Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Sep 22, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 12 written By Bradford Dean Bigelow


Bobby, Tony, Chase and I reprted to the parking lot, for the third trek, from Frank's SUV, to 8-3.

"Who's that guy talking with Frank and Kareem?" I asked neither of the three, in particular.

Each returned with a nada.

It wasn't til we got closer, that we saw Jeff Malone, from 8-7, bending over, studying the bumper of Frank's SUV.

"Oh, hi there guys. Hey, this is Paco Gonzales," Jeff straightened up, at the sight of us.

We looked at each other, then over to Bobby, who seemed to be the one whom knew about everyone else's business. He shrugged his shoulders. Doing our cordial thing, each of us introduced ourselves to Paco.

Chase asks, "You're not 'thee' Paco Gonzales, are you?"

"He is," Jeff fills us in.

Next to pick up on it, Bobby states, "I wasn't sure of the connection, but now that Jeff mentions it, I find your work highly erotic, Paco."

"Thank you, Bobby. Which one of my works appeals to you the most?"

Frank became the overseer, as Bobby stood there chatting with Paco. I didn't even know who the guy was, until Chase filled me in, as we carried stuff from the SUV.

"Works? I thought he was an artist or something, the way Bobby commented to him, Chase-baby."

"An architect is an artist. His medium starts out on a pallette of sorts."

"I guess your right. Oooops!"

"I got it! I got it!" Chase exclaimed.

The carton I carried began to loose it's bottom. Chase rushed in, ahead of me, wrapping one hand over the top and grabbing the bottom of the cardboard container.

"Mmmmmm... feels nice!"

"Hmm.. don't know about you Brad. Bet if I let go, whatever's in here is going to break and then I'll have to turn you over to Frank for disciplining!"

"You better let the box slide down to hide my erection, Chase-baby!"

"Oh? Is that from Frank or me?"

Of course, my Chase-baby's hand wedged in against my stomach, almost digging down the front of my jeans, rather than clutching the carton, made me react, but I couldn't discount the usage of his erotic words either, as the cause.

"Hmmm... both," I replied truthfully.

With one hefty lift, Chase had the box out of my arms and into his. Kareemed happened by.

"Here, Bradford!"

Depositing his box in my arms, he quickly snatched Chase's load, his massive arms clutching the crumbling carton up in a heap.

"Oooh, thanks Kareem."

"No sweat, Chase."

Much to both of our's wonderment, he also took back the carton he handed me and then like running down the basketball court, bounded for the entrance to 8-3.

"Wired up isn't he, Chase-baby?"

"From what I've heard."

"Heard? From whom?"


"Oh? Hmm... you overseers standing around talking?"

"Hee heee... yeah. This morning, as you, Tony and Kareem hauled stuff in, Frank, Bobby and I talked about setting up house."

"Oh? And what transpired?"

"Frank couldn't shut up about Kareem. All he could talk about is how Kareem this and Kareem that..."

"Like what?" I inquired of my Chase-baby, as we stood inside the atrium of bottom floor of the condo complex, resting on one of the provided benches.

"The works, as I hear it. From their first night together, Frank talked up how sensuous Kareem could be, in the shower, pampering him as they dried off, fuckin' reversed their roles, telling Frank to lie down in the bed, as Kareem took over working his body over with his hot tongue. And if that wasn't enough, Frank cut to the finale, telling Bobby and I what a sweet pleasure it is fucking Kareem's tight ass."

"Hmm... Wonder what Kareem thinks?"

"Hey, you don't see him dragging the stuff up to his condo, complaining, do you Brad?"

"No. Ooooooh look who's here.."

"Killer! Come back here!" Jordan, from 8-2, called out.

"He's okay," I told the twenty-three year old, who reached down to grab the little black, toy poodle, as I petted him, sitting right next to my ankle.

"I know, but I'm trying to train Killer. Who's moving out?"

"Nobody," I replied.

Chase-baby further explained, "Kareem's getting a new roommate or rather a lover."

"Kareem? What happened to Akendo?"

"He and Ian Morrison are moving out to the coast," I told Jordan.

"Figured so. Those two looked like they would hit it off, plus I think it's good for Mr. Morrison."

