Wrestlers Story

By Ron Nelson

Published on Sep 21, 2015



Part Two of Four Parts

By: Ron Nelson

(Copyright 2015 by the author. All rights reserved.)

The Situation: Friday Night and Saturday - Todd at the Turkish Border Patrol Base

It was just ten o'clock and the "Lights Out" bell sounded in the courtyard. As the lieutenant had said earlier, the orders of the base were that all of the lights, except those actually being used, were to be turned out at that time, including those in the soldiers' rec room. The men's dormitory lights outside of Todd's cell also went dark. Only the light of a quarter moon now came in through the windows to give any light to see by. It was enough, however, for Todd and the soldiers still up to see what they were doing.

Todd had figured on going outside after the lights went out. It was a warm evening, and warmer still in the dormitory, so Todd wasn't the only man to go outdoors for a little while longer to enjoy the night air and whatever else that Friday night might hold.

Todd saw a couple of the other men go out wearing only their tight black bikinis with a towel over their shoulders to protect them against the slightly cooling air. Todd did the same except he didn't have a black bikini. It was dark. He'd go naked, with just a towel over this shoulders, as some of the others were going out too.

He headed out to where the other men had gone, which was where the picnic table, the free weights and the wrestling mat were. All of that was now dark in the shadow of the building.

Todd figured he'd go over to the far side across from the mats to where the free weights and picnic table were and sit there for a while to enjoy the night. He never got there.

As he was making his way in the dark across the mat in his bare feet, his eyes not yet fully accustomed to the dark, saw only a dark form lying cross-wise on the mat. He thought most likely it was a rolled up tarp or painter's cloth. As he tried to step around it, however, a powerful hand suddenly reached out from it and grabbed his ankle, almost making him lose his balance and falling down on top of it.

Todd instantly knew who and what it was. It was Kemal, lying motionlessly on his stomach with one arm outstretched on the mat, his hand poised like a bear trap, but with his head turned sideways so that he could see Todd come near him while Todd couldn't clearly see him.

Todd thought that that must be what it was like for an animal walking through the forest and getting caught in a trap, or when Kemal and his men might lie in wait across some smuggler's path and then catch him before the smuggler knew what happened. It was a good move, for sure.

Todd didn't need any time to recover, however, as he knew in the back of his mind that he'd meet Kemal somewhere and some way tonight. Or at least he hoped he would, and then maybe they could take it from there.

Rather than struggling to free his foot from Kemal's tight grasp, Todd just turned on the sole of his foot like a football player carrying a ball to go in a different direction. In this case, with Kemal lying on his stomach, he was in a perfect position and unable to move fast enough to escape when Todd came down fully on top of him and got him in a full body press. Score one for Todd!

In the next instant Todd wrapped his powerfully muscular arms around and underneath Kemal's chest, and then wrapped his equally muscular legs around Kemal's lower body, to hold both ends of him tightly in place under him. Todd also felt his cock, already growing long and hard with what he knew would be their wrestling match to come, crush itself against Kemal's naked butt. Kemal wasn't even wearing a black bikini, and so Todd's big rod tried to force itself directly deep into the dark canyon between Kemal's solid butt cheeks.

Kemal liked the feel of the muscular Todd on top of him, with Todd's groping to find his pecs under his body and with his legs wrapped around the lower part of his body and legs. Todd then pressed his face down against the back of Kemal's head and neck and whispered in Kemal's ear, "Hey man, what's up?" Todd couldn't see the grin that came across Kemal's face with that.

They'd now begun the wrestling match they both wanted with each other ever since they first saw each other that afternoon out in the field. Now both of them, warm, powerful and naked, had each other in the darkness of the Turkish Border Patrol outdoor wrestling mat. The night was already dark, and they had the rest of the whole night ahead of them.

Todd, now lying on top of Kemal and holding him tightly, knew that the match between Kemal and himself would be a long one of give and take, back and forth, just as they both liked and wanted, until they would be too exhausted and drained to continue any longer.

It would be one of long deadlocks too when they'd be locked in one hold or another, motionless, until they'd go on to try something else, but while also always enjoying the sensual and erotic feel of the other's muscular body against his own as each held the other tightly.

