Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on May 8, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


I woke from a very interesting dream to find myself still in the same position as when I had fallen asleep; spooned up against Frank's back and arse with one arm around his neck and the other holding onto his dick... which was surprisingly still hard. Must have been the Viagra still working, I thought to myself.

Frank was still fast asleep, snoring. I wondered if his dream had been as good as mine.

The skin between my front and his back was slick with sweat, the heat of two bodies pressed firmly against each other generating a large amount of heat. I moved back just slightly to allow some of the heat to dissipate -- almost expecting steam to rise -- and it trickled down the side of my chest and stomach, the same happening to the sweat on Frank's back.

My dick was hard as a rock, possibly from me needing to empty my bladder, but most likely because of the heavyweight wrestler manacled to my bed just in front of me. It was trapped between Frank's big buttocks and the tops of each thigh, eager to be allowed the room to rise to the occasion.

So I moved my hips back just a bit, careful not to disturb the sleeping giant in front of me.

I heard a slight grunt from Frank as my cock got into a more comfortable position, as I rubbed it over his asscheeks. A thin sticky trail of precum drooled onto his rump as I let go of his dick and manoeuvred my right hand onto my cock.

Still Frank stayed asleep.

I took hold of my cock and aimed for his asshole.

We'll see if this wakes the fucker up, I thought, as I rubbed it over his sore hole. And so, naturally and devilishly, I pushed my cockhead inside.

His pucker opened up almost as on command, as I very slowly and gently pushed forward with my hips. My right hand returned to its previous location on Frank's dick.

Frank mumbled as I once more spooned up tightly against his back and butt, my dick pushing further inside him, until suddenly:

"... uhhh... AAAGGHHH!" Frank was awake!

I continued to push against his ass until my dick was once more fully buried in his fuckchute, tightly gripped by the muscles of his ass like in a velvet-lined glove.


I rubbed my thumb over his cockhead... and the cries of pain as my dick stretched his sore bruised hole changed to:

"Ahhhmmmm... mmmmm... Agggghhhh...!"

"Fucking slut..." I whispered as I held him tightly against me and began to pump at his backside, matching the strokes of my dick going in and out of his ass to those of my right hand on his cock.

"... Ooohhh... aaaahhh... Sir... Please... please oh ahhhhh..."

"Morning, Frankie Boy, your hardon tells me you are enjoying being woken up with my dick in your arse."

The manacles clanked as he tried to reach back and push me off him.

"Sir, no... please... it hurts, Sir... SIR... aaahhhh..."

"Pleasure and pain both together, my Boy, I want your arse and I'm taking it..."

I grinded my hips against him, pushing my dick over his prostate and making him groan in pleasure. I felt precum dribble from his dick over the tips of my fingers as I pleasure him from both the front and the rear.

"... Ohhhh.... Aaahhhh. Sir... please.... Ooohhhh..."

I picked up the pace slightly, the sweat of our two hot bodies combining and dribbling between us to become a makeshift form of lube, my dick pistoning in and out of his hole as I continued to tease his dick.

"Push that daddybear arse back onto my dick, Faggot..."

"Oh God..." I felt him move backwards onto me, impaling himself further. "Oh Sir..."

I rubbed my thumb again over the head of his cock.

"oohhh... Sir... oh God... please Sir..."

"Wanna cum with my dick in your arse, Faggot?" I asked.

I felt him push back onto me. It felt amazing having this big straight bear riding my dick.

"Yes, yes Sir, please Sir, please make me cum... oh God yes..."

"Tighten your hole, Faggot, and I might just let you..."

He didn't need to tighten his hole; even after the hard fucks he had received over the past two days, he was still nice and tight.

But he clenched his buttocks and he clenched his asshole nevertheless. The strength in those muscles was incredible, as I sped up my assault on his rear end.

"VERY GOOD BOY... keep it like that and I'll make you cum..."

I sped up my hand on his dick.

"Yes Sir, please Sir, make me... oohh... make me cum, Sir..."

"My load in your arse first, Faggot..."

"Yes... yes Sir, please, oh God... Sir... please..." and then, he said in a soft whisper, "Please, fuck me Sir..."