Jordan wasn't the only one that called David Morrison, mister. Most of the guys, in their twenties, including myself, called the 38yo old father that. Even though half of the odd couple in 8-4, James Worthington, who is fifty-one, opposed to his partner, 37yo Adam Provo, we called James or Jim, but with Mr. Morrison, having a son seemed to give him more respectful status. Maybe that would melt away, now that Ian had moved out. Then again, with the moving in of Mr. Morrison's new tenants, a 19yo and 20 yo, Kirk Trudeau and his brother Lance, who knows!

"So, what are you and Kevin up to today, Jordan?" My Chase-baby inquired.

"Oh, kicking around I guess. Our friends invited us to go down to the shore, but... well, with Killer, we find that we have to draw the line."

"Draw the line, Jordan?"

"Yeah. We can't take Killer with us and at the same time can't really afford a kennel. However, Kevin and I both agreed that we wouldn't want to make the choice of leaving Killer at some strange place. Know what I mean?"

"Sure," Chase replied, "it's like leaving Bradford here with some strangers while going away to a convention. I know the feeling."

"Me too," I smiled back at my Chase-baby.

Nice of my Chase-baby to leave me in the caring hands of Tony and Bobby. My cock had a blast!

"We can take care of Killer anytime you want to go away though, Jordan."

How nice, cordial, loving, caring, extending my Chase-baby can be, to offer such a friendly gesture.

"Are you for real, Chase?"

"Sure, Jordan. In fact, if you two still want to go along to your friends outing, I'm sure Bradford won't mind feeding and walking Killer."

"For real, guys?" Jordan replied, ecstatic.

Nice of my Chase-baby to pin the responsibility on me, but I would be glad to do it. Killer was a cute little pup, even though Jordan was cuter!

"That is if you can trust us, Jordan."

"Oh, I trust you Chase. Um, you will feed Killer on time, Brad, wouldn't you?"

"So, you trust Chase, but what about me, Jordan?"

"Oooh, I trust you too, Brad."

"I know you do, Jordan."

"Wait til I tell Kev. Okay, you guys going to be around?"

"In between the car and here, yes."

"Cool! Be right back!"

Taking Killer in his arms, we watched Jordan's buns rush away, as he headed for 8-2, swing open the door and then disappear inside. Before we made it to the glass doors, Kevin and Jordan, Killer still in his arms, bounded from 8-2.

"Are you guys for real?" Kevin shouted at us.

I don't know why my Chase-baby got a hug from Kevin, buff from the neck down, in his jeans and I got only a handshake. Must be seniority or something of that sorts that played a part in it. I hadn't seen Kevin without a shirt before and his body looked quit the buff. I'm sure they didn't have money for the gym, but his body sure looked like he worked out. Yeah, he had a quite nice looking body for a graduate student. Right away my mouth watered to taste those pink nips situated on his buff pecs. An added attraction that gave me the 'wants' was the reddish hair swirling around his nips, pasted on his almost smooth chest. My eyes followed that smoothness, down to his little red trail, starting at the top of his small navel and then the couple of inches before it met the collar or his blue jeans.

"Brrrr! It's cold in here!" Kevin then asked, "Jordie, do me a favor and grab me a shirt?"

"Sure. No problem, Kev. It is a little chilly." Walking away from us, Jordan asked his dog, in a cutesy way, "Are you chilly, Killer?"

I could tell Kevin was cold, without the mentioning of it, as his pink nips shriveled up and goosebumps formed on his forearms.

Meanwhile, Chase and Kevin carried on the conversation, as I absorbed his body.

"So, who's moving in with Kareem?"

"An employee at Bradford's office."

"Who's that?"

My mind, preoccuppied, hadn't picked up on Kevin's question. I then became embarrassed as I'm sure he saw where my attention span was focused.

"Earth to Bradford?" My Chase-baby questioned me, poking me in the arm with his elbow.

"Oh yeah... Um yeah... somebody's moving in with Kareem."

They both laughed.

"Here's your shirt, Kev."

"Oh thanks, Jordie."

Now I could get into conversation, now that that buff body was being sealed in, from the neck to navel.

"As you were saying, Brad?"

"Oh yeah," I looked straight ahead, "A guy from the office, Frank Farraco, is moving in with Kareem."

"Um, Kev?"

"Yeah, Jordie?"

"I think we better get pushing on here?"

'Pushing?' I thought. Hmm... sounded mighty inviting, but I let the thought slide.

"Yeah.. oh okay, Jordie. Yeah, thanks for taking care of Killer. Alright if we get ourselves together and leave now, Chase?"