Todd kept his tight hold on Kemal for long minutes now as he pressed his face against the back of Kemal's head. As he did he also pretended to chew at Kemal's ears while continuing to feel his now rock hard cock press tightly against Kemal's butt while he also liked the feel of holding and squeezing Kemal's big pecs in his fists as he wrapped his arms around Kemal's muscled chest.

Kemal liked the feel of everything Todd was doing to him, and was in no hurry by any means to have Todd stop any time soon.

Todd then did begin his next move, knowing Kemal had taken the first move to catch Todd unawares, but then submitting to Todd's dropping down quickly on top of him in his present solid body press.

Slowly Todd withdrew his arms from around Kemal's chest and brought them under one of Kemal's arms to clasp them together with the idea of turning Kemal over on to his back so that then they would be face to face for the first time in their match.

At first, Kemal resisted Todd's move, mostly just to give Todd a hard time and some resistance, but then Todd succeeded in turning Kemal over onto his back anyway. As they looked into each other's face in the darkness, each saw the grin on the other's face. They were both glad they were finally into it with

each other. They also knew they both wanted to make it last as long as they could.

In turning Kemal over, however, Todd didn't lose his full body press and lower body scissors on Kemal, and now he got a full headlock on Kemal as well to hold the upper part of Kemal in place too. Then he shifted his body up a few inches until his own muscled pec was directly over Kemal's face. He then finished the move by dropping his thick pec down against Kemal's face and stuffing it into Kemal's mouth to choke and suffocate him with it just as he had earlier out in the field when they first got into it with each other.

Kemal knew his predicament well, give or take, from a great many previous matches, and had no problem at all with Todd stuffing his big pec into his mouth as his tongue began to wrap itself around Todd`s naked skin and hard nipple. He was glad to see Todd's real good comeback on him and was more than willing to take Todd's present punishment on him as long as Todd wanted to keep it on him.

This Todd is good,' thought Kemal, and between this move and our wrestling around in the field today, he knows what he's doing and likes to give and take a lot of punishment. Yeah, this session with Todd is going to be real good.'

Todd was liking what he was doing to Kemal too, although he suspected Kemal was also taking it just a little easy on him for the present until they got more into it as clearly he was a powerful and experienced Turkish wrestler.

Todd knew, in fact, that whenever two wrestlers were wrestling each other for the first time, particularly when one was the stronger, heavier or more experienced, and particularly when they were wrestling in the "home" territory of one of them, it was important that the stronger or "home" wrestler come on slowly and try not to psych or wear out the other man before they even got started.

While they remained motionless on the mat, deadlocked together, one of the men watching quietly from the sidelines who liked to get into himself, picked up a bottle of Turkish wrestling oil and stepped on to the mat above Todd and Kemal. Then he poured some of the oil over both of them until they were completely covered. Now Todd and Kemal would wrestle both naked and oiled, the way both most liked to wrestle anyway.

For another long minute, Todd kept his body press and headlock on Kemal, with his pec stuffed into Kemal's mouth. He also liked the feel of Kemal's tongue playing around with his hard nipple in his mouth. As they were getting used to each other, they were glad to see that apparently they liked the same things. Todd knew, however, it was soon time for him to begin to get off Kemal and let him take the lead for a change for it to be the real good give-and-take match they both wanted.

Also, Kemal had given him the first advantage after catching his foot at the very start, so now it was time for him to give the advantage back to Kemal too.

As Todd began to ease up on him, Kemal bridged his powerful body up and then grabbed Todd's own body and, in one move, rolled both of them over until their positions were exactly reversed. Todd liked that just as much as Kemal.

Todd always liked the feel of another wrestler on top of him holding him down and forcing him to do his bidding. And when the other man was a powerfully built and muscular man like Kemal, all naked and oiled, it couldn't get much better than that.

Now it was Todd who felt Kemal's thick and muscular thigh press down on his hard and naked cock and balls as Kemal got a good body press on him. And then it was only a moment more before Kemal got his big biceped arm wrapped around Todd's head for a solid headlock and began to pull Todd's head and face into his own big thick pec and then stuff it deeply into Todd's mouth just as Todd had done to him only minutes earlier.

Todd had no problem with any part of their reversed position and soon it was Kemal who began to feel Todd's tongue play around with his own hard nipple in his mouth, just as he had tongued Todd earlier.

It was another deadlock in which they remained locked in for a long time. Both liked the feel of it both ways. Neither wanted to let it go.