The bed was creaking as I increased my tempo once again; I could feel my orgasm approaching and though I didn't want to cum just yet, the feel of his grip on my dick and his beefy sexy body against mine meant that it wasn't going to be long before I shot my load.

"Fuck yeah, Boy, your ass is amazing..." I said as I continued to match the tempo of my pumping his ass against that of my hand pumping his dick.

"Ohh... yes... Sir..." he moaned, starting to grind his rump against my groin as his prostate gland was battered with every stroke of my fuckmeat. The pain of his sore hole had now been forgotten, replaced with pure pleasure, the humiliation of being fucked in the ass mixed with the sensations coming from his groin and his prostate, waves of bliss overwhelming his nervous system and making him groan and moan and grunt obscenely.

"Tell me... tell me to shoot my load, Boy..." I cried out between gasps of air, my release of ecstasy shortly to arrive.

"Sir... ohhh... ohhh... please... Sir... please cum Sir... please cum in my ass... oh fuck oh fuck... oh... FUCK ME SIR!"

That was all it took. My balls reached boiling point and my dick swelled to the point it was almost bursting, as with a few final, vicious, deep thrusts, I exploded deep within him. Thick geysers of spunk spewed from my dick into him as Frank tightened his asshole even further. My dick responded with yet more cum, my balls tightening to produce the hot jizz to flood his guts.

"OH YEAH! FUCK... YEAH! YOU... FUCKER! VERY GOOD BOY! GOOD BOY!" I shouted as my bollocks drained themselves of sperm, my dick spasming inside Frank's tight asshole.

I grabbed Frank's dick firmly in my right hand and increased the speed of my strokes, my fingers caressing the prick which throbbed beneath them. Frank responded by making loud noises and clenching his asshole around my dick, which was still draining itself of fluids as I gently continued to fuck him.

"Ohhh... ooohh... oh Sir... Sirr... oh please, Sir, please... please... Sir!" he begged. I was almost tempted to let go of his dick just to increase the torment, but he had taken my load and begged me to fuck him, so I relented.

"Come on, Boy, shoot for me... shoot for Sir..."

"Yes Sir... yes... yes.. oh Sir...oh Sir... please... please... yes... yes... yesss..." His breathing was getting harder and he was pushing back firmly against me, my dick no doubt rubbing against his prostate to maximise the sensation of pleasure he was getting. "... yes, yes, yes... Sir... yes... yes...yes yes yes yes NYYYYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS! OOOOHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH!" he screamed as his dick pulsed and throbbed in my grip, Frank's cum shooting out of his cock over my thumb and forefinger and onto the bedsheets. "Oh Sir, Sir, Sir, oh God, oh God..." he repeated, and then it became unintelligible mumbles as he withdrew into his own selfish pleasures.

I held onto him tightly as his orgasm subsided, his dick softening in my hand. I could feel him shaking as he caught his breath, huge lungfuls of air being sucked in combined with satisfied grunts and groans.

When I guessed he was a bit calmer, I spoke to him, letting go of his dick and rubbing his big belly, which was expanding and contracting with each deep breath he was taking.

"Did you enjoy that Boy?" I asked.

"Oh Sir, oh God, yes, that... that was..." he began, and then his whole body shook as he started to sob. "That was... incredible!"

"Glad you enjoyed it, Boy... I'm thinking your ass must be sore as fuck now I've raped it so many times..."

"Yes Sir, it's stinging and burning... but I took your cock when you fucked me..." he replied.

"You certainly did, Frankie Boy, and I appreciate it, I really do... tell you what, I'll take one more blowjob from you later on and then I'll set you free... you can go back to your wife... debt free and with 100-odd grand in your pocket..."

He tried to look over his shoulder at me.

"You'd do that, Sir... really? You promise?"

"I thought you liked me fucking you Boy!" I laughed.

I saw the slightest smile on his lips as I looked at the side of his face.

"Well... I... I uhmmm... Sir... I can't deny I enjoyed being fucked Sir... but I'm not gay... no offence and all that."

I chortled and slapped him gently on the belly.

"None taken Boy, it'll be our little secret... just you and me... but I bet when you get home you'll want to bang your wife's brains out!"

"Um... yeah, Sir... I think I will, fuck her like you fucked me!"

"What - up the arse?" I chuckled.

