggled some more, saying, "Plenty more from where that came from, Greg!"

"Yeah, well later, okay. You're starting to get me horned up!"

As he stood, Gary added, "Might even want to throw you on the cross later, Greg!"

"Hey, hop right up there for you!"

That disgusting kissing stuff again! Geesh! Why don't they just get on with the torture!

At least the interesting happened. I got a better picture of Gary and Greg and what they meant to each other. Apparently, lovers, but with a different quirk to their relationship.

"Guess what, Gary?"

"What, Greg?"

"I don't think I can wait til later."

"Figured so. Why don't you get that ass over the bed?"

"Hot! Hey, got a better idea."

"What's that, Greg?"

"The ropes are still there. Why don't you tie me down?"

"No wonder I like you so much, Greg!"

"Like Gary? Now you've gone and hurt my feelings!"

All the time Gary tied Greg's arms down to the bed, then ankles, I watched the nauseating act of kissing. The worst part is that Gary, whom I thought to be a total top, tossed the strap onto Greg's back, parted his ass and licked it; tongue fucked it, before picking up the strap.

"You are so fuckin' hot, Gary. Now don't hold back. Give it to me hot and heavy!"

"Oooh don't you worry about that, Greg. You've got me so horned up! I'm laying it on thick... real thick!"

Better him than me, I thought.

The first few lashes of the strap across Greg's ass came paced.

"Feel good, Greg?"

"You fuckin' know it does, 'cept what're you holding back for?"

I saw Gary's huge grin, as he held the strap, doubled way back and brought it, as tough as he could muster up, up and over his head and cracked it across Greg's asscheeeks.

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooohhhfuckin' yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

The reddest welt appeared, kissing from one side of Greg's ass, to the other.

"Another one comin' atcha!"

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" Greg screamed out, concluding with, "Oooh fuck yeah!"

Then Gary let loose, bringing his strap down across Greg's ass, battering the red mounds until they almost shone, like glowing coals.

"Ooooooh fuck yeah... oooh do my back, Gary?"

"Greg, are you forgetting why we're here?"

I actually heard Greg whimper.

"C'mon, there's plenty of time for this tomorrow, unless you would rather have the strap in Bobby's hand and not mine!"

"Fuck that stuff, Gary. It's no fun unless you're whipping me!"

"Then come on. Let's get this guy broken and done with, then we can have our fun."

'Broken'? A new word added to my vocabulary. Out to break me, huh? What did they want to hear me say? With this ball gag in my mouth, I had little chance of saying much, that's for damn sure!

"Oh shit, Greg! Look what you've gone and done!"

"Oooh, Gary, come on. Don't waste it on his ass?"

Thoughts of Chase-baby flooded my mind. Here, Greg pleaded with Gary, to get his way, just like I did with my Chase-baby. I must've looked pathetic, same as Greg looked, pleading Gary to fuck his ass.

"I've prepared your damn ass! I might as well finish it off.. Okay, Greg. get that ass high in the air!"

I wondered how long these guys have been together. Like clockwork, Greg kneeled on the bed, slumped his shoulders down and situated his knees to the perfect height of acceptance. Gary followed suit, on his knees, perfect height for penetration. Greg arched his back, upon entry, Gary lifting himself up, to increase the pumping action. Both sweated like hogs, as the in and out motion progressed.

Almost like 'deja vu', Gary asked Greg, "Where do you want it?"

Greg replied, "Oooooh, just fill my ass, Gary!"

That was a switch. Or rather, it wasn't, as Gary shortly pumped his guts into Greg's asschute. Falling over on his side, and unplugging Greg's ass canal, Gary went to work stroking Greg off. They both cheered, as Greg's protein ropes shot into the air. Instead of rising up for my torture though, they remained glued to each other, as if physically exhausted and resting. I think they were physically exhausted and resting!

Gary said, "Hoooo.. I'm physically exhausted, Greg!"

"That's okay. We've got plenty of time to torture this guy, Gary. Rest."


So, there I hung there on that X-frame, eagle-spread, strangled balls and waiting for my imminent torture to commence, to break my will in whatever that I hadn't an inkling of method and watching two unlikely lovers sleep off their recent orgasm. I wished at this moment that I was at home, in my own bed, with my Chase-baby, my arms around him and treating him nice, like Greg treated Gary. My cock deflated. I could feel it sagging down, resting on the ball parachute. To bat, my nips weren't feeling anything, except for an occasional wisp of air. I was an unhappy camper!

Rude awakening, as my morning dream turned into a nightmare.

"Wake up, boy!"

"Akkkkkkkkkkk!" I screamed out, at the doubled strap being swung into my balls.

"That got his attention, Gary!"

"Yeah, sure did, didn't it, Greg?"

"Wish my ass was getting that attention!"

"Hey, don't start Greg. You're ass got plenty of attention last night!"

"Yeah, but it missed it's morning attention, Gary. You're not going to go and deprieve me of my morning protein are you?"

"Oh man are you so fuckin' persuasive, Greg! Alright. Get that ass on the bed!"

