Wrestlers Story

By Ron Nelson

Published on Sep 7, 2015



By: Ron Nelson

(? 2015 by the author. All rights reserved.)

The Situation: Friday afternoon - Todd Is found and brought in by the Turkish Border Patrol. He has no ID or documentation, but is found to be carrying chemicals and a gun.

Todd Tompkins was on his hands and knees on that early Friday afternoon at the edge of a large mossy meadow next to a dense forest of mature Cypress trees. He was just a couple of miles inside Turkey from the border between Turkey and Greece. He'd already taken off his backpack and had taken out of it two rectangular wide- mouth clear plastic specimen bottles and a small stainless steel digging tool.

Then he had put a small plant, about six inches high, with serrated green leaves about three inches long, and a yellow flower with five broad petals about an inch wide in one bottle, while he then put about two cubic inches of the soil from immediately around the base of the plant into the other bottle. As he looked up slightly to reach for the lids to close the bottles, he suddenly saw himself surrounded by six pairs of slightly dusty but otherwise highly polished black army combat boots.

'Oh, oh, trouble!' he quickly thought. Todd had faced other challenges before in his life and hoped he'd be able to handle this one as well. However, it surely was totally unexpected and looked sort of menacing too, he did have to admit to himself.

Above the combat boots were six pairs of well tanned and muscular legs. Three pairs were slimmer muscles common to runners while the other three pairs were much thicker and more solid common to weight lifters and wrestlers. Todd liked to wrestle around whenever he got a chance, and was familiar with having both types of legs wrapped around his head. He never minded it then and, looking at these legs, wouldn't mind having them wrapped around his head now too.

Above the legs were six solid male builds, all dressed in tight camouflage pants and white t-shirts which showed off their muscled chests, pecs and strongly biceped arms. On top of their heads were, on one, a blocked fatigue cap with the vertical gold bar of a lieutenant. Of the other five soft caps, one had the three chevrons of a sergeant, one the double chevron of a corporal and the others the single chevron of privates first class. Each cap, as well as each white t-shirt, was embossed with the impressive burgundy and gold insignia of the Turkish Border Patrol.

Five of the men were about the same height as Todd, about five-nine, about the usual for Turkish men, while the sixth man, the corporal, must have been closer to six-two. Three of the men, including the lieutenant, had the more lithe runners' legs and builds, and probably weighed about one-seventy pounds, or ten less than Todd. The sergeant and another man were probably closer to one-ninety while the tall man was easily over two hundred. Todd didn't normally go around thinking about the stats of other men, except that as a guy who liked to wrestle around, and might have to get into it with these men, he couldn't help but check them out in his mind.

All of the men looked pretty tough and would probably be a match for anybody whom they might get into a fight with. Turkish men were always powerfully well built anyway after centuries of fighting and defending Turkey, and then these men in particular looked like they were even better trained and conditioned than most other Turkish men.

The six men stood in a circle around him, but about eight feet back from him and out of his reach. Each of the four lower rank men held a high powered carbine rifle loosely, more or less balancing it in his hand, with the barrel pointing in his direction but aimed down to the ground. The sergeant kept his carbine in its shoulder harness, while both he and the lieutenant wore menacing .45's on their shiny wide black leather belts.

All of the men had looks more of interest and curiosity than showing any sense of aggression. Todd thought that at least that was a good sign, although so far he couldn't figure out the rest of their surrounding him.

"Ok, mister, please stand up slowly and raise your hands into the air," said the lieutenant in surprisingly good English, but with a strong Turkish accent too. Todd was already about to get up, so now he also raised his hands to comply with the lieutenant's request. Six to one, and with them armed, did suggest to him that he should comply with the lieutenant's order.

"I think you are an American, yes?" said the lieutenant.

"Yes sir," was Todd's reply.

"What is your name, and may I see your passport and papers which permit you to be in this high security zone along the Turkish-Greek border," continued the lieutenant. As he spoke, his tone was one more of a routine interrogation and curiosity than any great suspicion of anything illegal or bad, thought Todd.

"Yes sir," replied Todd, "My name is Todd Tompkins of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in the United States. I'm here on a special medical biological research project.

"I had my passport and permit and papers right here in my wallet," he said, lowering both of his hands to reach one of them into the back pocket of his camouflage cutoff fatigues even though he knew there was nothing there. The lieutenant seemed to have no objection to his dropping both of his hands from above his head back down to his sides to feel for his back wallet pocket.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, lieutenant, but I've got a big problem here!" said Todd as he fumbled and groped around with his rear pocket just as he had earlier. Then he brought his hands around to his side pockets and front pockets to check them again too to indicate he didn't have his passport or papers in them either, and to confirm to himself what he already knew. Wearing only his camouflage cut-offs, a tight t-shirt similar to the one the others were wearing, although his was a dark blue with the lettering "State - Wrestling" on it, and waterproof combat boots, he had no other pockets to look toward.

He then moved to get to his backpack but the sergeant blocked it with his foot so Todd backed off that for the moment.

Then he reached for his back pocket again and again felt where the button which held the flap down was missing and only a tight bunch of threads which had kept it remained. He knew that was the case, but fumbled around with it again anyway.

"I'm sorry, lieutenant, but I think I've lost my wallet and my papers, so I don't have any ID to give you," said Todd with an understandable note of anguish and concern.

"That is very unfortunate, Mr. Todd, as not only are you therefore apparently without any identification, but you are also in this high security border zone of Turkey without a permit to be here," said the lieutenant, more in the tone of a simple statement of fact rather than any tone of irritation or suspicion.

The sergeant, meanwhile, had picked up Todd's backpack and carried it back to where he and the lieutenant were standing next to each other. It looked like they were going to look to see what was in it. Todd was about to ask the lieutenant to inspect and remove any contents very carefully as some of the plastic bottles already had various specimens in them and were in a certain order but not yet labeled. Also, he had all of his notes and some working tools in it as well.

Todd quickly saw, however, that the sergeant and lieutenant were already handling it carefully, uncertain of what it might contain, and that both of them then looked back at him. They appeared to say a few words to each other, but Todd couldn't hear what they said or catch any expression of it from their faces.

As Todd saw that they did intend to search the contents of the backpack, as he assumed they would, another thought abruptly came to his mind when he thought about what was in the bottom hidden pocket of the backpack. It was his small .38 revolver. It was not loaded, but there were two clips of high powered ammunition in with it. He was sure the lieutenant and the sergeant wouldn't like that at all.

"Mr. Todd, you look as if you have some concern about our handling of your backpack. So why don't you come over here with the sergeant and we will inspect it together. That way, if you have an explosive in it, you will be the first to be killed," said the lieutenant with a small grin on his face.

The sergeant also looked at Todd intently as if he were trying to figure out just what the situation might be with this supposed American who had no ID or papers and no permit to be here. And yet he didn't look like the usual illegal border crosser or smuggler, but looked very clean and strong and in particularly good physical condition, not too different from themselves.

