Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on May 16, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


After a good 30 minutes of sweating and relaxation, I told Frank to stand up. As he did so, his dick went from vertical to horizontal, still hard and still shaming him.

He went to move his hands down to cover his groin.

"Come on, Boy, behind your back... show Sir how much you love displaying your naked body for him."

"Yes Sir..." he replied, putting his arms behind his back, which not only made his nipples stick out, but showed off the powerful muscles in his arms and shoulders.

"Good Boy, after all that sweating we need to cool down and clean ourselves up... off to the shower in the cell, Boy." I pointed towards the door.

"Sir." Frank moved towards the door, taking the handle in his large hand to open the door and walking out, then putting that same arm back behind his back.

If he wasn't straight, he would make a fucking fantastically obedient sub, I thought.

Frank waited for me to exit the sauna and close the door, then turned and walked towards the dungeon entrance. As he did so, the lighting caught multiple trickles of sweat falling down his back and over his large gleaming round buttocks.

I followed him through the entrance, and then towards the back of the cell where the door had been left open. I stopped him before he went further into the cell.

"I want you to take out the butt plug and then clean yourself out Boy, nice and empty, but nothing else. I want to take a shower with you but I'm not standing there watching you clean out your asshole."

He turned to face me.

"I thought Sir, I thought you said you just wanted a blow job?" he asked.

"That I do, Frankie Boy, that I do, but I want you to clean yourself s\out o you feel nice and fresh... don't worry, nothing else is going in your ass. Hurry up before I change my mind!"

Frank turned and groaned as he walked round the corner into the shower. I heard him switch it on and then, shortly afterwards, there were a series of grunts, diminishing in volume, as he no doubt freed the butt plug from his ass, meeting some resistance as he did so.

"No touching of that dick, Boy!" I shouted as an additional order.

Over the wet hiss of the shower, I heard `Yes Sir..."

I stood there listening to what Frank was doing in the shower, the sounds of splashing and gushing as he used the shower device to clean out his insides as instructed. This happened four or five times so I knew he was following my orders and ensuring his hole was clean.

Whilst he was doing that, I returned to the sauna to check that it was OK, smiling as I closed the door behind me.

When I returned, there was a final sound of splashing and then "I'm done, Sir."

"Excellent, Boy." I exclaimed as I went into the cell and walked round to the shower. Frank was just returning the douching device back onto its hook, but he had rinsed away all traces of his douching and stood there facing me.

"Turn around, hands behind your head." I ordered. Frank turned away from me, facing the far wall of the shower, and placed his arms up, lacing his fingers behind his head.

I came in and stood close behind him. Taking the shower gel bottle off the shelf, I squirted a large amount into my right hand and then rubbed it onto both my hands.

Then I reached forward and grabbed at Frank's powerfully muscular shoulders, kneading them and watching the suds fall from my hands down his triceps and down his back. I moved in close until my erection was jabbing at his ass.

I rubbed my cockhead over the sweaty round slabs that were his asscheeks, the precum leaving slimy trails over each buttock, as I moved my hands from his shoulders down over his muscular back and then around his waist. Reaching underneath his belly, my hands stroked through his pubic hair until I found his groin. Frank groaned as I cupped his balls with my left hand and stroked his dick with the right.

"Oh shit...."

"Don't you dare cum, Boy... you shoot your load and I'll punish you more severely than anything you have experienced so far."

"Sir... yes... oh shit, Sir..."

"I'm doing this for you, Boy," I said as I teased and edged his cock. "getting you all nice and horny for when you fuck the missus later on..."

I rubbed my thumb over the head of his cock and he moaned embarrassingly loudly.

"Faggot." I taunted him, as I let go of his dick and balls and ran my hands upwards over his gut, then up through the fur on his chest, pinching at his nipples. Frank moaned and groaned as I let my fingers explore his body, the lather from the shower gel washing off all the sweat and funk from yesterday's efforts.