Frank started to laugh, then he blushed. "No Sir, not into that, I mean just really hard fucking... will you really let me go if I give you a blowjob?"

"Yes I will, Boy..."

"Good, now I'll go and get the sauna ready... it will relax your big muscles, after being restrained for most of the time for the past day and a bit..."

"That sounds good, Sir." He replied.

"Excellent. Now, I'm going to plug your ass, don't want my precious seed leaking out, do we?"

I pulled my slightly softening dick from his ass with a loud `plop'.

"Keep my cum in your hole, Faggot, or you'll get the belt across your ass." I threatened. As I pulled backwards, I saw Frank clench his hole and his buttocks in an effort to keep my semen trapped inside him.

"Yes Sir." came the reply, as he blushed all over.

It would be a shame to see him leave, I thought.

I rolled over to one side and opened the drawer to my right. Pulling out a butt plug, I rolled back behind Frank and aimed it at his hole.

"This one's slightly larger than before, Boy, but you've got my spunk as lube."

I pushed forward with the plug, the tapered end rubbing against his tight pucker until it gave way. My cum leaked out as the plug went in.

"FFFFUUUUCKK!" shouted Frank as I roughly and ruthlessly forced the plug into his ass.

I slapped him on his right arsecheek, my hand leaving a pink impression against his skin to go with the various bruises and welts on his buttocks from the previous day that were now fading. I admired how resilient his flesh was.

"Take it, Boy, take the plug..."

I continued my anal assault, Frank struggling with the manacles to try and stop me from forcing the plug deeper into his sore fuckshute, until I bottomed out and his pucker closed tightly around the base of the plug.

"Good Boy, that's better, isn't it?" I teased.

"I... I thought you said it was slightly larger!" he exclaimed. "It feels huge!"

I smirked at him. "I lied."


I left Frank swearing on the bed and getting used to the new plug stretching his ass, going downstairs to the basement and the other side of the room to the dungeon, where the sauna was. I switched it on and got things ready, thinking about sitting and watch as Frank sat there sweating and glistening in the dim lighting...

I returned back upstairs to find him grunting. I moved around in front of him and unlocked the manacles.

He moved onto his back and rubbed at his sore wrists.

"Bastard." he repeated.

"Why don't you make your way downstairs to the kitchen and give your missus a ring... tell her to be ready later on for a fuck she won't ever forget...!"

Frank grunted and blushed at the same time. He sat upright from his prone position, then moved sideways onto a sitting position, grimacing as the plug went even further inside him, then stood upright.

"Yeah, I guess I will." With that, he waddled carefully off out the room to empty his bladder in the ensuite bathroom, returning as I tidied things up and then leaving out of the other door to go downstairs. I finished what I was doing and then went to freshen myself up.

I cleaned myself up from the earlier efforts, ensuring my dick was nice and clean and fresh for later. I suppose that if I had more time, Frank would be cleaning my dick with his tongue straight after I had dumped another load in his ass, but I had to settle for what I could with the time available. And I had promised to free him from his `captivity' after he had blown me, so the least I could do was make it as pleasant for him as it would be for me. I kicked myself for not emptying my bladder down his throat before sending him downstairs.

I went down to the ground floor and he was in the kitchen looking out across the grounds of my home, still talking to his wife. He was telling her how he wanted her to look nice for him cos he had won a major match and had paid off all his debts, and even had money in the bank, and he wanted to take her out tonight and then give her what she had been missing for so long. He was rubbing his ass where the plug was invading his hole.

I stood there in the doorway for a bit, biting my lip and trying not to laugh.

Finally, he finished the call and turned around, stark bollock naked and looking sexy as always.

"Oh," he said, "I didn't know you were there."

"I've not been here long. Everything OK? With the missus?"

"Yeah, she's really happy and looking forward to see me, she's going to book our favourite restaurant tonight and send the kids off to her mum's, so we can have a good evening. Can't wait."

"Excellent. Well, I'm going to do a fry-up, cos I know you need some refuelling after all that effort just now upstairs."

Frank cleared his throat and blushed.

"Yes... um... yeah Sir, I fancy a good old Full English!" he laughed, then blushed again.

