Wrestling Drew

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Oct 16, 2005


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now. This story is entirely fictional. This story has been released to nifty.org by special permission. Please do not copy this story without the author's prior written permission. The author can be reached at drewscoach@cox.net Please refer to this story in the subject line, or your mail may be mistaken for spam.

Wrestling Drew - Part 6

Slowly, you open your eyes. Ouch! Your arms hurt! As do your shoulders! And your legs, and everything else, but especially: your throbbing balls and nips! Then you remember the incredible beating you took in the gym at the hands of quarterback Sam and the three wrestlers Mike, Jake and Sean. You look down your body, amazed that it's still in one piece, and see you're still in the ring and what's worse: the tit clamps are firmly clamping down on your now purple nips! You want to remove them, but it just hurts too much to move. Slowly, very slowly, you force your hand closer to your side. Your chest, back, delt and arm muscles scream at every inch you move, but you tough it out. You slowly slide your hands over your destroyed abs, and slide them up to your heavily bruised pecs. They sure did a number on you! But the feel of your muscular body tells you that your time in the gym wasn't wasted: the layers of muscle all over protected your body against permanent harm. That same muscle (and their jealousy) may have been the reason why they beat you up in the first place, but it allowed you to take everything they could dish out, and although it hurts like fuck right now, you're gonna recover and get back at those guys!

Finally your hands reach your throbbing nipples. You know it's going to hurt like hell, as you firmly grab the clamps. Just then, you hear a shout: "Drew! What happened?" You see that Coach has just entered the gym and is rushing toward you. Just then, you grab the tit clamps, open them, and pull them off. Your dick throbs once, painfully, but then the blood rushes back in to your nips and hits the tortured nerve endings. Pain rips through your chest, and you black out again.

You're slowly waking up again. But it feels different right away. Your body still hurts, but slightly less than before, and even before you open your eyes, you can feel that you're lying in a soft bed, with a sheet over you up to your midriff. You open your eyes and see me, your Coach, looking at you with concern.

"Drew, what did they do to you?"

You crack a smile, despite the pain: "I guess they tried to get revenge, Coach!"

"Would you like me to get a doctor for you?"

"No thanks, Coach, I don't think they did any permanent damage. Just lots of bruises."

"Hmm. Can you move your fingers and toes, nothing broken?" You wiggle your toes and fingers.

"No problem, Coach. It hurts to move my arms and legs and stuff, but there's no broken bones."

"Well, if you change your mind, let me know right away. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please!" You try to sit up, but pain shoots through your body.

"Relax, Drew. I'll take care of you."

With that, I pull a washcloth from a bucket of water by the bed, and squeeze it while holding it over your mouth. You gulp down the stream of water. I repeat this until you've had enough to drink.

"I'll go make you a protein shake in a minute, to help your muscles repair themselves. But first tell me what happened. "

As you tell me the whole story, I slide the covers down your body, dip the washcloth in the bucket, then slowly slide it over your body. The cool damp cloth feels great as I slowly work it all over your aching muscles. As you reach the end of the story, I tell you: "Boy, you're lucky you survived that without any permanent damage! I feel so bad for leaving you alone in the gym!"

"Oh Coach, you couldn't have known what was going to happen. Besides, I survived it and I'm sure that by tomorrow I'll be back to normal again!"

"Well, those studly muscles sure did a great job of protecting you. But now, let's work on repairing them." With those words, I slide the washcloth up your abs. As I reach your pecs, the edge of the washcloth rubs against your inflamed, swollen nipples. You wince, and I pull the washcloth back. "No, Coach, it hurts, but at the same time it feels GOOD!" With that, I slide the washcloth back up and all over your pecs, circling closer and closer around your nips, then rubbing along them. You groan. "Oh yes, Coach!"

I move between your legs. My hand moves the washcloth round and round, playing with your left nipple, while I bend over you and suck your right nipple into my mouth. Your throbbing nips shoot pain through your body, but the pain quickly turns to pleasure. Then your dick starts to stretch out, slowly hardening between your legs. While I'm sucking on your nipple and teasing the other with the damp cloth, your dick starts to rise up and it slaps against my abs, drooling all over my shirt. You try to move your hand to start to jack off, but I stop you as I pull my mouth off your nipple. "Relax, Drew. Let your muscles rest and I'll take care of it." With my right hand teasing your left nip with the wash cloth, and my left hand now playing with your right nip, my mouth opens and I suck down your dick.