Todd, as they were talking, was also trying to figure out what the story might be with the lieutenant and the sergeant. Todd was twenty-six, and the lieutenant looked to be no more than twenty-four or so. That was no surprise because, as in the US Army, many second lieutenants were younger than the older sergeants they commanded, many of whom were career men who might serve for twenty or more years. However, despite their younger ages, the lieutenants were in command as they'd had the professional training to make broad decisions.

The sergeant, on the other hand, looked more interesting to Todd. He looked like he might be in his mid-30's and a man who already had a number of years of practical experience in leading and taking care of his men, and who was quick to judge a situation and quick to take whatever action was necessary. His powerful build, closely cut hair, square jaw and keen piercing eyes, as well as a look that could be taken either as serious or having a good sense of humor, also made him interesting.

He looked like the pictures Todd had seen of many Turkish wrestlers who practiced, and were very good at, oiled wrestling, the national sport of Turkey. Their thick and powerful bodies exhibited the aggressiveness as well as endurance necessary in a typical Turkish oiled wrestling match in an open field wrestling another similarly built wrestler.

He also reminded Todd of one of the second string football players, Dubzchek, or "Dube" as they called him, who was a Turkish exchange student whom he'd gotten to know in college. It turned out they soon found both liked to wrestle and so, every once in a while, they would quietly head to the wrestling mat room in the college gym after everyone else had gone for the day and they had the place to themselves. Then they would wrestle around with each other, just as they liked, give and take, anything goes, until they would be completely exhausted.

Many times they'd wrestle for an hour or more, locked up with each other's powerfully muscled and near naked body, wrestling only in their jock straps or nude, until they could go on no longer, but always ending to the complete pleasure and satisfaction of both

Todd knew he wouldn't mind wrestling around with this Turkish sergeant now in front of him the same way if he ever got a chance. In fact, looking at the sergeant, he felt a pretty strong urge to do so right now. He didn't know it, but the sergeant, looking at the very well put together and good natured Todd, and looking at the "State-Wrestling" wording on his tight t-shirt, was feeling the same toward him.

"We would appreciate it if you would remove everything in your backpack, one thing at a time, and maybe you would care to explain what you have in it if it isn't already clear to us," said the lieutenant.

Saying that, the lieutenant stepped back a pace to let Todd and the sergeant both kneel on the ground with the backpack between them, their heads and muscled bodies only inches apart. The sergeant took off his fatigue cap so he'd be more comfortable and then put out his hand and said, "I'm Kemal, Mr. Todd, now what do you have in your pack for us?"

Todd felt Kemal's firm and calloused palm in his own as they shook hands. As they shook, they held their grip just a moment longer, each looking the other in the eye with a glint of recognition or intimate understanding which said they wanted to know more about the other before they were finished. As their handshake held that moment longer, a small grin covered their faces as well.

"I'm Todd," he said, "Nice to meet you!" Up until now, Kemal hadn't said anything. However, it now seemed he spoke English, although with a heavy Turkish accent, and had presumably been following his conversation with the lieutenant all along.

They knew the lieutenant was waiting for Todd to show them what he had in his pack, and Todd could see that the other men standing around Todd and Kemal, with the backpack between them, were wondering what was in it too.

Todd first pulled out a small rack of ten empty specimen bottles, plus space for the two more he'd already pulled out just before into which he had just stuffed the small plant and sample of soil around it he'd been working on. Two other bottles on the rack were similarly filled, while the other bottles were empty.

"And what are those for, Mr. Todd?" asked the lieutenant out of real curiosity as it was nothing that he expected - not that he knew exactly what to expect.

"Maybe I'd better explain from the beginning, lieutenant, which maybe would be the answer to why I guess I've lost my wallet, passport and my papers too," said Todd, hoping that the lieutenant and Kemal would be willing to accept, and hopefully understand, his predicament, which he was trying to figure out for himself too.

"I've got a one-year grant from the Gadwell Foundation to investigate a certain plant which in Latin is called chrysanthus croceus which my research so far shows grows in only a few places in the world. My lab research indicates this particular plant might be of enormous benefit to ease pain in certain cancer patients if the test results turn out positive. But first I've got to do the field work to see where and how the plant grows and then see if the tests show it will be useful.

"Which brings me here to this part of western Turkey and this border area. The plant seems to grow in moist meadow areas like the moss we're kneeling on right now. It also seems to need a certain balance of sunshine and shade like these trees at the edge of the meadow provide. And the soil it grows in is really important too, all of which may give us a clue to see if it could be grown on a large scale if my research pans out.

"That's what I'm trying to do now - trying to find some good plant specimens if I can, and then get some soil samples too. In the notes I'm keeping, I'm writing down everything that might be a factor in it, including precipitation and temperatures and some other factors. All of it would be needed by the people I'm working for and who are paying for my grant.

"I've made my base in the town of Kalakas just across the border in Greece, but didn't come up with much success there. So yesterday I extended my research right up to the border, which I understand is that pretty much dried up big river bed about three miles back from here.

"Then this morning I came across the river bed but couldn't get up the steep bank on this side. So I walked about half a mile up to a small sort of feeder ravine with a little creek at the bottom of it that feeds into the bigger river bed. But then when I got into that ravine there still wasn't any easy way I could get up the side of it either, but it was better than the steep bank along the river. So I figured I'd give it a try. But when I'd climbed just about all the way up to the top the rock I was holding onto pulled loose in the soft soil and I fell all the way back down into the ravine.

"It was probably about twenty feet that I fell and slid down backwards until I hit bottom. I was sort of stunned for a minute, but then I was able to get my act together again and figured I hadn't broken anything, Then I walked about fifty feet farther up the ravine to where the sides were less steep and got out that way.

"So I'm thinking maybe when I fell back down into the ravine that's where I must have lost my wallet which had all my papers in it? But I didn't notice it until about an hour later. So then I went back to where I thought I fell down into the ravine, but couldn't quite find the place, or of course my wallet either.

"So then I figured, ok, as long as I'm this far along, I'll keep going with my research work here in the field and then get the rest of my act back together tonight.

"I've got copies of everything back to Kalakas where the rest of my things are and where I could make some copies for you. But I guess maybe that won't satisfy you? Today's Friday and I figure I could write up my notes over the weekend and then I'd be all set to go again on Monday morning. So could I bring you the copies first thing Monday?"

"Interesting," said the lieutenant looking noncommittal as to whether, or how much, if anything, to believe of Todd's story.

Kemal said nothing, but he was impressed by Todd's apparent research effort, and then his perseverance and effort in continuing his work despite the rough terrain and his setbacks. Maybe that's where he got his powerful build from, a natural aptitude for taking on a challenge and sticking with it, plus a lot of hard work.