Once I had soaped up his front, I suited more shower gel into my hands and applied it directly to his ass, feeling his backside up good and proper, obscenely pinching and kneading at the two large round fleshy mounds whilst he grunted and whined and moaned in lust.

Once he was nicely covered in suds front and rear, I rinsed them all off using the shower head, then told him to wash me in the same way.

My cock was dripping precum onto the shower floor as he used his strong arms and big rough hands to wipe all the sweat from me.

When he took hold of my cock -- without asking, I may add -- to clean it, I almost shot my load all over him. But I held off, cos I wanted my final load to go down his throat.

After I had been rinsed off in the same way I had done with him, I turned off the shower and stepped out, pointing towards the rail on the wall.

"Get me the towel, Boy and dry me off."

"Yes Sir." Frank replied, steeping past me and leaving a trail of water dripping off his body as he took the towel off the rail and then turned back towards me, holding up the towel.

I stepped forward and he enveloped me with it, his strong arms grasping me in a bear hug as he used the towel to soak up the dampness on my skin. I couldn't help but notice that the moisture on his body was disappearing into the air like steam.

Once I was completely dry, I told him to use the now slightly damp towel to dry himself off, standing back to admire the view as he rubbed it all over him. The combination of the damp towel and a much larger body made it much more of an effort for him, but he didn't say anything, just the odd small grunt as he exerted himself.

Finally, he put the towel back on the rail, folding it neatly. It was a pointless gesture as I was going to wash it anyway, but I welcomed his attention and consideration nevertheless.

"Good Boy. Now, over to the fuck bench please." I ordered.

Frank swallowed.

"Um... Sir, I thought you weren't going to fuck me?" he asked.

"I'm not, Boy... I want to, but I'm not. I'm going to restrain you one last time and then give you my cock to suck on." I replied. "Quickly now."

"Sir." Frank bowed his head as he walked out of the cell towards the fuck bench on one side of the dungeon. He stood there for a second, wondering what to do next, then laid face down on the padded leather surface, putting his arms and legs down by the wrist and ankle restraints.

"Good Boy." I moved up behind him and secured his wrists first of all, then moved backwards to secure his ankles. I then took the straps from one side across his back and secured them on the other side.

He was now attached to the bench, but I required him to be extremely still, so I walked to the wall where there were more straps. Returning to Frank, he looked up at me as I used them first to firmly strap his forearms, elbows and shoulders to the front of the bench, and then the remainder to secure his thighs, knees, and waist.

I stood back and admired my handiwork.

"Try and break free, Boy." I asked.

Frank coughed and then began to wriggle. However, the large amount of straps held him firmly in place and he barely had any chance of movement.

"Brilliant, now that I have you nice and secured, I'm going to give you a leaving present."

Frank looked up at me. There was the slightest hint that he was getting concerned. I could see him balling his fists as he started to try and move against the restraints.

I smiled as I patted him on the head.

"I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice if Frank had a lasting memento of this weekend."

"What? I... what are you going to do?" he asked worryingly.

"I'm surprised you didn't notice it when we were in the sauna, Frankie Boy."

"Notice what? What the fuck are you going to do?"

He was now struggling quite violently, the bench creaking as he fought to break free, but the straps held him firmly in place.

"The branding iron."

"WHAT?" he was getting quite agitated.

"It was quite prominent, I thought. Perhaps you were too busy concentrating on showing off your big sexy wrestler physique to me to notice."

"You... you CUNT!" his voice was echoing around the room now as he shouted at me.

"Don't worry Boy, I've thought about it and I've picked a nice spot on your right asscheek where it won't show up when you are wrestling."


"You won't be able to show the missus though..." I patted him on the head once more and he pulled away from me as best he could. Walking towards a small table, I picked up a small bottle of antiseptic lotion and a sterile pad, and after pouring the lotion onto the pad, swabbed at Frank's right asscheek.


"Let me show it to you, I had it specially made for someone ages ago but never got round to using it... shame to let it go to waste."