It was only after a long while that Kemal figured he'd been on Todd long enough with his body press and headlock, although he realized Todd liked his punishment of him, and probably wanted some more.

Slowly Kemal released his holds on Todd, but not entirely, staying on top of him but changing his position to begin to move his body up Todd's body and over his head until he was able to position his big, naked and thick cock and balls directly over Todd's face while at the same time wrapping his big and muscular legs loosely over Todd's lower body to keep him in place.

Kemal wasn't sure yet how much Todd might like, or not, to have Kemal stab his big rod deep down into his mouth and throat. So he figured he'd first position his big rod directly over Todd's face, and then see his reaction to that. He needn't have been concerned about Todd's reaction at all.

Todd's hands and arms were free even though Kemal was pressing his big cock and balls down against his face. So he reached up and over Kemal's butt with both hands and clasped his hands together directly over Kemal's butt. Then, instead of using his hands to push Kemal off him, he instead tightened his grip and pulled Kemal's big cock and balls even harder into his face. Todd liked the increased pressure of Kemal's big long rod against his face, and Kemal did too.

For Todd, it meant that he was now almost suffocating with Kemal's hard cock and balls pressed so hard against his face. However, he had something else in mind too to get back at Kemal. Kemal too wondered what he might be in for with Todd's move on pulling his butt into his face, and waited to see what Todd intended to do next. Maybe he was going to try to escape, or maybe something else.

It was something else.

As Todd groped around with his tongue in the wet darkness of Kemal's crotch and with Kemal's long hard cock pressing against his face, Todd's tongue found what it was looking for when he felt Kemal's big thick and full balls pressed against his mouth. Slowly and easily, Todd opened his mouth. Then he sucked both of Kemal's balls deep inside it. Then he closed his mouth half way over Kemal's balls and trapped them in his mouth so that Kemal couldn't pull his balls back out.

As Kemal felt Todd's mouth close around his balls, he knew what Todd had done, and that now he was in trouble. He had no problem with it, however, as he'd done the same thing himself a lot of times before to other men, and been similarly trapped in the same predicament before.

But what to do about it now was a question as it limited his options as to how to escape it without Todd chewing his balls right off his body. He didn't think Todd would, but it did sort of put a crimp in his options.

In any event, all Kemal could do for the present, knowing he couldn't escape very far with Todd's holding his balls in his mouth, was to wait to see what Todd would do next.

Todd figured, with Kemal's balls in his mouth, he could pretty much do whatever he liked and Kemal would have to go along with it. So he decided maybe it was time for him to get on top of Kemal again to work him over some more from there.

Gradually he worked to bridge up, with Kemal still on top of him until he was able to turn both of them over back to the mat.

As he did, however, he also released Kemal's balls from his mouth just to be sure, as they turned over, that he didn't really end up with Kemal's balls in his mouth permanently with Kemal somewhere else. It was real good. Kemal was relieved to get his balls out of Todd's mouth while Todd was now able to breathe a little easier too.

As Todd was now on top of Kemal again and recovered first while Kemal checked to be sure his balls were still connected to the rest of him, he turned around on top of Kemal to position his big and powerful legs close to Kemal's head. In another instant he got Kemal in a solid head scissors, holding Kemal's head tightly between his big thighs.

Now, instead of Kemal having his big and naked cock and balls pressing down hard on Todd's face, the situation was reversed. But Todd made sure this time that his own big and naked cock and balls didn't get too close to Kemal's head and mouth before he'd almost lose his balls in Kemal's mouth. Kemal would have done it too but, with his head caught tight between Todd's big thighs he couldn't quite reach them.

Instead, all Kemal could do for the moment was try to twist or bridge out of Todd's real good and tight head scissors on him. It was a predicament Kemal liked, however, as it gave him a chance to try all sorts of different ways to escape and forced Todd to keep a tight hold on him if it wasn't to happen.

For a long time they remained deadlocked as Kemal tried to first bridge or flip out one way, and then another. Then he might go motionless for a moment or two to get his breath back or see if he could lull Todd into thinking he'd given up. Todd wasn't fooled by it, however, and it was only after Todd had kept Kemal trapped long enough, and caused him to struggle long enough, that Todd finally eased up his head scissors on Kemal and let him go.