'Sort of like wrestling around with somebody,' Kemal thought, 'in that a guy has to have sort of a natural liking and feel for a one-on-one physical contact with another guy, in which all sorts of expected and unexpected things can happen, but then keeping at it until things turn your way again.'

"And what else do you have in your backpack, Mr. Todd?" asked the lieutenant, impressed by what Todd had already told him, but wanting to follow up on his original question too.

Todd then proceeded to pull out a small kit of stainless steel tools which he used to dig up and cut his plant samples and then also trim them up so that only the valuable leaves, stem and roots would remain.

When he tried to pull out the next thing, a case containing various small vials and chemicals, the case got caught on the inside of the backpack and Kemal reached over to hold the backpack straight while Todd pulled the case out. Their strong hands and muscled forearms arms met, touched, and crossed each other as they worked at the backpack together. Neither said anything, but they knew what they were thinking. That contact felt real good to both of them.

"Here is a case of chemicals I keep to test the plants on. Some of the initial testing can be done right here in the field, and if the plants don't respond to it, there's no need to carry the specimens all the way back to the States for any more research. If the initial tests work out ok, then it will be worth taking them back and do the rest of the testing back in the lab."

"But how do we know those chemicals are just for your research, and not anything else?" asked the lieutenant.

"The Turkish government has a great many laws to protect the environment and plant life, which I think we can overlook at the moment as your samples are very small. However, our country does have very strict laws on even the smallest amount of undocumented chemicals that come into the country.

"From the government's point of view, which I have to represent, so far we have in you someone who has no ID, no passport, no permit to be in this highly sensitive district nor investigate and dig up certain of our plants. And now you are bringing in all sorts of unspecified chemicals too.

"I want to believe you, Mr. Todd, but you are really making it very difficult for me!" he said. His tone seemed serious and concerned, but still with no real sense of anger or disapproval either.

"I understand, lieutenant, and I expect that by the end of it you'll just have to do with me whatever you want and I'll just have to go with it unless or until something or somebody else comes along to bail me out of it," was Todd's resigned reply. And he knew that on top of this matter of no ID or passport or permit to be there, and now the chemicals, he was also carrying a .38 revolver with him too, which he knew would be at the very top of the list of forbidden things to be brought into Turkey. The lieutenant and Kemal had still to find out about that, and he knew that would probably be the final nail in his coffin.

Todd brought out a couple more things in his backpack including his raincoat, cap and work gloves, and that was it. Except for the gun, that is, which was in an inside hidden compartment at the very bottom of the pack.

"That's about it," said Todd, which wasn't exactly true, but not exactly a lie either with his qualifying use of the word "about" to sort of, he hoped, finish the investigation of his backpack.

Kemal looked at him and grinned. Most quality backpacks such as this one, he knew, had a compartment or two somewhere in them for valuables. He had kept his eyes glued on Todd trying to figure him out all the time Todd was speaking. He found himself not only admiring Todd for his apparent brains, but for his good-natured handling of the whole situation with them. Todd had been keeping an eye on him too, while both were taking the measure of each other's muscular build and what it might be like to wrestle around with him if he could.

Kemal thought he'd move in a little physically on Todd to see if that might shake him and his story up any. He knew the lieutenant wouldn't mind or be surprised as that was one of the procedures they used when interrogating possible illegals. The lieutenant knew Kemal's wrestling inclinations and ability to handle himself well, and the men surrounding them would also like to see some action instead of so much talk. Knowing Kemal, and looking at the muscular Todd, they thought it might be real interesting if Kemal and Todd did get to mixing it up with each other.

As Todd reached out to pull the backpack closer to him and away from Kemal before Kemal might try to take it to search it further and then discover the gun, Kemal reached out to bring the backpack closer to him to do just that.

For an instant, it was a tug of war between the two before Todd let go. Todd knew that by letting go, and Kemal's soon finding the gun, he was probably sealing his own fate along with it. He was right.

In the next moment Kemal dug deep into the bottom of the pack and first felt the weight and hardness of the gun it its secret compartment. Then he opened the compartment, pulled out the gun and lifted it up to show it to the lieutenant and the other men.

The lieutenant immediately took it out of Kemal's hand to see it for himself.

As the lieutenant turned the gun over in his hand, Todd said "That was just in case I had to protect myself from any of the wild boars here in the brush, lieutenant."

To which the lieutenant barely replied, "Yes, of course."

Todd knew that was the end of the line for him as far as he was concerned. Meanwhile, ever since he first set eyes on Kemal, he knew, quite apart from everything else, that he wanted to wrestle around with Kemal any way he could, regardless of the outcome.

And now that he was in about as bad a situation as he could possibly be, he figured, 'What the heck, I'm going to get into it with Kemal right now 'cause now I have nothing else to lose, and then they can do whatever they like with me afterwards!'

With both men still kneeling on the soft moss with their heads now no more than a foot apart, Todd suddenly turned around slightly to improve his position and shifted his powerful legs behind him like a panther about to spring. Then he sprang forward, jumped on top of Kemal and got him in a headlock bringing him down on to the soft moss while getting on top of him to hold him down as well.

It worked. Kemal wasn't quite prepared for Todd's move just at that moment, although he was somewhat wary of the powerful Todd so close to him in the stress of the present circumstances. Nor was it the first time he had ever been jumped before either out in the field on duty or when wrestling around with another man in their border patrol base gym.

Still, suddenly Kemal found himself sprawled on the soft moss with Todd's powerful arm and bicep wrapped around his neck, with his head being pulled into Todd's chest and his face being pulled into Todd's big muscled pec.

Kemal was more than used to being caught that way in a wrestling match, however, and liked the feel of it very much. He had experienced a lot more and a lot worse, and never had any problem with any of it. He also liked even more the idea that Todd had made the first move, and that now they could get into it with each other. He suspected Todd was thinking much the same thing.

For a moment, Todd worked him over and tightened his headlock on Kemal even more pulling Kemal's head into him until he had now just about stuffed his whole thick pec into Kemal's mouth to choke him on it. Kemal made no particular effort to resist it either. At the same time Todd continued to straddle Kemal's body with both of his legs in a sort of top scissors to hold him in place. Kemal liked that even more and wasn't at all disconcerted by any of that either.

As Todd and Kemal struggled with each other, the men watching moved in closer to them to get as close a look as possible at the two wrestlers, whose own attention was now totally focused on the other.

Todd was expecting at any second to hear the lieutenant order him to let go of Kemal instantly or be shot, and he also expected Kemal's men to quickly come in on top of him to drag him off Kemal and let him go.

No such thing. Todd was surprised when there was no reaction from the lieutenant or the men at all. Instead, in a quick glance up to see if he'd need to defend himself from all the others jumping in on top of him, he saw them simply continue to stand there with wide grins on their faces. The lieutenant too was just standing there, and in fact was paying very little attention to the wrestling match in front of him while he was casually making some notes in the little report book he was carrying with him just as he had been doing on their whole conversation all along.