'Was it morning'? I thought. I couldn't tell, with the shades drawn so tightly shut. The only light in the room was the light coming from the ceiling fixture and the table lamps, now to each side of the fucking scene, unraveling before me. I was quickly losing all interest in the pain game.

"Oh come on, Gary."

"Stop your whining bitch attitude, Greg. Y'know that Bobby's going to be here soon and we haven't even tortured this boy!"

"Who's more important, Gary? Me or that boy?"

"Greg, you kill me, you know that... Okay, but I'm not holding back this time.. Your ass is really going to feel the heat!"

I yawned behind the ball gag. This was now getting monotonous, watching Gary beat the living daylights out of Greg's ass. I could almost give a play by play detail of their fucking action.

Halfway throught 'the fuck', the three of us hear, "Gary? Greg? You still here?"

"Uh-oh!" Gary called out.

"It's Bobby!" Greg says, as Gary pops out of his ass.

"Told ya, Greg. Now we're in a fuckin' mess!"

The two scrambled to their feet.

"We're in here, Bobby!"

I found myself laughing, behind the gag, at the two pathetic individuals, scrambling out of the bed, Greg doing a 'beddance', screwing his ass against the spread, like making it spit-shiny clean. Although, it was kind of gross to watch Gary clean Greg's ass juices off, using my dress shirt. It was torn anyway, but still... it was mine and now it had all this slimey ass ooze all over it.

"Good morning Bradford!" Bobby addressed me, smiling, as he was all dressed to go work.

Of course, I was ball gagged and couldn't respond.

"So, what did you get out of our executive here, boys?"

"Um," Gary figeted for words, "he's real sorry for what he done to his mate."

"He is, is he. Suppose he confessed that through the ball gag?"

"Um," Greg fluffed, "it was before we put it in. Yeah, when we tortured his balls, he started singing like a lark!"

Bobby bent over in front of me and picked up the hanging end of the ball parachute.

"I can see why. Must've been in mortal pain, with all this weight hanging from his balls," Bobby replied sarcastically, viewing the weightless ball parachute..

"Yeah, well it was way too much weight for his balls, so I took them off."

"You Greg? Showing mercy? Don't shit me!"

They weren't doing a very good job of putting over what they should have been doing all night, torturing the hell out of me, to Bobby and he wasn't buying it.

"And you say that he's all repented?"

"Sure Bobby. He was just saying, before we had to shut him up, how he wishes he was home," Gary stated.

Greg confirmed, "Yeah, he wishes he was with his own mate."

"He did, did he?"


"And what's his mate's name?"

Gary, standing next to Bobby replies, "Um, I forget. What was it, Greg? Ughhhhhhhh! Oooh shit!"

"That refresh your memory any, Gary?" Bobby asks, after his fist connects with Gary's balls.

"Oooooh shit, Bobby!" Greg calls out. "You alright, Gary?"

"Oh fuck... Bobby just damn busted my balls!"

Bobby went right on with the interrogation, as if nothing happened.

"These nips don't even look touched! What have you two been doing? Fuckin' around all night?"

If he only knew!

"Just goes to show you... if you want a job done, you've gotta do it yourself!"

Bobby was taking his jacket off. He spotted the weights on the floor, picked them up and attached them to the ball parachute. I felt a dull ache as he dropped them. Wasn't as bad as I thought. I almost died though, when half his body took up the inside of the duffle bag.

He called out, "You guys have any pliers in here?"

"Oh, they're in there, Bobby."

Dropping the bag, he ordered, "Find them!"

Greg searched through the bag.

"Dammit, Gary, you let me down. I figured you would have Bradford all loosened up for me. You know this is going to look bad for you?"

"Hey, we got a little carried away with our relationship, Bobby. Maybe we can make it up to you?"

"For damn sure you're not getting any money out of me and to hell with referring you to anybody else."

"This mean you're not going to use us for your torture parties anymore, Bobby?"

"Hmm... you might be able to redeem yourselves yet. Got a friend that needs an older boy, while he's off for the week."

"Greg too old for him?"

"I'd say he's the right age. C'mon Greg, what's the hold up?"

"I think we forgot to pack them, Bobby."

"You two are worthless! Got any alligator clamps?"

"Oh sure. Got them for sure. Well, I thought for sure."

"Never mind. How about a couple of candles?"

"I think we forgot all of our nip torture stuff."

"This doesn't look good at all, Gary."

"Sorry, Bobby."

"Alright. Take him down. Man, I'm really disappointed in you guys, you know that?"

"I know Bobby. You don't have to pay us and if your friend needs Greg for the week, he can have him, right Greg?"

"Sure. No problem. In fact, tell him he can have me with no limits."

"I fully intended on that, Greg."

"So, what are you going to do about your boy, Bobby?"

"You two assured me he's broken. I'm about to find out if you're good at your word or if I don't want to have anything to do with you again!"

I had to admit that the two thoroughly entertained me. I mean, with Greg getting his ass fucked three times, and in full view, it was some torture, to keep from joining in. Plus, it reminded me of what fun I couldv'e been having all night with my Chase-baby.