Kemal was so used to being caught in another guy's head scissors, and he always liked to have another wrestler's big thick legs wrapped around his head anyway, that none of his attempts to escape took that much energy anyway so he still had just about all of it for whatever they`d get into next.

As soon as Todd eased his hold on Kemal's head, Kemal flipped himself over on Todd to get him in another solid headlock, once again pulling Todd's head and face into his pec to make Todd again take just about all of it in his mouth. It knew it was one of his favorite holds, give or take, and by now knew it was one of Todd's too the same way.

But this time Todd was prepared for Kemal's move too, and so, as he felt more and more of the muscular flesh of Kemal's pec being stuffed down his mouth, he reached out behind Kemal, who was lying on his side with only part of his body on top of Todd, through and between Kemal's big legs, and seized Kemal's big cock, which was now long and hard, in his fist.

Then, the more Kemal stuffed his pec into Todd's mouth, which Todd actually had no problem with at all, he pulled Kemal's long and hard rod back through his legs until he almost got it to reach back against Kemal's own solid butt, almost breaking it off Kemal's body.

`Sort of like when Kemal stroked and broke the energy bar in half earlier in the day when they took their break out in the field,' thought Todd. It was agony for Kemal as he felt Todd pulling his cock back until it almost broke it right off his body. But he liked the punishment and torture of it too and didn't stop trying to stuff the rest of his big thick pec into Todd's mouth either.

Both wrestlers were tough and liked to take whatever the other wrestler wanted to do to him until he could either escape or the other man let him go.

For long minutes Kemal and Todd remained deadlocked and almost motionless as they took and gave their punishment on each other. They liked it as they were giving and taking it from the other now, and they continued to like it just as much later on at other times in their long match when their positions were reversed or they were deadlocked in other punishing holds or predicaments.

Silently, the two or three soldiers watching from the side of the mat had been joined by a half dozen more men as they came off duty and wanted to see the action between Kemal and Todd. They knew Kemal was tough and experienced, but they were pleased to see Todd was a very good match for him, and that both of them were liking very much what they were doing, give and take, with and to each other.

One of the soldiers went out on the mat a couple more times to pour some more oil on the two wrestlers and soon the mat was as slippery as the wrestlers themselves. This not only helped them escape each other just that much more but increased even more the sensual and erotic pleasure they were giving and getting from the other, which is what they really wanted from the start.

Then, as Kemal continued to keep his headlock on Todd while Todd was pulling Kemal's cock back more and more between his legs until he almost broke it off Kemal's body, Todd reached out with his other hand and brought it over Kemal's head and over his face until he could stick two of his fingers in Kemal's mouth pull his head up and back like a fish caught on a hook.

Kemal liked that too. That was one of the few moves and holds he hadn't gotten into before and liked that Todd had thought of it. It also made him realize that Todd was a real good "Turkish style" wrestler too, and that pleased him, and the soldiers watching them, even more.

With their shifting around with each other, and the slipperiness of their bodies, however, Kemal then soon lost his headlock on Todd and Todd lost his cock and mouth holds on Kemal, and they broke apart.

As they recovered, they now found themselves facing each other on their knees only a foot apart. A small grin covered both of their faces. They liked very much what they were both thinking of doing next. Along with all the other holds they were taking on each other, they wanted to make it a good cockfight too.

As they faced each other on their knees, their big long cocks were already fully aroused by the erotic and sensual punishment and pleasure they were giving each other, and both of their big cocks jutted out straight as an arrow from their bodies aimed directly at the other. For both, the other's big rod, sticking out in front of him just inches away, was too tempting a target for either of them not to attack the other to see what would happen then.

Both wrestlers reached out and grabbed the other's full cock and balls in his fist, grabbing it around its neck so he wouldn't lose his grip nor let the other slip away. Then each pulled the other in towards him until their heads hit and then passed each other to brace against the other's shoulders as they prepared to torture each other with their new hold.

As they got their holds on each other, each began to pull the other's big male equipment down to the floor as if to rip it off the other's body. They knew what they were doing to the other because both were feeling the same torture, and the same pleasure, themselves.

Kemal then tried to push Todd backwards on the oiled slipperiness of the mat by trying to push his big cock and balls back between his legs. But that lasted only a minute until Todd was able to find some resistance on the slippery mat and then he was able to push Kemal backwards until he too could find some way to resist the move.

