Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Aug 25, 2005


Wrestling for Relief Part Three

As he returned to his study from the showers, both bushed and elated by what had transpired, his mind kept re-playing the workout, especially where Danny had turned out the light and they had lain so long in a clinch. Nothing quite this intense had happened to Dave before. It felt uncomfortably queer, but then why had he been so sorry when Danny got up off him? And what was that uncontrollable arousal all about? He'd thrown boners when wrestling in school, but of course that was just from all the intense rubbing. He absolutely knew he liked women. He'd finally made it with one of the cheer leaders his last year of high school, and each time she'd told him how great he was. She'd written to him a few times after he graduated. And Danny: he was going with a Kappa who had one of the greatest figures -- and personalities - on a huge campus filled with nubile and passionate females.

Shit, he decided, this is no big deal. He'd fooled around some with other guys, and they had all been manly cool. That was a normal part of male self-discovery. When he arrived at his room (as yet he had no roommate) he sprawled on the sofa, removed his towel, and got himself off while picturing every sexual encounter he'd ever had, male and female, beginning with eighth grade. `Damn, that Danny was one strong dude.' And then to bed, wondering if his opponent had had to beat off too.

The following Friday he returned from football turnout to find a note that had been shoved under the door: "Wrestling tutorial tonight - - if you're man enough." It was signed, "The Man." Dave smiled and idly rubbed the fly of his jeans. Turnout had been long and rough, but suddenly he didn't feel tired. He also didn't feel like doing any homework, but a serious athlete tends toward self-discipline, and after dinner he worked on biology and anatomy for two solid hours.

He had already told Danny he'd be up, and when he walked in he saw that his new workout partner had spread a 5 x 10 mat on the carpet. "I thought I should borrow this from the basement," he said. "It'll cut down on rug burns." The fraternity's alums had furnished the house with a workout room in the basement, weights, a stairmaster, pool table and a set of wrestling mats which could be joined together with velcro.

"Good idea," said Dave. "Now I won't have to go so easy on you." He locked the door and peeled to his briefs. "Tonight, coach, I show no mercy. And the rules are like before -- there are no rules. OK?"

Danny smiled. "How about tonight, then, we wrestle like real men?"


"Bare ass naked." Danny hooked his shorts with his thumbs.

Dave hesitated. He was sure he wouldn't be able to keep his dick in check once they got going, and he didn't know how to handle that. But hell, remembering last week, he wouldn't be the only one with a problem, would he?

"I don't know. Have you ever wrestled naked before?"

"Many times," Danny replied. "I guess we were a pretty randy crowd at my boarding school. After lights out, or sometimes on weekends, we'd spread our mattresses on the floor of the dorm and challenge the other dorm to fight us. It was always in the buff. Any kid who refused to wrestled naked got stripped."

Off came Dave's jockeys, and he stepped onto the well-worn vinyl for a face-off. He was so preoccupied trying to check out Danny's package -- no more impressive than his, thank God -- that he didn't see the lift coming. Suddenly he was yanked off his feet and onto his buddy's broad shoulders. "Easy, easy!" he warned.

"I'm no beginner, asshole," replied Danny. He spun around a couple of times, then went down on one knee and deposited Dave squarely on his back. Instead of going for a nelson, Danny pivoted with his butt above Dave's head and dove on top. He thrust his arms into Dave's armpits and locked his hands in the small of Dave's back. He spread his legs so that he couldn't be rolled over, then sank his chin into his victim's exposed abs. Dave kicked and squirmed from beneath in an attempt to escape. He pushed up against the top man's thighs, which only made Danny squeeze harder and spread his legs further apart.

Desperately Dave grasped and sank his fingers into the cheeks of his opponent's hairless ass. When Danny shot one hand down to protect himself, Dave rolled him over and assumed the dominant position. Once the reversal was secured, he was free to stare at his partner's now-mammoth cock, which swung back and forth as Danny struggled to get off his back. `Danny, you got a fine pecker. Wonder what that would taste like,' he thought, then realized that his own tool was thrusting itself against the top of Danny's head.

Each wrestler managed a reversal several times, with periods of grunting and sweating and swearing in between. As they both tired, the struggle subsided into a stalemate.

"You ready for a break?" asked Danny. They broke, and after beers were produced from his mini-fridge the warriors collapsed together onto the old sofa.

"Who's your little buddy?" said Danny, as he gave a slap to Dave's still-engorged dick.

"Don't you wish you had one that round and firm?" Dave reached over and measured Danny's by extending his fingers. "Yours seems a little crooked."

"I've never had any complaints, shithead. That bullet has shot holes in some of the tightest targets on campus."

Meaning Carla the Kappa, I suppose?" He splashed a little beer on his partner.

"Including but not limited to."

"Big stud! Let's see it shoot." Dave then amazed himself by his own frisky boldness. First he set his beer down. Then he shoved his host's chin back against the sofa with one hand while grabbing his dick with the other.

"Not so hard, perv." Danny retaliated, and immediately they were rolling around the sofa trying to make each other come. Dick-grab escalated into grab-ass, then back to a competitive jerkfest.

Somebody knocked on the door, and the contestants paused.

"Yo, who's that?" said Danny.

"It's Mike and Ty (they shared the study room next door to the president's room). All that racket you guys are making in there sounds like too much fun. We decided to challenge you to a two-on-two. You interested?"

"Nah, not tonight. We're completely beat already. Maybe Monday or Tuesday. We'll let you know."

"Big varsity pussy. Afraid of two lowly sophomores?"

"Go to hell. We'll take you on next week and beat the crap out of both you wusses."

"That's a promise we'll make you keep. Well, so goodnight and have a good one. We'll catch you later."

"G'night." The neighbors left. Danny looked at his buddy and smiled. "You think you could handle one of those guys?"

"I can sure handle you, so they won't be any problem." Like Dave, Mike and Ty were football jocks, though both had yet to make first string. Mike was taller than either Dave or Danny, well built and one of the house clowns. Ty was black, as ripped as Dave, and was also the house's mainstay for intramural basketball.

"Damn, you really got me cranked up," said Danny. "If I don't get off I won't sleep tonight."

"Turn off the light like you did last time."

Danny did so, and the room was thrown into complete darkness. When he felt his way back to the sofa he brushed against Dave, who reached up and pulled him down beside him. There was no more conversation. A jar of lube was produced from behind the sofa. They started playing with their own dicks, then when Dave reached over and lightly tickled the bottom of his buddy's balls there was a deep sigh and they began trading hand jobs. Danny pressed the side of his head into Dave's shoulder, and Dave was worried -- hoped? -- that he was going to try kissing him. Before anything like that could develop, however, they were panting and thrusting their legs against and on top of one another's. The moans increased, and then Dave felt hot semen splatter onto his flexing belly. That set him off and he came -- bountifully.

After their cocks had started to subside, Danny put his arm around Dave's shoulder. "Thanks, bud."

"Whew" was the exhausted reply.

They wiped off the sweat and the stickiness with towels, then retrieved their clothes and dressed in the dark. Before Dave headed for the door they embraced briefly. Showers? No, not tonight.

"Thanks again," said Danny.

"Who won tonight?"

"Gosh, I don't think there was a clear winner. How are we going to resolve that?"

"Gee, man, I guess after we take care of Ty and Mikey we'll have to schedule a tie-breaker." He unbolted the door. "G'night, loser."

"Get out of here, scum."

Next: Chapter 4

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