While Todd was now contemplating what he'd do next with Kemal, Kemal began to solve the problem for him. Slowly Kemal reached one of his powerful arms up until he could reach the back of Todd's neck and get him in a similar headlock to the one Todd was holding on him.

Then he began to pull Todd's head down closer to his own while easing Todd's thick pec out of his own mouth so that he could breathe more easily again and begin to free up his head and face as well.

Kemal then also twisted his thick and powerfully muscular legs around until, while Todd had one leg between Kemal's legs and one outside, Kemal got one of his own legs similarly between Todd's legs and the other outside. Todd could now feel Kemal's big thick leg press against his crotch and his cock and balls, which had already become aroused and hard, and began to be crushed under Kemal's leg.

At the same time, he was doing the same thing to Kemal, and knew Kemal was getting the same feel of having his own big cock and balls being crushed by the force and weight of Todd's big thigh against them. It was a familiar deadlock to both of them, and neither minded it at all.

At the same time as they had grapevined each other's powerful legs, both kept and increased their headlock on each other, gradually bringing both of their heads and faces closer and closer together until they were only a couple of inches apart and each could feel the other's warm breath against his face.

They didn't stop there. Closer and closer they brought their faces together, neither wanting to pull back to escape the hold. Then their faces met and were tightly pressed together, and their lips as well, as if daring each other to tongue wrestle. Both took the challenge and now their tongues were left to battle it out inside each other's mouth. Both wanted to see if the other liked to wrestle the same way they themselves did. They found out. The answer was yes.

Still, the lieutenant and the other men stood by and watched the action as it unfolded with the two wrestlers now deadlocked tightly together, each holding the other as tight as he could and with neither wanting to be the first to let go.

Then Kemal, who was the slightly heavier, stronger and more experienced of the two, although both liked the deadlock they were in, slowly rolled both of them over, with Todd's going with it, until he was on top of Todd and now expecting Todd to give in. Todd, however, always liked the feel of another and bigger wrestler get on top of him in some punishing body press or headlock just as Kemal presently had on him, and, with his back on the soft moss, he was in no hurry to see their impromptu wrestling match end.

For almost five long minutes, typical of the long deadlocks Turkish wrestlers frequently get into and enjoyed in some of their hours-long or even all-night wrestling matches, Kemal and Todd remained motionless to see which would give in first.

Neither did until finally the lieutenant said to both, "Okay men, we don't have enough time to continue with all this now, and you can pick it up again later on if you like. In the meantime, we must break this up for the present and head back to our base camp."

Nobody seemed particularly pleased with that decision, breaking off what was looking like a real good wrestling match between Todd and Kemal, not even the lieutenant. However, they all knew it was the correct decision and was what they had to do.

As Kemal slowly got up and off Todd, and Todd began to get back up himself, Kemal extended his hand to help him regain his feet.

"You're a good man, Mr. Todd. Maybe if you like, we can continue another time?" said Kemal with a grin on his face.

"Any time that's good for you is good for me, Kemal, I'm all yours to do with as you like - if you're sure you can take it!" said Todd with a grin on his face. Kemal grinned back and silently appreciated Todd's humor. Todd knew he'd surely enjoyed this first encounter with Kemal, and hoped they could get into it again, and for a lot longer, another time. Kemal felt the same way.

The lieutenant and Kemal stood off to the side for a moment to confer on what they would do next. They'd come upon Todd around one-thirty and it was now just after two. It was about a two-hour walk to the Turkish Border Patrol base, which would put them there, just around four o'clock.

Kemal gave the orders to the men to carry out a procedure which they apparently used before whenever they needed to bring a prisoner back to their base camp. Todd understood that as his presence in Turkey was undocumented, plus the chemicals and his gun problem too, that would have to be his status with them now.

As soon as Kemal and Todd had broken off their wrestling match, the lieutenant had said to Todd, "Mr. Todd, I'm not sure what we are going to do with you, so we are first going to bring you back to our Turkish Border Patrol base camp about five miles away.

"Then I will have to inform our headquarters and they can decide to enter whatever formal charges are to be made against you, as is our normal procedure. Our headquarters will then also determine what action will be taken from there.

"The charges I will relate to them are that you appear to have entered Turkey but you are unable to produce any ID such as a passport. Nor have you produced a permit to be in this high security zone either. Further, you have caused an adverse environmental impact on our vegetation, and also brought in some undefined chemicals which may or may not be of a hazardous nature. And lastly, you were carrying a concealed weapon, which is a major offense under Turkish law.

"You will therefore be kept as our prisoner, or as I would prefer to think, as our guest until we hear back from our headquarters in Istanbul what we are to do with you.

"When we get back to our base camp, in approximately two hours, or around four o'clock, I will explain what our procedures are there for the remainder of the period that you are with us.

"Do you have any questions?" asked the lieutenant, expecting none and hearing none.

Todd figured at this point it was what it was, and there was nothing he could do about it. He'd just have to go along with them and take it as it came and see what happened next.

He did note, however, that in the lieutenant's planned charges, there was nothing said about his sudden jumping on Kemal or their subsequent wrestling match which ended in more or less of a draw in Kemal's favor.

Todd was more interested in what was going to happen to him next. At Kemal's orders, one of the men produced from his backpack a heavy black leather neck collar with a fleece lining which had a series of metal loops fastened into the collar. Then the man produced two lengths of strong, lightweight black chain, about ten feet long, with three-quarter inch links.

He then proceeded to wrap the collar around Todd's neck and fasten it firmly but not too tightly by bringing the two ends of the collar together under Todd's chin and fastening the ends with a small padlock.

While he was doing that, two of the other men positioned themselves near Todd, one about eight feet in front of him, and the other about eight feet behind him.

Then the man with the collar and chains padlocked one end of one chain to Todd's collar and the other end to a steel loop in the leather belt of the man in front of him. Then he padlocked the other chain similarly, one end to Todd's collar and the other to the man who had taken a position about eight feet behind him. After he had secured all four of the padlocks, he gave the key to Kemal to keep. This in effect chained Todd to the two men, one in front of him and one behind him, so that he would be unable to escape.

Todd had to admit to himself, although he was the one who was chained, that it was a clever set-up. Instead of handcuffing him or putting him in leg chains, which might impede his movements or cause him to fall, this way, so long as he kept the proper distance behind the man in front of him, and the man behind kept up with him, he could walk along easily with them and be completely free in his actions, with the exception, of course, that he couldn't escape.

Within fifteen minutes of Todd and Kemal breaking off their impromptu wrestling match, all of them were in formation walking along the trail back to the Turkish Border Patrol base camp. The lieutenant was in front and set the pace, which was steady and good. He was followed by Kemal who sometimes moved up to the lieutenant to talk with him, or the lieutenant fell back to say something to Kemal.