Again, the seniority kicked in, Kevin speaking one on one with Chase.

"Sure, guys," My Chase-baby replied for us.

"Cool, we'll leave a key so that you can come in and get Killer's stuff."

The two guys departed our company and we headed outdoors for the last of the cartons.

"I hope it's okay that I spoke for both of us, Brad?"

"Sure. No problem. Killer's a cute little guy."

"By the way, Brad, I didn't mean for you to take on the whole responsibility."

"I know, but I don't mind taking Killer out for a walk."

"We can walk him together, too, Brad."

"Yeah. Would be nice, Chase-baby."

As we approached Frank's SUV, it looked paired off, whereas Jeff stood talking with Frank, as Bobby chatted with Paco.

"Betcha I can guess why Bobby's talking with Paco."

"Oh come on, Bradford. Don't be a blockhead. You always think Bobby has a hidden agenda."

"I don't think that, Chase-baby."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Okay, so yeah, maybe."

Chase-baby nudged my shoulder. When I turned to look at him, he smiled. I smiled back. He pulled on my arm, making my body slant towards him and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"What's that for?"

"Take it easy Brad. So what if he's drumming up business. You should be glad."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Look, it's the weekend. If Bobby wants to do business on his own time, you should be glad."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Besides, Bobby's not all business all the time anyway."

"Not all the time."

"He did take care of you while I was gone, right?"

"Ooooh, that he did."

"He took your mind off of missing me, right?"


"Took care of these?"

"Oooooooooh don't do that!"

Chase-baby laughed, after tweaking my nip through my shirt. What a tease! If he kept it up, though, for sure my pants would be tenting.

"Too late guys. This is it!" Kareem informed us.

Kareem passed us, still at full speed, as we walked away from the SUV.

"He must be used to it."

"Who? Used to what?"

"Don't tell me you didn't know, Brad?"

"Know what Chase-baby?"

"The way Kareem walks."

"Walks? Oh yeah, he's been running back and forth with stuff. I figure he's over happy with having Frank move in with him."

"No, not that you blockhead!"

"He's not happy with Frank?"

"Doesn't have anything to do with Frank. Well, it does, but not in that way."

"What then?"

"The buttplug."

"Buttplug, Chase baby?"

"Okay, you're not used to seeing it, but Kareem has a buttplug up his ass."

Coining Kev and Jordie's lingo, I asked, "For real?"

"Yup," Chase-baby replied.

"And he can run around like that?"

"Yup. Probably the reason why he's got the eternal bulge."

Shaking my index finger, I replied, "Come to think of it, I wondered why Kareem kept readjusting his package."

"Aha! Checking out another man's package, Bradford?"

A bit lost for words, I tried fibbing it.

"Um, actually... uh... um...."

Chase began laughing his ass off.


"Hee heee, Brad. You're checking out his package and I'm checking out Kareem's ass... aren't we a pair!"

Seeing the humor in it, like my Chase-baby, I joined in on the chorus of tickling fancy.

"What's so funny?" Jeff Malone asked.

"Nothing," I replied, other than, "private joke."

No sooner had we reached the camaraderie of Jeff, Frank, Paco and Bobby talking, then Jordan and Kevin arrived.

"Hey, guys, thanks anyway, but Mike says we can bring Killer with us!" Jordan quips.

I said, "Oh shucks," even though I didn't mind 'not' taking care of Killer.

It's not that I wouldn't mind either, helping the two hunks... I mean neighbors out. As I've said, Killer is a cute pup.

"By the way," Kevin spells out,"our friend, Mike says to invite any of our friends, so if any of you guys want to spend a couple of days down at the shore, you're welcome to come along now or later."

"Who you talking to, Kevin?" Bobby spurts out.

"Anybody... you, Bobby, Chase, Brad, Frank, even you Jeff," Kevin fills Bobby in.

"Yeah, Mike's a crazy guy. He has a villa right on the shoreline and it's going to loaded with guys."

I had to nudge my Chase-baby's arm, but he already replied to me, "I know," glancing in Bobby's direction.

We both had to giggle, as we both realized zeroing in on Bobby's crotch, the tent.

We all got the surprise of our life, as Kevin blurts out, "You might even find some guys that like that kinky stuff, Bobby!"

"Kinky stuff?" Bobby tried playing dumb.

