Wrestling Roommate

By Mathew Reeve

Published on May 25, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males. It is loosely based on real world experiences.

If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Thank you for all your feedback. I love hearing from you guys. Feel free to email me at mreeves5819 AT gmail.com

My other stories on Nifty: The Away Meet The Alumni Association Shower Buddy

===== Chapter 2 ======

After Jackson had left the shower, I became painfully aware of my own cock. It had grown to his full length. I was so enthralled with the fact that my new college roommate, a wrestler, had just jerked off in the shower stall next to me. There was a partition, but it was the principal of the thing. Yeah, we were talking about sex, but he was not only bold enough to stroke himself, but he walked across the bathroom with this softening cock out, waving around to whoever happened to come in. If anyone did, it'd leave little doubt about what he had done in the shower.

I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I'd been around other guys in the locker room before, but for some reason, this was different. There had been accidental boners before, after all, we were growing into our bodies and had little control over them sometimes. Jackson was right though, there hadn't been many girls at the party.

I realized that I was stroking myself as I revisited what had occurred just moments before. It felt good. I hadn't jerked off in awhile. I gripped the green partition and focused on the head of my cock, paying special attention to the sensitive part just underneath the head. It didn't take long for me to cum and I aimed at the drain. The spurts of cum came with such intensity that I grunted a few times and my knees almost gave out. I put some shampoo on the tile floor and made some suds with my foot, cleaning up the evidence of my deed. Then I heard a toilet flush and froze. Someone must have come in. Did they see me? No, the curtain was closed. I waited until I heard the door again and then I turned off the shower. I put on a pair of boxer briefs after I dried off and walked back to the room.

Jackson was sitting on the bed, on top of the covers, still just in his boxers. It was a hot night and there was no AC, so it was just a fan and the open window.

"Good shower huh?" Jackson said.

"Yeah, feels good to be clean. Now I can relax and go to bed," I replied.

"You sure about that relaxed part? Hah," Jackson said, nodding at my crotch.

I looked down and froze. The boxer briefs I wore left little to the imagination and my still semi-erect cock fell to the right against my body, clearly outlined.

"Relax bro, if you need to wank off, it's fine with me, I'm a heavy sleeper," Jackson said. "Just don't make too much noise, the window's open."

"It's not that," I said, stuttering. "I don't need to..." I said and trailed off. I was surprised he was so open about me jerking off in the room with him there.

"Bro, it's cool. We're both guys. We both jerk off. Hell, I rubbed one out in the shower just now. Felt fuckin' good."

"You did?" I said, feigning surprise.

"Yeah dude, less cleanup."

"I did too. After you left," I said.

"Ahh, that makes sense then," he said, still lying on the bed, looking down at me with his hands above his head. One of his hands moved down and he grabbed his crotch. "Takes awhile for me to go down too. Sucker is just too darn big, haha."

"Yeah, same here," I said and climbed up to my bed. The beds had maybe three feet of clearance to the ceiling.

"Good thing they put the light switches up here too," Jackson said. "Night dude."

He turned off the light and I fell asleep quickly. The combination of booze and the relaxed state of post climax bliss made it easy.

The next morning, I woke up early. I still hadn't adjusted to the slight time change. I laid in bed and cherished the fact that I was on my own now. I looked over to see if Jackson was awake. He wasn't. He also wasn't under the covers. Also what wasn't covered was his morning wood. It had found its way out of the fly of his underwear and stood straight up and curved slightly toward his belly button. Apparently his beat off session in the shower last night wasn't enough. I lifted up my own covers and saw that my cock was half hard as well. He stirred and I rolled away to the wall, stretching out and moving the covers from my upper body.

"You're up early," Jackson said.

"Just woke up," I said. "Still adjusting to the time change."

I turned back and looked at the ceiling. Jackson was climbing down from the bed, evidently he had managed to put his hard cock back into his underwear.

"Should we go check out the cafeteria? I'm starving," Jackson said.

"Sounds good," I replied and got down.

Jackson looked at me when I got down and then turned to grab his clothes. I could swear his eyes were on my crotch. Then I looked down and saw that my cock was straining against the white fabric of my boxer briefs. What did he think of me? At least he had the decency to hide his hard cock. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt. We went and had a hearty breakfast. All you can eat could be dangerous, but we kept it healthy.

We spent the day meeting more of our dorm mates. Many were involved in the school's athletic teams. We went to another party that night. Jackson hit it off with a good looking blond girl with oversized tits and they disappeared later into the night. He didn't text me, so when I was done with the party, I went home. The room was empty. I decided that since he was most likely gone for the night, getting some, I might as well jerk off. I made sure the curtain was closed and loaded my laptop.

I browsed until I found a gangbang scene. They were my favorite for getting off quickly. For some reason, I found myself looking at the guys more than usual. One of them even kind of looked like Jackson. Again, I compared myself to them. I think that everyone compares themself at least on some level to others, it's only a natural reaction. Maybe it comes from our prehistoric past of sizing up possible competitors for mating.

I had my headphones on, stroking away with some lotion. I didn't hear the door open. Jackson was suddenly next to me. I jumped and took off my headphones and tried to cover myself with my shirt.

"Haha, you should have seen your face!" Jackson said. "I scared the fuck out of you!"

"Shit man! You did! I didn't think you'd be back tonight," I said. I sat there in my chair, Jackson standing nearby, the headphones around my neck and the porn still playing on my laptop. I tried to cover my cock, but it was no use.