One of the four men in the group followed Kemal carrying, apparently, some extra supplies in his backpack. Then came the man in front of Todd who held the front chain, followed by Todd, who was followed by the man behind him who held the back chain.

Bringing up the rear was the fourth and tall man, the man who apparently held the rank of corporal. He had seemed very quiet in all of their proceedings, but Todd had noticed that he was observing everything that was going on very carefully even though he had said virtually nothing.

For Todd, in fact, the walk back wasn't a bad deal at all. All of the others had to carry their regular backpacks and their rifles too. And then the last man, the tall quiet one, who not only had to carry his own backpack and rifle, but he carried Todd's fairly heavy backpack, with all of its jars and instruments and notes, as well. Looking back, Todd saw that despite the load he was carrying, he looked as if he were carrying nothing at all. Todd figured he was probably not only the tallest and heaviest of all of them, but probably the strongest too.

After about an hour's walk, or what Todd figured was probably about half way to the TBP base camp from where they started, they came to a small clearing which had some low rocks and showed some ground wear, and which apparently was a regular rest point.

The lieutenant announced that they would take a ten minute break and then head out again to cover the remainder of the way back to their base.

Todd and his two guards sat together on a big rock, and he was glad to take the break. He had almost endless endurance in general, but it had already been a fairly full day for him with everything that had happened, and so a short break was welcome.

His two guards, who didn't appear to speak much English, or seemed reluctant to talk to him, but seemed friendly enough, asked him, through sign language, if he was ok? He indicated thanks, and that he was. They then pulled out a couple of high energy food bars, apparently issued by their Turkish Border Patrol mess, and then drank some water from their canteens to rebuild their energy and ease their thirst.

Todd wished he might have some too, but he figured most likely, as he was their prisoner, he wasn't entitled to have a share in their rations.

But then Kemal came over to him from having been talking with the lieutenant on their next plans. Then he pulled one of his high energy food bars out of his pocket in front of Todd. Todd eyed the food bar, which looked good.

Instead of just looking like a food bar, Todd couldn't help but think it looked like something else too. As Kemal had his hand wrapped around it, it looked to be a more or less round bar maybe about nine inches long and maybe an inch thick. A familiar shape, for sure. Then he saw it was sort of caramel in color with a lot of bits of nuts and fruits and whatever else it contained which gave it sort of a dark and uneven or textured appearance. That made it look even more familiar and now Todd was even more hungry for a taste of it and wanted to put some of it in his mouth.

Kemal said nothing, but there was a grin on his face as he fingered the ends of the bar and moved his hand back and forth over it to remove the clear plastic wrapper from the bar. A familiar movement, for sure, and both Kemal and Todd knew it As is customary with many high energy bars, he knew that it would be hard and filling if and when he might get a chance to eat some of it.

Then, indicating he was going to share it with Todd, Kemal took both ends of the bar firmly in his hands, which he dropped down in front of his now bulging crotch, and slowly broke the bar in half. Was he signaling this is what he wanted to do with Todd's now long and hard cock, or what he wanted Todd to do with his, or both? Todd hoped it was both.

Kemal then gave one half of the bar to Todd while he put the end of the other end into his mouth, sucking and chewing on it slowly until he had devoured the whole thing. Todd got the signal, and did the same. Grins covered their faces as their eyes remained locked on each other's.

Kemal then took a second bar out of his pocket and repeated the same procedure. Todd liked the repeat just as much and he followed Kemal in every move.

The energy bars made both of them thirsty as well, and Kemal then produced his canteen and proceeded to take a deep draft of water from it, "When I eat something hard and good in my mouth, I like something wet to go with it. You want something to drink too?" asked Kemal with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I'm the same way, eat something hard and solid and then drink something along with it, nothing's better than that," Todd replied with a similar grin on his face. Both got the message and liked what they heard.

About an hour later, around four o'clock, as expected, the seven men left the trail and turned on to a dirt road. From there it was no more than five minutes until Todd saw the Turkish Border Patrol base camp where they were headed in front of them. They'd arrived.

As they approached the Turkish Border Patrol base, Todd saw that it was a solid concrete block building, two stories high, with four steel casement windows on each floor. The building was rectangular in shape and looked solid and functional. About fifty feet away from that main building was a smaller one-story building with only a couple of windows and a four-bay garage at one end of it.

Between the buildings toward the front Todd could see a flagpole set in a small garden with both the Turkish national flag and the burgundy and gold Turkish Border Patrol flag flying from it.

Behind the flagpole there was what looked like an outdoor picnic and workout or gym area with a couple of parallel and chinning bars, two racks of weights, and a roped ring with an all-weather blue vinyl wrestling mat. As they got closer to the building, Todd could see four or five men working out in the gym area. Two or three were working out easily on the weights, lifting or spotting each other, while two men were locked together on the wrestling mat.

Todd could see that both of the wrestlers wore only their traditional small triangular black nylon bikini briefs on their muscled bodies, and that in both cases, their bikinis bulged outward in sharp angles and long ridges indicating what the men were thinking as they wrestled each other.

Todd knew that if he were wrestling and was wearing the same brief bikini, his bikini would bulge out just as much.

The buildings were surrounded on all sides by about one hundred feet of clearing and a rough lawn, and that was surrounded only by a low perimeter fence of ordinary pasture wire rather than any kind of protective barbed wire.

The seven men passed through a low gate and came up to the main building. When they got there, they all paused while Kemal pulled out of his pocket the keys to all the padlocks of the chains which held Todd and unlocked them. Then the man who had carried them in his pack earlier collected the collar around Todd's neck, freeing him now of that, the two chains to the other men and all the small padlocks, and put them back into the pack from which he'd taken them to be ready for the next time they were to be used.

With that, three of the four men grinned at him with one patting him on the shoulder, and then they disappeared into the building. That left the lieutenant, Kemal and the tall corporal who had been carrying Todd's pack all the way back. Todd gathered even more that he was senior to the other three and just behind Kemal in rank and seniority. There was something in his eyes too, Todd thought, that he was taking in everything he was seeing and doing, and that he was storing it away for when he might want to draw on that knowledge later on.

"Okay," said the lieutenant, "This is where we break up for the present.

"Mr. Todd, I will have to excuse myself shortly from you as I have to file my reports not only on today's activities of our whole base, but also on you in particular." His whole tone seemed to Todd as being quite normal and routine and now just wanted to give him some more information on their base procedures and what was going to happen next.

"As I mentioned when we were out in the field, I would be charging you officially with the four charges I indicated them. I'm thinking the options you will face from our headquarters in Istanbul might range anywhere from between letting you go free to facing the firing squad. We'll hope it doesn't come to that last one, of course, but one never knows!" he said with sort of a grin on his face.