Jordan then unearthed the secret, "Yeah, you really looked cute in that outfit, standing at Bobby's door, Bradford!"

Blushing was a big thing with me. That is when there was something to be embarrassed about and being caught in the buff, with only straps of leather hiding containing my bare body, well now that was 'something'!

"Kinky stuff? You guys into that leather stuff?" Paco asked no one in particular.

Seems that Kevin and Jordan knew a lot more, but wanted to get on their way. They handed a phone number on a piece of paper, to Bobby, telling us to call the number, if we wanted a 'fun' weekend.

Shock number two transpired, as Jeff Malone stated, "Yeah, they're into whips and chains and stuff."

It's Tony, in his Italian accent that spells out, "And here we thought you were the quiet type, Jeff. Bet you're like a vampire, turning into a foxy master when the moon's full!"

"Nah. Not into it. I just know stuff that goes around here, that's all."

Of course, when Jeff said it, he looked at me. I suppose it wasn't only Jordan and Kevin that saw me in my leather attire.

"So, Tony honey, you interested in going?" Bobby led off the acceptance of the invitation.

"A villa full of boys. Sounds nice. Especially when I know that you could have some extra fun with a certain type, Bobby?"

"You're one in a million, Tony. Yeah! Hot!"

Another side of Bobby showed, as he scooped Tony up in his arms, giving him a hug, then giving him mouth to mouth.

"I guess they're a happy couple, what do you think Chase-baby?"

"As long as Bobby gets his way!"

"Oooh, does that mean you want to go too, Chase-baby?"

"I don't need a house full of kinky boys, to keep me happy, but I know that if we don't go, Bobby's ears will be burning with your questions on what happened over the weekend."

"That mean we can go, Chase-baby?"

He described my attitude like a whole candy store being offered up to a child's unlimited choosing, shaking his head and smiling. We ended up like Bobby and Tony, hugging and sharing our love, coupled with my Chase-baby's understanding.

"Any other takers before I make the call?"

Frank laughed his ass off, as Kareem almost came up to his forehead, even though he was on his knees, begging. Jeff was reluctant, but Paco seemed really interested and didn't mind giving up his only weekend off, for the next three weeks. After making the call and getting directions, Bobby reported back to our little group, whom had assembled in the air conditioned lobby of our condo.

"How'd you make out, Bobby?" Tony asked.

It was way cool how any of us guys, showed the chill of the air, our nips showing through our teeshirts. Except Jeff and Paco, whom wore polo shirts, but showed the same difference. I'm not sure if I'm like other gay men, always interested in a man's physique. When first meeting Paco, I had to notice things about his shirt; black chest hair foaming at the V neck, the tightness of it over his pecs, the firm stomach with the bellyhole indentation, then other things, like his hairy forearms, what kind of a bulge in his pants, then minute things like his closely cropped goatee. Of course, along with that territory, I tried guessing his age and what the formation of hair on the rest of his body.

"Fine. There's definitely some action for us," Bobby reported to us.

I decided not to leave it at that, asking, "Um, you mean kinky action, Bobby?"

Bobby laughed, as well as the rest of us.

"One track mind, Bradford?" Bobby replied, using my 'office name', as he always did while humiliating me.

I didn't get a reply, on my direct question, but my Chase-baby answered for me, "Yeah, Bobby."

"Mike says to invite any other guys we want to, but keep the number under fifty!"

"Some party," Jeff acknowledged.

"Yeah, was to a party like that once, in Spain," Paco let on.

As Paco began telling his tale, Adam Provo and Jim Worthington, affectionately known as 'the odd couple', walked into the lobby. The others too engrossed in Paco's horny story, left it up to my Chase-baby and I, to extend the invite. Jim, the cheap bastard, said why not to the open-ended invitation. The fifty-one year old's 37yo lover, even confirmed my thoughts.

"Jim was always one for a cheap date," Adam replied, looking at Jim.

He, unashamedly replied, "You know it, but I know for a fact that Adam wouldn't mind being around all that flesh!"

"Me? Like watch the old man pinching all that young ass!"

The two 'nicely' bickered, heading into 8-4, agreeing to meet the wagon train in the parking lot in a half hour.

Of course we all wanted to know more particulars about what Mike said, but Bobby also told us that the party was in full motion and Mike said to 'hurry on down'. You never saw guys scatter so fast!



Copyright 2005 Bradford D. Bigelow All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 13

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