"Don't stop on my account. Looks like a good porno," he said, slightly slurring his words. He wobbled as he took off his shirt. "I take it that you struck out tonight? Only fair that if I got some, you should at least get off. Totally understand. After we finished, she kicked me out. No sleepovers at the sorority houses apparently. Her roommate woke us up and told her the rules."

"That sucks," I said.

"Hey, what can you do? I'm going to shower while you finish up," he said. He grabbed a towel, stripped the rest of the way down to his underwear and walked out. He was careful and opened the door to check for passersby before he opened it all the way. Then turned back, gave me a nod and closed the door.

My cock had deflated. The sudden fright of being caught had ruined the mood. I turned off the porn, grabbed my towel and headed for the showers. Again, there wasn't anyone else in there except Jackson.

"Finished already?" he said, moving the curtain to the side. He stood with his body exposed, apparently not at all embarrassed by being naked. "Or did me scaring you kinda ruin it?" he said, reading the expression on my face.

"Just wasn't expecting you to be back," I said.

"Sorry man. Been there before. Didn't mean to give you blue balls," Jackson replied. "You shouldn't go to bed with blue balls, heard that's bad for you. Here, take my phone."

Jackson stepped out of the shower and walked over to the bench where his stuff was. He was dripping wet. His cock was soft but bounced as he casually walked over. His balls were pretty hefty and they hung low from the warm water.

"Password is 1234," he said, unlocking his phone and tapping it a few times. "Got some good jerkoff material saved here" he said and handed me his phone. "Don't worry, it's waterproof."

"Thanks," was all I could manage to say. My roommate had just given me his phone so I could jerkoff in the shower. What had I gotten myself into?

Jackson got back into the shower and didn't bother to close the curtain. I hesitated for a moment. I had taken off my underwear in the stall last time. But Jackson had not only already seen me naked, but he saw me hard as well. There wasn't much left in the way of modesty. I stepped out of my boxer briefs and walked over the shower next to him, phone in hand. I tapped a few of the thumbnails and they played short clips. They all featured really muscular men, or multiple men, fucking the typical porn actresses.

"Those are my go to's," Jackson said, his head peering around the corner of the partition.

I was surprised again by his cavalierness. I was also very aware that my cock was starting to harden.

"See? Knew you'd like `em," he said as he turned off the shower and walked over to his towel. "I'd close the curtain though and keep the volume low if you're gunna be doing that in the shower man. Never know who's going to walk in," he said while drying off. He finished, wrapped the towel around him and left.

I closed the curtain and jerked off. Again I came quickly. I rinsed and went back to the room in my towel.

"See? Don't you feel better?" Jackson said when I got back.

"Yeah, I do," I replied and tossed him his phone. "Thanks."

"Anytime man. I'll be your wingman for the next party. We'll get you a girl."

I nodded. I hadn't grabbed any fresh underwear, so taking a cue from Jackson, I dropped my towel and walked over to my dresser near the closet. I pulled out a pair of boxers, put them on and climbed into bed.

The next morning I woke up early again. This time, my cock stuck straight up through the fly in my boxers. I quietly turned to look at Jackson. He looked like he was asleep, but his hand was on his crotch and his hard cock was sticking up through his boxers again. He was slowly stroking himself. I laid there, with my eyes partially closed and watched him. He kept going. I wasn't sure if he was asleep or not. Then I saw that he picked up the pace, he bit his lip slightly and his toes curled. Then he shot the biggest load of cum onto his stomach I'd ever seen, even in porn. He lifted his head and tried to catch it as it pooled on his abs. It was then when I realized how the term, "cum gutters" came to be. He pulled out an old sock and began to mop up his jizz. He looked over at me afterwards, presumably to see if I was still asleep. I saw as his eyes went down to my now throbbing rock hard cock. He nodded and then turned over to face the wall.

I wasn't sure what to do. Should I jerk off too? Was he going back to sleep? Did he know I was awake? I waited a few minutes and then turned to face my wall. I slipped my hand to my cock and it only took a few tugs before I came, wetting my boxers. Then I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up sometime later and saw Jackson in basketball shorts only, down at his computer. I climbed down and grabbed my water bottle.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked.

"Looking up my schedule. I'm going to have late evenings on Tuesday and Thursdays," he said and looked over to me. "You, uh, need to change underwear?"

I forgot that I had cum covering my boxers. The wet spot was clearly evident.

"Wet dream?" he said. "Shit man, you might need to jerk off more than I do. Usually I'm a once or twice a day kind of guy, but if you're having nocturnal emissions after jerking off each night, you're a stud."

"Guess so," I said. "I'm going to go shower."

"Good idea."

I showered, came back and dropped my towel. Jackson didn't bat an eye as he gathered some stuff into a backpack. There was something freeing to be nude around another guy and it not be weird. I don't know how it could be weird, since he'd seen me hard, jerking off and had given me his phone to watch porn in the shower. I wonder if he knew that I'd also seen him jerking off. I took a little extra time finding a clean pair of underwear before putting it on. Jackson told me he was going off to check in with his coach and take a tour of the wrestling facility and weight room. I told him I was going for a run and would be back later.

===== End of Chapter 2 ======

Email me at mreeves5819 AT gmail.com if you liked the story!

Next: Chapter 3

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