'It's only my life, lieutenant, but I'm pleased at least to know that's the range of options,' thought Todd. Still, for some reason, despite their catching him and bringing him back in chains to possibly face all those charges, for some reason he had the feeling the whole thing still wasn't all that important - despite the lieutenant's mentioning the firing squad.

"I will still be able to send in my report on you this afternoon, but as it's already late Friday and our headquarters isn't staffed over the weekend, I expect it will be Monday before we hear back from them. Depending on their decision then, whatever it is they decide, we'll either take care of it and carry it out here, or you may have to go to Istanbul for whatever is to be done with you there.

"Meanwhile, as we are a very small base and run things on a very informal basis, we will consider you as our guest as you seem to have a generally non-violent disposition. There was one exception to that, of course, but we will overlook that for the moment."

The lieutenant, Kemal, Todd and the tall soldier, whose name, Todd had learned when Kemal asked him something, was Denir, smiled at that reference.

"However," continued the lieutenant, "I advise you not to try to leave the base, as defined by the perimeter fence, without my permission. If you had that in your mind, I would remind you there are no other habitations or installations within five miles of our base here, you would have no idea in which direction to go, and we would have our tracking dogs out after you before you got very far away.

"I would also mention that we have only about twenty-four men on our whole base for all of our duties, and I'm sure all of the men already know that you are with us and the circumstances of your situation, so at least some of them will probably be watching you just about all the time.

"They are all good men but there is very little ever going on at the base to keep them entertained, so do not be surprised if they approach you and want to talk to you, and you are certainly free to talk with them all you like. And, who knows, as with Kemal, they may want to do more than just talk with you, particularly as I'm sure the word of your impromptu wrestling match with Kemal has already spread all over. Again, you can do as you like just so long as all of the men remain fit for duty at all times, and you, as our guest, will also be ready and in good order for whatever is to become of you on Monday morning."

Then he went on to say "There is a big bell in the central courtyard which is rung for all the key times in the day's schedule. First bell is at six to get up, seven for breakfast and eight to set out on the day's duties. Then Noon for lunch and a one-hour rest break. Then it is sounded again at five for the end of the work day. Then six for supper and at ten o'clock for lights out. Most of the men by that time are ready to go to bed, but whether you or they actually do is entirely up to them and you, just so long as they report for breakfast and work in the morning. Saturday and Sunday are half days, with the men reporting for their essential duties, but are otherwise off to follow their own pursuits.

"You will be expected to follow the same schedule as the men, except that I presume you will use at least some of your time to write up your research reports. What you do with the rest of your time is up to you.

"Now, let me go to my office to attend to my other duties and I will leave you in Kemal's hands from here. Again, welcome to our Turkish Border Patrol base camp. We hope you have an enjoyable stay!"

And, with that, the lieutenant left them. Kemal and Todd turned to each other, with the quiet but interested Denir staying with them as well.

"I hope the lieutenant explained things okay, Mr. Todd, but if there's anything else I can answer for you, just let me know. Meanwhile, let me show you around the base and then maybe we can take it from there.

Kemal began to show Todd around the base and where he'd be spending the next three days, or possibly longer.

"The main building here," said Kemal, has the offices and security in front, and the men's mess hall in the middle. Then in the back, facing the courtyard between the buildings, is the men's recreation area including the gym and wrestling mats. Maybe you'd be interested in that?"

"Yeah," replied Todd, "Particularly if any off duty sergeants want to get into it again, any time at all," was Todd's smiling reply. Kemal grinned.

"On the second floor, which is where we are going now, is the men's dormitory and our three cells for any prisoners we might catch who cross the borders illegally and need to be detained for a period of time," continued Kemal.

Todd saw the rows of low partitioned cubicles, each containing a cot bed and a small table for each of the soldiers. There was some privacy for them, but not much. At one end of the big center dormitory were three small rooms, one for the lieutenant, one for Kemal, and one spare for any visiting officers.

At the other end of the room were three prison cells with heavy wooden walls, one barred window outside to each cell, and a heavy wooden door with a barred window looking into the central dormitory room. On one side, taking up part of the main dormitory room, were the washing, toilet and shower facilities for all the men.

"You will have your choice of cells, Mr. Todd, so we are assigning you to the one on the left. It has the best, or least bad, mattress, and is the cleanest of the three cells. Unfortunately, the lock to the door is broken, but as the lieutenant has given you the complete freedom of the base, that won't make any difference," said Kemal with an innocent expression.

Kemal led Todd into his cell and checked to be sure a couple of towels and a couple of sheets and a blanket were on the bed. Todd saw that Denir had brought up his backpack which he put on the bed.

'So,' thought Todd, 'I guess this is home for the next three days. Actually, it's just as good accommodations as Kemal's and the lieutenant's as far as I can see, so I sure don't have anything to complain about.'

Kemal then excused himself saying that he too had to take care of his end-of-week duties as well, check on all of the men and what they were doing, and various other jobs he needed to take care of.

"Thanks, Kemal," Todd said, and he meant it. For all the problems he was causing them, he didn't have any complaints at all about how they were treating him. Kemal said it was their pleasure to have him, and maybe there'd be more to the weekend with them yet.

Todd suddenly found himself dead tired after the already full day, although he knew there was more to come and he looked forward to it. He put his backpack on the floor and the sheets on the bed. Within a couple of minutes, he was totally sacked out.

He woke up suddenly when he heard the big bell in the courtyard. At the same time, he felt a big hand gently shake his shoulder to wake him up. He looked at his watch and saw it was six o'clock, supper time. The big hand belonged to Denir who took it upon himself to quietly look after Todd in case he needed anything.

"Thanks Denir, I'm much obliged," said Todd as he quickly got up, put on his boots, washed up briefly and went downstairs to the mess hall. Denir left him as soon as he was sure Todd was awake, and when Todd went into the mess hall he saw that Denir was already in the hall seated at a far table with some of his buddies with his back to Todd.

'No problem there,' thought Todd, 'he's got his own buddies to stick with, but I appreciate his looking after me too.'

As Todd looked around the mess hall, he saw the lieutenant at a side table who motioned to him to come over and join him. Neither said much during their meal as both were hungry from their full day's work, and the lieutenant needed to get back to his office soon too. Nevertheless, he was interested to hear more about Todd's research, and hoped that Todd would enjoy himself on the base as much as he could while he was there with them.

Todd did ask the lieutenant briefly what Denir's background might be as he had been very kindly attentive to him. The lieutenant said yes, Denir was rather special and very good. He lived about eight miles away with his grandparents as his own parents were dead. He was doing his two-year's military service with the Turkish Border Patrol as he was especially smart, strong and knew the immediate surrounding area in detail.

