Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Sep 14, 2005


(This incident, as I remember, is not exactly in sequence with Part Four. It did happen the same (fall) semester and probably the same month).

When Dave showed up at Danny's room that evening the members of the house's entertainment committee were there, planning the next social event. An upcoming Saturday football game was to be followed by a gala picnic on the back lawn -- weather permitting -- and disco in the dining room. As Dave entered, one of them greeted him.

"Here's our own great T.E. We gonna win this one, Dave?"

"Hell yes. We'll need an extra keg just for victory toasts." Ty, who was on the committee, spoke up in agreement. "Southwest got no chance."

The yard held a brick barbecue pit and picnic tables, and plans were laid for the formidable spread which was a house tradition. When the others had left, Danny asked Dave who he was bringing to the picnic.

"I don't know. It's still two weeks away."

"How would you like a date with one of the foxiest women in the Theta house?"

"Be specific."

"Carla's roommate."

"Who is Carla's roommate?"

"Liz Romero."

"Hey, I know Liz. We went out once or twice our freshman year. She's a fox alright. I thought she was Brian Nelson's squeeze."

"That ended a long time ago. And she has the mistaken impression that you're good looking. Is it a deal?"

"Sure. You escort them to the game, and I'll meet you after by the team entrance.:

"There's one small proviso attached to this date with the lovely ladies. They want us to wrestle for them."

"You're kidding."

"Carla heard about the tag team in the basement, and it pissed her off that guys could have hot things like smokers where the women were excluded. She thinks wrestling is a super turn-on. So does Liz. They want us to come up here and show off our magnificent physiques for them."

"Man, you're crazy if you think I'm gonna get naked in front of two horny women."

"No, naked isn't part of the deal. We'll just put on a little exhibition, get them all worked up, have some fun. C'mon, I promised. I thought we were buddies."

"You're not intending to show off for your girl friend by kicking my ass and making me look stupid?"

"You know me better than that by now. Just some friendly sparring between friends. If Liz thinks you're cute now, wait til she sees you all pumped and sweaty. Man, I'm doing you a big favor."

The game was not a shutout. Southwest actually led at half time, but at the final gun M.U .had taken it fourteen to twelve. As usual Dave had played offensive tight end and had carried the ball three times for some important yardage. He was not a big man, but he was tough and quick. He seldom got hurt. His three friends were waiting for him outside the team entry, and congratulated him on a solid performance.

The after-game picnic was crowded with party-goers. Two of the adjacent fraternities were holding outdoor barbecues as well, and footballs were frequently lobbed over the fences and returned with shouts of good-natured fraternal rivalry. The day was dry, but autumn was in the air and as soon as appetites were sated everyone retreated to the warmth of the house. Soon the dining room was packed with dancers, while the parlors accomodated card players and a few neckers who were not yet ready to retreat quietly to the upper floors. A picnic keg had been relocated to the entry hall, adjacent to a fruit punch bowl which received scant patronage as the evening progressed.

Liz was a good dancer, maybe the best dancer Dave had been with, and they hit it off. Only once did the subject of Brian come up, and then he was forgotten. They traded dances with other couples, including Danny and Carla. When the crowd progressed to close dancing they fit nicely together and Liz pressed her head into her partner's manly shoulder.

Danny broke in. "Carla and I are going up to my study. Do you want to join us?" Dave glanced at Liz, whose face wore an expectant smile.


A single desk lamp illuminated the president's room. Danny had brought a pitcher and four large paper cups, and the four sat contentedly lubricating their vocal cords. Lisa put her mouth to Dave's ear. "Carla says you can hold your own against her muscle-bound boyfriend. Is that true?"

"Absolutely," he replied. "You want to see me deck him?"

"I can't think of anything I'd rather watch than you guys wrestling. Do it for me."

Danny laughed and handed his beer to Carla. "The women want to see some blood, buddy. Guess we're gonna have to tangle. Too bad you're so bushed from the game that you won't be much of a challenge."

Both men removed their shoes and stripped to the waist.

"Oh, no," objected Carla. "You're not wearing sox. Or those Levis either. Liz and I want to see muscle."

The guys frowned a little, then off came everything but their briefs. "Does that satisfy your lust?" asked Danny, striking a manly pose. Dave countered with a mighty flex of his own studly assets.

"Now let's see a fight," said Liz in a breathy voice. The girls sat together on the sofa, their legs drawn up beneath them. "Make him give, Davie."

The buddies collided in the middle of a heavy old pile of quilts which had been thrown down over the carpet. A mutual headlock, traded punches to the gut with the free hands, then Danny tripped his opponent and they went down. Their sessions had taught Dave a few things about Danny's style, and when the superior wrestler went for his pin Dave blocked it by reaching down and plucking a few hairs from his unprotected groin.

"Yoww!" and Danny rolled onto his back, rubbing his crotch. Dave quickly mounted him and, trapping one arm behind Danny's back, dug his chin into the victim's collar bone. Danny began to thrash back and forth on the quilts, grunting from the effort to escape.

Liz pounded her fist on the arm of the sofa. "You got him! Hold on!"

"Bridge, Danny!" shouted Carla.