Kemal found it when he hit the feet of a couple of the soldiers sitting at the edge of the mat, who braced him enough for him to push Todd back again. But then that too was reversed when Todd found himself pushed back into the soldiers sitting on the other side of the mat, and they let him brace against them so that he could then get back at Kemal.

As they pushed each other back and forth just by the force of their tight grip on the other's full, big and bulging cock and balls, they also occasionally also almost lost their balance and fell over. But each time each one recovered and partly brought back by the other's tight grip on his suffering cock and balls.

It was a big time cockfight between them, and neither Kemal nor Todd could get enough it. Both knew it was one of the traditional punishing holds oiled wrestlers took on each other, and both liked it too much to stop. They also knew the hold from wrestling around in earlier matches, and liked it just as much with each other now.

The thought of breaking each other's cock in half, as they were doing now and in their earlier headlocks on each other reminded Todd of earlier that day when they were taking their break in the field on their way back to the base.

Kemal had then come up to him with the thick and solid energy bar, which was about nine inches long and about an inch in diameter. Then he had slowly broken it in half and put one end of it in his mouth and slowly sucked on it. Then he gave the other half to Todd who did the same. Grins crossed their faces at the time. It was a signal for what they wanted to do, and looked forward to, tonight. Just what they were trying to do with each other now. They were both very pleased with their present struggle and predicament too.

It was only when Kemal hit a particularly oiled spot on the mat that he lost his balance totally, as well as his hold on Todd, and then Todd lost his hold on Kemal, and they once again split apart.

With Kemal having lost his balance with the slipperiness of the mat, and Todd almost so, Todd recovered first and managed now to get behind Kemal while both were lying on the mat. Todd then followed up and got Kemal in a real solid body scissors from behind. That was one of the favorite holds of both wrestlers, give or take.

Todd then tightened his body scissors on Kemal until he was able to cross his ankles right above Kemal's naked and exposed crotch. Then he began to smash his heels repeatedly into Kemal's big thick and long rod, and against his equally thick and bulging balls, to crush them into this new punishment on Kemal. Kemal had no problem with that at all and liked the feel of all the punishment Todd was giving him.

Then, to add to it at the same time, Todd reached both of his hands around Kemal's powerfully muscled chest and once again grabbed both of Kemal's big thick pecs in his fists to hold Kemal's upper body in place and also squeeze his big pecs in his fists until Kemal's muscled flesh almost oozed out between his fingers. Now he had Kemal where he wanted him, and it felt as good to Kemal as it did to Todd.

Nor did Todd have any problem with the same holds and punishment when Kemal reversed their positions at other times in their long match and took the same holds back on him.

Both knew too that this was one of the oldest and basic holds of oiled wrestlers, as well as many modern day wrestlers who also liked to wrestle "anything goes" nude and oiled. It was one hold and predicament which they both liked and came back to over and over again, give or take.

At the same time, however, Kemal, caught in Todd's holds on him, was also able to get back at Todd. Every time Todd smashed his heels down into his groin and against his long and hard cock and thick balls, Kemal was able to raise his own butt a couple of inches and then come and sit down hard on Todd's own cock and balls which were directly under his butt. Todd had no problem with that, and liked to take all of Kemal's punishment in return however much he wanted to give him.

It was a real good deadlock for the two tough wrestlers, and neither wanted to be the first to let it go.

With the slipperiness of the oiled mat, they slid over to the edge of the mat where Kemal was able to brace his feet against one of the soldier's legs at the edge of the mat. Then he found he could arch back until just about all of his body weight, still caught in Todd's body scissors on him, would be pressed down on Todd behind and soon underneath him.

As with all their other holds and predicaments, Todd had no problem with any of it as he liked nothing more than to have the full body weight of the big and muscular, now naked and wet with oil and sweat, pressing down on top of him. And both liked it just as much when they reversed their holds and then it was Kemal that caught Todd in the hold, repeatedly smashing his heels into Todd's naked cock and balls, and then Todd arching back to return the pressure back on to Kemal.

It was only when, again, with the slipperiness of their bodies, that they eventually managed to slip out of the other's grasp and go on to something else.