Also, that he was in the School of Pharmacy at a nearby college, and so was keenly interested in Todd's work and in Todd himself. The lieutenant said if he and Todd got to know each other better, that would be all to the good. Todd like what he'd heard, and said he would be glad to help Denir any way he could. Maybe even more, thought Todd, glancing over at the big, sturdy, quiet and good natured Denir as he ate with his buddies.

Every once in a while Todd noticed one or another of the other men glance over toward him to see who their prisoner was. They had already heard about his impromptu wrestling match with Kemal out in the field, and who it was that had gotten into it with Kemal, and who didn't do a bad job of it either. He could see the grins on their faces as they undoubtedly were talking about it amongst themselves.

After supper, Todd figured he'd take a short walk around the base to familiarize himself with the layout. Then he'd continue with writing the notes he was working on until around nine o'clock, and then see what would happen from there. If it were quiet, he might sack out for the night. But if anything was going on he'd be fully rested and ready for whatever it might be.

Todd had just finished his first set of notes. He found that in the adjoining cell, which apparently was rarely used, the bunk bed had been folded up and put against the wall and that a table, chair and a desk lamp had been put in the cell for the men to use to read or write in their off hours. As nobody else seemed to be using it, Todd moved his backpack with his specimen bottles, chemicals and notes in to give him some writing space.

Just as he was finishing up, there was a light knock on the cell door which stood open. It was Denir, and did he look good! He wore only the tight black regulation bikini which hardly enclosed, and not even that, all of his big and bulging male equipment. His tan skin shone all over on his "x" frame. That is, when he was dressed his clothes appeared to hang on him normally, but that was only because he was so well built, with broad shoulders, muscled pecs, solid abs and a tapered waist, but with long and heavily muscled legs.

Just looking at him, Todd thought if he could ever get his head or body caught between those legs wrapped around him, he'd think he'd died and gone to heaven. Todd was not generally given too often to such extravagant thoughts, but this was one of those exceptions.

"If Mr. Todd would like," said Denir in a quiet and hopeful voice, "You have had a long day, which hasn't ended yet, and I thought if you liked I would give you a shower and a massage so you would feel all clean and relaxed with us tonight."

'What's this, "shower" and "massage" Denir is suggesting?' thought Todd, But he didn't need any persuasion of it either, looking at the big and very hunky Denir.

"If you will come with me, I will give you a shower, and then will give you a massage, Turkish style," said Denir. Todd noticed that he was not only carrying two big bath towels, but also two bottles of aromatic soap and massage oil, and also what looked like a clean set of Turkish Border Patrol clothes which he presumably intended to give to Todd when they were finished.

Todd only then realized his own clothes, which he had been wearing all day including when he had wrestled around with Kemal in the moss and dirt out in the field, had gotten sort of gamey, and a change into clean clothes would feel pretty good.

"Yeah, Denir, that sounds pretty good to me, particularly if you're going to do it," said Todd. "Thank you."

Todd followed Denir into the shower room, which consisted of four shower heads about three feet apart, a couple of small stools to sit on, and some clothes hangers on the wall. One man was showering at the far right end and Denir moved Todd over to the other end. Todd figured whatever Denir wanted to do with him was okay with him, and he'd just follow along with it.

Denir began to remove Todd's boots while Todd took off his shirt and pants and jockey brief, which were all he was wearing. As soon as he got naked, with his deeply tanned skin except for his suntan line, Denir smiled and said "You look very good, Mr. Todd. No wonder you give our Kemal such a hard time when you wrestle with him today."

"Thanks, Denir, but he's the one who gave me a hard time. But, maybe I was able to get back at him some too," replied Todd.

"Now you stand under warm shower and Denir give you good cleaning," said Denir as he turned on the shower and waited until it turned to a nice warmth, but not too hot.

"You just relax and Denir take good care of you!" he said. Todd decided he'd be glad to do exactly that, and hoped it would last a very long time too.

As Todd wet down, Denir slipped off his own brief bikini and Todd saw that his male equipment was in about the same proportion as the rest of his body. Big, long, hard and thick. And, already, both his and Todd's big cocks had grown long and hard and began to jut straight out from their bodies in anticipation of whatever was to come next. Tactfully, neither paid any attention to what they were feeling, but it was a very good indication of what they were thinking.

Denir picked up the bottle of aromatic soap and began to pour it slowly over Todd's muscled chest. Then he set the bottle down to rub the soap deep into Todd's masculine skin and over every part of the front of his body. He had Todd put his head under the shower for just a moment, without soap, so it would clean up naturally and with Denir's massaging his hair.

Then Denir began to soap the rest of his body, starting at his neck as he wrapped his big hands around Todd's muscled neck as if to strangle him to death. Todd noticed that just one of Denir's big hands encircled almost two-thirds of his neck. With the two of them, pulled tight, he'd be gone in less than a minute. Todd was thrilled with that idea and his big cock grew even longer and harder.

Denir then massaged the soap deep in and around Todd's muscular pecs and nipples squeezing them as he did so to Todd's increasing pleasure. Then over his solid abs, Todd tightening them as he did to give Denir some more resistance. Denir then took each of Todd's strong arms and muscular biceps and soaped them thoroughly right down from his shoulder to his hands and finger nails. All of it felt real good to Todd, and Denir hadn't even yet finished with him half way.

Denir then began to soap and rub Todd's crotch deeply, as he poured more smooth aromatic soap over his now almost rock-hard cock as it jutted out straight from his muscled body. As Denir rubbed the soap back and forth over Todd's cock, Todd felt himself getting increasingly aroused even though he knew he didn't want to come any time soon yet.

Instead, to break his line of thinking, he grabbed Denir's own even longer and thicker cock jutting out the same way from his body, and began to crush it in his fist. Denir never even flinched or paid any attention at all to Todd's move on him in return.

Then Denir crouched down, his face now only a couple of inches from the big heart-shaped head of Todd's cock, and soaped Todd's thickly muscled legs all the way down to his feet and toes.

Then he stood up again and turned Todd around to now soap the back of him as well. The same delicious feeling of Denir's big hands working all over his muscled back and then soaping down deep into the dark canyon of his muscled butt, leaving no part unsoaped, also felt so very good to him. Then from his butt Denir went down Todd's muscular legs again all the way to his heels and even the bottom of his feet.

Denir, back on his feet now, then adjusted the shower head to a wide spray which sprayed almost as much water over Denir as it did Todd so that now both of them were wet and naked in the shower as all of the soap gently but completely drained off Todd's body leaving it totally clean and fresh. Denir ignored the fact that his own body had become completely wet as he now took one of the big bath towels and rubbed Todd dry.

The whole shower had lasted only about fifteen minutes as Denir did not want to have Todd get too dry, or to have him in any way become too relaxed from the heat. But to Todd it felt perfect, and it felt as if it had lasted forever. No wonder people liked what they called "Turkish Baths"! If this is what they meant, he was all for it!