I walked out of the room - picking up a pair of heat-resistant gloves as I left - to the sauna, which was still on and now very hot. Pulling the gloves on, I opened the door and a blast of heat hit me like opening an oven. I walked in and pulled the branding iron from the hot coals, exposing the superheated tip to the air. It glowed an angry bright red.

I walked back out of the room, careful not to burn anything as I left, and back into the dungeon. Frank looked over at me as I entered, his eyes full of terror as he saw the branding iron and it's fiercely glowing tip.

I walked closer to him and he tried to pull back, to no avail; he was going nowhere.

I held up the tip towards him -- so close that you could see the glow illuminating his face.

"You can't really see what it says, Frank, as it's written back-to-front, but it says `FAGGOT CUM DUMP'."


"Shut up, Boy, stop whining."

I moved behind him, staring at his arse and choosing the exact spot I would apply the brand.

"SIR! PLEASE! STOP! SIR, PLEASE HAVE MERCY, PLEASE... SIR, I BEG YOU!" Frank begged and pleaded.

I took aim at his quivering backside, completely oblivious to his shouting and begging.

"Thank you for a most wonderful weekend, Frank." I exclaimed, my cock had and dripping precum onto the floor.

I lunged forward and stuck the branding iron against his right asscheek.

The sound that came from Frank mixed with the sound of the iron searing his flesh to produce something almost unholy. It could best be described as a scream mixed with a roar mixed with the sound of frying bacon.


I continued to apply pressure to the branding iron, searing my way through the outer layers of skin until I was satisfied that the brand would be firmly and permanently set.

"CUUUUUNNNT! CUNT! CUNT FUCK FUCKKK FUUUCCCKKK! FUCKING CUNTING FUCK!" Frank screamed as the iron singed its mark onto his asscheek. "AGGGHHH! NOOOOO! FUCKK! AAAHH!"

I took the iron away from him and admired my handiwork. There, burnt permanently into that beautiful beefy behind, were the words FAGGOT CUM DUMP. I was rather proud of my handiwork, in fact I was so entranced looking at it I nearly burnt myself with the branding iron as I stood back.

"Looks great, Boy!" I exclaimed.

"You FUCKER! FUCKING HELL... Fuck... I... I..." came the reply in big sobs, and from that I could tell that I had reached Frank's limit.

I decided to forego the final blowjob I was expecting from him -- partly as he was not in the right frame of mind, but mainly it was because I had a suspicion he might bite my cock off after what I had just done to him - so after placing the iron carefully into a bucket, where it hissed and bubbled as the hot metal met the cold water, I returned to stand in front of Frank and wanked myself off instead, cumming onto his face.

"WANKER!" he shouted at me, most appropriately, as the sticky creamy white cum dribbled down his cheek and into his moustache, contrasting against his flushed red face.

I squeezed out the last drops of cum onto his left asscheek, then walked back to the table where the antiseptic lotion was. Frank continued to swear at me and he wriggled and struggled in the restraints.

I returned back to Frank and applied a soothing antiseptic and anaesthetic salve to the brand, ensuring that it was completely covered. Frank's shouts became quieter as the anaesthetic took effect, dulling the pain somewhat. I then dressed the area with a sterile pad, taping this in place with surgical tape.

"There, all dressed and clean." I said, standing back up from my crouched position. "I'll give you the salve and dressings so you can keep it clean and allow it to properly heal."

"Fucker. What if my wife sees it?" Frank moaned at me.

"You'd better be careful then, hadn't you Boy?" I replied. "For the time being, you need to keep it clean and dressed, so explain it away as an injury... the dressings can come off in maybe a week or two, so after that, well you just better not let her see your arse."


"Calm down, Frank, calm down. I can't help but notice that the bench is dripping underneath your groin from all the precum you've just leaked, so even after all that whining and crying, you got off on it."

Frank raised his voice again. "WHAT? I MEAN, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"

"You got off on it, so deal with it. I'm going to tidy up so I'll leave you here for a while to calm down and for my spunk to dry on your face. I decided to let you off the final blowjob."