I cooked a `good old Full English for Frank' as he wanted; sausages, bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms and a grilled tomato, with some fried bread and a full pot of tea to wash it all down. Of course, Frank had more to eat than I did, he had that big powerful body and a round belly to fill. Frank devoured his food like he had been on a starvation diet for the past six months and was ravenous.

I finished mine before him, watching him enjoy his breakfast.

"Good?" I asked him.

"Yeah, fucking great, Sir." He replied, wiping ketchup from his chin onto the back of his hand. Luckily none was smeared on his bushy moustache.

"Good, good. Now, let's go off to the sauna to get you all nice and relaxed."

We walked downstairs to the sauna, Frank in front of me with his wrists behind his back, me following closely behind staring at his big beefy arse.

I was going to miss that big old butt...

We got in and I closed the door behind me. It was very hot, not too uncomfortable but just enough to relax aching muscles and make big heavyweight wrestlers hot and sweaty.

"Sit over there, Boy, on the other side." I said as I took a seat opposite on the wooden benches.

Frank turned away from me and walked slightly forward to the bench opposite me. He turned to face me and sat down, grimacing again as the plug made its presence felt, and the hot wooden bench connected with his sore buttocks.

"Good Boy, now... arms up along the top of the bench, stretch them out so I can see your muscles..." Frank lifted up his strong arms, placing them along the bench as instructed. "Spread your legs, Boy..."

Frank cleared his throat but did as he was told.

I did the same, my cock stiffening once more at the sight of him naked and exposed.

"You are a magnificent piece of fuckmeat, Frank." I said, rubbing my chest.

"Uhnnn... thank you..."

I was looking directly at Frank's cock, which had begun to waken from its slumber and was now stiffening as I complimented him.

Frank blushed in response and cleared his throat again.

"Someone likes a compliment..." I taunted him. "Shame that I'm forbidding you from cumming... or even touching that sub dick."

Frank's cock responded by stiffening completely, standing to attention. Frank went a deep shade of crimson -- or at least I think he did, I couldn't really tell in the dark and steamy room.

I looked at the hot coals to see that they were pumping out loads of heat. Frank didn't seem to notice, which was fitting in with my plan.

"Frank wants to touch himself, doesn't he?"

Frank moved his arms slightly.

"You dare, and I'll keep you here all day, Boy... sure you can handle more fucking, more bondage.... more punishments... eating my sweaty asshole...?"

I saw Frank gulp, and his cock twitched. He closed his eyes to avoid my gaze.

"Look at me, Boy, keep on looking into my eyes."

Frank opened his eyes and glared at me as I saw the sweat start to bead on his skin, small drops of sweet forming on his massive arms, his barrel chest, that big round belly, and his thighs -- oh God, his sexy thighs!

"Fucking yeah, Boy, just relax, I'm not doing anything to you but just looking."

"Yes Sir." he replied.

"Such a wonderful view... and I know you are getting off on it cos your pathetic sub dick is stood fully upright..."

Frank looked down at his erection.

"Eyes on me, Boy." I snapped.

He looked back up at me.


"Good Boy."

I could barely contain myself, wanting to sit next to him and play with his massive body, bite at his big nipples, caress his cock and balls, stroke those huge tree-trunk-like thighs, but as much as I wanted to do that, I held off.

The sauna fogged up with a light mist, obscuring the view slightly, though the subtle lighting picked out Frank's huge physique and highlighted the sweat trickles all over his body. It dripped down from his shoulders and over his big barrel chest, oozing through the fur until it then reached the top of his big stout belly. It then slowly, sexily, sensually, dribbled its way down over the large round mass until it got lost in his pubic hair at his groin, where his dick stood proud and erect, poking out from the fur beneath. More sweat formed and trickled down the sides of his exposed thighs, making them glisten as I stared at him and he maintained eye contact with me.

I wanted him to lick the sweat from my balls... hell, the way he looked, I wanted to lick the sweat off him...!

But I maintained my composure.

My cock was also standing proud and erect, though bigger than his short sub dick.

I stretched out my arms to reflect the pose that Frank was in, and relaxed as the intense heat got into my muscles.

And got even harder thinking about what I had planned for him... a little memento of our time together...

I'm sure one or two times Frank looked down towards my dick. I knew I was certainly looking at his.


Next: Chapter 9

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