Sometimes Todd found himself with his back on the mat, with Kemal on top of him, sitting on and straddling his muscular chest with his knees and toes on the mat, facing Todd's feet. Then, unless Todd could quickly find a way to escape, Kemal shifted back just a little toward Todd's head until he was able to position his butt directly over Todd's head. Then he would sit down fully on Todd's face to smother him until he had forced Todd's whole nose, eyes and mouth deep into the dark canyon of his wet, naked, oily and muscled butt, with Todd then unable to see or hardly even breathe.

The first time Kemal took that hold on Todd, he did it slowly to be sure Todd was ok with it. But Todd had no problem with it at all as he was used to it, give or take, nor did Kemal either when Todd later reversed the situation and sat just as fully on Kemal's face to smother his whole face in his own deep, wet and naked butt in return.

By now, with all of their other holds and their many motionless deadlocks with each other, Todd and Kemal had been wrestling for well over an hour, back and forth, naked and oiled, in the warm open air darkness of the Turkish Border Patrol base outdoor wrestling mat.

Around them now sat over a dozen of the soldiers of the base, just about all of them who were not on duty or having to sleep after a long day's patrolling along the Turkish - Greek border.

The soldiers very much liked what they were seeing. They knew Kemal was a really good Turkish oiled wrestler with years of experience, and they were pleased to see that Todd made a very good match for him. They noticed that frequently Kemal let Todd take the lead and set the pace, both for their many holds and predicaments with each other, as well as their many deadlocks when they remained motionless, locked together, but which also gave them a chance to catch their breath and rebuild their energy for all of their next many moves and punishing holds on the other.

Sometimes if Kemal might be on his hands and knees with Todd by the side of him, Todd would get on his back from the side. Then he would reach one hand over Kemal's wet and naked butt to grab his hard cock hanging down to the mat below, and reach over Kemal's back and grab his pec from the far side to hold him down at that end.

From there he rolled both himself and Kemal over backwards until he had his own back on the mat with Kemal arched over his chest, held in place by one of Todd's strong hands pulling his cock down to the mat at one end and his other hand over Kemal's face to pull him down at the other end. It was agony for Kemal until, with their slipperiness, Kemal could finally find some way to escape the torture and get back at Todd. But Kemal liked to get trapped and punished like that every time, as did Todd too when Kemal got him in the same hold in reverse at other times.

Then there were the times when Kemal got a solid head scissors on Todd from the side, catching Todd's head between his thick and muscled thighs, almost cutting off Todd's sight and breathing and forcing him to try to flip or twist out and escape. Eventually, he did, or Kemal let him go. Todd liked the desperation of the hold, as Kemal did too at other times when Todd reversed the head scissors back on him.

As they continued to wrestle, the soldiers watching them followed every move and deadlock on the mat in front of them. They too all liked to wrestle the same way, and knew what Todd and Kemal were feeling and enjoying. They felt and enjoyed it just as much.

It was almost midnight, the end of another duty watch, when three more soldiers, including Denir, came out to watch the match. All the soldiers watching knew this great match between the two naked, oiled and muscled wrestlers in the darkness of the outside mats of the Turkish Border Patrol knew it had now been going on for almost two hours.

With its length, however, they knew that both Kemal and Todd would surely be tiring soon. They also saw that obviously they were getting more and more aroused, and their cocks getting even longer, oilier and harder all the time with all their cockfighting each other. The soldiers watching began to wonder how it would eventually end.

Kemal and Todd also knew it would soon have to come to an end. More and more the two naked, wet and slippery wrestlers came back over and over again to a favorite hold of both of them. It was a favorite of a great many other wrestlers too, particularly those who liked to wrestle privately, naked and oiled, and which would lead to a real pleasurable ending for both of them.

This was, in the earlier part of their match when they got the other in a single, and then later more and more, in a double figure-four head scissors on the other.

In the earlier part of their match, when one had his back on the mat, the other got on him in a solid body press, head to toe. Then he moved to get the bottom man's head in a tight head scissors, wrapping his muscled legs and thighs around the other's head, to immobilize him and make it difficult for him to see or hear. Then he would tighten his hold on the other's head and force his long, hard and naked cock and balls against the other's face to keep him even from breathing except for what air he could take in through the wetness of the other's wet and naked crotch in which his face was buried.

At first Todd and Kemal were content just to jam their big male equipment against the other's face. But then, more and more, as both became increasingly aroused with all of their sensual and erotic cockfighting with each other, they would stab their big and hard cock deep down into the other's mouth and throat when he had to open his mouth just to breathe. In effect each would impale the other's head to the mat below so that he couldn't escape.