"Ooooooh," I sighed, after being pinned eagle-spread all night, to that X-frame.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself, Bradford?"


I looked at Greg and Gary. They too hoped on some encouraging news. I could see it in their wanting looks. Even though they worked me over, I liked the guys. They were cute.

"Well, for one thing, they're really too rough for me, that is if I chose to play. You're much more civilised, Bobby."

"Yeah...yeah.. what about the 'other' part?"

"Okay, so I wish I was home last night with my Chase," I left off the intimate part, "I missed him. I'm sorry I even thought of cheating on him. Man, what a blockhead I am."

"That.. I already know!"


From outside the door, appeared my knight in shining armour! I couldn't hold myself back from hugging him. Taking him in my arms and squeezing the love out of him.

"I love you so much and I'm so sorry for what I did."

It's the first time in my life that I can say that I've ever apologized to anyone, with that reasoning in mind. It felt good saying it to Chase-baby.

"I hope you did learn something, Bradford."

"I did Chase-baby and another thing."

"What's that, Brad?"

"I like playing with all this s&m stuff, but not really for real playing."

"Lucky for you, that they forgot half of their toys," Bobby stressed.

"Hey, Gaaaary!"

"It's Bill!" Greg says.

"In here, Bill."

"Hey, which one of you guys left your toybag sitting in the lobby? Heeey look who's here. I didn't know you were at the hotel, Bobby! Long time, no see!"

Now, here was a man that meant something to Bobby, sweeping him up in his arms and giving him a long hug.

"Nice to see you too, Bill. Only wish it was under better circumstances."

"Why? The Summit displease you about something? An employee? Point him out and he's your's, Bobby."

"Employees, yes. Summit, no. These two dimwits just botched up a scene for me."

"Hmmm, this the boy you had worked over? Nice meat."

How proud I was of my Chase-baby, as he swatted Bill's hand from squeezing my nip. I didn't care that I didn't get it squeezed. I'd much preferred my sweetee squeezing it anyways.

"Ahem.. yes, so what do you want to have done, Bobby? I mean, how can I help you out of this predicament these two are in?"

"Do you know Al Grogan?"

"Head honcho at Visual Tech?"

"That's him. He was looking for a boy to use for the week. I figured I'd set him up with Greg here, since they owe me now."

"Hmm, if you don't mind Bobby, I think I have some better class of meat for Al."

"Yeah? What did you have in mind?"

"Couple of college jocks."

"Al would love that. How much, Bill?"

"I'll take care of the fee, if you throw Gary and Greg in here, as part of the deal."

Gary and Greg protested, to no end, but after Bobby began laying the hard luck story on them once again, they conceeded, giving in to being Bill's 'guests' for the week.

"Ah, strip off your shirt and give it to Brad, Greg?"

"My shirt?"

"Let me rephrase that, Greg," Bobby said, getting more dominant, "Get the fuckin' shirt off and give it to Bradford, asshole!"


I really didn't know how I felt about Bobby. I didn't want to lash out and hit him, but I did sense some kind of animosity.

"You're not mad at Bobby, are you Brad?"

"Yeah, I am... kind of. He had a lot of nerve meddling in our affairs."

"Oh? And do you call protecting friends, part of that?"

"Protecting? A friend? If Gary and Greg hadn't left their toy bag in the lobby of the Summit, then I'd be singing a different tune!"

I didn't mean to be funny, as Chase-baby smirked.

"Y'know Brad, your real, true friends are sometimes willing to wound you, in order to help you?"

"How do you mean that, Chase-baby?"

"In your line of work, you must've come across people, who have complimented you dozens of times, patronizing you."

"Well, yes matter of factly."

"That's how some people are. That's all they know how to be, but think about Bobby, Brad."


"He doesn't always flatter you. He doesn't always tell you what you want to hear."

"Like lots of times, dah!"

"Well, Bobby does this because he loves you, Bradford."

"Loves me? He almost got me full fledged tortured!"

"Oh get off it Bradford. Do you think Bobby would let things go that far? I mean, look whom he picked to torture you? Do you think those bumbling idiots could do damage?"

"I did think they had been kind of a cute couple."


"Well, when they weren't torturing me. When it comes down to it, I don't think they had been much different than you and I Chase-baby."

"Okay, I can accept that, but what about Bobby?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, why would Bobby even look out for me, with this merger and everything, if he didn't care?"

"That's right. Everyone needs to be close to someone whom fills their lives with hard questions. A faithful friend will ask those hard questions and not be satisfied until he gets them."

"Wow! I think you have Bobby pegged to the T, Chase-baby."

"Why do you think it's ' T '. Chase McPhee?"

My Chase-baby broke the ice for us, as we swung into the condo parking lot. I probably looked strange, walking into the condo block, if anyone saw me, with my dress suit, rounded out with Greg's 'Kiss me, I'm Irish' tee shirt on. It wasn't part of my heritage!



Copyright 2005 Bradford D. Bigelow All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 16

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