"Oh YES, Coach! That feels GREAT!" My hands are now really working over your nips. You're amazed that they can take it, with the bruising and all the tit clamp action they went through, but it seems as though the abuse has just made them more sensitive then ever! Meanwhile, you can feel Coach deep-throating your rock hard dick, and swallowing furiously so the soft throat plays all over your dick head! Finally, you can't take it any more. Your cum EXPLODES out of your dick. After the first shot shoots straight down my throat, I pull back a bit so that I can catch the rest of the load in my mouth and savor it. Shot after shot spurts out, your abused muscles aching as you tighten your entire body in ecstasy. Then, little by little you relax, enjoying the afterglow. You see your Coach leaning over you, your cum dribbling from the corners of his mouth. You kiss me, licking the cum off my face, when I open my mouth and your tongue slips in, finding your own load still filling my mouth! Hungrily you suck your sperm from your Coach's mouth and swallow it. When you've sucked it all up, I sit back between your legs, and you see your Coach whacking off his rock-hard dick over you! "Oh God, Drew, you're such a STUD!" With that, I SPRAY MY CUM all over your pecs and abs. Shot after shot fires all over you, covering your hot body. As I slowly come down to earth, I massage my cum into your skin, causing you to moan. Then I lie down on top of your studly body and we French kiss. When our session finally comes to an end and I pull my sticky body off yours, you joke: "So was that part of the recovery process, Coach?"

"As a matter of fact it was, stud! It's some old prehistoric response: when the body gets stimulated sexually, it recovers faster from injury. And slobbering down some 'male hormones' won't hurt either, so you can look forward to some more cum eating soon! But even if it didn't do anything, I still wouldn't have been able to resist! You're just too fucking hot. You have this massively muscled body that you built, yet right now it's so badly bruised I could completely dominate you if I wanted to. That's an incredible turn-on, and I'll have to enjoy it while I can, because I think that that powerful body will be back to normal much faster than on a less tough guy! But now I'll go make you that protein shake, you could do with one. I'll be right back."

As I come back from the kitchen, Myoplex shake in hand, I see you gingerly feeling up your powerful, but heavily bruised chest. "Checking for damage, Drew?"

You laugh, looking like you just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. "Well, that too, Coach, but my nips are really sensitive right now. They're really turning me on!" You're grabbing at them with your fingernails now, pulling them out from your chest, stretching them. "They're all black and blue and swollen. They're much bigger now, and they feel GOOD. They hurt when I touch them, but the hurt also causes my dick to get REAL HARD."

I laugh as I hand you the shake: "Yeah, I can see that. It's dripping all over your abs again. Damn, youre tough! Most guys would be in the hospital after a beating like that, yet youre more interested in how your black and blue nips are turning you on!"

You gulp down the shake, then reply: "Well, Coach, I think your toughness training definitely helped. After you beating me up on a regular basis, I guess I'm just used to having bruised muscles, nipples and balls. The beating they gave me was even harder to take than what you did, but you sure helped me see how pain can be turned into pleasure! Speaking of which, why don't you strip down, Coach, and feel my big bruised balls? Because THEY'RE all swollen but turning me on too!"

I look down at your balls and moan involuntarily. They're black and blue, swollen bigger than chicken eggs, yet you want me to play with them? "Fuck, you're a stud, boy! I just hope you're not asking for more than you can handle, because once I start I won't stop!" With that, I pull off my shirt, then my shorts. You wolf-whistle at me as my 6'2", 200 lbs body is revealed.

"Not bad for an old man, Coach!"

"Old man, huh? Just wait till you turn 27. Give me those 9 years to whip you into shape and give you toughness training, and see if you can still walk, let alone look better than this!"

With a grin, I jump onto the bed, between your legs. My hands start to give your quads a deep-tissue massage, while my tongue starts to slobber all over your balls. You groan as the massage tenderizes your hurting legs and pain radiates out from your severely abused balls, as well as your nips, which you're working over yourself. But it also causes your dick to throb and drool glistening pre-cum all over your six pack. I slip your left nut into my mouth and start to pull.

"Aaaaah! Fuck, Coach, that hurts GOOOOOD!" At the same time, you're pulling and twisting one nip with your left hand, while bashing your other hand into your bruised pec and especially your nip harder and harder. Your back arcs off the bed in pleasure/pain, almost like a wrestler's bridge, and I use the opportunity to slip a couple of fingers up your reddened, abused asshole. I ram them against your prostate, which is still recovering from your double-fucking by Mike and Jake! I use my other hand to squeeze your right ball, while gently biting on the left one. "Oh YES, Coach! Hurt me MORE!" I can feel that you're really close to cumming now, but you're not quite there yet. You're really pounding your hard, built chest now and torturing your already abused nips more than any normal guy could withstand, so I know just what you need: I ball up my fist and SLAM IT INTO YOUR RIGHT NUT, while CHEWING THE LEFT ONE! That does it: your body shudders all over, your legs spasm and you rip at both nips as though you're gonna tear them off as YOUR CUM COMES FLYING OUT! The first two shots sail over your body, splattering down on your face and hair. Each shot after that splashes against your chin, dripping into your mouth as you're sucking for air, then the next couple coat your heaving, abused pecs completely, followed by some that rain down on your black and blue, but defined abs. Finally your body sinks back into the mattress as you stare at your still spasming dick, still pumping out cum as I finally withdraw my hand from your ass and let your balls go. "Fuck, Coach! That was INTENSE! I don't think I've EVER cum THAT much! Look, I'm still pumping it out!" You grab your dick with one hand, while squeezing your massive, bruised and swollen balls with the other. Twisting and crushing your balls, you squeeze out another couple of shots.