Dave backed off and they started over, facing one another on their knees. This time Danny got his rival's head trapped between his thighs and captured an arm. Each time Dave tried to bridge out he punched down on the footballer's glistening abs.

Again and again one would maneuver the other into a predicament, then release and they'd begin again. Finally exhaustion overtook them both and they lay entwined and gasping for breath. Danny looked up at their delighted dates.

"Okay, ladies, now it's your turn."

Carla stared at her boyfriend, then at Liz.

"Come on, we wrestled for you. You have to wrestle for us. Same rules."

"And same uniforms," added a beaming Dave.

Carla looked at Liz again. "Do you want to?"

"I'm game if you are.....loser," said Liz.

"Oh, you oughtn't to have said that," said Carla, "Big mistake."

The girls stood and slowly peeled off their jeans and blouses, smiling at one another and the boys as they disrobed. Liz's black hair was far longer than that of straw-colored Carla, so she secured it in a tight ponytail.

Danny rose and reached for Carla's bra clip. "Let me help you with that."

Carla slapped his hand away. "We can manage, thank you. Your hands are sweaty and smelly, you animal." Nevertheless they did remove their bras and two dazzling pairs of boobs added untold luster to an already absorbing evening's fun. Carla was wearing pretty ordinary blue panties, and a black thong encircled Liz's curvaceous cheeks.

Dave swallowed, absorbed in this vision of athletic eroticism. He had known that Carla was a sportswoman, trim and firm. But Liz was a knockout too. She was a little more bountiful in the tits and ass department, but everything was just as firm as Carla's. He was glad the room was poorly lit because of the monster erection he'd been sporting ever since they'd begun dancing downstairs. It was not dark enough to conceal the fact that Danny had the same problem, because Dave could clearly make out the dark spot where he was leaking.

The girls knelt down and tied up in the traditional manner. This was not the first time they had tangled. Sororities were seldom subjected to the rowdy free-for-alls which characterized the men's houses, but little tussles were a regular part of university female life. Being roommates, Carla and Liz were occasional sparring mates as well.

As the girls embraced and began struggling, Danny sat at the edge of the quilts to guard them from rolling into anything dangerous. Dave sat on the sofa, his eyes glued on the wrestlers, a hand planted between his thighs. Slowly the battle escalated. Liz was the first to grab for her opponent's hair, and that led to some fairly energetic hair-pulling. Carla was the more aggressive, and as they rolled around she would lock her thighs around one of Liz's legs. Both men responded to the groans and sighs, and soon Dave's fingers found their way inside the seam of his briefs. God, what would he do if he came in his shorts? Danny was doing a lot of squirming too. Their boobs slid against one another, limbs intertwined, giggling gave way to determined oaths, and the wrestling slowed perceptibly. Moisture appeared in sweet spots, skin glistened despite the relative darkness of the room, and it was obvious that the roommate opponents were being fully aroused by the heat of battle.

Suddenly, as if by pre-arrangement, Carla and Liz together leaped upon Danny where he was reclining. Each secured an arm and then leveraged him onto his back. Carla straddled his chest while her partner planted her full weight on his knees. Danny began laughing when Carla dug her fingers into his armpits, then stopped when he felt Liz's hands tugging at his briefs.

"Help!" he cried. Dave leapt from the sofa and encircled Liz's arms with his own. He then pulled her off Danny's legs, and from behind scissored those magnificent hips. Liz reached back for his hair and yanked his head to the side. Turning, she crawled on top and began tickling his ribs. He collapsed into the fetal position and she shoved her hand down the back of his briefs.

"No, cunny!" he muttered, and went for her thong. Somehow the two ended up locked together on the sofa, naked, foraging for erogenous zones, hickeying and kissing wildly. Liz had Dave's engorged dick in her hand and was stroking it hard.

"Easy. You'll make me come." She released it and they began a slow abrasive hump.

Below on the quilt another naked couple was struggling for the top position. Danny captured Carla's wrists with his left hand and began massaging her clit with the other. She groaned and begged him to kiss her. They embraced and rolled and kissed. Danny slithered down and his tongue attacked the moistened entry. Carla squeezed his head, muttered her acquiescence, and pleaded to be taken. Danny made a quick retrieval from behind the trusty sofa, slipped it on, and soon they were hurling one another over the cliff. Her little cries of delight told him he had done well.

Dave and Liz were not far behind. She sucked her partner to full firmness and once protection was in place she impaled herself on him. After minutes riding the pony Dave rolled her off and took the top. Liz locked her legs around his hips and pulled his face down to hers to bite on his lips as well as to mingle tongues. When she dug her fingers into his heaving back, Dave shot off into outer space.

There were whispered conversations and caresses while the fevers subsided. Carla spoke up, "Hey up there,who won?"

Her only answer was some deep chuckling and shifting of tired limbs. They eventually got dressed and the guys escorted their dates back to the Theta house. Having said their separate goodbyes, Danny and Dave reconnected for the walk back to the house.

"Good time?" asked Danny.

"Super good time. Liz is way better than I remembered from last year."

"Ready to switch workout partners for wrestling?"

"No way, bitch. You just better be on guard the next time we tangle."

"Why's that?"

"I leaned some great new holds tonight."

Next: Chapter 6

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