"Thanks very fuckin' much!" he replied.

"My pleasure." I responded sarcastically.

I tidied things up in the dungeon, getting ready to release Frank from the fuck bench. As I did so, he stared at me angrily, with the odd utterance under his breath.

"You'll remain there until you chill out, Boy... so in your best interests to accept it, take it like a man, and be released to go home and see your wife. Otherwise, I'll keep you restrained."

"Bastard." He replied meekly, shifting his weight in a vain effort to try and get free.

"That's my Boy." I joked.

I positioned myself in front of Frank on a chair, sitting there with my riding crop in my right hand, gently tapping at the floor with it. Every time Frank got a bit aggressive, I would swish the crop through the air.

"Want this on your ass, Boy?" I would threaten, to which he would stare at me and huff and puff, and moan under his breath. It took 30 minutes of this for Frank to resign himself to his situation and calm down.

"Sir." he began, "Please can you release me, Sir?"

"Are you going to be a Good Boy for me?" I enquired. "Will I need the riding crop to protect myself?"

There was a short period of silence, and then:

"No Sir, I'll be good, Sir."

"Excellent, let me get those restraints off..."

I removed the restraints from the bench and helped Frank stand up. He rubbed at his wrists and stretched upwards to relax the muscles in his shoulders and back from being secured for so long.

His cock was sticky, covered in precum. And it was hard.

"Told you that you got off on it, Boy." I said, pointing at his erection.

Frank blushed and went to touch the dressing on his ass.

"Don't touch it, Boy, leave it until tomorrow and then redress it after you have cleaned it."


"Your clothes and your holdall are in the locker, Boy. Get dressed."


Frank walked towards the locker and removed his tracksuit that he had left upstairs two days ago. On the top I had placed a lycra jockstrap -- in bright pink.

He turned and looked at me. "If you think I'm putting that on..."

I smiled at him. "I'm just kidding, Boy. There's a proper one in the next locker."

"Thanks fuck Sir." he replied, opening the door and removing the underwear. This was also lycra, but black. I watched as he pulled them on, his cock (which was still stiff) tenting out the front of the shiny material.

"I bet you'll be hard all the way home, Frankie Boy." I teased. "The missus is in for a treat."

Frank grunted as he pulled on the tracksuit bottoms and then the top. Zipping it up, he started looking around for something.

"Your phone and car keys are upstairs by the front door."

"It's not that, Sir, I need to wipe my face."

"No you don't Boy, you leave here with my cum on your face."

Frank grunted again. "OK Sir."

"Excellent, well, thank you for a most wonderful weekend, your debt has been fully repaid and the money you earnt is in your bank account."

"Cheers." he replied.

"Cheers what?"

Frank huffed.

"Cheers SIR."

"Good Boy. Now, fuck off, I have things to do."

Frank walked upstairs carrying his holdall, with me behind him. I was going to miss his ass.

He got to the front door and picked up his phone and car keys.

He turned to me.

"Look... ummm, Sir, you promise nobody will find out about this?" he asked.

"I'm not going to tell if you don't."

"Thanks. Sorry... I mean, thanks, Sir."

He opened the door and left my house.

I closed the door behind him, hearing the crunch of gravel as he drove away.

Three weeks later, a parcel arrived. I didn't recognise the handwriting, so carefully undid the wrapping to find out what it contained.

Sealed in a large zip-bag was an undamaged pair of Frank's blue wrestling trunks.

The note attached said:


I hope you are well.

As requested -- I have worn these in three matches without them being washed. I hope you enjoy them.

Things are going great with the missus and the kids, I have to keep my ass out of view when I fuck her but otherwise I am doing well.

Thank you.


P.S. If the missus is out of town, do you fancy me coming over...?'


I hope everyone who has read this story has enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me to provide feedback, it is very much appreciated.

And of course, a very big thank you to Nifty for publishing mine and others' stories for us to enjoy.

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