The bottom man, however, many times was able to get back at the man on top of him, even though his head was still almost nailed to the mat by the other's big

rod plunged deep down into his throat, and flip his powerful legs up to catch the top man in an identical tight head scissors.

Now both would be caught the same way by the other, and then it wasn't long before they found themselves rolling back and forth over the mat with now both wrestlers having their heads caught between the other's thick and muscular thighs and the other's big, long and hard cock stabbed deep down into his throat.

And once again, as in so many of their other deadlocks and predicaments with each other, in the case of their double figure-four head scissors on each other, neither ever wanted to be the first to let go.

Both wrestlers knew that in ancient wrestling matches in many places sometimes two wrestlers became deadlocked in the same double head scissors on each other, and would remain locked together, almost motionless, almost indefinitely. It was said, in fact, that sometimes when the last of the bystanders of an all-night wrestling match had left off watching the match and gone to sleep, with the two wrestlers themselves deadlocked together on the mat or in the grass, they were found still locked together the same way the next morning when the bystanders woke up to see how the match had gone during the night.

Todd and Kemal, however, knew their deadlock couldn't last quite that long. Instead, with all of their cockfighting and other sensual and erotic holds and moves on each other, with their oiled, naked and muscled bodies locked together as they rolled back and forth on the mat in their long give and take match, they knew it would have to end some time, probably soon.

They also felt and knew that through their whole long match all of the hot white and creamy man juice cum which had been building up more and more in their hot and muscled bodies was now on the verge of bursting out whether they were ready for it to come or not.

Once again they were locked together in a double figure-four head scissors on each other and once again each had stabbed his big long rod deep down into the other's mouth and throat. But now both knew their very long, thick and hard rods which were about to burst with all of the hot cum in their bodies to flood all over and into the other's wet and waiting mouth.

Desperately they rolled back and forth over the mat to see which might end up on top, even though both liked just as much to be underneath too for whatever might finally happen. Nor did either let go of the other's head between his thick thighs, nor withdraw his big, long and hard cock out of the other's mouth. They would remain with it to the end, however it might go, which neither had any problem with it at all.

Then they both knew they had only seconds left before they would be forced to shoot their full loads.

As they rolled back and forth toward the edge of the mat to see which would end up on top, they were suddenly stopped in their final roll when they hit the feet and legs of one of the soldiers sitting at the edge of the mat. Despite the hard hit of their combined bodies, that particular set of legs they hit took the blow and didn't move an inch.

They were big, solid and muscled legs. They were Denir's legs. Todd and Kemal looked up to see who or what had stopped their roll. The grin on Denir's face confirmed their guess.

With their now total arousal and sudden stop by Denir's feet, they knew they'd come to the end. As it happened, when they ran into Denir, Kemal was on top with Todd underneath him, with both still locked together.

Then they could hold themselves back no longer. In the next instant, Todd felt all of the hot white cum in his body burst out of his big cock end, still plunged deep into Kemal's throat while he still kept his tight head scissors on him and felt his cum flood deep into Kemal's waiting mouth and throat.

At the same instant, Kemal knew he could hold himself back no longer either and now Todd felt and tasted Kemal's own equally huge store of hot white cum burst out of Kemal's big cock end and flood into his own mouth and down his own throat as well.

For long seconds, on and on, the sweet white cream of both wrestlers pulsed and poured into and down the other's mouth and throat until neither could hold any more and the rest of it flooded down over their chins to the mat below.

Finally their long match had come to its end and they found themselves totally drained and exhausted.

For minutes, they just lay as they were in a heap. Only gradually then did they revive. Denir stepped on to the mat to help them and first picked up Kemal, who was on top of Todd, to get him back on his feet. Then he picked up Todd and got him back on his feet too.

In the darkness of the night it was hard to see much, but the grins on the faces of both Todd and Kemal told each other, and anyone who could see them, that their whole long match, naked and oiled on the outdoor wrestling match of the Turkish Border Patrol base, had been good. Real good.

Shower time. In little more than fifteen minutes after the end of the match between Kemal and Todd, the Turkish Border Patrol base was silent with everyone in their assigned beds and fast asleep.

Tomorrow would be another day.

To be continued...

(Reader's comments invited at email: nelson99@comporium.net )

Next: Chapter 19

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