"Yeah, Drew. You're AMAZING! You know how working out hard in the gym, pushing your body past the pain barrier causes your body to adjust, moving the pain barrier to a new, higher level? Well, I guess your toughness training did the same thing, only more. The result was that the incredible beating you got last night didn't destroy you, it simply worked as a turbo-charging of the toughness training! Now if you get slugged in the nuts, your body simply turns the extreme pain into extreme pleasure! You know how the Marines say: "Eat the pain?" Well, you're tougher than any Marine now, stud!" With that, I move up, straddling your heaving chest and wag my throbbing boner in your cum-soaked face. "Open up, stud wrestler! Time for a protein shot!" I grab your sticky, wet hair and slam my dick down your throat. You reach up, grab my nipples and twist them as I batter my raging dick down your throat again and again. Then one of your hands reaches around, and you slip a couple of fingers up your Coach's ass, while the other hand is still making mince-meat out of my pecs and nips. That does it. I bellow and BLOW MY LOAD DOWN YOUR THROAT, RAMMING INTO YOUR TONSILS AGAIN AND AGAIN! Shot after shot globs down, sucked down hungrily by you. After about eight shots, I'm finally done. I pull out, slide down your cum-slicked body until I'm lying on top of you.

Slowly, I start to lick your neck. As I scoop my cum of your body and feed it to you with my hands, I lick and slobber all over you. From your neck I move all over your traps and delts, sucking and licking and leaving hickeys on the bruised muscle. Then I move on to your armpits, slobbering up your sweat. You start to get hard again, loving the feeling of your Coach muscle-worshipping your body! Then I move on to your tough, built arms, squeezing and massaging them as my tongue makes love to them. After that: your magnificent, rock hard pecs. You moan as I kiss them and chew on them as my hands squeeze them, giving them a real workout! Your dick is drooling again and your hands are sliding all over my upper back and shoulders, almost delirious with horniness. I nip and chew on your nipples, tugging them off your chest as far as they'll go, then sucking on them HARD! They grow into hard stalks, sticking up off your muscled pecs like pencil erasers. And they've swollen to about the same size too! They hurt but they glow and they feel SO GOOD! I grind them between my teeth, driving you nuts! You grab the back of my head, forcing me from one nipple to the other, then back again. Your dick THROBS every time I abuse them, and you can feel my dick jump at the same time! "Oh yeah, Coach! HURT those nipples! CHOMP DOWN ON THEM! I CAN TAKE IT! TOUGHEN THEM UP!" My hands slide down, under your knees and start to lift your legs. You already know what's coming next: "OOOoooh YEAH, Coach! FUCK ME! Ram that big dick up my wrestler's ass! FUCK ME HARD!!!" With that, I ram my steel hard dick into your ass, all the way! Meanwhile, my teeth are still making mincemeat out of your right nipple! You slide your left hand down to torture your other nipple, while your right hand squeezes your balls. "YEAH, Coach! BITE my nipple! FUCK IT UP! HURT ME, I CAN TAKE IT! AND PLOW MY TEENSTUD ASS!" At the same time, your left hand TWISTS YOUR NIPPLE, while your right hand CRUSHES YOUR ALREADY SWOLLEN NUTS! Your arms are bulging with the pressure you put on them! Suddenly you let your balls go, form a fist, and SLAM IT INTO YOUR TENDER NUTS! Cum SPEWS OUT OF YOUR DICK! Your ass clamps down like a vise on my dick, causing me to blow as well. Meanwhile, YOU PUNCH YOUR NUTS AGAIN! MORE CUM FLIES OUT! EVERY TIME YOUR FIST PLOWS INTO YOUR DEFENSELESS BALLS, YOU SHOOT ANOTHER SHOT OF CUM! MEANWHILE, COACH IS ORGASMING TOO, causing him to CLAMP DOWN HARD ON YOUR NIP! With me RAMMING MY DICK UP YOUR ABUSED ASS, MY TEETH RIPPING AT YOUR BLACK AND BLUE RIGHT NIP, YOUR LEFT HAND TORTURING YOUR LEFT NIP WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND YOUR RIGHT FIST SLAMMING INTO YOUR SWOLLEN BALLS AS HARD AS YOU CAN, WE BOTH CUM UNTIL WE"RE COMPLETELY DRAINED!! I keep slamming my dick up your ass, flooding you with my cum, while you bash your balls until they're COMPLETELY dry! Finally, your tensed up, bulging muscles relax, and my humping up your ass slows and comes to a stop.

"Fuck, Drew! You are SO FUCKING HOT!"

"Thanks, Coach, you just really know how to turn me on."

That's when we start a long, passionate kiss. I slide my hands all over your body, caressing you and hugging you while I suck your tongue into my mouth. You slip your arms around me, cuddling me tightly and moan. This is what you've always wanted: your tall, built Coach training your body until you're the biggest (and toughest!) guy in school by far, and then you end up in bed with him at the end of the day!

Next: Chapter 7

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