Denir then moved Todd by the top of his head to a small spare room next to the shower room. In it was nothing more than a very low padded table or platform, not more than a foot off the floor and covered by a blue vinyl work or wrestling tarp. The table was about four feet wide by seven feet long. Denir told Todd to lie down in the center of it, on his back. Todd easily complied with that request, and wondered what Denir had in mind to do with him next.

With the warmth of the shower his big cock had softened just little. Todd knew it was ready to come back into action very quickly with even the slightest provocation, however.

Todd didn't have to wonder what Denir had in mind for him very long, for this was now massage time. After Todd got himself stretched out comfortably, Denir got on the platform with him and straddled his chest with his knees and toes on the pad. As he did, Todd saw less than ten inches from his face the big dark heart-shaped end of Denir's long, thick and hard cock staring him right in the face. Todd liked the view very much.

Denir then reached over to get the bottle of the aromatic massage oil he had brought with him, and began to pour it over Todd's upper body. Then he set it down and began to massage Todd's strong body slowly, firmly and methodically just as he had soaped Todd down earlier.

As before, he started first with a light coating of oil over Todd's face and hair, just enough to keep them from drying out after his shower. Then he moved down more strongly, once again wrapping both of his big hands firmly around Todd's throat as if were again about to strangle him.

'If I've got to go, this is the way I want it done,' thought Todd. He grinned up at Denir's face, directly over his own but was met by a fierce frown on Denir's face as if Denir really did mean to strangle him. But then Denir broke out in a broad grin to match Todd's own, knowing what Todd was thinking, but to put him at ease on that particular point.

From there Denir, instead of moving down Todd's muscled body to massage his pecs and abs, as Todd expected him to, Denir moved up further on Todd's body toward his head to massage his muscled arms, which Todd had first stretched off to the side of the table but then moved over his head.

This put Denir's move up to just above Todd's abs, with his knees now tightly pressed against Todd's chest. Which also now positioned Denir's big cock, still as long and hard as before, to first push its head against the bottom of Todd's chin and then lie easily clear across Todd's face.

Todd had no problem with that at all. He was used to it as a good and normal nude wrestling hold and position when the man he was wrestling with might do the same. But in wrestling the top man would have pressed his big cock down a lot harder against his face. Denir's position was just about as good, however.

Denir glanced down to see what Todd's reaction to it was and saw that Todd had no problem with it at all. Nor was Denir unaware of it, or at all unhappy about it either, when Todd's tongue came out of his mouth and begin to wrap itself around the end of Denir's big, long and hard cock to see what it might feel and taste like too.

After Denir finished massaging Todd's muscular arms, he shifted back down Todd's body to get to his big pecs, which he massaged and squeezed even harder than before. Again, he glanced at Todd to get Todd's reaction to the tightness of his hold on Todd's pecs. But the grin on Todd's face, no matter how hard Denir squeezed them, never left his face and told Denir what he wanted to know. As with a lot of wrestlers, Todd liked to take a lot of pressure and punishment, particularly on his pecs and cock and balls, just so long as it wasn't totally damaging, and he had no problem with whatever Denir wanted to give him now.

Denir then moved further down toward Todd's feet and began to oil and massage all of Todd's big male equipment. Todd's big cock once again grew long and hard, and his balls thick and hard with all the sensuality of Denir's big, calloused and experienced hands working him over.

Denir, after massaging around Todd's still warm and wet crotch from the shower, then moved directly and fully to seize Todd's big cock, now hard and sticking upright from his body. As he massaged Todd's cock, Denir tightened his grip on it more and more until he felt almost sure it would burst in the power of his grip.

It was only when Denir was crushing it as tightly as he could that Todd lightly tapped Denir to indicate that was about as much as he could take. It was the customary wrestler's sign to an opponent that he'd gone far enough, and Denir quickly eased his grip. But it had felt real good to Todd, and to Denir too as he saw the grin on Todd's face, and, again, Denir found out how tough Todd was.

Denir then went on to Todd's thick balls and again gradually squeezed them harder. However, he now knew the limitation there but that Todd also liked the pressure Denir subjected him to.

In order to massage Todd's legs and feet, Denir turned around on top of Todd to now face his legs and feet. That meant Todd was now looking up at Denir's muscled and Y-shaped back and, more closely, at Denir's powerfully muscled butt not six inches from his face. Todd like that view too.

As Denir bent over to reach Todd's lower legs and feet, Denir bent away from him. But then Todd, to make it a little easier for Denir to reach his feet, brought his legs up closer to Denir, which let Denir straighten up and edge back a little. As he did, Denir's butt came closer and closer to Todd's head and face until Denir sat lightly but fully on Todd's face.

Todd had no problem with that at all and reached both of his arms and hands up to clasp them together over Denir's crotch to pull Denir in even closer to him and have him sit even harder on his face until he could feel his face, nose, eyes and mouth sink deeply into the deep dark canyon of Denir's naked butt. Both noticed that Todd was in no hurry to unclasp his hands either.

Todd managed to keep his legs up for a long time, and then Denir, noting Todd's action, made it easier for Todd by holding his legs up and against his own chest and face for a long time too. Todd had no problem with any of it, and was more than willing for Denir to take all the time he liked as he massaged his legs all the way down to the tip of his toes. Todd thought he was in heaven.

Denir then reached both of his hands and arms underneath Todd and turned him over bodily to have him now lie on his stomach. 'Oh, man,' thought Todd, 'if anybody ever wrestles around with this guy, he's so strong he could lift you up and do whatever he wanted with you no matter what you did!'

And yet, with Denir so quiet and gentle otherwise, no one would ever suspect his strength.

Denir then proceeded to massage Todd's whole backside, pouring more aromatic oil over his back, then over his butt, and finally his legs. As he kneeled over Todd's upper body to massage his neck again, Todd could feel Denir's long and hard cock, still jutting out hard from his own body, now positioned directly over and against his butt.

Todd didn't like another guy's cock penetrating his butt, he had no problem with the other guy trying. He soon felt Denir's big cock pushing harder against his muscled butt to try to find a way in. But when he found Todd resisting the move, Denir didn't push it any farther while he continued to give his massage elsewhere on Todd's body.

Denir then once again moved down toward Todd's feet and now poured some more oil deep into the canyon of Todd's muscled butt and massaged it deeply and thoroughly, as well as Todd's butt cheeks, before he went down the rest of the way to Todd's ankles and feet. Then the job was done.

For a moment, Todd just lay there, totally relaxed but totally refreshed, while the big Denir still kneeled over on top of him. Then Todd turned over on to his back again underneath Denir and grinned at him when he saw Denir grinning at him. Todd reached up one hand to grab the back of Denir's neck and pulled Denir's head down to his own until their faces met. Denir didn't resist.

"Thanks, Denir," said Todd. "Now I owe you, for sure!"

To be continued...

(Reader's comments invited at email: nelson99@comporium.net )

Next: Chapter 18

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